All Good

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Man comes home from work early ... can anything good happen?
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This is a short one I wrote to try and get the creative juices flowing again. I have a couple stories I need to finish and am having a tough time putting words to paper. The idea is to take standard Loving Wives tropes and write a slightly different Loving Wives story. Please feel free to let me know how I did.



"Good job George, all that's left is to pick up the listening devices and dismantle the cameras. We don't need you for that so why don't you email the report to the client and get the hell outta here? The boss will love saving a day of overtime for you," Alex said with a grin. He knew that I was anxious to get back home and see the little lady. I quickly typed up the report and sent it, then used the hotels wi-fi to try and find a flight home. There was nothing out of Tampa that was headed home tonight but if I drove to Orlando I could catch a red eye and be walking through the door about noon.

I was ecstatic to get the job done early and head home. I even picked up some flowers to surprise the wife. The new job had been great for the pocketbook but hell on our romantic life. Thankfully now that the training was over my out of town trips would drop down to a couple days a month. We had never been apart for long stretches like this and I could tell it was affecting our marriage. I know had a much better understanding of civilian surveillance techniques both legal and otherwise, but at what cost? I knew that Cindy had been stressed lately as she had been snapping at me more than she usually did. Our sex life had also dropped down to almost nil.

The story of how we met isn't exactly the stuff of romance books. We traveled in different social circles in high school and then seemed to keep bumping into each other after I got out of the Navy. After a couple times of this I decided to ask her out and we hit it off. For being such a stunner I was surprised when she told me she was a virgin. I had been very promiscuous before we got together and being unattached in the military let me sample many different flavors of women. She agreed to marry me but wanted to wait until we actually got hitched before going all the way. For eight months I got by with handjobs and the occasional blowjob until our wedding night. It was a good thing I loved her so damn much.

On our honeymoon I was determined to make sure that she would get over her inexperience. I spent hours between her legs with my tongue and fingers. I sucked and rubbed on her nipples like I was a newborn. I made sure that she had at least three orgasms before I got near her pussy with my cock. By the time we got back to Detroit I had awakened a sexual dynamo. After a year we were fucking like rabbits every chance we got. We only slowed down when we were caught in the alley behind the Red Horse Saloon by the police. Thankfully they let us off with a warning and a laugh but we had to tone it down a bit. We have been married seven years now and we're thinking of starting a family. Last year we were going to start but I got laid off and she got a new boss. Her new boss was a former football player and built like a tank. Rumor had him getting hired because the company needed to diversify and hire more minorities. He was the only black manager in the company and came with the requisite jock attitude. Thankfully I was able to catch on with Advanced Surveillance Services after a few months of being unemployed, and today ended the training period and travel. I was looking forward to surprising her by getting home early. Maybe even get a little afternoon delight.

The first thing I noticed was a strange car parked across the road from our driveway. Instantly I thought of all those scenes in the porn stories where there was a strange car when the husband came home early. The hairs on the back of my neck began to rise. I didn't open the garage because I didn't want the noise to tip off either my surprise of being home or my surprise of being cuckolded. I went through the front door and heard a sound that made my heart break and my anger spike. When Cindy gets going she lets out these little grunts and that is what I was hearing from the bedroom upstairs. I quietly walked up and brought my phone out. I was going to get pictures of the bitch screwing whoever she was and maybe put them on the internet. It was probably her boss. She hadn't mentioned her boss in a couple months so I immediately assumed I would catch them together. The dickhead had a reputation around the office and if reading porn sites has taught me anything it's that it is always the boss.

"OH YEAH! Shove that thing in me baby! Make me your little whore!" Damn she was really getting into it. My anger surged as I opened the door and started taking pictures.

I was not prepared for what I saw.

My wife was lying on the bed with her legs spread wide open and working a vibrator between her legs. Her eyes were shut tight and she looked like she was really getting into it. The grunts were getting louder.

"Come on lover! Shove that rod deep into your wife's pussy and make a baby!" she moaned. "Fuck your baby into me George, breed me!"

Damn! My woman was fantasizing about me getting her pregnant. She looked like a delectable slut as she was rubbing her clit with that vibrator one second, then shoving it so deep into her pussy that it almost disappeared. I went from pissed to aroused in about two seconds flat. I kept taking pictures but now it was because I wanted to remember this. I cleared my throat and she opened her eyes and looked at me. Focusing through her lust she gave me an almost feral look.

"You're home early," she said as she pulled the vibrator out of her pussy with a slight squishing sound. Throwing it to the side she growled at me.

"Get those pants off and get that cock in me right now!"

I didn't need to be told twice. I dropped my pants and my boxers and stumbled over to the bed without kicking them off. She slid to the edge of the mattress and spread her legs a little farther so I could bury myself in her. One thrust and I was balls deep. She was hotter and wetter than the Everglades so I just went to town pounding into her. Thirty seconds after I started she was screaming my name and thirty seconds after that I was painting the inside of her womb with my babymakers. If she was off the pill this one would have knocked her up. I rolled off and finally managed to kick my pants and underwear off from around my feet and caught my breath. I looked over and she was breathing heavy and had the brightest post orgasmic glow. She smiled at me through a sheen of sweat and reached down between her legs to catch some of my spunk as it started to seep out.

She gave me a quick kiss then ran to the bathroom with her hand over her pussy so as not to drip. A couple minutes later I heard the toilet flush and the sink run for a few seconds. Then she came out and struck a pose in the doorway. At 5'6" tall her 34C breasts didn't shown a hint of sag. And those dancers legs made her hips and ass look even better. Seeing that pussy being a little swollen made my cock lurch a little. It had been a long week.

She stopped posing and ran at me, launching herself so I would fall back into the bed with her on top of me. She tried to ram her tongue as far down my throat as she could. The vibrator was still buzzing so she reached over and tried to turn it off. It took her a second as she didn't seem to be overly familiar with it. She set it on the night stand and looked at me with adoration.

"I am so glad you're back early! I can't tell you how badly I needed that!" she gushed.

"What is this thing here?" I asked pointing to the slim silver object she had put aside.

She looked at me with a naughty grin.

"Last Thursday the girls from work decided they wanted to go out and have some drinks." she said.

My heart lurched a little bit. Did anything good ever come from a girls night out? Not in those stories it didn't.

"Since I was horny and lonely and a little mad at you for being gone I figured I shouldn't put myself into a situation with a bunch of drunk guys looking to get laid, so I convinced the girls to come to my place, drink wine, and have a little hen party of sorts. After a few glasses of wine we got talking and Sharon wondered how I was holding up with you traveling so much. I told her how much it sucked especially with all the work drama, and that is when she suggested I get something to "take the edge off". The girls helped me pick out a good one and I ordered it next day shipping. I wasn't expecting you home until tomorrow so I figured I would try it out since I had a couple hours to myself. Then you walk in with that fabulous cock of yours and give me the real thing. Today is great!" she said. "Oh that is Lexi's car across the street, she had a couple too many and took a cab home Thursday night. She went out with her husband last night and they should get it later today."

I gave her a big kiss and we were ready for round two. I was a lot more gentle this time since she had worked her pussy over with that vibrator pretty well. I kissed it a lot to make it feel better. There was no hesitance or anything remotely like the chilliness that we had been experiencing for the last couple months. My wife was back. We both had shuddering although not earth shaking climaxes at almost the same time. As I slowly pulled myself out from her she just laid back gently played with the juices leaking out of her. Then she laid it on me.

"George, honey, we have to talk."

SHIT! Now I know something bad is going to happen. In those stories that statement is always followed by something bad. I wasn't going to let her tell me she wanted to fuck other guys I can tell you that!

"Devon, my boss, is being a prick and Tuesday I'm going to HR and file a complaint. Lately he's been showing up wherever I'm eating and making all sorts of inappropriate sexual innuendos. I would say something Monday but the HR manager is gone so I have to wait until Tuesday. Could you possibly take me to lunch or eat with me Monday so I don't have to deal with him?" she asked.

I choked down my temper at the asshat and gave her what I hoped was a warm smile.

"I will gladly do that baby, is this what's been bothering you lately?" I asked.

"Yeah, he's been making me feel uncomfortable for the last couple months, giving me unwanted shoulder rubs and talking about how pretty I am. Then he overheard me talking to Sharon about how much you were traveling and he offered to take me to dinner if I needed someone to talk to. I shot him down, but lately he has been saying stuff about how I shouldn't be left alone and how I am too pretty to be sitting at home by myself. It's just creeping me out. I hoped it would go away but it doesn't seem to be, so I decided to file a complaint. It is tough because I don't want to be "that girl" but I also don't want to feel uncomfortable at work. I know I have been bringing that stress home with me and I apologize." she said with a frown.

"Baby girl you are doing the right thing. Can I ask why you haven't told me this before though?" I asked.

"I wanted to deal with it on my own plus you were stressed because of your new job and I wasn't sure if he was just a naturally touchy feely guy, take your pick. Really it is probably a combination of all of them." she replied. "Plus I didn't want you to go all Navy SEAL on him. At least not until he started tracking me down at lunch. Now I could care less if you brought your buddies down to give him a lesson."

I smiled ruefully. I remembered the time we were at the Red Horse and some drunks tried to get overly amorous with Cindy and her friends. We left and they followed us outside. I had to take them down hard because there were three of them even though they were drunk. That is when my wife found out what I did in the Navy.

"I don't think I need my buddies for this one. Although I would like to have them over to watch the Daytona 500 if that is cool." I smiled.

She rolled her eyes. I liked inviting the guys over every chance I could.

"Sure, you should invite Bill and April as well. I can invite Bob and Sharon so I have at least a girl or two to talk with." she replied.

I liked that. Bill was okay for being an Army geek and Bob usually brought some of his homebrew to gatherings. Bill and April were rich and Bob and Sharon were a bit older but every time we hung out together we had a good time.

I took a shower then took a nap with my woman. After that we got up and went to a nice dinner. One more round of lovemaking and we were done. Or at least she was. I got a nice sloppy blowjob as a welcome home gift.

The next day was Sunday and we did our chores around the house and played grab ass until it was time to crash. I sent out e invites to the Daytona party and snuggled into the wife for bed.

Monday I went to meet my wife at a relatively new sandwich shop next to her office for lunch. Sure enough, douchebag was five minutes behind her. He seemed a little surprised to see me but quickly got cocky grin on his face. He was built like the free safety he was in the NFL and I know I didn't really come off as bad ass. I am 6' tall in my boots, have a wiry frame, and wear glasses. This guy had 5 inches of height and probably 50 pounds of muscle on me.

"Cindy I'm glad I caught you. I signed us up for a manager's conference next weekend in Chicago. I thought you were the perfect choice since you would probably be alone," he started with no preamble. The dick didn't even acknowledge my presence. I started to boil.

"Devon, this is my husband, George, and George this is my boss Devon," Cindy introduced us.

"Devon there is no way I am going to be alone with you for a minute let alone a weekend. George is going to be home and I am going to spend some quality time with my husband," she continued.

"Cindy, I am afraid I have to make this meeting mandatory. You really don't want to get a reputation for not being a team player. Something like that could seriously jeopardize your chances for advancement," the dickhead responded. He still hadn't addressed me at all.

"Devon, why don't you let Cindy and I eat and we will try to figure out a way for her to go." I broke in.

Cindy gave me a shocked look and I gave her a small wink.

"Sounds good. Don't be late coming back from lunch. I would hate to have to spank your pretty ass," Devon smirked as he started for the door.

I gave him five steps then excused myself. Cindy was sputtering she was so mad.

I timed my leaving with Devon being halfway to his car. I took a few quick steps to quietly get behind him then sucker punched him in the kidney. As he stumbled I led him into the alley behind the dumpster. I gave him a swift kick to the knee and he dropped. I pulled my folding knife from my pocket and flicked it open. I pulled his head back and put the knife to his exposed throat.

"Listen here asshole," I whispered into his ear. "You're going to leave my wife alone or I will make you disappear. I spent four years in the desert taking out tougher shitheads than you so please don't think I won't do it. I have three buddies in a fifty mile radius who are tougher than me so I wouldn't even have to get my hands dirty if I didn't want to. I don't want you even looking in my wife's direction ever again do you hear me?"

He nodded carefully since I still had the knife to his throat. I spun him around and took his wallet and watch. He was well muscled but a shot to the solar plexus still made it tough for him to breathe. I picked up a broken piece of pallet wood and swung it as hard as I could across his face. He fell to the ground moaning and whimpering.

"As far as anyone will know you got jumped by a couple thugs and they took your wallet and watch. If I even see a donut crumb from a cop around me or my wife, they will find your body dead of a heroin overdose in a drug house. Do you understand me?" I snarled.

He groaned and nodded.

"Good. We are done here." I said as I took all the cash out of his wallet and put it in in my pocket. I'd toss the wallet in the river later just so there were no fingerprints just in case.

"Thanks for lunch!" I said as I walked away.


Devon had a bad week. Getting mugged on Monday and fired on Thursday is gonna put a damper on anyone's fun. I have to admit I was a bit nervous for a while about the cops finding out that I was the one who kicked the shit out of him. Nothing ever came of it though so he must have believed my threats.

Cindy is pregnant with our second child. She didn't get knocked up the day I came back but she caught a month later with our first. She is still a sexual dynamo and I can barely keep up with her. Pregnancy makes her even hornier and there are nights I am glad she has a battery operated friend to give me a little relief. Don't worry though. I can still climb high in the saddle when I need to. My job is good and her job is good. Our life is pretty good. We fight like any other couple but we make up in the best possible way so it is ALL good.

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AnonymousAnonymous8 days ago

It a nice change of pace to read a true loving wife story, she avoids chancy situations, thinks first, talks to her husband before things get bad, etc... in other words a good, mature, commited to her marriage WOMAN!

AnonymousAnonymous13 days ago

Great change of pace from most LW stories!

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

A nice change of pace in loving wives. 5 stars. Unrealistic confrontation at lunch but what the heck.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Need more like that to stand against all the trash some writers dump on this website. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

5 stars! Loved the way you used clichés. Very clever. DMW aka Sumnut96

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Cindy rocks! Great story. Husband took out the trash. Devon was a total idiot. In front of the husband? Lol.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Great story, Ahaz, thanks. I halfway expected her to climb all over him (and not in a good way) when he came through the bedroom door with his camera at the ready. But I guess since she had no guilty conscience she didn’t realize that he thought she was cheating. Instead of ‘getting busy’ with a vibrator. Certainly busted one cliche right there. Thanks again for the story.

5 stars

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

She seems like a very intelligent and loyal loving wife. Nailing so many of the tropes with the way a good wife should respond. And the asshole predator boss got what was coming to him. What's not to like?

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Well, well, how novel! A wife who actually behaves like a married woman and reacts to unwelcome attention in the way that women do IRL! Who'd have thought it? I can't help thinking that Cindy is a woman of such moral fortitude that even if her boss whipped his penis out and showed her how huge it was she would still resist his advances rather than lose all control and begin a long term sexual affair as is more typically the case on these pages! JR

BabalooieBabalooie8 months ago

Good story. Five stars.

WolfOfTheWorldWolfOfTheWorld8 months ago

The MC should have flicked his butterfly knife open and closed in front of Devon' eyes as a fear magnifier.

nawtdognawtdog8 months ago

A 6 foot 5 inch free safety?!?!? 6 foot, 200 pounds is the norm. 6'2" is usually considered a monster for the safety position.

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