All I Want for Christmas


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"Gods... oh gods..." Justin breathed, licking his lips nervously. "I want that too, so badly I can taste it." He whispered, "But it will take time to get there, time, and toys and lots of touching. Most of my past lovers wouldn't let me make love to them. I've mostly just bottomed because I'm too big. I always hear these guys complaining about wanting a nine inch cock, and I always think to myself that they have no idea what they're asking for. Most people won't go near you when your dicks that big, just cause it's painful. But I'll open you up so I don't hurt you, it'll just take time." Justin promised, voice shivering with excitement at the mere idea, and Orin shivered beneath him, feeling much the same way.

"It's nine inches?" He asked, eyes wide, causing Justin to blush and nod his head.

"Yea, a little bigger then nine inches, and really thick around. If it was just long, it wouldn't be such a big deal, but because it's so thick it scares people. I've never been with some one I loved enough, or who loved me enough, who wanted to take the time to become accustomed to me." He whispered, looking a little sad about that.

"That's not true any more." Was all Orin said in response, "I want you so bad, my ass already aches just thinking about it. And..." this time it was Orin's turn to blush, and blush hard, "And sometimes a little pain during sex isn't a bad thing." He said slowly, cutting his eyes sideways at Justin to see what he thought about his comment.

Justin just stared at Orin. He never thought of his best friend, and now lover as being the kinky sort. Justin was, but he just always thought of Orin as your all American boy, steak and potatoes, and missionary sex type of guy. "You like that kinda stuff?" he asked playfully, a wicked gleam in his eye and an ever widening grin brushing across his features.

Orin blushed harder at that look, nodding his head slightly, then shrugging his shoulders. "Well, yea, I mean, I dunno." He began, "Yes, I like that sort of thing but...well, I'm big, and most girls want to be the ones dominated, they like being held down and fucked hard, no one ever asked if *I* wanted to be held down and fucked hard, so its not like I've ever really done it."

Justin bit his lower lip again, then shifted so he could pepper kisses against his lovers mouth before whispering, "Do you want me to hold you down and fuck you hard?" very softly. The question caused Orin to jump, just a little, surprised and nervous suddenly by how receptive Justin was to the idea.

Slowly, he nodded his head, eyes going wide like a doe's eyes when seeing oncoming headlights, and just as trapped. "Y-yes." He stammered out, "I can't believe I'm telling you this." Orin added, swallowing the lump in his throat. "I've never told anyone that before." He whispered.

"I'm goin to fuck you so hard you'll be screaming loud enough to make the neighbors call he police." Justin whispered, and Orin actually made a sound deep in the back of his throat, half excited fear, half intense arousal all mingled into one odd emotion.

"Promise me?" he stammered, unable to believe how this conversation was going, and further unable to believe that so soon after sex he was so hard he could cut glass with his cock already.

"Oh yea, I promise you." Justin growled. Yes, growled, truly and honestly growled.

"Oh gods, do it now." Orin whimpered out, eyes fluttering closed while Justin laughed softly and kissed him gently on the lips.

"I will, but like I said, it'll take time first."

They fell quiet then, wrapped in one another's arms, holding each other with absolute tender love in their hearts. It was a perfect moment in time, one that seemed to drag on forever, and felt more incredible with each passing moment. As that comfortable silence stretched on, both men began to doze, wrapped in the wonderful and precious moment that neither of them would ever forget.

That moment was shattered suddenly by the sound of the phone ringing, and with a groan, Justin hid his face in Orin's neck, chuckling softly. "It's my mom, I know it. I was spost to be over there for Christmas Eve dinner like an hour ago." He told Orin, and without a word, Orin reached over to the bedside table to pick up the phone.

"Tell her you're on your way." He said, grinning as he brushed yet another kiss against Justin's mouth. He just couldn't get enough of those kisses, and he didn't think he'd ever be able to. "Tell her you're bringing me." Orin murmured, eyes sparkling with challenge, an eyebrow raised.

Justin blushed, taking the phone in hand and watching Orin's face as he answered the phone.

"Hey mom, yea, I know I'm running late." He said into the receiver before even asking who it was. Apparently, he'd be accurate in his guess, because he blushed slightly and cleared his throat. "No, I didn't sleep in." he said over the phone, "Just... well something came up. I'm sorry I didn't call you. Yes I know that it was unforgivably rude." He sighed softly, giving Orin a mournful look that made him stifle his laughter. "Mamma, I couldn't call, just ... like I said, something came up, okay?" Silence for a moment, Orin could hear the fast chatter of Justin's mother on the other end of the line, and as he waited, Orin leaned in to nibble playfully at the side of Justin's neck.

Justin couldn't believe Orin was teasing him while he was on the phone with his mother! And after a moment of squirming in his lap, he realized that was even worse considering Orin was still buried deeply within his body, now stiff from their previous conversation. Cheeks aflame, he tried to regain his composure, but when he spoke his words came out a little squeaky. "Mom, I'm bringing some one to dinner." He finally said, interrupting her speech, whatever she was talking about apparently didn't hold a candle to this news so far as she was concerned. She went quiet for a moment, something very uncommon for Justin's mother in particular, and then Orin heard a question mumbled over the line. "Yes, mom, my boyfriend." He said, and then cringed as she went into another tirade.

"I didn't tell you about him mom because... because we just started dating today." Orin couldn't help laughing now, grinning from ear to ear.

"Should we make it a surprise?" Orin whispered to him, and Justin looked lost, as if he wasn't sure exactly what to do in this situation. So, Orin made the decision for him, snatching the phone away while Justin tried to wrestle it back.

"Hey mom!" Orin said brightly. He'd always called Justin's mother mom, and since they were kids, he'd been much like a member of he family. He loved her dearly, almost as one would love a surrogate mother.

"Orin!" She exclaimed, "Do you know who this new boy is in my sons life? Shame on you for not telling me!" She said, sounding upset and playful at the same time. Orin chuckled as Justin finally gave up trying to retrieve the phone, and instead snuggled into Orin's chest comfortably, listening as best he could to the ongoing conversation.

"Naw, no one knew till late last night." Orin said in response, and she got quiet for a second.

"How do you mean?"

"Well, last night, Just and I went out to a party, and they started playin' spin the bottle, you know?" Orin started to explain, telling the story and Justin groaned out his embarrassment and hid his face. Orin was always telling his mother far too much.

"Uh huh, and what happened?" She asked.

"Well, when I spun the bottle, it landed on Just."


"And so, bein' an ass, I made a big show outa kissin' him." Orin continued blithely, apparently not embarrassed by this story, though to Justin's way of thinking, he should have been. "Anyhow, let's make this story short. I'm head over heals in love with your son, and he wants to bring me home to show me off to you and the rest of his family, even though you all already know everything about me." He said, grinning from ear to ear as Justin groaned again

"About damn time!" Justin's mother exclaimed, which honestly surprised Orin so much he just blinked, staying silent for a second. "You are one of the blindest boys I've ever seen. Just get your butts over here so I can drag the full story from you two. Hurry up, I'm stalling dinner as long as I can, but I have hungry people bittin' at my apron strings." She said, laughing, and when Orin swore he'd make record time, he was chuckling when he hung up the phone.

"Okay, we're spost to be there an hour ago, she wasn't surprised I was in love with you. She actually said 'its about damn time'." Orin blushed, but he couldn't get the shit-eating grin off his face. "You ready to go get Christmas Eve dinner, baby?" he asked, and Justin finally drew away from his hiding spot against Orin's not, chuckling and nodding his head.

"Do we have to? I want to stay home and make love again." Justin said playfully, teasing his best-friend-turned-lover.

"Would you like to call her back and tell her about your change of plans?" Orin asked, handing him the cordless with a laugh. "No, honestly, I'd rather stay here and make love to you all day long, that'd be the best Christmas gift in the whole world, but," And here he dropped the phone to the bed, cupping Justin's face in his hands. "It's important for me to take the step you didn't believe I'd do and come out t everyone I'm ready to do that you're m man and I'm in a gay relationship and that's just that." Kissing Justin again and again, he sighed gently, "I don't wanna let you go."

Justin whimpered at the words, closing his eyes and soaking up the touch and the kisses as his hands stroked over Orin's chest gently, creeping upwards to his shoulders before a small smile appeared at the corners of his mouth. "Thank you." He murmured, "I guess we better get going." He said with yet another sigh and a groan as the two of them finally began to motivate themselves out of bed, Justin humming "All I want for Christmas" under his breath.


A soft sigh escaped Autumn's lips as her eyes lingered lovingly upon the image of the two boys touching and caressing one another playfully as they got ready to head out for their dinner. She was seated on the edge of a small still pool, steam licking at her fingertips as they hovered just inches above the image. No one had solariums anymore, but she did, and this was where she generally watched the fruits of her labors. Her fingers finally dipped into the warm water, causing ripples to chase one another across the surface of the pond and distort the image, finally causing it to fade as she watched the rings travel.

"Unhappy with the outcome?" a cool voice asked from behind her, and Autumn didn't even bother to look up.

"Quite the contrary." She replied smoothly, not letting the emotion in her voice show. She'd had thousands of years to perfect the technique, but it wouldn't fool her spy.

"Then why do you watch them when you could be working on your next couple?" the cool feminine voice asked, the edge of motherly chiding just barely present in her voice.

"Do you never like to watch the fruits of your labors?" Autumn asked, cutting her eyes sideways towards the middle-aged woman standing by her window, eyes wise with the passing of years, or maybe more accurate, the passage of millennia.

"You foil fate." The woman said, "Again." Serene as ever.

"Fate makes mistakes. I just fix them."

"They shouldn't have ended up together." The woman said softly, quietly.

Autumn laughed, a bitter laugh as she shook her head. "Please, even you, blind as you are by the 'big picture' can see those two are soul mates."

The middle sister-fate shrugged her shoulders only slightly, letting her gaze linger on Autumn. "You do what you think is right, yet, even still you're sad." She murmured.

"Maybe because it is my ... fate," she spat bitterly at the elder woman, her green eyes pools of near-hatred, yet something else as well, something tender for the other woman, "To protect, to save and shelter what it is I will never have."

A sad smile fluttered over the other woman's lips as she looked on the daughter she should have never had. "Maybe." She said, "do you wish for what they have?" she asked quietly, one hand waving towards the now-blank pool. Autumn just stared, eyes unfocused, out the window. "Be careful what you wish for, daughter. The fates are ever cruel, most especially when you constantly correct their work." She continued gently.

"And what do you mean by that? Do you threaten me, mother?" Autumn snapped, baring her teeth in a vicious smile.

"I simply warn, daughter. What is it you want? Your own life to love? Or to save the love of countless others."

"I am not selfish. Unlike you." The young woman snarled, eyes blazing. "Leave me. I do not wish to banter meaninglessly with you. You think in terms of thousands of years, I still look forward to tomorrow."

"So be it, daughter. But mark me..." the middle sister-fate faded as she spoke, taking her leave as only a true goddess ever could, leaving Autumn to contemplate her words, and ponder the meaning behind the visit.

If you enjoyed my story, please take the time to vote and leave feedback, or even a public comment to let me know how you liked it! I love getting feedback, it really brightens my whole day! Have a *wonderful* Christmas folks, and I hope you all get "All you want for Christmas."

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Blackbear7Blackbear75 months ago

God I love thus story, had this bear of a man with tears in his eyes. To the author, you made futile mistake, it matters not, jew, gentile, gay, straight, bi, non binary, we all got this 1 thing in us - it's what we like. Yes Orin can not be attracted to guys, because Justin is his goldilocks or ideal man I am head over heels for. It's the reason men have brawls over dating that 1 particularl girl. I am bi, my ideal man has to be feminine in nature. The more girly, the closer. That's my type. Justin was Orin's type period. I am 55 yo, and in my entire life, only 3 guys have come into my life that were my type. All were fembois. Do a better job when you write the next story with that information. Still I loved the story, hope to see next chapter.

kenekid518kenekid5186 months ago

Loved it, write more like this

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Sweet, I loved it!🥰

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

One day I will feel this way 🥰

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