All That Glitters Ch. 61


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All over the ICS network, people looked on at the scene in sadness.

It was at that time that Cynthia decided to close the net. The scene slowly faded to black...

End of chapter sixty-one.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

As I've said before, it's a good story, but the editing is really sloppy. 118 proofreading and punctuation errors in this chapter.

Wildwood55Wildwood555 months ago

Boy, you've got us invested in two little ones; felt my heart pounding during the action & tears in my eyes at the hospital. Well done little space opera yer got her', son...

As a former K-12 PE teacher w/ a background in early childhood development, I recommend a bit of cursory research in the stages of both cognitive & physical development of wee ones so you don't jump off a cliff w/o the correct parachute. The 'chute' I'd recommend is background, character building explanatioms for mental & physical capabilities of these two who are barely walking.

Even just running w/ coordination is a stretch. I've been away from the 25th century for 10-15 chapters dealing w/ the aftereffects of cancer treatment(s). When I was reading the antics of these two, the absence had me 'seeing' them as 4-5 yr olds, which is much more in line w/ what they're engaged in, from the studies, to the physical, interpersonal & cognitive.

It isn't until about 3 yrs that a child develops the cognitive ability to comprehend abstract thought; that's a very real & huge stumbling block to understanding/accepting/suspending disbelief.

The reactions of the newest GC doctor was very accurate. Even without knowledge of human development, they were incredulous at their ages vis a vis their behavior.

Perhaps you can turn a new doc's incredulity into research as a vehicle to explain the girl's hyper development.

A child of only 2 is also going to be so much weaker than even a 3-4 yr old,even the strength to stab a highly physically fit adult if they were asleep, let alone when they are cranked up.

It may seem unnecessary, but well researched & thought out background 'explanations' can add to the richness & authenticity of a story & its characters, if done correctly.

Thanks for sharing your expansive imagination.



bigtddybrbigtddybr11 months agoAuthor

To Prsstarid: The numbers of injured orphans from Maha-Oran are just too great. We are talking about thousands of children left homeless and orphaned. Both the Pod-Drran and the Maha-Rrin will do what they can and are doing what they can but when millions are injured resources are tight to say the least. They are getting assistance from the Greater Community and will continue to do so but the cost of just getting limb regeneration for the injured is extensive. They are being seen to, which is good in the long run, even if it is taking some time.

prsstaridprsstarid11 months ago

I was reading the chapter again in preparation of the next chapter coming out and I ran across this line. With there population being an issue, I am wondering how they can just ignore or throw away such a vital resource? Can't the Kumaraie create an institution to care for these orphans? Maybe House of Ur take them?

[It was not unusual for families to leave out to exposure brood members that were not perfect, something that the Kumaraie wanted to change but was currently very much fighting an uphill battle against.]

With there population being an issue, I am wondering how they can just ignore or throw away such a vital resource? Can't the Kumaraie create an institution to care for these orphans? Maybe House of Ur take them?

prsstaridprsstarid11 months ago

That is an interesting thought SensualSigma. The timing could not be more perfect than to expect that, especially if the reporters recorded the pastor saying that? But I doubt they can hide that the assassins were from the CP's infamous assassin squad for long

SensualSigmaSensualSigma11 months ago

Since it's still being assumed to be an attack on the children, I wonder if people will assume the church is behind it, since the kids ruined their attempt to disrupt the christmas festivities and everyone heard the leader threaten Junelliya publicly.

MankeyMankey11 months ago

Now come on, be honest. "I find myself a might peckish and would like some of your sweetbreads please" is a direct (and deliberate) misquote from Mony Python. Just substitute 'sweetbreads' for 'cheese' and you'll see what I mean. Bigtddybr has used many such references in the past, but I do particularly like this one. And no, it is not plagiarism. In a previous chapter, he actually reminded us an oft-used paraprosdokia, "To steal from one is plagiarism: to steal from many is research.

Really love how this story is moving along, and eagerly awaiting the release of the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

I've enjoyed All Thar Glitters here and now I'm supporting you on Patreon.

pk2curiouspk2curious12 months ago

Another wonderfully long chapter . So amazing your creativity and distinctions of all the interspecies cultures , idiosyncracies , particulars , habits , languages and so much more . Your talent is through the roof .

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Wow. I hate the wait. Always worth the wait. Keep up the great story, what an incredible universe you have conceived and proffered up for our entertainment. Takes me away from my problems and leaves me something to look forward to reading as I await the next chapter.

rugbygrad09rugbygrad0912 months ago

Oof, all the feels. I actually teared up a little. So invested in this story!

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Very well worth the long wait. Considering how much was contained within this chapter, and how seamlessly you wove everything together, it is no small wonder that it took as long as it did to write. Bravo sir, for this ongoing saga and for giving so many of us the delight of your work


GrandPaMGrandPaM12 months ago

5* - except for some serious editing gaffes.

I counted several instances of malapropic work choice errors - to go along with some sorry speeellllingg issues.

Your editing QA is showing some gaps. might want to tighten that up a bit.

Still love your storycraft though.

GriffinmanGriffinman12 months ago

Yet another great chapter. Keep it coming 5* again.

arrowglassarrowglass12 months ago
Another astounding chapter...well worth the wait!!!

You continue to "raise the bar" with this newest update in the ALL THAT GLITTERS saga!!! I salute your intricate weaving of this literary tapestry...this great example of "thrills with chills" with multiple events...this testament to your creative and all-encompassing skill.

EasyReader44EasyReader4412 months ago

Another fantastic chapter, thank you.

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