Ally Volunteers for a Medical Study


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In an attempt to calm myself down, I tried not to imagine what was coming next, but my mind kept wandering to images of me being fucked in this exam room, right in front of the nurse. I was way too turned on. What was that thing men did when they wanted to not be so aroused? Think of baseball players? I went through some in my head: Babe Ruth, Mark McGuire, uh... Yogi Berra? It turns out I don't know too many baseball players. I decided to switch to celebrity chefs - Emeril, Rachel Ray, Gordon Ramsey - but was interrupted by Tom speaking into the voice recorder.

"Applying the second sample - inner opening to the vagina."

This time my body responded immediately to the substance being slathered on me. Between the gel and my natural lubrication, he had no trouble getting his finger inside. His finger worked in and out of the opening between my legs - not too far, but it felt so good. He made sure to thoroughly coat my vagina, pressing up and around the entrance. I quickly forgot my previous promise to keep this purely scientific and began to enjoy the sensation of a man playing with my now hyper-sensitive vagina.

"Oh, *fuck*," I said.

"Subject's heart rate and breathing have grown more rapid. Vaginal lubrication is... substantial. Subject responds dramatically to even the slightest touch." He punctuated this last statement with a series of light taps which sent waves of pleasure deep inside me.

"Ohhhh," I said. I needed to get some of this stuff, whatever it was. I couldn't ever remember being this turned on. I caught nurse Jennifer smirking at me.

"That good, huh?" she said.


He continued playing with the entrance to my vagina - never going too deeply inside, occasionally stopping to write more numbers on his clipboard. I wondered what it would be like if a dick coated entirely in this gel stuff was pushed inside of me, lighting up all the nerves inside my vagina at once.

After a while, Tom stopped fingering me to add another dab of the gel to his palm.

"We're going to try something different now. Ally, could you lift up the gown so that I have access to your chest?"

Despite the fact that this man had just recently had his finger in my vagina, his command for me to expose my breasts shocked me a bit. Nevertheless, I did as I was told.

He applied some of that cream to my left nipple first, brushing it in with circular motions. Then he did the same for my right nipple. I was no longer sure if my nipples were standing up from the cold, or from arousal.

"Testing breast sensitivity," said Tom.

He took a nipple in each hand and rolled them around between his finger and his thumb. The cream worked just as well on my nipples as it had on all my other body parts. I threw my head back, letting the pleasure wash over me. There was a piece of me that tried to remind me to remain calm - to not forget where I was or what I was doing. I shoved that piece of my mind into a little box to shut it up for now.

Tom massaged my breasts, alternating between playing with the breast as a whole, the areolae, and the nipples. He kept speaking into the voice recorder - noting how aroused my body was, no doubt - but I was beyond hearing him. I felt some pressure begin building in the back of my mind and realized that I was close to orgasm. I hadn't thought it was possible for someone to orgasm via their nipples. It was a strange feeling that made me realize how little I understood my own body.

I glanced up nervously at the nurse and noticed that she had her back to me at the moment, organizing some supplies on the countertop. I took the opportunity to slide a hand between my legs, running my fingers over my clit while Tom continued to play with my nipples. I saw him glance down at what I was doing, but he didn't tell me to stop.

Nurse Jennifer turned around before I could finish. I quickly returned my hand to the arm of the chair. Tom quickly pulled away from my chest at the same time. He cleared his throat and wrote some more notes onto his clipboard. I was frustrated to have been interrupted, but I was eager to find out which body part would be the next subject of the experiment. Tom didn't leave me wondering for long, as he added another drop of gel to his gloved finger, easing back into the rolling chair. Jennifer went back to watching me, a slightly amused expression on her face.

"Moving onto the fourth trial - anus and perineum."

I felt something sudden and cold against my asshole, but I didn't resist this time. I wanted to know what it felt like, wanted him to touch me there. At the same time, I something said that this was wrong - this couldn't be a real medical experiment. This was just some excuse a pervert had made up to finger college girls. It was just the gel, I told myself. Normally I would never allow this. And yet... it felt too good for me to ask him to stop.

The sensation didn't disappoint. It was less dramatic than the feeling in my vagina or nipples had been, but still felt amazing. I'd never done anal before, but after this, I thought I might be open to trying. Tom rubbed his finger in small circles around my anus, causing little fireworks of pleasure to go off with each circuit. He pushed his finger gently inside, and then out again, repeating this action several times in a way that didn't seem entirely clinical to me. He was enjoying finger-fucking me. For that matter, I was enjoying being finger-fucked.

"Subject's arousal levels continue to rise. Her hips have begun moving in time to my touch."

It was true. I hadn't noticed it, but I was moving my body up and down each time he penetrated me. I wanted him to go deeper. My hands balled into fists as I resisted the urge to resume masturbating. I couldn't bring myself to do it in front of the nurse, for some reason.

He stopped again, and I burned with frustration. Every ounce of me wanted him to keep going. Play with my nipples, finger my vagina and ass again - anything! I was more aroused than I'd ever been, and I needed to cum, badly. Tom just jotted more notes on his damned clipboard, pretending there wasn't a naked woman in front of him who needed to be touched. It was enough to drive me mad.

Tom clicked his pen thoughtfully, staring off to the side. "Come on," I thought. "Come on and do the next test!" I was panting, a sheen of sweat covering my arms and legs. I no longer felt the chill of the room.

"That's enough for now," said Tom. "Thanks for your assistance! I'll leave so that you can clean yourself up and get dressed."

"No!" I said, surprising Tom. Nurse Jennifer stifled a laugh at my outburst.

Tom raised an eyebrow at me. "Is something wrong?"

"I..." I trailed off, looking at Tom with pleading eyes. Don't make me say it. How could he stop now? I needed this, needed something hard inside me, needed to be touched.

"You what?" said Tom. Oh god, was he being intentionally being dense?

"I..." I took a deep breath. "I need you to fuck me. Right now."

His eyebrows shot up, and he glanced sideways at nurse Jennifer, who seemed terribly amused at my predicament.

"I'll go do some paperwork while you finish up with the patient," she said. She quietly stepped out of the room, giving me a devious look that made me want to slap her. Whatever. Let her think I'm a slut, if she wants.

"I was hoping you might ask me that," said Tom, once she had gone.

He stood up from his rolling chair and began to undress. Was I really going to go through with this? Did the drug do something to me? Did I really just ask a stranger to fuck me?

He hung his lab coat on the back of the exam room door and then pulled his shirt over his head in a smooth motion. He clearly worked out - he had nicely toned abs and arms, with barely an ounce of extra fat anywhere on him. He removed his belt, and then pulled down his slacks and boxers at the same time. I was excited to see that he was already hard, the tip of his penis dripping with pre-cum. So. The clinical detachment he'd feigned during the exam had been an act. He was turned on by me after all. I took some satisfaction from that.

His cock was bigger than my previous boyfriend's. He was un-cut, but the head had already pushed past his foreskin. There was a slight bend in his dick about halfway down, but it didn't bother me at all. He took a couple of steps toward me, and I admired his body - and I admired him admiring my body. It had been too long since I'd been with a man.

He placed his hands on my thighs, which were still spread wide open, presenting to him. He stepped close and lifted my knees up toward my chest to get a better position to fuck me. The tip of his dick bumped against my pussy, and the sensation felt even more intense than before. I moaned with pleasure at that brief touch from him. He smiled at my reaction, and then rubbed the head of his dick up and down and around my spread pussy, touching it against the places which had been made more sensitive by the cream without actually entering me.

"Oh my god," I breathed, my toes curling with pleasure, the muscles in my thighs flexing involuntarily.

"One more thing," said Tom. He took the tube of cream he had set aside and pushed out a pea-sized dollop onto his finger.

"You're going to like where I'm putting this next."

He was right. He touched the tip of his finger to my clit - which, prior to now, he'd carefully avoided. He rubbed around it, then flicked it lightly with his finger. Believe it or not, I orgasmed immediately from that touch. I let out a loud moan at finally being allowed to cum, not caring if anyone outside the exam room could hear me. My vision went slightly blurry at the edges, my muscles tightened all at once, and my hips rocked forward. Tom let me to revel in the glow for a few seconds before pushing my legs up and pressing himself close against me.

"And that's just getting started," he said.

He thrust inside me with a force that pressed me flat against the chair. The sensitive opening to my vagina lit up with pleasure as his cock rubbed against it, in and out, in and out. I felt another orgasm beginning to build already. I shut my eyes, enjoying the warmth and fullness of his cock inside me. He reached down again to stroke my clit with his thumb, I came powerfully, uncontrollably. That wonderful cream had turned my clit into a virtual orgasm button - though I think Tom's technique did wonders as well.

I played with my hyper-sensitive nipples as he fucked me. He had a lot of stamina - able to maintain a good steady pace while his powerful thrusts pushed deep inside me. I tightened my vaginal muscles around his dick - an act my ex had always enjoyed. Tom moaned his appreciation.

After at least four orgasms on my part, I felt Tom's thrusting and intensity begin to pick up - combined with his low grunts, I recognized the signs that he was getting close. I put my hands between my legs and fingered my clit, wanting to cum with him one last time. Faster and faster he went, his fingers pressing indentations into my legs as he started to lose control. My fingers twirled around my clit, and I pushed my hips forward to match his thrusting as I felt yet another orgasm beginning to build. Finally, with a last, powerful thrust, I felt him cum inside me, and my own orgasm lit up in response.


I left the exam room a few minutes later, dressed again, having cleaned myself up as best I could. A trio of female nurses sat at the receptionist table - one of them Jennifer. They giggled together when they saw me, and I felt the heat rise to my face as I looked at the ground. I wondered how much Jennifer had told them and how much they had heard going on in the exam room.

"Just need your signature here, Miss Ally," said Jennifer. I noticed the wicked glint in her eye when she looked at me.

"Oh, right," I said. I wished I could sink through the floor and disappear as soon as possible. I fervently hoped I would never see any of these women again.

"By the way," said Jennifer, a conspiratorial edge to her voice. "They're conducting phase 2 trials for the same stuff next week. If you're interested. Sign up sheet is just over there. Same payment for participating."

I glanced at the sign up paper and saw that there were only two spots left. The most recent name on this list read: 'Jennifer Williams'. I bit down on my tongue and ignored the giggles from the nurses as I added my name to the list. I needed the rent money - that was all.

"See you next week," said Jennifer.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Well written, a woman's dream. I wish there was such a cream.

Dr_James_Davies_DFDr_James_Davies_DF3 months ago

The Body: A Machine Without an Off - Switch

It is often said that the Body is a machine. In telling Ally's story, Haibane shows that once fired up, the body cannot be easily turned off. There is no off - switch.

A husband - wife team making an instructional film on intimate connections found that their bodies lacked the off switch. The pair could not wait to finish off when the camera crew took a break.

Jennifer from MEDICAL STUDY should not be embarrassed.

Supersoaker828Supersoaker8284 months ago

Only got through the first page and came twice. I’ll be cumming back to this story another day 😏

Rapier875Rapier8755 months ago

Now that was hot !

sammy_808sammy_808over 3 years ago

it's a shame there's no more to this story. i'd love to know what Jennifer and Ally get up to during the phase 2 trials.

roveroneroveroneover 3 years ago

And they both get PAID for this-?!?

Not the first F/med story I've read...very hot...agree with Private needs a sequel but, alas, doesn't seem likely.

thomas_deanthomas_deanover 4 years ago
Dr Freud asked: What does woman want? Ally has the Answer

Meet Ally. Her roommates bolted. She must make the rent. The university has an experiment, a study of female sensitivity during sex. The pay is tempting.

At some point, folk wisdom posits, that the over - stimulated body of the male will override the brain. Given the opportunity, the male will engage in a sexual act. .Sex itself is all that is needed to prompt the man.

What does woman want? Men were asking that question long before Dr Freud wrote it down. What motivates women?

Ally has the answer. The answer is money. She must make the rent. Stimulated to the point that she engages the examining physician in a sexual act that she might not have really wanted, Ally facing the giggles of the attending nurses, boldly signs up for a second stage in the experiment.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Round 2

That was great you should do a round two!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

A woman could just as easily applied the cream to her woman parts!!

Privates1stClassPrivates1stClassalmost 6 years ago
This story demands a sequel

I want to know what happens during Week 2 of this medical study. Also, I'd like to know the name of this wonderful gel that makes a young woman beg for sex after it's been applied to her most sensitive spots.

Great story. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

HardBenHardBenalmost 6 years ago

Most enjoyable and exciting story. Would love to try that cream out....ha ha

AverygoodlayAverygoodlayalmost 6 years ago
very good

however, does it only work on women? what about the doc's dick? it would drive a man crazy, women can cum many times us poor men only have a few shots in us and we'er done

good__girlgood__girlalmost 6 years ago

This is super hot. I look forward to more!

ZZchromosomeZZchromosomealmost 6 years ago

Definitely need some licking in the next chapter.

HamsterHamsteralmost 6 years ago
Welcome to Lit

Very good effort for a first submission. I am looking forward to reading about the exploits of Ally and her soon-to-be-friend Jennifer.

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