Almost an Obsession Ch. 02


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Whereas both Leo and Cherline both disagree, they thought Thomas told me the amount of the chips prior to playing based on the safe way I was betting. A whole bunch of miscommunications, calm shouting and the pit boss politely telling me, yes, me to leave.

Ohh woe is me, ha, not in the least.

Sharing with Leo

I gladly exit stage left, completely remove myself from them all and didn't see them for the rest of the night, day.

It's almost two in the morning and I didn't head back to the Penthouse, I'm avoiding confrontation. I've been contemplating taking a cab home and picking up my car the next day. Should I go back to the room and confront Thomas and grab my belongings too. I opt to leave it as I already had everything of importance with me. I look up and see this bar with soft piano music playing and I make my way inside. I took a seat at the bar and ordered a martini and swayed with the classical take on Nelly Furtado Promiscuous.

I asked the bartender if the piano player would take a request and he said yes. I requested When You Were Young by the Killers and gave him a five for the piano player.

Enjoying this time for myself I felt a tap on my shoulder and immediately tense up thinking it's Thomas, finding me, but thank God it wasn't. It's Leo.

"May I?" He points to the chair next to me.


I watch him take a seat and order an ole fashion.

"Did he send you to look for me?"

"Not in the least, actually we all sat him down and laid it to him straight. He doesn't know why. If you plan on staying You may as well tell it to him straight for him to understand. We'll do the rest."

"I don't want anything with him. I've told him this time and time again. I am so wrapped up in other things I can't even..."

I stop myself. I don't know Leo that way to talk about my business. I felt my phone vibrate in my purse, I took it out and sigh when I see it's a text from Seth.

Really?! It's like he can sense when I'm down or something.

"You've been sighing a lot this whole evening. I can tell, you share very little about yourself unless necessary."


I took a sip from my drink. "Yeah, I guess you can say that."

"So, let's start."

Start what?"

"In sharing something. You share one thing you never told anyone and I'll do the same. You never know, this might become some sort of therapy for us both, maybe spark friendship too."

I eye him and his suggestion and wonder what kind of agenda he is on.

He can tell I was skeptical and insisted on going first, I watched him take a massive gulp from his drink. OHHH, this might be a good one so I turned my full attention to him.

"I love the color red."

I chuckle, "That's very tame but I understand wanting to encourage comfort here, I hate driving but I do it because it's a necessity."

"And we are off," Leo rubs his hands together, "I don't like leftovers and I don't take home anything I don't finish."

"I am addicted to text messaging."

Leo chuckled, "that obviously is not a surprise but I too am becoming to rely on my phone a little too much and to that, I wrote a mystery but have yet to publish or done anything with it."

"How exciting, I want to circle back on your mystery novel."

"That's fine with me or we can talk about it now."

"No, I want to see how far we can go with this oversharing."

"I hope I don't disappoint, excuse me." Leo pulls his phone out to read a message, his finger working quickly over the keys and closes his phone. "Okay, I'm back and I believe it's your turn."

"I have a problem saying no."

"Funny, I have a problem saying no too."

I shake my head and wag my index finger, ""Nope! That does not count, you still have to share something else."

Leo beams proudly, "I like country music."

I laugh

Hey," he laughed along with me but went on defense, "What's wrong with the country?"

"Nothing, nothing, I promise. I have an eclectic taste in music but I love Coldplay."

"I like your smile."

Thump, thump

"You give good vibes."

"The eyes are truly windows to the soul and yours I like to see."

Several thumps go through my heart, I'm aware but don't falter.

"It's better to be bold and assertive than timid and unambitious."

"Trust is key which is why I have a very tiny circle of friends."

"And where is Thomas in that tiny circle?"

"Thomas and I grew up together. We were neighbors, and went to the same middle to high school. Reconnect after college and we're still friends."

"I see."

"Is that going to be a problem for you?"

"Problem, why should it be?" I shake my head but frown.

It will most definitely be a problem because I am interested in Leo.

Thomas is my friend and I want to be..." Leo pauses, "a friend to you too."

"You're in luck because I only have one best friend and many acquaintances."

"I know I am my mother's favorite."

"I am a great listener"

"I can write with both my left and right hand."

"Ok, this I have to see." I ask the bartender for something to write with and he hands me a napkin and sure as shit he wrote in both his left and right hand.

"Do you want to continue this?"

"Yes, I am enjoying this. I'm just waiting for the real good stuff to come out." he teased but I took the challenge.

"The guy I used to sleep with didn't like me smoking and because of him I have unintentionally quit smoking cigarettes."

"Lately I've been faking my orgasms."

I nearly choked on my martini and I wanted to press him for more details, "Care to explain?"

He shrugs, "Not much to tell, I've been distracted and she has been emotionally unavailable."

"I see, I'm sorry you and your girlfriend-"

"She's not my girlfriend." Leo injects that bit of information making sure I understand he is single.

"I can tie a knot with a cherry stem."

Leo perks right the hell up, "I'm intrigued, show me."

I laugh, "I don't think there are cherries around for me to show you."

"But you will show me, right?"

"Of course."

Leo leaned forward and stared deeply in my eyes, "Good, I'm holding you to it."

Another thump, oh hell, shut up heart.

I finished my drink and signaled for another.

Leo doesn't bother to move back, still in my space, "I enjoy a good high.

I get excited and playfully smack his arm giving myself some space from him, "As do I, we should get high one of these days."

Leo smirks, "Yes, we should."

"I have one with me, want to hit it?"

"Yes, but later."

"Later? Really?"

"Of course, I have no intention of missing out on a good high with you."

You know what happened, yep, another thump in my heart.

He takes a sip from his drink and tilts his head my way, "You know, us agreeing to something isn't the same as sharing."

I grin, "You're right, I moved to Vegas to get away from my family but a year later two followed."

"The money I ask my parents for is to start my own business. They think it's a down payment on a house."

"I am a good cook but hate the clean up so I eat out a lot."

"I like my own company."

"I sing showtunes."

"I have a crush on you McKenzie, always have." Leo confesses.

I don't know how the bartender timed his presence at that bit of confession but he stopped mid-pour for a second before finishing making the drink for another patron.

"Yes, I know the timing is bad, I mean really bad but fuck it." Leo turned around and faced me fully, "I am crushing on you McKenzie."

"Well!" I too turned and faced him, "My heart has been thumping at certain things you've been saying. I caught what you were sharing about my eyes and smile."

"That's good, that means I might just have a chance."

I suddenly felt shy, "This is wild."

"You want to know what's wild? Coffee, I never liked it and don't understand what the big deal is. Starbucks is overrated."

"The hell Leo! Blasphemy!!"

We both stare at each other, he's startled at my outburst because I'm shocked over him not liking coffee and then we both laugh.

This went on like that all the while the bartender refilled our drinks then slowly, we switched to water, the bartender even got into the spirit and shared some things with us a few times too. So of course, during a pause of all our sharing without questions and laughing at the audacity I took a peep at the time on my phone. Four fifty in the morning. Yikes!!

Didn't realize how late, well early in the morning. He saw the panic on my face.

He got up suddenly from his chair, "McKenzie, let's go watch the sunrise?"

His face: smile is encouraging.

His demeanor: confidently relaxed.

My wanting to watch the sunrise with him: hell yes.

He asked the bartender where's the best place to go to watch the sunrise and he immediately had the answer and with great care he even wrote down the instructions making sure we made it on time. Leo insisted on paying for our drinks and I was fine with it.

We were not the only ones there, a few others were here on the top floor of the parking garage as well. It seems like this is truly the spot to watch the sunrise.

"Oh, just a moment." Leo reached inside his breast pocket for his ipod and ear buds and once he found the song, he was looking for he handed me the earbud for my left ear.

"This is Shou Wang by Ivana Wong. I'll translate it later for you but have a listen to it."

We stood at the top level of the parking garage listening to the song just as the sun began to rise. The rays of the sun sent a golden hue across the sky and with the soothing voice of the singer in my ear gave me a sense of warmth and I could not help but to smile. We stood there until the song ended.

"She sounds beautiful." I hand the ear pod back to him

Now! You best believe and can imagine how astonished I was when Leo leaned forward and kissed me.

The question is should I push him away? God, no! But I did step back looking up at him, confused by this sudden display of affection.

Leo grinned, maintaining eye contact with me, "That kiss was me being bold and assertive, was it too much?"

I smirk, "I suggest we not waste the morning."

Seems like it's what Leo needed to hear to react the way he did because here I am back on the hotel side watching Leo at the front desk. He turned to face me beaming and waving the key in his hand at me. I shake my head. We're quiet in the elevator but he reaches out and takes hold of my hand.

He opens the door to our room and steps back so I can enter the room first.

I turn to face him, "Don't fucking fake your orgasm with me." I'm dead serious.

I won't, I'll provide proof." He's also serious.

Leo's facial expression changes and he gently pushes me toward the bed removing his shoes from his feet, then slips his jacket off and pulls the shirt over his head along the way. We stopped at the foot of the bed andI drank him in. He's Lean and sinewy. I am excited seeing the veins in his arm and slowly exhale as I bite my bottom lip. I reach out and trail my finger along his forearm and stop at the bend of his elbow. My dress is easy. I pulled the dress up and over my head and dropped it next to my feet and stood there in a bra, panty and heels briefly so he could drink all of me in then remove my heels.

Youre so fucking sexy, keep going." He says encouragingly

I whisper his name as I reach out for him and press my lips on his. When I felt the gentle pressure of his tongue over my lips, I opened my mouth slightly welcoming his tongue to dance freely with mine. He takes me in his arms deepening the kiss and this warm familiar sensation takes over me as the kiss is passionate. I break away from our kiss and we look at each other, breathing heavily and deeply and I see the fire in his eyes. I felt his fingers unhooking my bra pulling the straps off my shoulder and away from me and I helped him remove my panty.

He is quick to undo his belt and pants, removing everything from him, giving me, an eyeful of his body and it is beautiful. Yes, his fucking dick is beautiful, hard and dripping with pre cum. I look up at him.

"What? Are you surprised? McKenzie you have no idea how much I want you."

"Let me show you my utmost appreciation."

Leo raised his brow and watched me as I lowered myself and gently took a hold of his dick and slowly slipped my tongue over and around the tip of his dick, licking up his pre cum and I moaned on how good he tasted. Sliding my tongue down the base and around. Drawing a figure eight around the shaft my tongue glides back to the tip then engulf his dick in my mouth, slowly sliding my mouth up and down his shaft running my tongue around his dick. One hand follows the trail of my mouth stroking along with my mouth and my other hand reaches out and fondles and tug at his balls. I shove as much of his dick I can in my mouth, slowly working my mouth around his shaft and tip

Leo simpers above me calling my name and I smile. I knew it took a lot out of Leo to moan for me to stop before pulling me away from his dick but he did.

I stood up before him and wiped my mouth, "and just when you were tasting so good too?" Leo closes his eyes and inhales deeply exhaling slowly as he pushes me down on the bed. I motion my body towards the center of the bed and watch him climb his way on top of me. He stopped along the way, leaving a trail of kisses on my legs, thighs and stomach.

Once we are eye level Leo presses his naked hip between my legs and I open my legs naturally. The hardness of him pressing against me sent tingles up my spine. He plants kisses down my jaw, then my neck. I know he is leaving evidence of his mark there before capturing my lips again. I feel him take hold of my breast fondling it softly then pinch the nipple. My response is instant but I'm greedy and impatient, we can foreplay another time. I really couldn't wait any longer, in need of him to fill me up and I express this by reaching between us for him but he shifts his hips to put most of his weight on his left side.

Leo chuckled, "Hold on baby, I am savoring this."

"Well, I can't."

"You can and you will." He plants a gentle kiss on my temple, "Relax and enjoy me."

I then felt it, his finger fondling at my dripping arousal, I gasped and called out to heaven.

My fingers pass through his hair and slide its way down his back, my fingers dig deep into his back and drag my nail along his shoulders and spine pleading for him to give me what I want but Leo is slow with his kisses and even slower with his fingers as he plays me to puddles.

I'm so close I can feel it building as I move in tandem with his finger but I'm begging for him to give me what I want and that's when he takes me, he replaces his finger with what I wanted and both Leo and I groaned. He dipped his head between the nook of my neck and thrust his hardness forward and I gasped.

I wrap my arm around him and welcome each thrust but his pace is deliberately slow, making me feel each slow thrust. I cursed and mouth words of ecstasy, yes, it was that good as he thrust in and pulled out oh so slowly.

Then he stills himself suddenly and tells me to wrap my leg around his waist. I groan as the change is both pleasurable and intimate. I lift my hips and encourage Leo to continue the intense ministration and I throw my head back crying out his name, between the moans of oh god and the please don't stop.

Slick in a sheen of sweat Leo leaned up still moving in and out slowly and slightly out of breath, "McKenzie, I'm close but you feel too good for me to pull out."

"I don't care Leo; you pull out and provide proof."

"Oh God, you're killing me." He gasps and slowly groans because I clench the wall of my pussy around his dick and he leans forward and kisses me deeply.

Breaking the kiss Leo shouts a fuck and wrap his arms around me pulling me closer to him. His thrust is getting harder and deeper. Our moans filled the room as I let go and enjoyed the wave coming over me. I voice the intensity of my orgasm and thrust deeply as I come, he pulls out and I feel the hot ropes of his cum on my stomach.

Leo looks down at me breathing hard and calls out to me

I'm smiling laying on the bed basking in the afterglow of sex and barely manage a what.

I open my eyes and I see him smirking at me, "Mm?"

"Oh, nothing. Let me clean this up and then go another round."

I'm optimistic and worried, "I love that, however We are going to sleep in between this right? I am cranky when I don't get my sleep or coffee."

Leo shrugged his shoulders and got up from the bed, "I don't know, maybe not. Definitely unlikely."

He left me there on the bed speechless

"Wait, come back here. I am cranky when I don't get my sleep or my coffee. Leo? Leo?"

After cleaning both of us up, I scooch over making room on the bed for him. He turns to face me and smiles mischievously, "McKenzie?"


"I'm hard."

Concluding the End... of a friendship and the start of something more

We spent the whole Saturday naked in bed and Leo got some cherries from room service so I can prove the whole knotting of the cherry stem.

Then that Sunday evening I sat Thomas down and laid it on him truthfully. He and I could never be and he has to focus on himself and whatever he normally does to make him happy because it is not me. I did not tell him about Leo and I. Leo took care of that part back in California.

Leo wanted to protect me from the blow back and of course everything between Thomas and I and Thomas and Leo became very messy, combative and problematic after that. It severed the friendship they had, broke all kinds of bro codes and any future investment plans they had planned of doing.

Did I feel bad? Hell, yes and you best believe I had to step back and figure out what we were exactly and I had to make sure I was ready to step into a serious relationship with Leo and him with me. Leo respects this but did that stop him from calling to check up on me and occasionally visiting Vegas for work and see if I wanted to hang out? Not at all. He most certainly did not make a fuss when I wasn't available.

Eventually I introduced Leo to my family and he introduced me to his family. The following year I was craving change and uprooted my life and moved to California. Yep, we moved in together and I even invested in Leo app company too. Bet, you probably have it downloaded on your phone too. Let's hope it maintains its status for a future IPO, hope you cheer for us.



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bbcatqueenbbcatqueenalmost 2 years ago

i like how this started off with seth and ended with leo, very unexpected. #teamleo

Kizzy160Kizzy160about 2 years ago

Girl I did not know how this story was gonna end but trust me I did not see Leo coming!

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