AltRealm Ch. 02

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The forest is far from harmless.
16.9k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 09/14/2019
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Sorry for the delay. No excuse for you all, I just wasn't feeling inspired. With such a positive reaction to Chapter 1, I realized I had to start taking this a little more seriously. Fun sex trysts and cheap storyline won't cut it here. So I developed a plot, have some future characters in mind, and an overarching story involved. Tycho won't be so helpless the whole time but for now, he's still in way over his head. There's a much bigger story involved here than any yet realize. There's a reason Tycho is here.

Poor guy, right? HAHA!

Anyway, read and enjoy. Just know that there is much more coming as far as character development and plot.

Thank you all again for being so positive with Chapter 1.

-Dylan Zed


Chapter 2

Tycho Mason was tired. Tired of freezing, tired of being a playtoy for the locals, tired of this godforsaken forest, and just plain tired. But as he stood there in front of a barely humanoid Jinko eyeing him as if her were the tastiest morsel in the forest, which he reminded himself that he might be, he was mostly reminded of how tired his legs were. There would be no running from this, from her. They stood on the branch about 20 feet from each other. Her eyes were laser-focused on his shirtless form, her tail wagging rapidly with her every hair on end, and the predatory hunger in her gaze had his heart racing.

"Okay, Terri," he said attempting to try diplomacy. "Let's not do anything hasty."

"Her scent is all over you," she said with a terrifying amount of calmness. "She mated you, claimed you as hers. I heard it, saw it."

He stepped back when her tone dropped to hissing. He placed one hand on the tree for balance and held the other out to ward her off.

"That wasn't me! I didn't even know what was happening. She... She did something to me."

"Charmed you?" She offered with a rising pitch.

He could see her tensing muscles under her tight skin, tail thrashing.

"Well... Yeah but that makes it seem like I was a willing party. I wasn't. You get that, right?"

She took a step toward him and he stepped back into the tree trunk, still balancing on the branch. He was briefly reminded of their first meeting.

"Oh, I know," she said taking another step. "I've been lured into a lamia's embrace before. But I wasn't claimed. I wasn't anyone's denmate. You mated with her! She took you from me. Made you love every second. Etched herself into what belongs to ME!"

She was taking slow step after slow step. Tycho wanted to be absorbed by the tree that now held him captive. He glanced around. Down wasn't an option, up was potentially available to him but to what end? She had claws, speed, and strength on him. His only shot was maneuverability and endurance; hardly an advantage in a tree. If he could jump to some other tree he might be able to shimmy down or to another tree but how long could he keep that up? He didn't have claws and a fall from this height could easily maim him or worse.

"Hold on a damn minute! I didn't do shit! I wasn't even awake! One minute I'm staring at your ass, the next minute I'm waking up landing on mine. I didn't even know she was here!"

"Not you. Her!"

Maybe it wasn't as bad as he thought.

"She took you without permission, without even thinking of it!"

Why was she still walking toward him menacingly? Did she just say 'permission?' He'd have to ask about that later.

"Wait, wait, wait. Terri. Slow down. You're scaring me a bit. Help me out because your mouth is saying one thing but your body is saying something very different here."

The look on her face was that of unquenchable rage. He would never understand women. Someone else's fault and still mad at him? How in the hell did that make sense? She was feet away now.

"What, exactly, does my body tell you?"

For the first time in this conversation, he looked at her body. She was still dripping down her thighs, she was hunched with shoulders forward, paws extended and at the ready. He combined his limited knowledge of women along with any number of movies he'd seen, hoping he could find an answer.

'Like you want to break my neck,' he thought.

"Like you're upset?" he offered out loud.

She stopped just short of him, feet away. He felt as tense as she looked. He could see the veins bulging in her arms and neck. This could be it. This may be how he died. And he didn't even do anything! She sniffed the air, making a show of waving her head back and forth. She never broke eye contact but her anger broke. What this new look was, he hadn't a clue.

"You're afraid," she said.

"Well, you're being really fucking scary right now."

"Get on your knees," she said.

Her tone left no room for questions. Tycho weighed his options. He was halfway toward climbing when he watched her claws protract with a "schlick." Their eyes met. She wasn't kidding. His pride held him on his feet for another second before, head hanging, he sank to his knees. She smiled. An actual, genuine smile broke out on her features for the briefest of moments before she reverted to predatory. Tycho suppressed the urge to comment on it. Wide hips swaying exaggeratedly, she slinked her way toward him and closed the already thin distance between them. She pulled the leather string holding her top up and it came loose. When the leather fell away, the heavenly, symmetrical globes didn't drop an inch. He swallowed hard. He was frightened watching her but when his gaze dropped to where she wanted it, another feeling rose up within him.

"I must reclaim you. I need to know. Now."

She pulled the leather strings that held her shorts in place. Even loosened, she wiggled her wide hips, struggling to remove her attire. His eyes dilated on her shimmying form. They finally slid over her hips and down to the branch. He stared, open mouthed at her dripping sex. She took a sultry step forward and couldn't help but smile victoriously at his kneeling form. Transfixed, he openly gawked.

"Perfect," he whispered.

Her skin glistened in the full moonlight. She was beautiful in her naked glory, striped and scarred. Her gravity-defying breasts bounced and her tail swished back and forth in anticipation. He had thought her tight leathers left little to the imagination but he was proven wrong. Her curvature and proportions were right on the line before being too much for her size. Her enormous chest seemed to hover, topped with erect, pink nipples. Her waist was positively waspish compared to the flare of what lay below. He could see her ass even from her front. She walked right up to him, frozen in place yet again watching her shimmering sex close the distance. He caught her familiar smell in the air but something cloying caught his breath. He was already finding it difficult to breathe simply seeing her like this but the heavy, suddenly humid air circled him. After the first inhale, he suddenly couldn't stop breathing it. It wasn't simply the pheromones anymore. Now it was her raw pussy directly before him that fueled his new addiction.

She towered over him and thrust her sex against his already drooling lips. She grasped the back of his head and he felt the claws dig into his flesh, cutting lightly. The moment his lips met hers, he surrendered. His tongue was already out of his mouth and he moaned as a man desperate. His mind went blank under her bittersweet musk and he gave her everything he had from the onset. The more he tasted, the more he needed. She groaned, pulling him deeper, using both hands now. Tycho wasn't getting enough air to function but he couldn't stop.

With a growl of his own, he threw his arms around his denmate. Her thighs, hips, and ass were so large that he couldn't touch hands while wrapped around her so he dug his fingers into her firm flesh and pulled with every ounce of strength he had, smothering himself. She howled into the trees while his tongue thrust as deep as it could. He wanted to be fused with her. As if sensing his desire, she stepped forward and over his shoulders. She caught his head in her thighs and squeezed, trapping him in her. He was howling into her now, his only desire to make a permanent impression of his tongue within her slick folds. He found what he was looking for and slid his tongue across her engorged clit. She gasped and cried out at the overstimulation. Encouraged by her, he became more aggressive. She mewled with abandon as her thighs clenched tighter.

"Drown!" She screamed.

He couldn't breathe. He didn't care. He redoubled as she started shaking uncontrollably, rattling his trapped head with abandon. He saw stars and felt a coldness creep into his limbs. His eyelids fluttered but he kept at it, drinking her in and giving her every piece of his burning tongue muscle that he could. His hands fell limply off of her ass. He grunted at the loss of contact, trying to will his hands back up but he lacked the strength. With the last effort he could muster he hit her nub with everything he had. She stiffened, rapidly clenching and unclenching. She screamed as loud as she could into her forest, letting every animal in hearing distance know that he belonged to her, daring anyone else to claim him.

He tried to thank her but couldn't speak. He briefly wondered why before the blackness creeped over his vision. Why was his chest burning?

It felt like the same moment to him but he had clearly lost time. He was on his back, pants around his ankles for the second time that night. He groggily licked his lips, trying to get that taste back in his mouth. He felt rather than saw a shape move in front of him. A familiar paw grabbed the back of his head and roughly pressed something against his face. He took a moment trying to figure out what it was.

"Breathe," her dulcet tone commanded, almost begged.

He inhaled and finally realized what was gagging him. She was pressing her soaking wet leather shorts into his nose and mouth. It reeked of her and he loved it.

"You'll taste me forever. I'll make sure no other can overcome my own mark on you."

He felt her straddle him and a soft paw grabbed his aching shaft.

"Breathe me. Feel me as I take you."

He barely had time to register what was happening before she sank on top of him. He yelled in surprise but she used her shoulder to secure his gag against him, forcing him onto his back and pinning him there. He felt her breasts pressing into him from chin to the bottom of his ribcage. He felt a tail wrap around one of his wrists and her paw grab the other, forcing them onto her ass and making him squeeze before securing his hands behind her.

"Don't hold back," was all she said before sinking onto him all the way to the hilt.

Tycho lurched up into her but she held him down forcefully. He couldn't believe how heavy she was on top of him but all that hardened muscle added up. She rhythmically began undulating on top him. She was slick and significantly tighter than he would have guessed for her size, but it was how warm she was that really got to him. In fact, she was downright hot and he squirmed underneath her as she quickly warmed him up. His every breath was laced with her and he stopped struggling against her and began to thrust instead. She didn't seem to know what to do with her mouth. One minute she was licking his neck, the next she was mewling, kissing his head, or speaking gibberish.

She didn't increase her maddening pace. He was still trying to wrap his head around what was happening even as she slow-fucked him. He thrust back into her and for every reaction he gave to her, she gifted one in return. Tycho was in paradise with a hazy cloud of feeling as though everything was right in the world being pumped into him with every downward movement. She held him firmly but gently against her naked flesh, rocking him. He felt her claws pulling at the flesh on his back. He cried out into her leathers, pain combining with pleasure as the blood began to trickle.

"Mine," she hissed into his ear.

They were both right on the edge, as if waiting for the other to break first. He dug his fingers into her bouncing ass, clenched his teeth as hard as he could, and tensed every muscle he had straining against her relentless coaxing. He was holding back and she could feel it.

"Don't you dare," she hissed.

He vaguely realized that she was actively trying to make him cum first. This was some kind of display of dominance to her, he figures. He was given no chance to react to this new information before she shifted all of her weight to her upper-body. His breath left him entirely under her weight. Her hips and ass now free, she began pumping, squeezing him with every brush along her inner walls to an almost painful level. She started slow but was soon bouncing rapidly on his aching cock. She rode him like an unyielding piston, bouncing rapidly, driving him wild under her. He was already past the threshold, now it was just a matter of time.

"You will release. Now," she demanded. "Release yourself to me."

He tried to pull his hands free, move his body, draw a breath that didn't overwhelm him in her wet essence but he was at her mercy. He struggled harder and she purred, enjoying his pitiful attempts to resist. Her relentless contractions, jackhammer pace, and complete ownership of his body finally joined together and the realization that he was truly helpless to her finally pushed him over the edge. Turned on by his own submissive position, his body betrayed him to her and he yelled into her leather and against her shoulder, legs thrashing uselessly as he came buckets. He thrust involuntarily into her soft, welcoming insides, legs now outside of his control. She in turn gushed onto him, splattering her own orgasm across his waist, thighs, and belly. Her legs shook violently against him, squeezing him painfully. His scream turned into a moan as she rode him out, coaxing every drop and then some out of his battered form. It seemed like an eternity before he finally had his body back under his control and promptly slumped, a single leg dangling off the massive branch. He groaned in his afterglow, twitching feebly. She slumped on top of him with a satisfied sigh. She stroked his tangled hair affectionately, purring in that way that made his entire body buzz. She held him there for a while, allowing him to stew in her aroma.

After what seemed like not nearly long enough, she pushed off of him. Even in his love-drunk stupor, his eyes bulged at her tits and he twitched inside of her. She sighed as she sat up, smiling down at him.

"I enjoy when you look at me, Tycho," she said rosy faced and lightly stroking his wet mouth with her furry hand. "You're mine now. No one else's. Say it."

"I'm yours," he said without a moment's hesitation.

His head was spinning. At least he had been awake for the experience, even if it hadn't been any more his choice this time than with the lamia. He was breathing hard, trying to lift the thick fog from his mind. He gave her ass a hard squeeze.

"Mmmmmmmmmm...," She responded.

He couldn't believe how huge her hips were on top of his comparatively diminutive frame. She was a full two of his hips wide at least. She was radiant on top of him, practically glowing in delight and humming with pleasure.

"Terri," he said between panting for air. "That was... Unreal."

'She fucked me braindead,' he thought. 'Who says unreal?'

She slowly, tortuously, pulled off of him and rose, stretching her perfect body right in front of him. Between dry humping, a tailjob, and hypnosex, he hadn't been anything less than half mast since he got here. Surprising now that he was back to normal, unerect size, after she was through with him. He smiled, admiring her form in the moonlight as she stretched. His eyelids fluttered as the events of the day finally overtook him. He was out before he realized he was falling asleep.


Tycho's eyelids fluttered open to a perfect blue sky. However perfect the sky might be, he was less than appreciative of the loud snoring from his would be denmate. She had leaned back against the tree, pulling him back into her. Once again, she used her tits as pillows to cradle his head. In the years since his first erection, he'd had more action in the last 24 hours than in those first years combined. As far as he was concerned, sleeping between breasts that almost extended past his own head definitely counted. He smiled despite himself at his own fortune even as his catgirl guardian sawed logs behind him in her sleep. It felt strangely good to wake up next to someone.

'I'm yours,' he thought. He hoped he wouldn't regret that.

He wished he could say the same for his body. He tried to raise himself up only to wince in pain and fall back.

"Tycho... You're so forward. Fingers don't go there," his sleeping companion said before shifting slightly and resuming her cacophony of intranasal warfare.

"Jesus," he whispered.

He gingerly put his hands behind him and found branch between his ass and her gargantuan thighs. He pushed and rose to a painful standing position. He pulled his stained, crusty pants back up and redid his button, fly, and belt.

He did a quick self-assessment. He definitely had some bruised ribs, both hips were sore, he'd reopened some of the love wounds Terri had given him on his back, he reeked of and tasted pure sex, and he still had no idea what happened to his damn shirt. He could hear the stream nearby and had to restrain himself from jumping the 40 feet down just so he could wash off the last 24 hours of his life.

'Could be worse,' he thought. 'I could have landed in some kind of hellish space or science fiction war with alien bugs.'

He sat slowly, legs dangling off the branch and clutching his ribs. He tried to breathe slowly to keep the pain to a minimum. He took stock of his surroundings before turning his thoughts to his current predicament. Motherfucking monster girls. A jinko first, then a lamia. He wondered what else could he lurking out there in this pristine and gorgeous forest. Manticores? Mermaids? Bug girls? There was a distinct potential for monsters not yet conceived of. That could be good or very, very bad. He'd have to ask Arterra when she woke up who the locals were.

He still wasn't sure how he felt about the whole thing. There were no manuals or self-help books about interdimensional travel. It was supposed to be every man's fantasy; overabundance of horny women all trying to sleep with him. The logistics of maintaining libido at least seemed solved through different means depending on species. He could assume it would be the same for any species he encountered. But the reality of being a piece of meat left him feeling a touch empty inside. He wasn't genuinely wanted, he was just a novelty. A commodity. Not that he could complain too much. He was still living a legitimate fantasy and he didn't want to get depressed about it.

"My denmate is deep in thought. About what, who knows?"

He threw a grimace in the direction of his feline companion only to stop before the sarcasm could form. Her back was to him and she was pulling her leathers on. They were stuck trying to fit over her enormous globes and she was doing that hip wiggle girls do to get tight pants on. She knew exactly what she was doing. He never saw her self-satisfied smirk. All he saw was her bouncing, twisting butt dancing into her tight shorts. She slowly pulled them on but stopped before they were halfway up, sensing his eyes on her. If she had her way, he'd stare at her all day. She looked over her shoulder to see his vacant stare.

"See something tasty?" she asked. "You're drooling."

Tycho literally shook his head from side to side, wiping his mouth off on his arm.

"Goddammit, woman! I just woke up! I'm sore, I'm tired, I'm still stuck in this forest and you're not helping with this shit," he yelled at her.