Always Ready

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Frustrated wife seeks professional help.
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Jane Ramsey's husband, David was doing well at the Bank where he had been employed for the past twelve years. He derived great satisfaction in the several substantial raises and promotions he had received. The extra income enabled the Ranseys to move into a new larger home in the West University section of Houston. Their son, Jason, now fifteen, had obtained his amateur radio license and set up a small station in his bedroom. Antennas were beginning to be seen hanging from various trees in the yard.

Their daughter, Kate was thirteen and showing an increasing interest in boys.

But, Jane's life was not all she wanted. Maybe I should go back to work she thought. The kids are old enough now. Maybe I have too much time on my hands. Maybe going back to teaching will take my mind off thinking about myself and especially about even considering being unfaithful to David. Yes, I'll start looking around for a job right away. I should be able to start in the fall.

She sent out several letters listing her qualifications and received a positive response from one of Houston's better regarded private schools. A subsequent interview led to an offer of a third grade teaching position. Jane was overjoyed and told herself that her new teaching duties would take her mind off silly things like the lack of attention her husband was paying to her.

But it was only June and Jane had two months before she was to begin - and the lack of satisfaction she was receiving from her ever-busier husband started to weigh on her mind even more.

What probably made matters worse, she had become well acquainted with her next door neighbor, Margaret Dover. Margaret, whose husband was a lawyer, was several years older than Jane; hence she somewhat took on the role of a "mentor." The two Dover children were in college, the boy, just beginning at A & M at College Station and the girl at the University of Texas at Austin.

Jane and Margaret got in the habit of seeing each other almost daily, either going shopping together for groceries or to the various stores at the Galleria, usually just to look and browse, even if they bought little. They often had lunch together, either at one of their homes, or at a restaurant.

As women frequently do, as they became better acquainted, they began swapping information about their personal lives. One day at lunch, Margaret confided to Jane that she had had several lovers during her twenty-three year marriage. Jane was shocked by this revelation. She had read stories and articles about women who had been unfaithful to their husbands, but she had never before known anyone who actually admitted to such a transgression.

"But why? What led you to do it, Margaret?" Jane asked in an almost pleading tone.

"Hey, I'm not apologizing. I'm merely stating a fact," Margaret answered in a sure and confident manner. "Henry is always too busy to see that my needs are met. Yes, he's a good provider. But, that's about it. He never takes me out, except to functions he has to attend because of his work. I tell you I get damn bored at those affairs most of the time. Of course, there are exceptions, I've met a few interesting men at some of those gatherings - men I got to know a lot better later on."

"Margaret, I don't know if I could ever do anything like that. I love David and I treasure my family. But, even though I love him, I must admit our lovemaking isn't all I think it ought to be."

"Since we're on the subject, Jane, I'll ask you a very direct and personal question. Do you have orgasms when you and David are having sex?"

Jane did not know how, or whether, to answer such an intimate question. She realized, with a start, that, except for asking a couple of her girl friends about premature ejaculation, back in college, she had never before discussed her personal life, not with her mother, when she was alive, not with Aunt Mary, and not even with her husband.

"Well, since you ask, no, I haven't, not in a long time, perhaps fourteen years."

"Fourteen years! Jane dear, that's terrible. Do you ever tell your husband you never come?"

"No, I'd, I'd be too embarrassed to say anything about it. I wouldn't have admitted it to you, if you hadn't asked me a direct question."

"Believe me, that's why I asked it the way I did. Most women won't admit to any such thing, sometimes not to their husbands, often not even to themselves. Many seem to think it's their fault, or that women aren't meant to enjoy sex. But, I can tell you, I do; but almost never with Henry. That's why I started looking around. Sure, we do it once in while, but Henry always seems to be in a hurry to get it over with. He comes, and that's it."

"Yeah, I have to admit, that's kinda the way it is with David. I know he loves me and I love him; but I just wish it could be better."

Jane told her friend about the first time she and David went out to the Hill Country and spent a week with her aunt and uncle in the little guest house.

"Margaret, it was heaven," she added. "And, it showed that we can be good together. But, back here in Houston, there's just no time. David is busy with work. I'm busy with the house and the kids. We're just too tired or something. I can't explain it. It's just never been the same as it was that time. I'm sure that it was the last time I ..."

"You mean the last time you 'came.' Why not just say it dear. I'm a friend, remember? You can be frank with me. I've been frank with you."

"Yes, I'm sure it was the last time I. as you put it, 'came'."

"You know, there are other ways of having orgasms besides with a man. There's your own hand. And, there's things you can buy like dildos and vibrators. You can get 'em through mail order catalogs, so there's no embarrassment."

"I guess I've heard of vibrators, and, of course, I know about mast... - masturbation. David even admitted before we were married that he had done it. But I never have. I was taught it was bad, and I guess I can't get over that idea. But, what in the world is a dildo?"

"Believe me, all males do it - jack off, as they call it. I think even Henry does occasionally, when he wants to get off and doesn't want to take time for me. But that's another story. A dildo is an imitation erect penis - a cock, if you prefer that term. They come in various sizes, shapes and colors. I've never used one, but I do have a vibrator. Nevertheless, I prefer a real cock. I like something alive in me, not some peace of plastic. And I love watching the look on men's faces when they come. I find 'em fascinating and exciting - all of 'em, that is, all of 'em except Henry."

"But don't you love your husband?"

"Love? Yeah, sure I do. At least, I care for him. Who wouldn't? As I said, he's a good provider. He's given me two fine children. We've had a nice life together. But, in the sack, he's lacking, so I decided, several years ago, I wanted, and needed, more than he was capable of giving me, or was willing to give me. So, I started looking around, and I continue to look around. It's good sport, and I enjoy the hunt almost as much as capturing the prey, once I finally land him. I said, almost as much. I sure do enjoy the sight of different cocks, and love to feel them inside of me,"

"Margaret, you're bad! I never would have suspected."

"Believe me, not many people do, just the men I've been with - certainly not Henry. It would spoil everything if he were to find out. I'm quite certain you won't tell him. And, for God's sake, don't tell your husband. You know how men talk."

"Of course I won't. I appreciate your frankness, and I'll guard your secret to the grave."

"Well, don't go there for a while. You have a lot of good years ahead of you to enjoy life. And, believe me, Jane, you should start enjoying it."

"If I were to decide to start cheating on David, which I haven't yet, how would I begin? I don't know any men. I must admit, I've seen some I fantasize about, but I don't know them and would be afraid to say anything that might lead them on."

"In the first place, don't think about it as 'cheating on your husband.' Think about the fact that he's cheating you. Even if he's not screwing other women - probably too busy to take the time. But, he's not giving you what you deserve as a woman. And, that's a form of cheating. So, you're just evening the score, as it were."

"You make it sound all so logical and easy. But, I wouldn't know how to start, even if I decided I wanted to. I've never been with a man other then David."

"Wow! Not even in high school or college? I lost my cherry when I was a senior in high school and had just turned eighteen, and had several boy friends in college. I almost married one of them. He was great in the sack. But, am I glad I didn't end up with him. He's in some menial job in the state government in Austin - something to do with taxes. No, Henry was the right choice for me. As soon as I met him, I concluded he was going to be successful. And he's done all right. So, I don't regret marrying him. It's funny though. Before we were married, he was a better lay than afterward. Something seems to happen to 'em once they get married. I'm at a loss to explain it."

"Then you and Henry did it before you were married?" Jane asked in surprise."

"Sure, didn't you and David?"

"Well, no. We came close a few times. In fact, it was me that wanted to, but honest-conservative David said we had to wait."

"That's amazing. I never heard of a guy turning down sex. But, if you came close, you must have been doing something."

"Yeah, we did, what I guess is called 'petting' - maybe even 'heavy petting.'"

"Well tell me. I'm all ears. What, exactly did you do?"

"Well, he would rub me, you know, down there, until I had an, an orgasm. The first time, I didn't even know what it was. It scared me, but it felt awfully good. Then I learned to stroke him with my hand until he climaxed. We did that a lot in the year before we got married."

"Hand jobs, eh. I've given, a few of those myself, mostly in high school. Did you ever take his dick in your mouth, or did he ever go down on you?"

"Oral sex, heavens no. We've discussed it a few times, but David has always said that only..." Elaine thought better about finishing the sentence, with the suspicion that Margaret, possibly having performed such acts, might take offense. She was right.

"Only 'whores and prostitutes,' is what your were going to say? Jane, that's a bunch of crap. Many fine people perform oral sex on each other. It's become a part of normal sexual activity - probably always has been, just suppressed by our conservative puritanical society - the same way masturbation has been."

"I just can't get used to the idea, anymore than I can get used to the idea of being with another man."

"At least you didn't call it 'cheating.' See, you're making progress already."

"Well, I don't necessarily agree with that. But, supposing I was interested in being with another man. I wouldn't know where, how, or with who, to begin. How did you start, once you decided to?"

"Now we're getting down to business. In my case, it was by accident. Of course, I had already made up my mind I was going to start looking around. But nothing had happened. Then, I had to go to one of those affairs Henry is always being invited to. It was at one of those huge homes in River Oaks. Drinks were flowing freely, which I'm sure helped oil the mechanisms a little, as they say. Anyway, I was standing at the hors d'oeuvres table, when a man brushed my arm and I almost spilled my plate. He apologized and we started talking. We introduced ourselves and I told him who my husband was and that he was in the drawing room talking business with some other lawyers, not an unusual pastime for him at these things. The man offered to get me a drink and I accepted. When he returned with it, he asked if I wanted to go somewhere we could talk without all the noise? He looked intriguing, about forty-five, tall, well-built, slightly grey at the temples - altogether quite a striking man. As I said, I had already decided I was going to start looking around, so I accepted his offer just to see where it might lead. We went out on the patio. It was a rather chilly night for Houston, so no one was out there. We just stood and talked for a while. Before I knew it, his arms were around me and he was kissing with the most intense French kiss I have ever had. As he pressed his body to mine, I could feel he was hard. I was going wild and, undoubtedly, he knew it."

"What did you do, make a date for later?"

"Better, and more exciting than that. He told me where the back stairs were. I found out later, it was his house where the party was being held. His wife, our hostess, was one of the lawyers Henry was closeted with. But, to get on with the story, he directed me to the back stairs and told me to go in the first bedroom on the right at the top of the stairs. I did, and waited about five minutes. I was ready to give up and leave. Besides, I was beginning to get cold feet. But, just as I was about to go back downstairs, the way I'd come up, the door opened and he came in. He closed the door and locked it. We embraced again, even more passionately than before. His tongue went deep into my mouth and I could feel his hardness again. He told me right out that we'd better do it right away, because he couldn't be away too long. I almost refused, but he was persistent, and oh so sexy. Before I knew it, our clothes were on the floor and his face was between my legs. Henry never did that. It wasn't long before we were fucking. I came almost as soon as we started. I guess it was the head he gave me first. I was almost ready to explode even before he put it in. But, God, when he did, it was delightful. He had the biggest cock I had ever seen, up until then. I've seen a few bigger ones since. Anyway, as I said, I came right away and he was right behind me. I was damn glad I was on the pill, cause if I hadn't been, the way he sprayed his semen into me, something unintended would have certainly resulted."

"Did you ever see him again?"

"Oh, sure. He said he wanted a return engagement, when we would have more time. After we dressed, he took out a little notebook and I gave him my phone number. We saw each other a number of times over the next year, and I must say it was delightful for me. One week, when Henry was out of town and the kids were at camp, we spent the whole week together. I think his wife was on a business trip somewhere. Anyway, we went to a hotel down in Galveston and just fucked and sucked for six whole days. We must've done it four or five times a day. I've never had an experience like it before or since. I bet you're getting excited just hearing all this. I know I am, telling it."

"I don't know if I'd dare do anything like that, but I have to admit it sounds exciting. And, yes, I'm excited."

"Well, Jane, if I were into lesbianism, which I'm not, we'd have to cool each other off right here and now. But, I guess you'll have to find some other way of cooling off. As for me, I know what I'm going to do. My vibrator awaits. See ya for lunch tomorrow?"

"Okay. It's my turn, come on over about eleven."

"It's date. And, don't forget our little conversation."

"How could I? See ya tomorrow."

* * *

Jane thought about what Margaret had said all that afternoon and evening. She was distracted to the point that David asked if something was bothering her. Of course, she replied, "no, nothing's bothering me." But something was.

The following day, Margaret was there at eleven o'clock as promised. Jane was finishing lunch preparation. At first they discussed the usual pleasantries. Finally, Margaret brought up the subject that was on both of their minds.

"Well, have you thought any more about what we were talking about yesterday?"

"Well, yes I have. As much as the prospect of meeting a man who might be able to satisfy me, like you describe, is enticing; I still think about my home, my children and yes, my marriage. I do love David so. If only there was a way to make him understand what I need when I don't even know what I need."

"Have you thought about coming right out and telling him he's not satisfying you and that maybe he, or both of you, should get some help?"

"Oh, I couldn't do that. In the first place, I could never bring myself to tell him he's not satisfying me. Help? What do you mean by help? What kind of help?"

"There are such people as marriage and sex counselors and therapists you know."

"Oh, David would never consent to go to anyone like that. I know him well enough to be certain of that. He's just too proud to agree to discuss our personal life with anyone. We don't even discuss it with each other, like we did before we were married."

"Well, Jane, I guess, that idea's out the window. You'll just have to suffer in silence for the rest of your life, or take steps to get what you need. But, believe me, you deserve better than you're getting."

"I've always thought, since I married David that I do too. But, I just don't know what to do. If I did decide to have an affair, or a fling, or whatever it's called; I still don't know any men other than Henry and a few at David's office. You've already told me that Henry's not a good prospect for what I need, and I certainly wouldn't want to get involved with anyone who knows David."

"I may be fooling around, but I'll try to keep Henry from doing it. So, you can't have him. And I surely agree with you with respect to anyone at your husband's office. No way."

"Well, I guess I'm back to square one. I haven't really decided to follow your advice, and I wouldn't know how to go about it if I did."

"I've got a thought. Margaret Dover to the rescue. After it was over with... Let's just call him Mr. River Oaks. When his wife got a job offer in New York they suddenly picked up stakes and moved there, I didn't know what to do. I was frustrated all over again, and worse than before, because now I had tasted what a real man could do for me. So, I started searching around for a replacement. I finally hit on the idea of a professional."

"A professional?"

"Sure. After all, men go to them. Why shouldn't we? But, naturally, I didn't want just anybody off the street. You can catch all kinds of bad things from those creeps."

"Where would one find a 'professional'?"

"Actually, believe it or not, in the yellow pages."

"The yellow pages? How are they listed, under 'G' for 'gigolos'?"

"No, but you're on the right track. Actually under 'E' for 'Escort Services'."

"You mean, right in the Houston phone book?"

"I mean exactly that."

Jane retrieved the Houston Yellow Pages from a drawer in the kitchen cabinet and opened them to the 'E's.

"Let's see what's listed here," she said with a snicker. "My gosh, you're right. There are at least a half dozen escort services listed. Do they really mean that?"

"You bet your bippy, they do."

"But, it looks to me as if they're aiming the adds at men."

"Of course, most of them are, but some say, 'male and female escorts available.' I'll tell you what I'll do. I don't mind sharing him. I know he's being shared already, so, what the hell."

"What do you mean?"

Well, a guy I've been seeing quite a bit, since Mr. River Oaks moved away, works for the 'Always Ready Escort Service'. His name is Bob O'Malley. See, there's their ad right there."

Elaine scanned the ad, which clearly mentioned the availability of both male and female escorts.

"He also works in the daytime for an appliance repair outfit. Let's see, which one is it? Oh yes, ABC Appliance Repair. So, you can get a chance to look over the merchandise right in your own home, before you decide to buy, as it were. Actually, you'd only be 'renting'."