Amber's Transformation Ch. 04

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The continuation of Amber’s story.
3.4k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 06/17/2022
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Hello, all you lovely people, thank you for reading my story. Do not forget to rate and comment on the story after you're done!

As Always, anyone involved in anything kinky is over 18 years old.

Please Enjoy!


After Heather left Amber and I in the work parking lot, I started to get nervous. I no longer had Heather to bear the responsibility of keeping Amber on course.

"Are you ready?" Amber asked.

"I'm ready, lets go see what kind of mess we can make." I replied

Amber and I walked toward her old SUV and got in. Amber seemed to have trouble getting comfortable in her seat.

"Anything wrong?" I asked.

"I've never driven in a skirt before, I'm afraid of wrinkling it."

"You are such a girl!" I laughed. "It will be alright, its not much different from driving in jeans, just have to make sure you flatten the bottom of your skirt against your butt and legs before sitting, just like sitting in any chair."

Amber blushed a pretty color and smiled when I called her a girl. The drive to Amber's apartment went by quickly as she didn't live too far from work. After Amber found a parking spot and turned off the car, we both got out and we each took a bag of clothes up with us. We went up three flights of stairs with Amber leading before she turned down a hallway and stopped at a door about halfway down the hall. Amber patted her hips, obviously looking for her pockets for her keys. I laughed softly and reached in her new purse dangling from her arm.

"Girls clothes hardly ever have functional pockets, here are your keys." I said as I pulled a keychain out of her purse by the lanyard.

"Thanks! I suppose I'll get used to it eventually."

"Yes, you will. Just give it a few weeks and you'll forget all about pockets." I said. "One of the downsides of being a girl. You don't have to worry about the other downside."

"What's the other downsi... Oh."

"Yeah, Oh. The monthly present from mother nature."

By this time we had walked in to Amber's apartment. It was very... Jack. My look of disappointment must have been seen by Amber because she asked if there was a problem.

"No, No problem, I just hoped I'd see a little more Amber in the decorations than Jack." I explained

"Yeah, I wouldn't mind something more feminine, but I decorated this place the way my parents would expect it to be decorated." Amber said. "They've never visited after helping me move in. It's like they lost my address."

"Well, having your privacy has its perks. You should redecorate. I could help you... if you want that is."

"Yeah, maybe some weekend this winter when there's nothing else to do."

"Sounds like a plan! Okay, enough stalling. Where's all your clothes?"

"Do you want to see them in drawers, or would you prefer me to model them for you?"

"You'd do that for me?" My heart just melted a little. Amber has been hitting my attraction buttons with her new look.

"Sure I would." Although she looked anything other than sure.

"How about a mix of both worlds. Let me see what you have, and I'll put together some outfits that go together, then you can model them for me."

"That works. The room where I keep my stuff is this way."

Amber led the way through the apartment to the second bedroom. This room, at least, was decorated fairly feminine with soft lavender painted walls, a floor length mirror, and an antique vanity where an array of makeup was arranged.

"I didn't know you already did your own makeup." I stated looking pointedly at the vanity.

"Oh, I really didn't. I literally just bought that stuff a week or so ago right before the acid incident. I barely even touched it before I thought my whole world was getting turned upside down. Well, to be honest, it still kind of did get turned upside down." She stated with a smirk.

"I guess it did at that." I laughed. "At least you won't have to buy too much makeup."

"No, just a few things I need to replace. The foundation and concealer are totally the wrong shade for me I found out today, so that will need to be re-bought, plus some things for a more muted look. The things I bought would be more suitable for a drag queen going for the heavy makeup look."

"It's good you got the professional help you needed today. It's worse when you have to unlearn a bunch of bad habits before learning the right way to do things."

"That's true. I didn't think of it that way. When I was practicing, I was wishing I had more experience before today, but now I'm glad I didn't, because I would have done it wrong the entire time and would have been more embarrassed."

I walked over to the closet and opened it up to find a wide array of super flowery dresses and skirts. Heather was right, Jack didn't know the first thing about functional women's clothes. There were some salvageable outfits, but a lot of them would not work for her.

"Ummm... Amber... Can I be blunt? Will you not take this personally, I only mean to help." I asked tentatively.

"Uh, sure." Amber replied apprehensively.

"These dresses... are not a good look for you... actually, these dresses are not a good look on anybody."

"Really? I thought they were cute."

"Yes, little girl cute. Grown woman sad and frumpy. Where did you even find dresses like these?"

"Mostly garage sales, and goodwill. Some on eBay."

"And you never wondered why people were selling or donating this stuff?"

"Not really, they were dresses and cheap. I didn't care much more than that."

"Okay, we are going to have to work on your style."

"That's why you're here right?"

"Yes, and a couple other reasons."

"What other reasons?"

"We can talk about that later. For now, we need to re-donate some of this stuff to goodwill, maybe sell a couple of the better ones on eBay. Lets go through one by one and make three piles: donate, sell, and keep."

I stood at the closet and started at the far left. Handing them to Amber one at time with instructions.

"Donate, Donate, Donate, Donate, Donate, Sell, Sell, Donate, Donate, Keep, Donate..."

We went through the entire closet. The donate pile was about twice as large as the sell pile, and the sell pile was about twice as large as the keep pile. The keep pile had a few dresses, several skirts, and a few blouses.

"Okay, lets bag up the donate pile, then we can take pictures of the sell pile and post them back on eBay." I said.

After loading all the donation clothes in bags and posting the salvageable ones on eBay, I set out some outfits for Amber to try on and model for me.

"Okay beautiful, here are a few outfits I would like to see on you. May I look through your underwear and stockings? I need to see what will go with the outfits I laid out."

Amber flushed a beautiful shade of red that just peeked out through her makeup.

"Umm... Sure. Just look through the dresser there."


"Umm... Sure. Just look through the dresser there." I told Christine.

I am sure my face was showing my embarrassment with having the first girl in my apartment and having her go through my crossdressing clothes to boot.

"Go ahead and start getting undressed. I will pick out some things for you to wear."

"Ummm.. I.. I.."

"We're all girls here, plus, I think you're sexy when you're embarrassed." Christine winked at me.

Slowly, I unzipped the skirt and let it fall to the ground. I bent over and picked it up to fold it and put it on the bed when I noticed Christine staring at by butt.

"Did you find what you were looking for in there?" I asked, trying to get her back on task.

She jumped and spun back to the dresser.

I pulled the blouse over my head and hung it in the recently emptied closet.

"Here, wear this bra and these panties. The breast forms you have on should still work with this bra." Christine said while holding out a black bra and matching lace panties.

"Okay. " I replied back. I hesitated, not wanting to be totally naked in front of Christine.

"Ummm.. Christine, this is the part where the illusion ends. If you don't want to see that, don't peek."

"I know Amber, but it isn't an illusion for me. I know who and what you are completely. Naked or fully dressed, all I see is you. And you don't need to be ashamed of that." Christine said turning fully to see me.

"Thank you, Christine. For everything." I then dropped my panties from today on the floor. My cock swung free from its hiding place, and it must have smelled the girl in the room because it instantly started to fill with blood. "Shit. Sorry, Christine. I swear this thing has a mind of its own."

"It's okay, Amber. At least I know you like girls." Christine said, sounding almost relieved. "I was afraid you would like men."

"Nope, I have only ever like women." I explained. "I know in the crossdressing culture it is more common to like men, I mean, just watch RuPaul, I think it's a pre-requisite to be gay to be on that show." I laughed. "I am not like that, men do not turn me on, women is where it's at."

Of course, talking like this in a small room... almost naked... with a woman, had its effect on my penis. It was now totally at attention, bobbing slightly with my heartbeat.

"Damn, look at it now. Maybe if you left it would go down, or maybe I can take care of it in the bathroom." I started to walk toward the bathroom when Christine grabbed my hand.

"Not a word of this at work." She said as she dropped to her knees and swallowed my cock.

"Fuck, Christine.. you don't have to... Damn that feels amazing."

"I know, Amber, but I want to." She said, pulling her mouth off my dick and stroking it lightly with her hand. "I have wanted to ever since you wore that first pair of women's jeans."

She once again started swallowing my penis. Her mouth was like fire around my cock. Her tongue was like oiled velvet stroking the underside of the head. Her hand stroked the base as she swiped her tongue all over the tip.

"Christine, I am not going to last long."

"Yes you will. I'll make sure this guy is so tired that he won't want to stand up for a long while." She said as she pulled off of my cock and lightly stroked the shaft with her hand.

Slowly, she licked the underside of the head like a lollipop while stroking the shaft with a very slow, methodical twisting motion. As I felt the cum rising, Christine stopped licking and squeezed the base of my cock with one hand and pulled lightly on my balls with the other hand until the urge to cum went away. She then went back to running her tongue around the tip, with that same slow twisting stroke on the shaft. Once I was getting close again, she sensed it and circled the base with her hand and pulled on my balls gently with the other until the urge to cum disappeared again.

She continued to do this until the head of my cock was so sensitive any attention at all and I was bursting to cum.

"Please Christine. I can't take much more. Please make me cum." I begged.

"Okay, Amber. Are you ready?" Christine asked?

"YES!! Please!"

"Okay, you have been a good girl."

With that, she swallowed half of my dick and started stroking faster around the base while massaging my balls."

"Oh Fuck, I'm cumming!!"

Christine kept stroking while running her tongue against the underside of the head. It felt like the cum was coming from my fingertips and toes through my body and out through my cock. Christine kept stroking the head gently with her tongue while I launched at least six strong ropes and a couple trickles of cum into her mouth.

My cock head was so sensitive, I tried to get away from her tongue, but she held me fast with her hand around the base. She hollowed out her cheeks to suck the cum out of my cock like a straw. Finally taking my cock out of her mouth with a pop.

My legs were so weak, I collapsed on the floor breathing hard. Christine cuddled up close to me and laid her head on my belly, watching as my cock deflated from the workout it just received. We laid like that for a long while before my arms and legs started to regain some strength. After a few more minutes, Christine sat up, sensing I was regaining enough energy to move. I sat up to put the panties on that Christine had picked out.

Re-tucking my penis back between my legs, I pulled the panties on to keep him in place. I removed the bra that I had been wearing to exchange it for the new bra when the breast forms fell and hit the floor.

"Damn, I forgot that they weren't attached." I said.

I looked at my flat chest with the marks from the underwire bra still evident. Christine must have noticed my disappointed scowl.

"It's okay Amber, we can order some medical adhesive and remover for the forms so you can wear them like they're your real boobs."

"Okay." I said. For some reason, even that didn't really make me happy.

"You want real boobs, don't you."

"I never thought I would go that far, I was happy just cross dressing here at night and on the weekends. Then I started dressing at work, now I have had a full makeover. Complete with makeup and fake breasts. Now, not even that is enough, what is happening to me?"

"You have found out who you are meant to be. You won't be happy until you look at yourself in the mirror and see that the exterior and interior selves are the same." Christine explained. "We kind of opened the door when we gave you the makeover and the pretty clothes, but it would have happened eventually on its own. We just sped up the process a bit because you would look back later and seen the intervening time when you were pretending to be a man as wasted years. We don't want that for you."

"Thank you, Christine. That means a lot."

I finished putting on the outfit that Christine wanted me to model and struck a few poses and spun so she could see all the angles. The outfit was a blouse and pants ensemble, but still very feminine.

"I think we'll keep that set, hang the blouse in the closet but keep the pants on. You can wear them with the next blouse also."

I exchanged blouses and spun again.

"I think we'll donate that one. It's a little too baggy on you, it does not flatter your figure enough."

On and on it went until the "model" pile was gone. Most still went to the donate pile but modelling them was fun.

"Want to order a pizza and watch a movie before I take you home?" I asked after putting the new donation candidates in the donate bag to be taken to goodwill.

"Sure. I wouldn't mind getting out of my skirt and stockings though. Do you have any shorts and a t-shirt that I could borrow?" Christine asked.

"Uh.. yeah." I dug through a drawer and found a pair of PINK shorts and an off the shoulder t-shirt that were a little too small for me due to a dryer malfunction. "Here you go. I'll just go out and order the pizza."

Christine grabbed my arm as I was heading for the door.

"Stay." She said. "Please?"

I just nodded and sat on the bed. I didn't trust my voice to speak.

Slowly, Christine unzipped her skirt and let it fall to the floor. Underneath, she was wearing a tiny, black lace thong. Her legs looked smooth and soft above her stockings. I looked up into her eyes as she began to pull her blouse over her head. Firstly, revealing her round hips then smooth taut tummy as it revealed her hourglass waist. Finally revealing her lower chest and getting caught on her lace encased breasts. A final tug, and the shirt was over her head and I could see the whole shape of her. Fuck, the way her bra straps slightly indented her skin and the light fuzz that covered every inch of skin.

"You are so beautiful." I said out of pure reflex.

"Thank you." She said before bending over in front of me to pick up her discarded skirt and throwing it on the bed next to her blouse. "Do you mind hanging those up for me?"

"Okay." I said as I had to practically rip my focus off of her body.

I'm sure hanging up the skirt and blouse while watching over my shoulder was not the quickest or most efficient way to accomplish the task, but hell, you try that sometime.

After I managed to hang up her discarded clothes, I watched as she peeled the stockings down her smooth, silky legs, and folded them on the bed. Then she picked up the shorts and slid them slowly up her legs and around her hips. She then reached behind her and unclasped her bra to let her breasts hang free on her chest. They didn't move an inch. They sat on her chest like an invisible bra held them in place. Until she rubbed the bottom sides of her breasts with her hands which raised them up a little then let them drop.

"Holy Fuck." I whispered.

She must've heard me, because a sexy smirk adorned her face as she picked up the t-shirt and pulled it over her head. My cock felt like it was going to rip out the gusset of the panties I was wearing, but they must have woven in steel cables in the lace, because it held.

"Well, that was fun." She said with a sly smile. "Lets go order that pizza."

"You're evil. You know that right?"

"Yes, I know." She winked at me.

I threw on a pair of purple yoga pants and a tank top and we walked out to the living room.

We sat on the couch and ordered the pizza, then scrolled through Netflix for something to watch. We settled on Interstellar because it's an underappreciated newer film with decent action. Christine sat next to me on the couch. Right about the time Cooper finds the coordinates to NASA, there was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it." I groaned, getting up and walking to the door. I grabbed my wallet out of my purse and got to the door before I realized what I was wearing. I hesitated for a split second before I shrugged and opened the door. The pizza girl was cute, and the transaction was quick. I gave her a nice tip and shut the door. She had no idea, or didn't care, either way my heart was still beating fast.

I brought the pizza to the couch and set it on the small coffee table in front of the couch. Christine opened the box and pulled out a slice while I went to the fridge and pulled out a couple beers to bring back with me after I popped the tops. I put the beers on the table and grabbed myself a slice before snuggling back into the couch while Michael Caine was lecturing Matthew McConaughey about leaving earth.

After Christine and I finished the pizza and I discarded the box, Christine snuggled into me until the end of the movie. During the end scene with Anne Hathaway's character on a bright planet, I looked over at Christine using the relatively bright light from the screen and saw that she was asleep. I carried her to the master bedroom, laid her on the bed, and pulled the covers up around her. I was turning to go sleep in the spare bedroom when a hand caught mine. I saw Christine looking up at me.


Thank you all for reading my story! Do not forget to comment and rate it before you go.

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LisaBrooksLisaBrooks8 months ago

OK OK You go girl! That was hot! I don't have to figure out what happens next! You put me on the edge of my seat!

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Love this story. Character development was fun, remained sexy while never going beyond reality zone. Straight guy CD stories without crazy cuckiness are so hard to find.

Thank you and please let us know what Amber and Christine have been doing for the past year.......

Gothic5Gothic510 months ago

Please continue. This is an amazing series.

JackiemichelleJackiemichelle12 months ago

Great story. I hope you finish and let us know what happens. I wish my family would support me if I transitioned. I'm older and started hormones but stopped before it became to obvious I was becoming a woman. Don't think my family would approve. Love your stories

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Hope you continue this series. Would enjoy seeing it go further.

Jayleigh_AuraJayleigh_Auraover 1 year ago

Great story! Great character development also! With each chapter I fell more and more in love with them. Well done, keep up the great work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

omgg! i am a lab technician in real life too.. i can relate with this story so much.. i work with all the girls so i wish this had happened to me as well..just a beautiful story please dont stop at all! love it! 😘❤️

Danielle_CD58Danielle_CD58over 1 year ago

I love it. Keep it up. I think it's great.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

well done I am SOO jealous of Amber. The tale-within-a-tale is hard to pull off but you did it gurl! It broke my heart also. Looking forward to future installments. :)

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