All Comments on 'Amy Finds Her Muse'

by jake60

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  • 316 Comments (Page 4)
Calico75Calico7510 months ago

Long. Too much minutiae that isn't very interesting. The basic story is good.

PrincessNutNutPrincessNutNut9 months ago

Slow, but it wouldn't do for all stories to be told at the same pace.

I think Stevie Wonder and Ray Charles could see where John and Barbara were headed, almost surprised that the last shoe to drop for Amy wasn't Barbara being up the duff.

A lot of you seem disappointed that Peter didn't get his. Well life isn't like that and for all you might dislike Peter he wasn't married to John nor was he Amanda's parent. Amy's choices were what hurt.

Anonymous from N number of months ago "She epitomizes the aoc's, the omars, the sniffs and nadlesses of the feckless," Hardly the Omars, Amy left John for her lecturer and Barbara hooked up with the former husband of her older sister. No marrying your brother to get him entry into the US in this tale.

nixroxnixrox8 months ago

3 stars - the skanky SLUT got exactly what she deserved - NOTHING.

She walked away from her former life and responsibilities without a backward glance. Plus she had nothing to do with her former husband for years - what did she expect? Was he supposed to sit alone and pine away, waiting for her to finally smarten up and return, OR to move on with his life. I'm glad to see he chose to move on as he, Barbara and Amanda will be far happier. Yes, Barbara's pregnant belly sticking out a foot, would have been the crowning achievement for this happy family.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Achtung, Grammar Nazi hier! When using 'mommy' or 'daddy' as a pronoun for a proper name, such as in a reference or direct address, capitalize it. When speaking generally, use lowercase. In the last sentence of the story, mommy should be written: Mommy. In the third-from-last sentence, First Mommy should be written as capitalized words. Yeah, a nitpick, yes, but, "Excellence is the enviable by-product of the impossible pursuit of perfection (attributable to the late Al Davis). One of the best stories on this site.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Anonymous. Its funny is is not. I am dyslexic (can't spell or write well) and even at my age (60s) I can read straight past most English errors and it does not bother me. I am fed up with with persons nit picking on grammar when such persons usually cannot change a fuse in a plug or burn water when cooking. Dyslexics are later thinkers and the complex and complicated risk assessments I have had to carry out has left most persons standing and have been vetted by the HSE, ORR and Environmental Health.

Anyway, rant over. A few things I find a bit odd about this story. If I was John I would not have allowed any Nanny to have their heads shown in the pictures to stop Amy getting to much info in who is looking after the baby. Also how came Lynn had Amy's contact details and not her parents. I would have also thought Barbara would have taken on some work at John's work or work at home. Even when she has a child of her own she could still work from home considering this was published in 2006 they could have networked the office to home unless I missed that one. Lastly I still feel there is a lot written but there is not a lot of bulk to the story.

LanmandragonLanmandragon7 months ago

Dyslexia is unpleasant and I can sympathise with the problems it causes, but it is no excuse for posting stories in substandard English - people volunteer to be proofreaders to help with such things. Incorrect spelling or word usage reduces the pleasure I have reading and there is really no excuse for not knowing the difference between discrete and discreet, for instance, or imply and infer. Calling people Nazis I find considerably worse than pointing out a grammatical error, btw.

I find it interesting that many people who attack others hide behind being anonymous, even though we use pseudonyms here. There must be some interesting psychological background to them.

Apart from that, I enjoyed the story very much, thank you to the author for that.

26thNC26thNC7 months ago

I disagree with other comments that say the ending doesn’t make a story good or bad. If he had reconciled with Amy, I would have given it a *2. It had a perfect ending to a great story and an easy *5.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Amy is one cold blooded bitch.

The only reason she came was because she was destitute and homeless. She then has the arrogance to try and reclaim her daughter that she so easily abandoned.

He's a better man than me. I wouldn't let her near me and sure as heck not give her money.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

The reason I could not give this a 5 is the lack of payback on Peter. Especially given what he'd done prior to Amy.

FluidswallowerFluidswallower6 months ago

A very well written and enjoyable tale. thanks for an excellent read.

NoBullAlNoBullAl6 months ago

Not a totally bad story but the MC is a crybaby wimp!! He goes round after round of weeping and whaling over a cheating bitch wife. Fortunately he eventually picks his balls up and starts to wear them so the story didn’t go full on RAAC but it wasn’t far off!!

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

For about 8 pages, John was a whiny bitch.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I am willing to bet that the people complaining about John being a “whiny bitch” have never been in a real relationship before.

Dennis26Dennis263 months ago

Enjoyed the story very much. Well written and worth 5 stars.

xhunter4uxhunter4uabout 2 months ago

I lived through my dad walking out on our family so stories like this resonate very strongly with me. Great job on this one.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

gotta love it whenb an arrogant entitled wife chooses to fuck up her life w/o much thought or care as to whom it may hurt, nor about the man shes decided is her "muse". Dingbat, worse than edith bunker at her worst, muse my ass. Anyhow she threw it away and lost everything, outstanding. Losing her man to her sister was kinda great and humiliating too. hope this bitch kills herself. Be kinda great too if the great predator gets aids or a macho male husband to neuter and cripple him sooner rather than later. rk

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