An Affordable Insemination - Redux

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Sandy and Eric's version of how he fucked his sister-in-law.
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Author's notes.

In March 2012 licyou69 posted a story entitled An Affordable Insemination. I read this years ago and had forgotten all about it until for some unknown reason I awoke one morning with the story in my head. After finding and reading it again I remembered why I really liked it. The only problem was I thought it had been longer.

Although excellent in its own right I felt the story deserved expanding. So with the kind permission of licyou69 here is my attempt at a redux plus added sequel. There is some back-fill before I then move the story forward.

The original tale was narrated by Sandy's unnamed husband (who I have named Jay) but this time the story is told from both Eric and Sandy's points of view.

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JaySandy's husband (previously unnamed)

SandyJay's wife and sister to Amy

EricAmy's husband

AmyEric's wife and sister to Sandy

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Sandy's story

My name is Sandy Tygar. I am thirty three years old and have been married for ten blissful years to my wonderful husband Jay. In that time we have been blessed with two beautiful children, Mason and Olivia.

We have a modest home and enjoy an average lifestyle, meaning we are just the right side of comfortable. We live well but not excessively so and whilst we have managed to put away some money, having two young, energetic kids who like to do lots of things does take it's toll on our savings.

I love my husband, nearly as much as I love my kids and would never betray him. I've been hit on countless times by all sorts of men but I would never, ever consider having an affair let alone a one night stand. I just couldn't and why would I, Jay gives me everything I want in a mate. He's good looking, funny and kind, has a good job, which he likes and that makes him happy, is a great dad and he provides well for his family. In the bedroom he's a fantastic lover with an above average sized cock, which he knows how to use. By the way, my knowledge of penis size is based purely on limited comparison. I'd only had sex with two other men; both long term boyfriends I hasten to add; before I met Jay.

I give him no reason to be jealous but I know sometimes he's a bit uneasy when I get dressed up for the odd night out with my girlfriends. I know men find me attractive although I'm not classically beautiful or drop dead gorgeous but I suppose I do look slightly better than just okay. But then again I do know how to apply makeup. Ha-ha!

I have an oval shaped face framed by long straight, light brown hair; which I usually wear in a ponytail unless I'm going out; green eyes and red, kissable lips. The bit about the lips are Jay's words, not mine.

Body wise I'm 5'4" tall and weigh a comfortable one twenty. My breasts are a nice weighty 34DD with no signs of sagging at the moment, my waist is okay, maybe just a little bit thicker than I would like; but remember, I have had two kids; and my ass is full and round and thank god, still firm. Jay say's I've got a bubble butt. My legs are okay too so overall I'm happy with my body. And I have to admit, I do look and feel sexy with my high heels on when I'm all dressed up to go out.

Apart from Jay and the kids I also have a sister, Amy, who's three years younger than me. For some reason I've always felt a pressing need to be protective of Amy. I guess it started at an early age when she got picked on at school. Kids can be really spiteful when they're young. She'd always been chubby, even as a baby. I heard my parents say it was just puppy fat and she'd grow out of it. She was the ugly duckling that one day would suddenly blossom into a beautiful swan.

The problem was - she didn't. From being a chubby baby she became a pudgy child. Then as she reached her teenage years she was just fat and this was the reason the kids picked on her. Mom and dad tried to get her to eat healthily and exercise more but we found out later that she was a comfort eater and hid candy and chocolate in her bedroom.

There was many a time I found her in floods of tears. I hated to see her like that and vowed I would do everything I could to make her happy. I got into a lot of trouble at school because of it. I even went so far as to actually slap a classmate of Amy's. I was suspended a week for that. My parents were disappointed in me. Amy told me I was her hero.

And so it continued. As she got older Amy tried a number of diets in her quest to lose weight. Sometimes her sacrifice would work and she would lose a few pounds only to start eating again as soon as she reached her target weight. Then she would put on more weight than she'd actually lost until she started another fad diet. The cycle continued. Famine and feast. Famine and feast. No wonder her body objected. She's told me that at the moment she weighs in at around one seventy, maybe a touch more. The problem is, she's the same height as me.

Looks wise she struggled too. Never a pretty baby she didn't get a whole lot better as she grew up. It's not that she's ugly, that would be too cruel, but in all honesty she's not blessed. To be polite I would say she's rather plain looking.

I've known for a long time that she's got self esteem problems but I've always tried to be supportive of her. Countless times I've listened to her over the years denigrating herself, saying she was useless at everything she did or tried to do. Plus no-one liked her ... and why would they? There was nothing to like. I spent hours telling her how wrong she was. Everyone has good and bad points and she was no different.

Years ago when I'd first started dating Jay she told me she really envied me, even to the point of jealousy. I knew she looked up to me but this took me by surprise. She wanted what she knew I was about to get. A good looking man to love, one who would love her back. A nice house. And kids. She desperately wanted children of her own. When my kids came along she proved to be a great auntie, the kids adored her, so I knew she would be an awesome mom.

But how was she going to get a husband if she wasn't at least dating? As far as I knew she did have a small group of work colleagues she would go out with from time to time. I met them by accident one night. None of them were what you could call good looking and all of them were single. I'm not sure if Amy ever exclusively dated anyone seriously although she did tell me she had gone out on a few dates.

She confessed one boozy night that she'd lost her virginity to her first boss in the back of his car. I remembered him. He was gross and in his late fifties, possibly even older. She was eighteen. But I wasn't judgemental. I asked her about dating. There had been a few but then she told me she'd had sex with them on every first date. Most of them never called again. A couple did but she had no-one special in her life. I hugged her as she cried about that.

As I mentioned earlier by this time I was dating Jay. I already knew he was the one. We got engaged and mom and dad threw us an engagement party. I'd been really busy so hadn't seen or spoken to Amy for some time, which in itself was unusual. So we were all surprised when she turned up at the party with a date. She clung to his arm seemingly reluctant to let go as she made the rounds, introducing him to everyone, leaving me and Jay until last.

"Sandy ... Jay, this is Eric Littler," Amy said. I could see she was excited. I don't know why. I gave Eric a quick up and down look, sizing him up in a couple of seconds. I instantly didn't like what I saw.

He was the same height as Amy and me. As I said earlier we're both 5'4". I was wearing a 4" heel and so it appeared was Amy. So by simple math that made him 5'8". But he was big. Not overly fat or flabby - just weighty. He took my hand, dwarfing it in his big fingered sweaty grip and shook it vigorously making my boobs jiggle up and down. I was certain he did it deliberately.

"Pleased to meet you," he leered back. He then gave me the quick up and down look, only his was a lot longer than two seconds. I knew he had sized me up and unlike me, I knew HE liked what he saw. He then licked his lips in a way that was borderline obscene and I shuddered and sighed to myself. Poor Amy. Another sleazebag boyfriend. I'd give them about a week before she hopefully came to her senses.

But she never did. He was still around when dad walked me down the aisle. He was a nuisance at the wedding reception and even worse at the evening party, when drunk he tried to grope me.

He was still with her when I gave birth to Mason. He tried to grope me at the christening party. And he was still with her when we had the christening party for Olivia. And yes, he tried to grope me then too. The only difference was that by then he and Amy were married.

I came to hate going to the family get togethers. I knew he would try to grope me at some point. Jay kept a close eye out but I told him I would deal with it because I didn't want Amy to get distressed. For some reason she seemed to be madly in love with the creep.

As well as his lewd behavior towards me we didn't like him for lots of other reasons too. Jay called him a lazy dickhead because he never seemed to hold onto any job for long. He was out of work more often than he was working. Luckily Amy has a decent job but Eric drank way too much and was literally smoking himself to death. Added to that he was also unbelievably insufferable and behaved like a complete ass most of the time. For a man with so many problems he was arrogant and full of his own importance.

I didn't hate him. Hate's a very strong word. Let's just say I disliked him immensely and I knew Jay felt the same way, as did mom and dad. But for Amy's sake I tried to suppress my loathing for the man.

After she'd been married to the jerk for a few years I began to realize that Amy was changing. She seemed to be permanently depressed. I put it down to her finally realizing what a prick Eric was so I had a heart to heart with her. Her self esteem issues we already knew about. She'd already told me how she had always envied me. I was the one who got the better grades at school. I was the one who was popular. I was the one who got the better jobs. The list was seemingly endless.

But this time it was different. What I hadn't realized was the full depth of her current problems. She'd married Eric to compete with me. She wanted to prove to me, to our parents, even to Jay, that she could attract a man and settle down and have a family. She wanted the whole nine yards. The house in the suburbs with the large garden surrounded by the proverbial white picket fence, the nice cars, the kids, the lifestyle.

And therein lay the problem. Despite going at it like rabbits; her words not mine; she still hadn't conceived. And the longer this went on the lower she sank into depression.

And then she asked me a question.

Eric's story

My name is Eric Littler and the first thing you should know about me is that I've been lusting after my wife's older sister Sandy for years. But more of that later.

The second thing you should know is that all of Amy's family and especially Sandy and her husband Jay can't stand me.

Do I care?


But first let me tell you how I met Amy. I was out one night with a couple of friends. We were bored so began to play a stupid game. The rules were simple. Pick up the ugliest girl in the bar and if you got to second base inside ten minutes you were the winner. We spotted three girls together and god, were they bad. Me, being the ugliest guy in our trio ended up with Amy, who was the best looking one of her group.

Not that she was good looking because she wasn't. Far from it. In fact she was quite plain to look at and her body ... well I think the polite term used for women with that body shape is heavy set. But she did have some curves especially her boobs, which were big and weighty and surprisingly didn't sag when I eventually liberated them from her bra.

But when you look like me and have my big weighty body; beggars can't be choosers. I'm no oil painting but I think Amy was grateful for some male attention, which I gave her later that night when I gave her a lift home and fucked her in the back seat of my car. God did she scream. I may be big and ugly but hanging between my legs is something women seem to want when they see it. Yep ... even though I say it myself ... I'm very well endowed. Plus I have a huge set of balls to go with it.

Okay ... I can visualize you rolling your eyes and hear you sighing but frankly I don't give a fuck what you think. Over eight inches long and very fat, I first measured my cock when I was sixteen. Well, doesn't everyone? And yes I make a big deal of it. And yes I know that makes me an arrogant prick. Ha, there's a joke for ya!

Anyway after that night we began to see each other almost daily. I was grateful because I was now getting sex every day without fail and I have to say after a while she became pretty good at it. I soon got the impression that Amy hadn't dated much in the past and she was desperate to make up for lost time.

A few weeks later and she seemed almost desperate to take me to her sister's engagement party. I got the feeling that she wanted to show her parents that she WAS capable of meeting and then having a proper relationship with a man. It dawned on me later that perhaps Amy was jealous of her older sister and that was the main reason she dragged me along, although after I met Sandy, I'm glad she did.

Okay, I can tell you're getting impatient but I'll tell you about Sandy in a minute. And it's worth waiting for, as you'll see when I tell you what she looks like.

Back to the party. Amy clung to me all night long as I helped myself to the free booze and food. It was soon clear that her sister and Mr and Mrs Teal - that's Amy's parents - didn't like me very much, a fact that became clearer every time I met up with them after that. Amy later confirmed my suspicions were correct. Apparently they thought I was a lazy dickhead who acted like an ass most the time. Oh and I drank and smoked way too much. Their words, not Amy's.

The lazy dickhead remark was made just after it was revealed I'd quit my latest job. It wasn't my fault. I'd only been there three hours and how I'd survived that long I'll never know. The supervisor said he didn't like the fact I was on my cellphone every time he saw me. According to him it should have been stowed away in my locker until break. I told him he could stick the job up his ass because as I needed to stay connected to my social media sites there was no way I could leave the phone in my locker. How the hell could I pick up my messages if I did that? I then walked out. It was a shit job anyway.

Since then I'd had several more jobs but none of them had worked out for me. I think I was too overqualified for most of them and the bosses were scared I'd show them up.

Now onto Sandy. Oh boy, as I've said before, she's hot. She's not beautiful or drop dead gorgeous. Oh no, she's WAY better than that. And by that I mean she has a sensuality and presence that transcends beauty and which to me makes her all the more attractive.

Okay, that's even too slushy and wordy for me so maybe it's more to do with the fact she's got a body that's REALLY worth fucking! When it comes to my feelings about her, as well as being extremely well put together she is also undeniably attractive. There's no doubt that when the gods were doling out from the gene pool, Sandy got all the good ones and Amy got all the crap that was left.

At the party, Sandy was twenty three years old. I remember her body was pretty good then but now, ten years and two kids later, it looks even better. Age has smoothed off all those sharp edges and left her more rounded, more sumptuous, more fuckable. And I confess there's been many times I've fantasized it was Sandy laying beneath me when I've been fucking Amy.

Sandy's not tall, same height as Amy, somewhere around 5'4" but unlike Amy I guess she's a lot lighter than Amy's one seventy. And with curves in all the right places she's a walking wet dream. I suspect she gets hit on all the time.

Anyway, on with describing how she looks. I'll start at the top. Her hair is light brown, which when it's not in her trademark ponytail, hangs down just past her shoulders. Her face is oval shaped and she has bright emerald green eyes with nice arched eyebrows and nice full lips, which when she smiles reveals she has perfect white teeth.

But undeniably, no matter how attractive she is, it's her body that gets my motor revving. For starters she's incredibly busty, her full round breasts being quite large but not overly so, being nicely proportionate to her body frame. As an aside, I can guess what size they are but I would love to get hold of one of her bras to confirm my suspicions. Next time we're over visiting I might just sneak a look in her lingerie drawer to check.

Now where was I? Oh yes. Her body. I can see she has a slight tummy pooch - what woman with two kids wouldn't have - but it's barely noticeable and unlike Amy, she has a clearly discernible waist. Her ass though is something else. A nice round bubble butt it sticks out quite nicely and I love to see her ass cheeks wiggle up and down when she walks, especially when she's wearing her tight jeans. To finish off, her legs are pretty good, nothing spectacular, better when she's wearing high heels but as I'm a tits and ass kind of guy, I'm not that bothered.

After the engagement party it was only a matter of six months before Sandy married Jay. Her parent's seemed so happy so just to piss them off, three years later, as soon as Amy turned twenty three we got married too. I'd long since realized, given my appearance, that Amy was as good as I was going to get. At least I would have a willing and able pussy at my beck and call 24/7. And what's wrong with that - I like fucking. And so it seemed did Amy.

I knew Amy looked up to her older sister. They did seem to be close but every now and again Amy's jealous streak would show itself. She often moaned how Sandy had always got the better grades in school. She was always more popular than Amy, she was the girl that her peers flocked around whilst Amy when she reached the same grade was by and large ignored by hers. When Sandy started working she got the best job ever. The list of Amy's peeves was seemingly endless.

But despite all of this Amy still manged to stay reasonably close to her sister. The years slipped by. Sandy and Jay had two kids, which really set Amy off. She became irritable and then downright depressed.

As her need to have children got worse, sex became a multiple times a day ritual. Although I like sex a lot, even I was getting fed up with Amy's constant requests to fill her up and get her pregnant. I thought I was servicing her pretty good if her screams of passion were anything to go by.

As I said before, I'm pretty well endowed but despite me depositing gallons of cum as deep as is humanly possible inside Amy's pussy, she couldn't fall pregnant. We eventually realized that there was possibly a problem that needed to be investigated. I wasn't that bothered to be truthful but Amy insisted that we both needed to be checked out. I reluctantly agreed when she threatened to withhold sex until I did.

We had no money to pay for testing at the infertility specialist clinic and so I wasn't actually against the idea when Amy decided to go ask Sandy for help.

Sandy's story

I admit I was slightly taken aback when Amy asked me if she could borrow some money. As I mentioned earlier we're not rolling in so much spare cash that we could lend it out, especially as there seemed little prospect of ever getting it back. I knew Amy's salary barely covered their household expenses. Of course Eric was of no use at all. When he was working, which wasn't often, what wages he picked up he seemed to spend on cigarettes and booze for himself. And when he wasn't working Amy had to buy them for him. He never thought to cut back.