An Endless Competition F/F Ch. 26-30

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Jen more and more under the heels of her aunt and cousin.
13.7k words

Part 4 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/11/2024
Created 05/07/2024
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Ch 26: Match

I almost did not notice when the referee whistled the start of the game, too distracted to thought back of the words of my aunt who had completely upset my plans and had almost destroyed my dreams of glory.

How could I lose that game? How could I betray my friends who had put their faith in me? How could I disappoint so much Coach Nilsson who had chosen me even though I was not in shape? How could I allow my school to lose for the first time in twenty-five years that game so important?

All those questions crowded my mind as Chelsea touched for the first time the ball and the public went crazy after her spectacular dribbling that leave her opponent on the spot and the blonde was able to run into the opposing penalty area. A defender managed to intercept the ball that was direct toward Kaley and she broke out the ball into our half of the field and nervous, I looked an opponent striker brought the ball close to our penalty area and preparing to kick towards my goal.

"What should I do? What should I do?" I thought in panic, not knowing whether to make a save or not.

In the end, I was so indecisive that I remained motionless but luckily the ball went out to the side of the goal of several meters. I heard Megan, one of my defenders, screaming at me because I had not warned her to have an opponent at her back.

"She is right, it is the duty of the goalkeeper lead the defense, being the only one able to see all the moves of opponents" I thought while I took a goal throw.

Over the next thirty minutes, the opponents were never able to get out of their penalty area, our team was clearly stronger and it was only a matter of time before their defense collapsed. Then, at 39' of the first half, Kaley was able to slip between the two opponents defenders and with a big jump and with a fine header she succeeded to score. When the ball entered the top corner, the public exploded with joy and my cousin ran to embrace Chelsea who had made a perfect cross, as usual. I remained motionless on my goal and I clapped weakly as I saw all the girls huddle around my cousin. I knew well that every goal that we scored was a big deal for me, because I had to concede to the opponents one more goal.

I hoped that the defense of Foxes resist and I really wished that they would not concede another goal but once again my hopes died almost immediately. After just a minute in fact, one of the opponents midfielders did a wrong backpass, giving the ball to Kaley which quickly ran to toward their goal, the goalkeeper left the line desperately but my cousin did not lose lucidity and passed the ball to Chelsea who was arriving pretty quickly and scored easily. While my teammates and the public celebrated again, I watched Coach Nilsson who was very satisfied and soon my eyes spotted Aunt Emma on the terrace and somehow she realized that she was being watched, because a moment later her eyes moved from her daughter, who was celebrating triumphantly, to me that I was alone and increasingly in trouble. Despite the distance, I saw my aunt gave me a smile, then failing to resist further, I looked away and I went back to watching the game.

We went back to the locker room leading by two goals, and while the girls congratulated with Kaley and Chelsea, I just sat in my spot in silence. Normally in such circumstances I was used to do a speech, saying the girls to remain vigilant and stay focused because in football anything can happen, even in a final of the Champions League had happened that a team had lost the game after it went into the locker room at halftime leading by three goals. That time, however, I did not have the force of inciting my girls and I spent almost the entire fifteen-minute break to look sadly at my shoes.

When the match restarted, I knew I had to do something if I did not want to disobey my Mistress and get that reward, of which only the thought made my mouth watering immediately. I 've been dreaming of being able to give pleasure to my Mistress since the first time I'd seen her naked in the luxurious bathroom of our suite in Paris, even though I had never had the honor of seeing her pussy that I had dreamed of so many times that it was almost as if I knew it in every detail. I knew it would be a devastating humiliation to lose the game but I could not afford to lose that chance, I could not afford to disappoint my Mistress when she had finally given me such a great honor.

The big problem, however, was to lose a game that we were clearly winning against a team that was not even able to pass the halfway line and I could not help but hope that the Foxes were able to find a little courage, beginning to attack. Time passed quickly and after about twenty minutes, I was more and more nervous, then finally something happened. An opposing player managed to escape the marking of my defenders, running towards my goal.

"Here we go" I thought, trying to find a way to concede a goal in such a way that no one could blame me.

The opponent player, however, was reached by one of my defenders who took away the ball and passed it to me to avoid risks. It was the decisive moment, I knew that if I had not acted at that moment the Foxes would have had no hope of winning. I saw the ball come toward me almost in slow motion, then I tried to knock it but sensationally I missed the ball which rolled inside my goal. The opponents fans broke out laughing while a great silence fell on ours. The girls looked at me intently, clearly incredulous to have conceded a goal like that. A game that seemed already won instead was reopened and the Foxes driven by that unexpected goals began to attack with more vigor.

An opposing attacker, thinking clearly that I was out of form, tried to kick from a distance but the ball was deflected and ended up outside. The same girl went to kick the corner, but she did it badly and the ball came faintly in my arms, then suddenly the ball slipped from my hands and an opposing player was the fastest of all and she scored. Chelsea and many other girls put their hands in their hair in despair, while my cousin was looking at me with a ferocity that make me shudder. Annoyed by that second mistake, the pubic began to boo me every time I touched the ball and I wanted so much to run and hide and cry incessantly until I had had no more tears. More and more devastated, I tried not to look at Coach Nilsson who had tried everything to win the game but her changes were ineffective. As I heard the huge woman shouting, I looked at the scoreboard and saw that there are less than five minutes left in the game.

There was another corner kick for the opponents and not knowing what else to do, I closed my eyes and pushed rudely an opponent. The referee awarded the penalty kick to the opponents and surprisingly he waved the red card in my face. The expulsion was excessive to me, but I had no strength to protest and I walked off the field with downcast eyes, overwhelmed by boos, trying not to see the looks disappointed and angry of my teammates. Coach Nilsson still had a change available and she called Rose. I do not go immediately into the locker room and I watched my best friend to go toward the goal, ashamed of myself because I was hoping she would not saved the penalty. The opponent striker carefully adjusted the ball on the penalty spot and after a short run she kicked strongly to the left. Rose dived with ability and managed to deflect the ball, the public went crazy but they all rejoiced too early, the ball ended up between the feet of an opposing player who managed to score condemning my team to defeat.

I went back to the locker room not being able to rejoice, even though I had achieved my goal and I obeyed the order of my Mistress. I stayed in the locker room alone for five minutes and when the other girls arrived, I did not have the courage to look up and face them. I knew they were all angry with me and it was no surprise that the first to yell at me was Chelsea.

- I hope you're satisfied, you fat tub of lard. It's only your fault if we lost against those idiots who probably can not distinguish between a football and a rugby ball -

- Chelsea calm dow, it can happen to anyone... - suddenly said Rose, and once again I could not but be grateful to my best friend who tried to defend me even in that difficult situation.

- Don't tell me to be quiet - Chelsea replied vehemently - But you know what it means to lose this game? Our school has never lost against the Foxes for more than twenty years, how do think that the others will react after this match? We will always be remembered like the ones who lost against those imbeciles and all this because of her - she said, pointing her finger at me and then adding angrily - And I will never forgive you for this -

I started crying desperately and, always without looking up, I said:

- I'm so sorry...please forgive me -

My stammering and my sobs were the only thing that was heard in that locker room for almost two minutes, then I heard footsteps and a pair of football shoes appeared in my vision. I knew who it was even before she began to speak.

- I think we need to make some decisions, now, without wasting any more time. We can not do otherwise if we do not want to compromise the entire season - Kaley said slowly but with determination.

I finally managed to look up and I saw that my cousin had her eyes fixed on me and the other girls all seemed to hang on her lips. After a short pause she continued.

- I've already talked to Coach Nilsson and she told me that we have to solve right away our problems and our biggest problem, right now, it is you Jenny-Bean - she said, calling me in that way that I hated so much and that she used to use when we were child and we played together, when our mothers had a better relationship.

- I...I - I stammered trying to say something but Kaley put her hand in my mouth, forcing me to silence.

We looked at each other for a while and later, defeated, I went back to look at the floor. Kaley put a hand on my head and turned toward the girls to make her speech.

- We can not afford to lose another game in this way, we can not afford to have a leader - and she patted my head - so weak, so incapable of keeping balance of the group and lead us to victory. For this reason, I ask that Jenny-Bean here... - and again she patted on my head - removed from her post as captain and to chose someone else with more skills.

- You should be the captain - yelled immediately Chelsea and many other girls nodded in agreement.

In that moment I realized that I had really lost everything, I had lost the opportunity to shoot my first film, probably losing the chance to become an actress and now they were taking me away even my rank of captain that I loved so much. My sad thoughts, however, were interrupted by Kaley that, with still her hand on my head almost as if I were her dog, said:

- If you are so convinced, then we have to take a vote. Who wants me to become captain? -

Still with my eyes filled with tears, I observed the girls one by one and all raised their hand, even Rose. Kaley looked satisfied the outcome of the vote and after a triumphant smile, she said:

- Good, but I think we should decide unanimously. Jenny-Bean, do you want me as your captain? Explain your answer please, so that everyone can hear your reasons -

I knew what she was doing, she knew that I could never oppose to her and asking me to say also the reasons for my choice she just wanted to humiliate me even more. I had no choice, I had to play her game.

- Yes...Kaley - and I had to be careful not to call her "Miss" - There is no better choice, you deserve to be the captain. You are the best player on the team, you are very good at communicating with others, and you have all the qualities that a true leader should have. You're much better than me, I'm not worthy of leading this team and you all have done well to remove me from my position. I am sure that with your help we will win the championship, I believe in you, my Captain - I said, looking intently into her eyes, trying not to think about how stupid could I appear in the eyes of the other girls.

Kaley seemed very pleased by my words and gave me a broad smile before patting once again on my head.

- Since there is unanimity, it seems that I'm your captain - she said, and soon the other girls cheered and some of them whistled just like a boy.

Kaley was embraced by Chelsea and soon after all the other girls ran to congratulate her, ignoring me as I sat in my seat to observe the great victory of my cousin who was finally able to take me away my role as captain, after many failures. Thinking of not having to do anything else and I got up, starting to prepare my bag, wanting nothing more than to go home and take a shower, considering that even that year in the locker room there was no hot water in the showers, despite all protests we had done in the past two years. Humiliations, however, were far from over for me, and at some point Kaley, silenced all the girls with a gesture.

- Now that I'm the captain, there is another issue I want to face - my cousin began to say - We cannot afford to lose another game as happened today, we cannot afford to have such a disastrous goalkeeper. I'm sorry Jenny-Bean but you are frankly embarrassing and now you're so fat that you would not even able to save the shot of a child. For this reason, and I'm sure Coach Nilsson will agree with me, I propose Rose as our goalkeeper from now on -

Rose put her hands in her face, embarrassed, while all the other girls cheered and seemed totally endorse that choice. I remained impassive, it was something I expected after what I had done.

"Probably Rose would have taken my place even if I hadn't made mistakes on purpose" I thought, remembering how much I was amazed when I had seen her improvements.

While the girls hugged Rose as they had done before with Kaley, my cousin gave a little cough to attract the attention of the team and soon resumed her speech, turning to me.

- You did not have any respect for this team, no respect for the girls and for the Coach. You knew very well you were not ready to play but you preferred to put your interests first. You should have said to Coach Nilsson that you were not able to play, but you did not because of your pride, so I cannot afford that you stay in the team even as a substitute -

- No, please do not do this. This team is the most important things that I have, I beg you - I said, beginning to cry again and falling to my knees in front of my cousin.

All the girls were watching the scene in silence, trying to figure out what would do their new captain while the old one pleaded on her knees. I watched my cousin in the eyes and I knew she would not change her mind, but maybe there was still hope. Trying not to think about the girls who were present in the locker room, I pretended to be still in my room alone with my cousin and a moment later, I began to kiss frantically her football shoes continuing to beg her to let me stay in the team. In the locker room fell a stony silence and you could heard only the sound of my kisses, it seemed that all the girls were holding their breath in front of that scene so shocking. After almost five minutes, Kaley said:

- Ok ok, if you desired it so much you can stay in the team - hearing those words I restarted quickly to kiss her feet thanking her, but a moment later she added - However, I will say to Coach Nilsson to organize the selections to find a new second goalkeeper, you will have another role. So girls, what do you say? Would you like to have a team's servant? -

Laughter and applause confirmed my new position on the team while I was still crying, prostrated at the feet of my cousin.

Ch 27: Reward

When all the girls were gone, I was left alone in the locker room and I cried like I had never done in my life. I still could not believe that I could no longer play football, that I could no longer defend my team's goal as I had done for four long years. I had been the youngest goalkeeper in the history of my school, no one had ever been a first-choice player at the age of 15. My old teammates, who were all in college by now, were really amazed by my ability and in no time I was no longer seen as the baby of the group, but as a fundamental part of it. I remember well the last game of the championship from two seasons ago when Kelly, the old captain, had made her farewell speech and she had chosen me as her successor. It was a great joy and I never felt more proud of myself in my entire life. My mother had organized a small party to make everyone know that her daughter had become the youngest captain ever, and of course my aunt was invited, my mother certainly did not want to miss the occasion to boast of the success of her daughter.

Kaley at the time had just entered the team, and she had already shown her great skills during the practice but she had not played her first match yet, because she played the same role of Kelly. Despite I didn't like my cousin, I knew that as captain I would have to think about the sake of team and without Kelly I could hardly benching a good player like my cousin. It feels like a lifetime since that day, all was so different now, Kaley had robbed me of my role as captain and I had lost my place in the team.

"Not really" I corrected myself, I still had a role in the team and thinking about what I should have done from that point on, I resumed crying more and more.

"Team servant" that words echoed incessantly in my mind and I could not help but wonder how many humiliations I would have been forced to suffer because of Kaley and the other girls who had done absolutely nothing to help me, had done nothing for their former captain and seemed more than happy to be able to use me as a servant. I did not know what would be my new duties but I was sure that they would have been incredibly humiliating

I thought back to Rose who after having initially defended me from attack by Chelsea, had been stood by watching my cousin steal my rank and my spot on the team. Rose was definitely very happy to finally be able to play, but wasn't she ashamed of stealing the spot to her best friend? Wasn't she ashamed of having done nothing to help me when I had to knelt begging my cousin and kissing her feet? Perhaps she was so shocked by that scene that she was paralyzed as all the other girls, but later, why she did not stay to console her best friend? Why she had not declined Chelsea's proposal who had invited her and Kaley to go to celebrate their promotion?

Time passed but I had not the strength to get up from the floor on which I was sitting, I didn't want to go home and tell my mother that I had failed again. Suddenly, I heard footsteps and I thought it was the keeper who had to close the locker room and for a mad moment, I hoped that he would lock me inside so that I could stay there alone, crying incessantly. The door opened, but it wasn't Mr. Mendez. The sight of my aunt took me by surprise, in fact I thought she was already gone home after the game, instead she had remained for me. Aunt Emma stepped slowly toward me, the noise of her heels echoed in the room. The woman leaned over to me and gently she took my face in her hands, wiping away my tears. I leaned my head on her gorgeous legs, and again I burst into tears.

- It's all right - she whispered, gently stroking my hair and trying to cheer me up.

I continued to cry for another five minutes, but a part of me was oddly happy, perhaps because for the first time in my life I had a shoulder to cry on, though in that case it was a leg, a person who really cared about me and did not consider me, as did my mother, just as a trophy to be exhibited for bragging with other people.

- Come on, get up now. It's time to go home - my aunt told me at one point, helping me to get on my feet.