An English Lesson


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Two hours must've gone by before I had him drop me off in front of my apartment building.

The doorman was there to greet me and said, "I've got a package that has been dropped off for you, Mister James."

I looked at him oddly as he handed me a large manila envelope, and simply said, "Thank you," and continued on to my flat.


I sat down on the couch as soon as I was inside the apartment and opened the envelope. Inside were two stacks of £100 notes, totaling £10,000. Also inside the envelope was a hand written note that read:


Here is the money I owe you for the work you've done. I've already hired another keyboard player for the show tomorrow. As I said before, I've given instructions that if you show up; you'll be arrested, as you also will be if you call my mother again.


"What a cold blooded little bitch. Have it your own way, then," I said to no one, tearing up the letter, then walking into the bathroom and flushing it down the toilet.


I flew out of Heathrow Airport early the next morning, my heart literally breaking into tiny pieces the whole way home. I had packed my equipment and sent it on the night before, and twelve hours after I left England, a taxi was dropping me off at my house outside of Nashville.


Three days later I was in my home office going over some paperwork that I needed to finish up when my phone rang.

"Hello," I answered.

"This is the Overseas Operator," replied a female voice, "I have a person-to-person call for Mister Harry James, from Miss Kiera Brighton."

"He's not here," I bitterly replied, hanging up the phone before she could respond. I wasn't about to talk to her after the way she treated me, and I sure-as-hell didn't want to hear anything she had to say either. The feeling that arose within right then me was something that I wasn't accustomed to, and if the truth were known; I'd never experienced the pain that I was feeling. But it was my own fault though, as I should've never gotten involved with someone who was so much younger than me to begin with.

I couldn't eat or sleep due to thoughts of Kiera. It was a whole week before I even went to the studio to get my gear, and I wouldn't have either had I not received a phone call from a friend of mine, Mark Powers, who was the owner of the studio, as well as being my music publisher.


"Jesus Harry," said Mark, when I walked into his office the next day, "You look like hammered shit, old friend. Are you okay?"

"I don't want to talk about it, "I flatly replied, "I'm just here to get my gear and go back home."

Then reaching into his desk drawer, he smiled as he retrieved a letter with a Brittish post mark, and handing it to me, said, "I've got a letter here for you from England."

I took the envelope, and seeing that it had Kiera's handwriting as well as her home address on the back, I tore it in half, and then handed it back to him and said, "Send it back." And before Mark could respond, I turned and walked away.


The next few days were a painful blur for me. My mind overflowed with the memories of the sweetness Kiera and I shared during the day, but more so with the tender moments that filled our nights. Her beautiful blue eyes kept my soul a captive prisoner, never to release that chains that now bound me to her, every time I closed my eyes. I now felt a hollow emptiness in the place that once held my heart, leaving me dead, but still living.

"You should've seen this coming, Harry, you fucking idiot," I said, cursing myself aloud in the emptiness of my own house. And after a week of doing absolutely nothing, I decided that I was simply going to pour myself into my work, and maybe that would help ward off the painful emptiness I was now feeling in every cell of my body.


I hadn't been back at the studio for more than a few hours the next day, when Mike came into my office grinning like the Cheshire Cat. "What're you smiling about?" I non-chalantly asked.

"There's someone in the front office to see you," he replied, still grinning.

"I'm busy," I gruffly said, "Who is it?"

"It's some girl," he smiled, "She said she came all the way over here from London just to see you."

"I...I don't want to see her, Mark," I stammered, the pain returning with a vengeance and knocking me off balance, "Send her away, please?"

"Harry, are you alright?" Mark asked, alarmed at the freely flowing tears now raining down my face.

"Some girl my ass, you know damn good and well who it is, Mark. I've got to get out of here," I angrily replied, standing up and leaving my office. I walked down the back hallway, past the studio suites, and out the back door to the parking lot. I got in my truck and took off, not knowing where I was going.


I drove straight up 16th Avenue on Music Row; turned right on Demonbreun Street and drove for a short distance, and then turned right and pulled out onto I-40 East. A thousand things were running through my mind as I drove the interstate at 70 mph. It wasn't until I got almost to Cookeville Tennessee, a distance of roughly 100 miles, that I stopped and got my shit together before I headed back.

It was then I began to think that I needlessly got upset. And although I became completely un-nerved the very first time I laid eyes on Kiera, I told myself that I refused to fall apart like a love-sick fool. Hell, I was a lot stronger than that, or at least that's what I tried to tell myself. Still though, I was going to have to deal with it sooner or later, but later sounded much better at that time. So, after I filled the truck up with gas, I headed home.


The moment I walked through the front door, my phone rang. "Hello," I said, into the receiver.

"Harry, thank God," said Mark, on the other end, "Are you alright?"

"Yeah," I d, "I'm dealing with something right now, Mark so, I need a little space, okay?"

"Come by my house in the morning around nine-thirty, Harry," Mark said, "I've got something I need to talk to you about."

"Whatever it is, I'm sure it can wait," I irritably replied, "Did you not hear what I just said about needing some space. Besides, I'm still pissed off at you, man."

"Okay then, let me put it in terms that you might understand a little better," Mark quietly seethed, "If you want me to honor the five years that are still left on your contract, then you'll have your ass over here in the morning. Do I make myself clear?"

"I guess I'll see you in the morning then," I sarcastically said, "And this better be good," and then I hung the phone up before he could reply. I wondered what it was that was so important that it couldn't wait until later. Something else, why was he acting like he was so pissed off at me, and what did my contract have to do with it?"


Chapter Five

By 8:30 the next morning, I was headed out my door to Mark's house. I had to admit that because of the way Mark was acting on the phone the night before, I hadn't had a single thought of Kiera, thus allowing me a good night's sleep.

Mark lives in Franklin, Tennessee and I live in Mount Juliet, Tennessee; and it's about an hour's drive from my house to his. I stopped at Starbuck's, got a large coffee, and then headed to Mark's house.


"Harry James," smiled Mark's wife, Teela, as she greeted me at the front door, "Come in this house right now. Oh gosh, it's so good to see you."

"Hi Teela," I grinned, hugging her like I always have, "It's good to see you, too." Teela was a swimsuit model for Sak's when she and Mark first met so; she was beautiful in her own right. She reminded me of Kiera, except Teela had dark brown hair and green eyes, and I guess it's because all beautiful women carry a certain air about them that one can remind you of another.

"Where's Mark?" I asked, as I looked around the room.

"Well, Harry, he's not here," Teela uncomfortably replied, "I wanted to talk to you about something so, please don't be mad."

She guided me into the breakfast nook off of the kitchen and sat me down. And then after she'd coffee for us both, Teela sat down and said, "Can I ask you a question, Harry?"

"Come now Teela," I laughed, "We've know each other long enough that you should know that you can ask me anything?"

"Okay then," she said, "Harry, have you ever made a mistake in your life; a mistake that, if it were at all possible, you would do everything you could to rectify that mistake?"

"Sure I have, Teela," I smiled, "But I can't change it now, not ever."

"What if you were given the chance to help someone else resolve a mistake that they made?" she smiled, "Would you help them?"

"I guess so," I sighed, "But what..."

Suddenly Teela looked over my shoulder and smiled, making me turn around.


I felt my heart literally skip a beat when I saw the most beautiful blue eyes in the whole world, swimming in tears. "I'm sorry, Harry, I'm so very sorry for everything," Kiera cried, as I sat there, unmoving, "I know that I don't deserve it. But I would like you to give me the chance to tell you something, and then I'll go, I swear." At first I wanted to leave, but then I thought; she'd come a very long way to talk to me so, the least I could do is listen to what she had to say. She was dressed in white jeans and a tight tee-shirt looking strikingly beautiful, as always, but my resolve was firm. Yeah, right.....

"Okay," I coldly replied, "I'm listening."

As Kiera made her way to sit at the table, Teela rose and said, "I'll leave you two alone to talk."

"No Teela," Kiera replied, gently placing her hand on Teela's shoulder, "You and your husband have been so very kind to me about all of this, and I think it's only right that you should be here."

"Okay sweetie," Teela gently replied.

As she took the chair next me, Kiera looked at me and sadly began, "Before I go any further, I think you should know, Harry, that my Mum has been calling me a stupid arse ever since you talked to her on the phone."

"Good for her," I laughed.

"I can't live without you, Harry," Kiera cried, "I'm a petulant child with a terrible temper sometimes, and because of it, I always hurt the people that I love most. Please forgive me. I'll beg if I have to."

By this time Kiera was openly crying with her face buried in her hands. I could no longer deny the truth, and that was, I loved her more than life itself and I couldn't bear to see her in pain any longer. So, reaching over and gently taking her hand, I softly kissed her palm and tenderly said, "Go wash that beautiful face and come take a walk with me."

"Oh Harry," she cried, her arms suddenly tight around my neck, "I love you so very much."

"I love you, too, "I chuckled, "Now go wash your face."


"I was in Mark's office yesterday when she showed up," Teela smiled, while Kiera was in the restroom, "And when you refused to talk to her, Mark brought her into his office, where she broke down and told us the whole story."

"You always were a hopeless romantic, Teela," I smiled.

"Of course; just like you are," she giggled, "How can someone not be, and still be able to write all of those beautiful love songs of yours that I've heard over the years...Hmm?"

"Yeah, yeah," I complained, wearing a broad grin.


"So, your mother gave you a verbal thrashing, huh?" I asked Kiera, as we walked Mark's property.

"Yeah," laughed Kiera, "You don't realize the impression you've made on her."

"Your mother is a wonderful person."

"So are you, Harry," she sighed, laying her head on my shoulder, "So are you."

"Kiera honey, I want to tell you something," I said, "And if it makes you mad, let me apologize in advance."

"I know what you're going to say Harry," she replied, "And I'm sorry I got mad at you that last day. I was acting like a spoiled child about something that wasn't your fault to begin with."

"Yes, you were acting like a spoiled brat," I seriously replied, "But what I wanted to tell you was, that nothing hurt me more than the words you wrote to me in the note that was in the package you dropped off at my apartment."

"I'm very sorry....I know I don't deserve it, Harry," she solemnly replied, "But can you ever find it in your heart to forgive me?"

"Aw Kiera, my love," I sighed, pulling her close to me and lightly kissing her lips, "I've already forgiven you, sweetheart, and if you really wanna know the truth; I can't live without you either."

"Oh God," she cried, wrapping her arms tightly around me, snuggling her face into my chest, "I've been so horribly miserable without you these past weeks, Harry; and I love you so very much."

We stood there while Kiera held tightly to me and cried like I've never seen anyone do before, or since. And after a moment, I tenderly rubbed her back and gently said, "Shh...its okay now, my love. Everything is gonna be just fine, I promise." God, she felt so good against me.

"I love you, Harry," she breathed into my ear, "And I promise to always love you, my darling."


When we came back into their house holding hands, Mark and Teela were sitting together on their couch, and Mark smiled and said, "Well, well, if it isn't the two lovebirds, come home to roost together again."

"Shut up," I laughed, "You're an underhanded bastard. I hope you know that."

"You've got that shit right," Mark howled with laughter, "But you're such a hard-headed asshole that won't listen to reason so, you left me no choice."

I walked over to Mark, making him stand, then threw my arms around him, and hugging him, said, "Thank you, my friend. I owe you for this."

"Aw, no ya don't, old friend," he said, returning the hug, "You two just take good care of each other, and we're even, buddy."


"Is this where you live?" Kiera asked, as we pulled down my driveway.

"It sure is," I chuckled. You see, I live on ten acres of land in Mount Juliet, which is about thirty minutes east of Nashville.

"This would be a nice place to put a horse," she smiled, "There's loads of room to run."

Do you like horses?" I asked.

"Oh yes," she grinned, "I think they're beautifully magnificent creatures. I always wanted one, ever since I was a little girl."


Later that evening, we were cuddled up on the couch, our arms around one another, when I remembered something, and said, "Oh, I meant to ask you how the show went?"

"It didn't," she sadly replied, "I cancelled it. I'm only thankful that the all the people who bought tickets were able to get their money back."

"What about hiring another keyboard player, and all that?"

"I can explain that," she replied, her eyes downcast, "I lied."

I raised her face to look me in the eyes, and then smiling, asked, "Are you going to make a habit of lying to your husband?"

"No....," she replied, and then as soon as she realized what I'd just said, her eyes went wide as saucers, and with tears beginning to appear in them, "Are you asking me...."

"Yes," I interrupted her, and quickly hopping onto my knees. Then taking my grandmother's engagement ring out of my pocket, I slipped it onto her finger, which by the way, it fit perfectly, and said, "You live in every cell of my body. Would you honor me by coming to live with me as my wife?"

"Oh, yes, Harry," she cried against me, "Yes, I'll be your wife."


We were married two months later in England, in the chapel at Marlborough College. It was a small quiet ceremony with family and a few close friends, but it was still beautiful, none the less. Kiera was the most stunning bride in the history of man, or at least I thought so.

Three weeks after that, Kiera gave a free concert in Hyde Park, and I played it with her. The record label almost went batshit over it until her album sales shot through the roof the following week. I guess it's safe to say I learned a valuable lesson from all of this, and that is; it doesn't matter how old you are, it's where your heart is that counts.

The End

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PurplefizzPurplefizzabout 1 year ago

A bit all over the place for my taste, I understand you were trying to write her as a hot/cold person with a nasty temper and that’s how she comes across, but way too much tbh, she comes over as borderline bipolar, which, if it were in real life no sane man would get involved with, especially someone written the way you wrote Harry. So sorry, but not my favourite of your stories, although I do love stories with a musical background, 4⭐️ Cheers Ppfzz.

Aussie1951Aussie1951over 3 years ago
Sorry BUT

I too agree with Sharkbytes comments as well. Though I still enjoyed the storyline Its wasn’t your best story that I’ve read. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

SharkBytesSharkBytesabout 4 years ago
Struggling with this one a little bit

Player, I have found the stories of yours that I've read to be very enjoyable. Having grown up with the prime of my youth in the 70's and playing keyboard in a rock band, in total admiration of Emerson and Wakeman, I totally relate to your writings. But I have to admit that the ending of this story bothered me somewhat. First, Kiera's over reaction was totally unwarranted, and her refusal to even hear him out after pledging her love to him forever - I just found it all too difficult to believe. On the eve of arguably the biggest night of her life, she loses it. I would be so, so, so, so pissed off at her after working my ass off to produce her, giving her my songs etc. I'm not sure I could believe her, nor trust her again after that. I get it that he loves her, but her walking all over him is beginning to become a bad habit, and I'm not sure that I'd take that ungrateful bitch back so easily.

tazz317tazz317over 7 years ago

but where your soul belongs. TK U MLJ LV NV

TavadelphinTavadelphinalmost 10 years ago
A strong story withg and great ending -

You pull out a lot of emotion - yes sometimes maybe too much but I agree with better too much than not enough.

The sterile - staunch - un-affected lot are far less enjoyable then the more vulnerable people you use .

Thanks so m,uch -

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

I am loving every thing that i am reading that comes from your mind!!

i can say that i have read a couple of your things and i notice that you have a

deep respect for our military and the Nam in particular i have a grandfather who served

in WWII so i also respect and admire our troops so keep up your awe inspiring work and as always Semper Fi

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
honest review

good story

oldwayneoldwayneover 14 years ago
They don't get better than this one!

Each time I read one of your stories, I can't help but have the same reaction. I always think that the story I have just read is the best yet....that is until I've read the next one!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
Please Write A Book !

Time to have all your stories put in a book, they are fantastic. I cannot say more than that, apart from you are the best writer on the entire site !

DMGirlDMGirlover 15 years ago
Do I really have to say that I loved it?

OF COURSE I DO!!!!!!!!! Again Mr. Moogplayer you have put a big smile on my face and a warm feeling in my heart! This was such a sweet story! You write about things that are so important to me, from all things military, to music, to love, loyalty, trust and friendship. I can't nor will I ever get enough of you and your wonderful stories and I can never thank you enough for sharing your talent and yourself with all of us. And 2 stories in one month! It's definitely Christmas time here for me!!! ;-)

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

Read this story three times. Wish it was a book - I'd buy it immediately!

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Loved it

Love all your stories! they are the best!

KOTKKOTKover 15 years ago

Great story i loved every partof it .I m looking forward for more beautifull stories and thanks for such a lovely story.

TwoHOTFORU69TwoHOTFORU69over 15 years ago
Sits right on top.!

This sits right on the top of my list of writers who in my opinion are the best there is on here. If a story could be told better I would sure like to read it.!! Thanks. #1

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
another winner

another one of your excellent stories please keep them comming

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