An Evening at Marvin's Bar

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Aloha means good bye.
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There were a bunch of us. We all always gathered at Marvin's. Marvin owns and runs a bar on the outskirts of town. It's a place where we gather once a month to talk, bullshit, and brag about all the stuff we wished we'd done. Mostly though we talk about the interesting, and many uninteresting, stories we've all read.

By the way we're all writers. People who've never actually submitted anything are not allowed to sit with us. We make them sit on the floor near to our seats. They aren't allowed to speak unless they politely raise their hands and wait to be called on.

Sometimes it's kind of fun to watch the knuckle draggers with their prehensile toes as they pick their noses and scratch their unwiped asses and try to think up ways to be profound without knowing any word with more than three syllables. It is a little frustrating to know they try to read what we write and then try to understand it.

Now no one's saying who's done what, or who's been with who or any of that shit; what we're saying is we all spend most of our time concentrating on those old fashioned 'Loving Wives' stories that appear on this or that website. It's kind of funny since everybody has a different take on what's important, who's done the best work lately, and which wife in the various stories is the most or least worth saving. Tonight's little conclave has been no different. Of course all the names have been changed so no one will know who's who. As one reads our little discussion one might realize we've allowed for some literary license. After all we're slumming.

Well old Melvin the Mattress Chewer started the conversation. In the interests of brevity we'll be calling him Melvin from now on. Old Melvin started out, "I got through a couple good ones this month about guys whose wives all wanted a bigger bone; seems like a lot of guys just got stuck with a shortage of meat."

This is when we need a narrator. It's sort of understood most comment writers, especially the anonymous ones are dickless wonders who get their pebbles off reading what other people make up; they, the commenters that is, are overwhelmingly unimaginative semen slurpers who only wished they could lean over far enough to suck their own skimpy little wieners. That's why so many of them lost their wives.

Barry the Barker lipped it up, "We'll just shorten his name to BTB, that'll make his point of reference easier to understand; everybody likes the bark as in 'bow wow' idea anyway. "Yeah I read a couple of those 'just shy guy' stories too. Hey man, if the bitch loved him enough to marry him she should be ready to love and be faithful no matter what."

Yeah said Chewer, "And give blow jobs every night."

Marvin, owner and bartender overheard and added, "She should swallow too."

Flaccid Harry from Virginia contributed, "Yeah even when he's been eating asparagus beforehand."

Flaky Beatles Lover interjected, "Come on Flaccid; that's just one of the many reasons you're so uptight. You ought to try pineapple juice; it'll make your semen taste sweeter. Maybe if you tried harder you wouldn't be home alone while your ex-wife's out with Gonad Gil."

Mosquito Dick piled on, "Forget it Beatle. Harry's penis is so small no woman ever knows when he's inside. Besides his wife told me he only shoots 'puppy water' and that's premature. Ask Invitro Ike; he was there when she told me."

Harry the limp one just gave Mosquito Dick the finger. Everyone else laughed because poor Flaccid Harry had never yet written a single coherent story, nope not one word.

This is when we need the narrator again. Helpless Horny Harry gets to sit with the real men because everyone feels sorry for the syphilitic diabetic overweight old retard who shits his pants every time he reads something he doesn't understand. Harry has a problem with big words plus he has irritable bowel syndrome.

That's when Sam the Stallion chimed in, Sam's a lover of certain types of over-priced and under-performing sport's cars that have plagued the market since the mid 1960's. We'll just label him 'The Stallion, or Stallion tonight. Stallion piped up, "Women are stupid. The really stupid ones are the ones who cheat."

BTB opened his slobbery trap, "They all cheat."

Clueless Cuckworth spoke up then, We'll call him Cucky. Cucky said, "You know Stallion half the guys you write about are dumb chuckholes who can't hold their wives."

BTB chimed in, "Yeah, let's burn the cheating bitches."

Blueballs overrode BTB, "There's not a real man among all us Loving Wives' writers, and you know why?"

BTB asked, "No spermatozoa breath tell me."

Blueballs replied, "You are clueless BTB, a real man would commit uxoricide and get it over with!"

"Now you're talking," mumbled Whizface as he chewed on a stale partly molded corndog his wife had put in his lunch pail.

Our next participant opened up then. His name is so offensive as to be left completely unsaid, so we'll leave his identity secret. We'll just say he's anonymous. We'll call him 'Anon' because he's such a completely worthless piece of skunk shit. Anon started in, "Wall ifn ya isk me Um juss sick of all them steries wid all du grammer prublums. I juss wiushed sum of dem wroters wood get demsells a edater. Two menny a dem gyes need a eduter."

Cuckworth added, "Yeah, I'm sick of voting ones because some writer forgot a comma, or added one, or left out a quotation mark."

BTB piled on, "I'll vote a big one on any story that isn't totally in the first person, doesn't leave the wife dead in some ditch, and doesn't find a way for the fooled deceived husband to win the lottery. Plus I hate anything with a narrator. This has a narrator, but I skip those parts; don't understand them anyway. Worse I hate even more any story that gives a woman's point of view. Women aren't supposed to think; they're just supposed to spread their legs. I say burn the bitches!"

"Yes, especially if they've left their good husband for somebody with a bigger Johnson," said the Mattress Chewer.

Stallion chimed in, "Maybe Chewer and BTB both wish they had bigger meat packages?"

Just Plain Never Finishes Anything took that up, "Look who's talking, "It's Stallion, or should I say needle dick!"

Anon added, "You mean canary peter; all yellow from the piss in his tight white diaper pants," then he covered his mouth and burped; he'd said a complete sentence without a mistake!

The Chewster had something to say, "Most of us writers are just wasting our time. Come on, we write for hours, we do it for free, and all we get is a lot of crap from guys who can't even spell their own names."

That's when Cuckworth got mad, "You know what I hate?"

'No what," asked BTB?"

"I hate these guys who write about men who aren't fucking perfect. Hell, except for my three inch pecker, I'm just about the most perfect guy I know."

Chewster laughed, "You know why your wife left you for the nerd who did crosswords?"

"No, why," asked Three inch?

Chewster answered, "Because the nerd had a brain; something none of you assholes have."

Anon, oblivious to the most recent dialogue drifted back, and then piled on, "Yer rite Cukky. Werr all purfuct. We cun reed sumptin and pik it appert and jus kno the idiot who wrote it will just try harder the net time."

Stallion scratched his head, "Well you know, maybe sometimes I get fed up. Maybe sometimes I just say 'what the fuck am I wasting my time here for?'"

Omaha commented then, "Yeah, ya know maybe you're right, and maybe it's just time to just fuck off."

It was time for the narrator again. He looked around and closed the meeting, "Yeah, the old crowd all looked at each other. Maybe they'd done and written all they could. No one ever got it anyway. No one understood. It was time to move on."

And move on is just what he did.

The end.

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AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

It’s a shame to see an author with a useful perspective, legitimate abilities, and some novel writing accoutrements to make for unique narratives fall so flat on a parody or satyrical piece.


There’s nothing wrong with wanting an improvement in grammar. Imagine telling William Jennings Bryan that he could improve his rhetoric in 1888 and instead of it being contemplated, he tells you to fuck off and subsequently loses three presidential elections and is remembered as an idiot defending creationism rather than a trailblazer.


Regardless, try not to get caught in the muck of writing. Frankly 1066 is a classic and you do have very good entries here to make your contributions not only appreciated, but staples in this category.

RanDog025RanDog0258 months ago

I see why the score was so low!

AstordatairAstordatairover 1 year ago

This one made my day! 10 stars!!

Simon_MastersSimon_Mastersover 1 year ago

Spat my tea......looool

alvinjfrazieralvinjfrazierabout 2 years ago

⭐⭐⭐⭐ ... humorous ...

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Don't Suppose

The Stallion owns a couple of Mustangs and a Jeep? Just asking... ;-o Signed: BTW

26thNC26thNCabout 5 years ago

Glad you got that off your chest, now go write some more good stories.

ErotFanErotFanover 5 years ago
Delving into the realm of biting satire, are we?

With into swerve into some smack jive? Grin.

I wonder if you actually have had responses from some of your co contributors (victims?).

neilnblowme2neilnblowme2about 6 years ago

at least this one was funny and we didn`t have to read about the hero accepting his wife`s infidelity but it does show what a sick society we live in.

good job

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Just Wonderful!

Nuff said.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Not Rated. Too much of an inside storty for me.

Is this what the writers do in the writers' forum? Since I've never signed up (too dangerous in 21st Century America to become identified as being on a porn site. And don't tell me the two moderators wouldn't sing like canaries if left wing or right wing fanatics ever feel like exerting some muscle).

Too much of an inside joke for ne. Not rated.

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