An Undeniable Passion Ch. 20


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"What happened to her?" he asked.

"She died of fever when I was five. It's been just me and my father ever since. And now it's just me," she said quietly, tears filling her eyes.

Drake walked around the table and pulled her into his arms. "You're not alone V. You have Billy and Elizabeth and you'll always have me. I know that doesn't thrill you but it's true," he whispered to her.

"It's not the same," she replied. Gently pulling out of his embrace, she wiped her eyes and tried to smile. "But, I'll be fine. Let's finish the game. It looks like you're going to win," she said trying to sound positive.

He laid his cue down on the table. "It doesn't matter any more," he said.

"Yes it does, you have to finish the game," she insisted. "Even if it does mean that I have to kiss you." She made a face and he laughed.

"Alright, if you insist," he said leaning over the table.

"Perhaps I can sway things in my favor by distracting you," she said playfully. She moved right into his line of sight and she put her foot up on the edge of the table and pulled back her skirts. He was so surprised that he indeed did miss his shot. His ball rolled about the table not hitting anything.

She lowered her foot. "Ha!" she said triumphantly.

"Miss Templeton, surely your father didn't teach you that!"

"No, that is an invention all of my own, created purely for your benefit. Now get out of the way, it's my turn," she said, playfully pushing him aside.

"If I have to cease calling you V, at least I can console myself by recalling that enticing view of your legs."

She was still smiling as she leaned down to take her shot.

"Of course there are many other memories of more than just your bare legs that I can quite easily bring to mind," he said suggestively.

She was so shocked by what he said that she also made a bad shot. Fortunately she didn't cause the ball to skip this time so her score remained the same, but her turn was over.

He began to line up his shot and she frantically tried to think of something to say or do to distract him. She couldn't think of anything and watched helplessly as he scored another canon, winning the game.

He placed his cue on the table and faced her. "Time to pay up," he said quietly.

"Best two out of three?" she asked nervously, as he approached her.

"No," he said nearing her. "We can play again if you like but I prefer to collect my prize for this game now."

Her breath was already coming faster and he hadn't even touched her yet. He stood in front of her for a moment before wrapping an arm around her waist and drew her to him as his other hand smoothed the hairs from her face. A shiver raced down her spine and she sighed, closing her eyes knowing she had already lost the will to resist him.

"Tell me, V. Tell me everything," he whispered as he lowered his lips to hers. She didn't know what he meant at first, but then recalled how he had said that she wordlessly told him that she loved him every time she kissed him. She was wondering how to not do that when the whirlwind in her mind swept all her thoughts away. His mouth moved so seductively over hers that she couldn't think of anything else. The pins in her hair were discarded as quickly as the ribbon in his. He crushed her to him and she complied by pressing herself closer. His hands slid over her body, his fingers knowing the curves of her so well and displayed a possessiveness that was undeniable. A breath caught in her throat as he gently squeezed her breasts before his hands slid further, over her ribs and around her side to her hips, gripping them, pulling her even more tightly to him.

She could feel his arousal even through all the layers of clothing that were between them and her own desire spiraled upwards. Holding his head to hers, their tongues entwined as the kiss deepened. She clutched at him as he bent her backwards with the demands of his mouth, his knee nudging her legs apart, slipping a thigh between hers.

His lips slid down her throat and she flung her head back. "Oh Drake," she breathed, "oh, yes."

He finally drew his head back and looked down into her flushed face. Her eyelids fluttered open and he saw the dazed expression on her face and the passion burning in her eyes. They were both breathing heavily as he continued to hold her. "That was very informative," he said with a smug smile.

He released her and too unnerved to respond to his suggestive remark, she stumbled over to the couch and sank down onto it. He pulled his hair back into its ribbon as he said, "So, shall we play again? Same terms?"

"No, I don't think I can afford to lose again," she said, still trying to catch her breath and still her pounding heart.

He laughed and said, "Come on V. Admit it, I'm the only man for you."

She looked at him with a small smile. "Never," she said playfully.

He laughed again as he set up the balls and began to play.

The days passed peacefully, and soon the Christmas Ball was only a few days away. Virginia was in her sewing room finishing her gown for the party while Billy was in town visiting Elizabeth. He was also picking up the bushels of greenery that she had ordered to decorate the ballroom. Wreaths and swags of holly, ivy, boxwood and bayberry would adorn the walls and mantles. There would also be large clusters of mistletoe hanging in the doorways and arches. Later that day Drake and Billy would start bringing the crates of whiskey, brandy and wine upstairs from the cellar. She had discovered several large punch bowls in the attic and had those downstairs awaiting a good washing.

She held up her dress looking at the almost finished garment. She slipped it over her head. It was a deep green velvet that set off her eyes beautifully. It was gathered into a half dozen deep pleats at the small of her back, creating a very full skirt. She had made the neckline of the sleeveless gown a little lower and more daring than usual as a tribute to Violet and had added strings of beads loosely encircling her upper arms. She twirled in front of the mirror that Billy had mounted on the wall. She heard a horse outside and looking out the window, saw him pulling up with the cart. After making note of a few minor alterations she changed back into her day dress and went downstairs.

He was bringing in the bushels of greenery and they stood in the middle of the ballroom. She was inspecting them when he came into the room with the last one. "They look good, don't they?" he asked.

"Yes, very fresh. Thank you for picking them up," she replied.

"It was no trouble. I'll go back in a couple of days for the fruit you ordered. They said it should be in. Did you finish your dress?" he asked.

"Almost. I have a few minor alterations to make and then I should be done. How is your suit coming? Didn't you have a fitting today?"

"Yes, and I must admit, I am going to look very handsome." He smiled and looked unusually smug. She could tell he was only joking though.

Laughing, she said, "But Billy, you're always very handsome. That's what Elizabeth says anyway."

The day of the ball arrived and Elizabeth came early to the farm with her mother to help with the preparations. They spent the morning decorating with the greenery, while Billy got out the ladder and hung the mistletoe. Eventually it was time for themselves to get ready and they all went upstairs to dress.

When they came back downstairs things were well under way. Doris was already there and was briskly issuing orders in a most uncharacteristic manner. Virginia stared at her for a moment surprised that the usually so flustered and unorganized Doris was barking out orders so efficiently.

The orchestra was setting up and the decorations looked lovely. The chandeliers were ablaze with candles, as were the sconces on the walls. The servants she had hired for the evening were heaping the buffet tables with platters of delectable food. Her guests were going to be overjoyed with the offerings. She had spared no expense and had the most elaborate and expensive dishes possible. The punch bowls were scattered about so that no one would be without a drink. She had even arranged for candelabras outside on the terraces. Being New Year's Eve , it was cold outside but she knew how warm the rooms could become during parties and that some guests would seek the outdoors for a bit of cool air and some for a bit of privacy.

She approached Doris. "You seem to have everything well under control," she said with a smile.

Doris spun at the sound of her voice. "Oh my dear, you surprised me. This is always the most taxing part of the evening and as I have done this countless times I thought I would step in to save you the trouble." Keeping a watchful eye on the preparations she whispered, "When dealing with temporary servants you have to be firm with them or they tend to not be as attentive to their duties." She suddenly lightened and stepping back from Virginia said, "Now, my dear. Let me see this stunning gown you are wearing!"

She did a twirl and said, "Do you like it? It's not too daring is it?"

"It may be a little, but not too much. Thomas is not going to be able to take his eyes off you," she giggled.

Billy entered the room and coughed softly to gain their attention. He was wearing his new suit and being very proud of it, he wanted to show off. Elizabeth rushed to him, exclaiming how handsome he looked. Virginia couldn't help but smile.

Drake followed in behind him and she approached him, intending to only coolly greet him. "Good evening, Mr. Stratford. I'm so glad you were able to come tonight."

"Good evening, Miss Templeton," he said, taking her hand and kissing the back of it. "I wouldn't have dreamt of missing it." He gazed down at her, his eyes taking in how she looked in her gown. "May I say, you look absolutely breathtaking this evening." His eyes sparkled playfully. "Do I detect a hint of Miss Adams' influence in your gown?"

She laughed lightly. "How very astute of you. Yes, this is in tribute to her. How I wish she could be here. I've never attended a ball without her."

"I can only imagine the sort of trouble she's getting into without you there to keep an eye on her," he laughed.

"I try not to think about it," she replied, laughing as well.

He looked around at the ballroom. "I must commend you on the decorations, the room looks wonderful. As does the food. You must have spent quite a bit of money on all this," he said, looking pointedly at her. She still didn't know that he knew about the treasure in her attic.

"Yes, well, it is my intention that tonight be as wonderful as possible. Doris said that this ball has turned out to be the social event of the season so I couldn't spare any expense," she explained.

"I'm sure your guests will be enthralled with the evening and will talk about it for months to come." He took a step closer to her and asked quietly, "Will you save me a dance tonight?"

She looked at him warily, remembering the last time she had danced with him. It seemed like a lifetime ago but at the same time as if it were only yesterday. She also dimly recalled her drunken intention to dance with him and wished she could now summon some of that bravado. "I'm not sure if I care to dance with you tonight," she said unable to meet his gaze.

"I promise to be on my best behavior," he said with a small bow.

Still avoiding his eyes she said quietly, "Quite frankly, it's not your behavior I'm concerned with. It's mine." She then turned and quickly walked away from him. He could only stare at her retreating back.

Thomas arrived and Drake glared at him. He knew it was early and that it was going to be a long night but he helped himself to a glass of brandy anyway. More guests started to arrive and the orchestra began to play. Virginia greeted her guests, thankful that Doris was there to help her as she knew very few of the people that she had invited. Soon the ballroom was full and the party was in full swing.

Thomas took Virginia in his arms and they twirled about the dance floor. She caught a glimpse of Drake leaning against the wall, watching her, his face twisted into a dark scowl. She turned her attention back to Thomas and ignored his stare.

"That man staring at us, he's the one staying in your out-building isn't he? What is his name again?" Thomas had noticed Drake glaring at them as well.

"Yes, that's him. His name is Drake Stratford."

"Why is he glaring at us so? He looks rather angry."

She searched her mind for an explanation. "He doesn't really care for parties. He's only here as a politeness. He'll probably leave as soon as possible."

"But why is he staring at us? He's not looking at anyone else. It's most unsettling."

She almost laughed. Unsettled is what he almost always makes me feel, she thought. How appropriate that Thomas had used the very word that always came to her mind whenever she thought of her encounters with Drake. "Just ignore him," she suggested. "That's what I intend to do."

After her dance she walked over to Drake. "Could you please not stare at me so much. It's very rude."

His scowl lifted and he smirked at her. "But I enjoy upsetting you, my love. It creates the most flattering sparks in your beautiful eyes."

She glared at him and revealed the very sparks he had just spoken of. "I don't care. You're behaving very badly. If seeing me dance with the man who is courting me offends you so much, you should just go home."

With a slight bow he said, "My most humble apologies for upsetting you, my dear. I will endeavor to behave in a more appropriate manner. As I said before, I wouldn't dream of missing this evening, and I intend to stay until the very end."

She didn't quite know how to take his comment so she only turned and walked away.

She spent the remainder of the evening dancing with various guests, but mostly Thomas. She was enjoying herself immensely and was glad to see that Drake was true to his word and was no longer devoting so much of his attention towards her. She even saw him dancing several times with some of the single women who had been invited and recognized the looks on their faces as he flirted with them. She was sure she had the same look in her eyes whenever he was so close to her and suddenly realized that he could easily have any woman here tonight. She hated to admit it but she felt a pang of jealousy and turned away, feeling an urgent need for some fresh air.

The dance came to an end and Drake pulled away from the pretty blond he had been dancing with. She was reluctant to let him go and he could see it in her eyes. However, he wasn't interested. He only wanted to see that look in one woman's eyes.

He scanned the dance floor, trying to spot her. When he couldn't find her he searched the room looking at all the areas where seating was available but still couldn't see her. It was then that a movement up high caught his eye. Looking up he saw a sweep of emerald skirts disappear through the french doors leading to the terrace on the mezzanine level. He poured two glasses of wine and slipped through the doors leading to the foyer and quietly stole up the stairs.

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romantique13romantique13over 8 years ago
Opels U Rock🙌🏾

Please write more stories...

txrosenaynaytxrosenaynayover 18 years ago
As... your work and it surely is a 10+++, i can't wait to read on. i know this is going to end in something romantic...a duel...a fight...a offer of marriage and acceptance...something so wonderful. i hope that Thomas's true evil is revealed...where it is set up that V sees for her own eyes what a vile person he is...walks in on the maid being abused...something...can't wait. please please more. respectfully your fan in Texas

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
More and more and more

Bravo! What happens does Drake catch V and T in the act or does Drake take V for himself and they finally are together forever. Oh, I can't wait, more please!

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Oh no you can't leave me hanging

you have set up this chapter so well. I felt I was there every moment and I can't possibly wait for the next... please please please write soon!! The flames are burning high and the house will soon catch fire!!

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