An Unwitting Discovery Ch. 02


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"I talked to Mom, just a couple minutes ago," Zane chuckled. "I told her that I was 'in the mood' and that I knew you were, too, and that I figured neither one of us would be able to keep very quiet. She's the one who suggested the beach. At least, we won't have the 'crowd' problem we had to deal with, at Virginia Beach."


"Mom said that, this time of year, the beach is always deserted, this late at night. She also told me that she'd talked with the neighbors on either side of their place, and both those couples were heading north, to 'snow country' for family Christmas gatherings. With the bedroom that Mom and Dad share being on the other side of the house, there's nobody to see or hear what we're about to get up to!"

"You're sure, about this?"

"Relax, Adam," Zane giggled. "Mom told me that -- with what she had planned, to do to Uncle Dan, tonight -- she'll have him far too focused on her, to be roaming around the house, for the next few hours."

"That's good, Baby," he told her. "Because driving straight through, to get here, made it one night without my getting to make love with you, and that was one night too many!"

"Then, let's get down to the beach, so we can scratch the itch that's got us both worked up, Honey," Zane giggled. "I need you so bad, it's pathetic!"

Their voices began to fade as the two headed out over the top of the dune and down onto the deserted beach, below, but the crow's nest was high enough that we could see them even after they passed over the dune. They stopped at the water line and exchanged a huge romantic kiss beneath the pregnant half moon.

"Are you seeing this?" I asked Tommy as I watched Zane drop to her knees in the surf and sand, pulling her brother's trunks down around his ankles and helping him to step out of them. "Fuck! He's damn near as well-hung as you are, Baby! Must run in the family!"

"Yeah," he said thrusting into me sharply. "Are they -- oh fuck; they are!"

"Shit -- how the fuck does she manage that?" I murmured, then, as I watched Zane take every last inch of her brother's cock into her mouth.

"Damn! Looks like she's swallowing him, whole," Tommy murmured as he stroked his thick, hard cock into my steaming cunt. "She's got her nose buried in his pubes!"

"Shh, listen. I can hear them," I said softly.

"Yeah, I heard it, when the wind changed just then," he responded.

"It's kind of hot," I told him, "watching and listening, like this, with you pumping it into me!"

"I know, Baby; I know," he agreed, groaning softly.

The initial 'oral' encounter must just have been so that Zane could assure herself that Adam was fully primed for what came next, because -- suddenly -- she pulled her mouth free of the rampant cock, turned her back to him and dropping to her hands and knees as the surf washed up against them.

"Fuck me, little brother!" her words carried to us as we watched and continued our own heated coupling, "Fuck your big sister's aching cunt!"

"He's really giving it to her, down there," I observed.

Tommy's answer was to fuck me harder, grabbing my hips as we watched them do something very similar in the surf. He timed his thrusts to match Adam's and I bucked back like Zane did.

"This is more than a bubble off plum," he said throatily, "us watching them fuck, while we fuck each other!"

"We were here first; it's just scenery, right?"

There was no doubt in my mind, anymore, that Zane and Adam were a couple, and their actions as they coupled on the beach -- so mirroring our own -- excited us both. We could see them, in the throes of their climax and, moments afterward, we came, too. I could feel Tommy's warm semen pumping into me, and then being squeezed out by his continued thrusting, to flow down my legs, and I grabbed my bikini bottoms to catch the drips. Before I realized it, they were back over the dune heading for the house. In the light of the pool area, their nude forms came into view.

"We should have brought a blanket. Remind me, next time, before we try this. I think we've both got sand just about everywhere," Adam complained.

"That's what you get for being so enthusiastic, little brother," Zane quipped.

"I thought that's what you loved about me, sis."

"I do, of course," she said, and turned to kiss him. When she released him, she said, "I wouldn't want you any other way, when you're fucking me. That's why, being the smart older sister I am, I brought a little bag down with us, with a bar of soap, our shampoo, and a couple washrags. Mom and Uncle Dan have a nice outdoor shower, by that little cabana on the other side of their pool from the house. It'll be perfect for a nice shower to get clean."

They headed for the shower, and the fact that it was on the opposite side of the pool and squarely lit by the patio floodlights gave us 'grandstand seats' for the next portion of their activity.

"We might need to clean up a second time," he chuckled, "because you know that you and I can't shower, together, without getting a little 'dirty.' Maybe we could just rinse off, first. Where's the shower handle on this thing, Zane?"

"You just stand in front of it, like those no-touch sinks. Temperature is already set. Mom told me. Uncle Dan's trying to make this house feel like something out of The Jetsons."

Zane stepped in front of the shower and twirled to rinse the sand off. I put my hand over Tommy's eyes and he pulled it back off. I turned and glared at him and he smiled back at me. When I turned back to see Adam under the shower with her, his rampant cock big as life and twice as bold, Tommy put his hand over my eyes. I shook my head, trying to move his hand.

"Can we agree that we're both going to get an eyeful, and just enjoy watching?" he asked me, leaning down across my back and murmuring the question into my ear. "She can't hold a candle, to you, Baby. You're the woman I want, forever."

"And Adam doesn't look to be quite as long or thick as you are, Honey," she murmured back. "But I want to see what's going on!"

In the spotlights, below, Adam had taken Zane into his arms for another long kiss, which he was just now ending.

"Does that bag happen to have any lube, in it?" we overheard him ask her.

"Yeah, you know I'm always prepared. Oooh, I see you are too. Is that for me?" she asked, bending to suck his revitalized length into her mouth. "Are you suggesting that you'd like to bend your big sis over and fuck the shit out of her?"

"That's what I adore about you, Zane," Adam giggled softly. "You're so perceptive!"

"We should go down," Tommy whispered.

"Not yet," I turned to look over my shoulder at him, pleading softly, "Please? I want to see if they do what it sounds like they're talking about!"

Tommy relented, then, and -- leaving himself still embedded in me to the hilt -- we stood and watched the scene unfolding, below. His cousins stepped out from under the spray of the shower -- letting it die away -- and Zane bent at the waist, bracing herself against the wall. Adam held a tube of what looked to be KY Gel in his hand, squeezing some out onto two fingers and applying it somewhere in the crevice between Zane's buttocks, and it didn't look at all low enough to have been her pussy. Then, wiping his hand off on his own thigh, he took his cock in hand, centered it in the gap, and slowly pressed his way into her.

"Oh, yeah, that's it, Adam! Fuck your sister's ass!" we distinctly heard Zane groan as he bottomed out in her nether portal.

Fortunately, Tommy had resumed his stroking inside of me, because the moment I heard that guttural groan from Zane, the orgasm hit me like a thunderbolt.

"Oh, yeah, Tommy!" I groaned. "You've got me cumming! Pump another load of your cum into me, and knock your little slut up!"

It's funny, looking back. There was a time in my life -- and it hadn't been all that long ago, at that point -- when I'd considered the word, 'slut' to be a terribly derogatory term. Apparently, Tommy had felt so, as well. But, in that moment -- as he pounded himself into me, there in the crow's nest -- I didn't have a problem with referring to myself as one, if the act excited Tommy the way it seemed to. And I realized that I'd be more than happy to act like his own personal little slut, any time I got him alone, until old age and arthritis butted into my life and prevented me from doing so.

My words did the job I'd intended, that night, goading Tommy into spattering my cervix with yet another boiling blast of his baby-seeds, which was just what I needed, serving two purposes. One was achieving the orgasm I'd been aching for, the whole time we'd watched his cousins going at it, with each other.

The other purpose was camouflage. Watching Zane being pummeled by her brother, that way, had awakened a desire in me that I'd never even suspected I'd possessed. I figured it was going to take me some time to work up the rest of the nerve I'd need -- and maybe I'd need to get Zane aside, in private, and ask her a few questions about 'technique' -- but I knew that, before Tommy and I headed back to campus, I was going to surrender my last virgin place to my half-brother, and I wanted him to be surprised, when it happened!

"We'd best head back downstairs," Tommy suggested, then.

We just grabbed our stuff. I held my bikini bottoms against my quim to keep fluid from dripping, and we scampered down the steps, into the turret and then down the spiral stairs. We darted through the office, into the hall, and quickly into the bedroom.

"Should we ambush them and then let them off the hook," I asked dropping my stuff.

"Yeah, let's get a quick shower. They're probably going to be a while," Tommy said.

He opened the bathroom door, and locked the opposite door. Then we climbed into the shower and washed one another quickly. We were done in record time and dressed soon afterward. Within probably five minutes we were in the kitchen, where they'd left the light on. Tommy got us out a couple of wine coolers and popped the tops off. After several minutes, the two of them came through the French door.

"I'll get my stuff out of that room --" Adam stopped what he was saying when Zane saw us and shoved him.

They were wide eyed when they came inside. Zane had her bikini in hand and was clearly wet from the poolside showering but had a big towel wrapped around her. Adam was right behind her carrying his trunks and a towel around his waist. Tommy popped the top of a couple more wine coolers and put them on the counter as the two regarded us with nervous glances.

"Oh, hey; here you go," he said. "We were just having one before bed."

"Thanks," they both said, each taking a cooler.

"How was the water?" Tommy asked.

"Warmer than we expected," Zane answered.

"That was quite a performance you two put on, down on the beach," I said, and couldn't help but giggle.

"Yeah," Tommy agreed. "You really nailed the beach kissing scene in From Here to Eternity."

"They beat that, hands down!" I said.

"You saw us?" Zane asked.

"We heard a little too," Tommy told them. "You weren't that far away from the house, and it was almost high tide, so the water's edge is pretty close. We had a pretty good view. And you'd be amazed at how clearly sounds carry, over an open stretch like that, when everything else is still and the only other noise is that of the surf washing the sounds inland."

"I told you, over dinner, that my adoptive dad is a preacher. He always railed against porn, and now I can understand why. Watching you two go at each other, like that, was... mesmerizing. And terribly stimulating."

"That's the truth! It got my sister so damn hot that -- if I hadn't already been buried inside her when you two wandered out onto the beach and got going -- she'd have had me there, pretty quick."

Their eyes both got fried-egg round, and Adam gulped his wine cooler while Zane stared at me like she might cry. They both suddenly looked like they wished that they could become invisible or sneak off to their bedroom -- or, better still, back to their car and race back to UVA.

"I'm only your half sister, now stop torturing them," I told him and moved to Zane, whose lips were trembling. I hugged her.

She didn't seem to relax, all that much, so I hugged her again.

"It's alright, relax, Zane. You're among kindred spirits. Tommy and I just found out, the night before we headed down here. We really are half-siblings," I assured her. "Same mother, but different fathers."

"Really?" Adam asked, reeling from the new shock, but suddenly seeming to visibly relax.

"Yeah; sorry we spooked you," Tommy told them.

"We really did get pretty hot, realizing what you were doing," I added as I moved back to stand next to Tommy.

"But, you're among friends, here -- family, actually. And what a strange family it is. Tommy and I are just like you -- a couple of siblings who've fallen in love with each other -- unabashedly, forever..."

"I thought y'all were going to bed," Katie teased, wandering into the kitchen, just then. "Do I need to break this up?"

"No Mom," I said. "It's all settled. Everyone knows we're all brother-sister couples, now."

"Well, that's worth celebrating," Dad said as he traipsed in beside Katie. "Pop us a couple of those, too, Tommy boy."

~ Tommy ~

Thursday morning December, 16th Suzan and I were up early and went to the kitchen. No one else was up yet, so we decided to make breakfast. She set about preparing fresh berries while I cut up a cantaloupe. Then I made some pancake mix and got out the griddle. We turned on the weather and watched, a while and, about 8:00 AM, I started making pancakes on the griddle. Before long, the smell must have gotten everyone up. Of course, for the east coasters, it was really 9:00 AM so it was like sleeping in. Zane was the first one out and we prepared her a plate while she made herself a latte.

"Here you go," Suzan told her setting the plate with fruit and a pancake in front of her. "You and Adam have been here, before, right?" she asked.

Zane finished her sip of her coffee, and said, "Thanks. Yeah; first time was last year, for Thanksgiving. Dan wasn't here, and we flew down, since there wasn't enough time to drive it. Mom was getting lonely."

I put melted butter and maple syrup in front of Zane. She put some of each on her pancake and took a bite. Adam came in, to join us, and Katie and Dad were just behind him.

"Wow, what have we got here?" Katie asked.

"Suzan and Tommy made some yummy pancakes and fruit," Zane told them.

"We just wanted to mend some fences, after our teasing last night," Suzan said, borrowing something I'd say.

"Hey, don't steal all my lines; some of them aren't drawn very straight," I told her.

After breakfast, the four of us all decided to ditch the 'parental figures' and go shopping. I kind of suggested that I needed to do some shopping for Mom and Dad, and they were welcome to come along. Everyone thought it was a good idea, since none of us had really had any time to do it while we were in classes.

Zane and I did a quick 'car two-step' to swap positions of her Camry and my Taurus, in the driveway, and then -- as Zane slid into the back seat next to Adam, I backed out of the drive and headed for the mall.

"We've been working on a surprise for Dan and Mom," Zane said, from behind me. "It's a little complicated but, when we were at the beach, last summer, at our Great Aunt Audrey's, Mom found out that the people that raised her were really her grandparents. We've been hunting for Dan's and Mom's mother and father. We think we've found something, but we didn't know if you already knew."

Adam added, "Mom went there, recently, and gave us some items that grandma and granddad wanted us to have."

"Yeah, Dad said something similar about a quilt and pillow he had, for me," I said. "But I didn't know they'd been raised by their grandparents -- our great-grandparents. How old are they?"

"From what I understand, they're in their late eighties, and aren't in great health," Zane said.

"Where's the farm?" Suzan asked.

"Outside Winston-Salem?" Adam told us.

My thoughts came out unedited, "They probably didn't tell us because Suzan and I were having some difficulties, when we got here."

"You appear to be over them, now, whatever they were," Zane chuckled, "if last night was any indication of things."

"You guys scared us shitless last night," Adam admitted.

"You, maybe, little brother," Zane quipped. "You'd just finished fucking the shit out of meme!"

"Sorry; maybe we left you guessing, too long," Suzan apologized. "We'd had a fairly tense week, since discovering we were half-siblings. Then I found out Dan and Katie were a couple and, seeing yet another couple in you two, it just kind of clicked."

"Yeah, sorry."

"It must have been difficult, suddenly finding out you'd been with your brother, Suzan."

"Yeah, it was, at first. He was so supportive, though, while I worked my way through the shock and decided what I wanted to do about the situation, and I love him all the more, for it," she said giving me a kiss and then a mock punch.

"What was that for? I'm driving, here!" I joked.

"He had an unfair advantage, knowing his dad and your mom were --" Suzan stopped.

"Well, it wasn't my secret to share and I didn't know about Zane and Adam, although a comment Dad made had me wondering," I defended myself.

"You two are too cute," Zane said.

"Thanks. You are a very attractive couple, and smart, to boot," Suzan repaid the compliment.

When we got to the mall, we were all trying to think of what to get our parental figures.

"What do you buy people that have everything?" Zane asked

"Something they can't buy," Adam said soberly. "We've already got that covered, but it'd be nice to frame it so it looks nice under the tree."

I said, "I secured some NC State sweat shirts for them, before we left, but that's not really much."

"We could all go in together," Suzan suggested. "Get one big gift..."

"That's not a bad idea," Adam said. "Zane and I could probably do a hundred each."

"We could do that, and I'll cover the difference if it's more. It's Dad's money -- well -- money he gave me for having fun. I think this'd qualify."

"Alright, well what do they need?" Suzan asked.

None of us had an answer and we wandered the mall looking for the thing that might be right for them both. There were any number of things Dan might like, that wouldn't really be something Katie would, and vice versa. We were all in agreement it should be something they'd both use. When we reached an outdoor and sporting shop, I wasn't thinking we'd find anything but, as we roamed, we came upon the grills and smokers.

"They've got that cool setup, outside, but Dad has talked about getting a nice smoker," I told them. "Would Katie use it?"

Zane said, "Definitely. She grilled a turkey breast, for us, that Thanksgiving week, and even mentioned that Danny liked frying the bird, but she'd kind of like it smoked, like their parents used to do. Evidently the smoker her dad -- granddad -- used was made from one of those huge oblong oil drums. It was cut in half along the longer side, hinged and put on a sturdy metal frame. She said they could smoke half a hog on that thing."

"I don't think we can find anything like that, here, but they have some pretty nice ones," Adam said. "Probably easier to use than that old contraption she remembers."

"Will one fit in the trunk, Tommy?" Suzan asked.

"I'm not sure, we'll have to get a measurement of the box. If it doesn't, I can come back with Dad's truck."

"You know this'll have to be given before Christmas, right?" Zane piped up.
