And The Truth Shall Set You Free


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This time she gave it her all. She put her arm into turbo mode, she let her head roll back, she arched her back, and she finger-fucked herself like never before. She rubbed herself raw. She could feel her pussy secreting and her clit stiffening, indicating to her this was at least heading in the right direction. She knew what she liked. She knew what turned her on, and what set her ablaze. was still no use. Just as effectually as she had brought it on, the swelling and erection of her clit abandoned her once more. No matter how hard she tried, the pleasure would just...not...come. Another twenty minutes later, her libido quit on her yet again.

High and dry for the third time, Jessie was intensely frustrated. She whipped her hand out of her sad, unsatisfied cunt with an aggravated groan. She felt defeated and helpless. Nothing she could do to try and please herself was to any avail. She threw out heavy, quick, angry breaths. Why is this happening?? she anxiously demanded to know. I know how to do this! Why can I suddenly not reach an orgasm to save my life?! It doesn't even have to be Earth-shattering; I'd settle for a mediocre orgasm at this point!

The still shot of Annabella was staring adoringly at her, but now the disgruntled Jessie felt scorned by it, as if the picture were deliberately mocking her with its benevolent smile. She dropped her face in her hands. It seemed that like it or not, she had to face the wretched fact that for whatever insane reason, she had essentially become...


Or...dysfunctional. Or...she didn't know what the term would be...she wasn't familiar with this situation. And she didn't care what this was technically called, either; all she knew and that mattered was she couldn't come. She sat in her chair, naked and sweaty, but confused and unfulfilled. She looked back up at Annabella's pixelated face on her screen smiling at her, and she wanted to cry.

I feel like such a disappointment to you, Annabella...I've failed you, and I don't even have any idea why or how!

She sniffled as she eventually got up to put her button-up plaid shirt and jammie pants back on. Just to add injury to insult, she noticed that her legs still ached as she pushed herself to her feet. She felt humiliated, even though no one else was actually in the room with her. She could've tried again, but the mood was gone. My first time pleasuring myself to the woman I want to be my girlfriend, and I can't do it, she mournfully lamented. Am I deep down inside actually not in love with her? How could that be possible? She's all I can think about!

She didn't know what to do. She had the whole day to herself, she could do whatever she saw fit, except the only thing she really wanted to right now. She felt drained. She just flopped down on her bed with a dismayed sigh. The irritated part of her wanted to strike herself in the vagina, but she could certainly see through the irritation what an incredibly bad idea that would be.

Steady, Jess, she told herself. There has to be an explanation for this. She hadn't started taking any new medication or anything of the sort lately, so it couldn't be a chemical issue. There hadn't been any dramatic shift in her diet or weight lately, so she didn't think it was a physical problem either...

She looked back at Annabella on the screen again. Once more, it made her want to start weeping. Annabella was...she sighed. The girl was virtual perfection. She was excellence. She had a diamond-studded heart of gold, and everything about her radiated purity, goodwill, peacefulness and love. She possessed what seemed to be the finest qualities of a child as well as those of an adult. She was so free, and expressive, and spontaneous...Jessie couldn't imagine somebody like Annabella ever being sexually dysfunctional. In Jessie's eyes this girl could do anything.

That was to say, anything to make someone's day, not spoil it. Annabella could clearly never, for example, ensnare her step-mother in her bedroom and violate her, reducing her to a pitiful sack of tears. As Jessie looked back on it, she wished she'd met Annabella before she'd met Gretchen. Perhaps Annabella's kind and sweet influence could persuade her to think of a less abusive method in which to teach Gretchen her lesson. Then maybe none of this would have happened, and then maybe she coul—

Wait a minute.

Could that be what was causing this deficiency in her self-completion? She'd ruled out chemistry and physicality; the only cause visibly left was psychology. Her dysfunction presented itself today, which she sadly confirmed would have been the first time she'd had any sexual activity since she'd raped Gretchen. That has to be it, she thought, closing her eyes as a cloud of misery settled over her. It just has to be. There's no other explanation.

She covered her face in her hands, and she did begin crying. Since she'd been dating Annabella, she'd started to deeply regret what she'd done to her step-mother, and bit by bit, the regret had built up inside her until today, coincidentally, stirring up a whirlwind of turmoil in her, wreaking havoc on her conscience and clogging her libido. She'd sexually terrorized Gretchen, and in the process, she realized, ended up consequently cuntblocking herself.

Oh...what have I done... she thought terribly. It was the most bizarre thing; it was as if Annabella had transformed her into a completely different woman since they'd met. Beforehand, Jessie had shown Gretchen the error of her ways, and felt enormously powerful. She was a cunning, calculating dominatrix-in-training. She hadn't thought she could go through with it, but once she did, she felt nothing but sheer victory. At the given point she'd only been considering it from the angle that Gretchen would now accept and respect that she was a lesbian. And that was all she felt she'd needed.

But once again, then came Annabella.

The more Jessie got to know her, the more she began to remember how much and how many things about her little girl and teenage years she really did enjoy and appreciate. Annabella was a magical person; everything about her made Jessie feel so nice and pleasant and tickled inside. Especially her smile. And her laugh. Annabella made her want to be a better person. Talking to her felt like listening to her sing Whitney Houston's song "Greatest Love Of All."

And so it made logical, inexorable sense that with this memory of torturing Gretchen relatively fresh in her mind, and Annabella as the object of her current affections, that tremendous guilt over what she'd done to her step-mother would not only surface, but drown her in her own personal ocean of shame, via her conscience and her desire to improve, ostensibly now psychosomatically limiting her masturbatory activity, restricting her orgasms, and...

Oh, there anything else I can't do anymore now?? she wondered panickedly.

What was she to do? She couldn't go back in time and withdraw the act. She couldn't change history. She couldn't make this not have happened now. She'd love nothing more at the moment, but it was an impossibility.

But just as promptly, the other half of the puzzle returned to the forefront of her memory, holding hands with the answer. The solution to her problem. Much as she didn't want to face it, she had to.

She had to confess.

She had to tell her father, and Annabella, the truth. The same evening of the incident, Jessie now recalled that she had actually told her Dad literally the very first lie she ever had. When William came home from the hospital, Jessie had falsely informed him that she and Gretchen went out to play tennis together, forcing Gretchen to lie to him along with her. Her mind had been intoxicated by the feeling of power which came over her from dominating Gretchen. Her conscience had been polluted. Normally, she would never have been able to fib to hardly anyone, least of all her own beloved father. actually my Daddy.

And of course, he had believed her. Why shouldn't he? She had spoken with matter-of-fact conviction, with a perfectly plausible explanation of their day's events. As horrible as she was already feeling, the awful sensations plaguing her doubled upon discovery of the first untruth she'd ever displayed for her Dad. Oh, how could I?! Her record was no longer intact, she realized.

It could be back intact again, in a way, she thought, If I told the truth...but...

She closed her eyes tearfully. ...I don't know if I can do it. Oh, I feel so sick. I'm chicken shit. I'm a coward, a liar and a rapist.

She peeked out from between her fingers long enough to see Annabella's picture still on her computer before the screen saver began occupying the monitor. She turned on her side on the bed towards the wall and wept.

Oh, Annabella...I so don't deserve you. You're so good, and I'm so not. You're an angel, and I'm a slime ball.

She eventually wore out her energy berating herself, and fell asleep.


September 30th, 3:16 p.m.

She sat up in bed. The shades were drawn and she could only detect faint glimmers of light. She thought she heard a distorted, echoing knocking sound on the other side of her door. She unsteadily got up and made her way to the door. When she opened it, she was presented with a familiar but eerie shadow.

"A—...Annabella?" she asked.

"Hello, Jessica."

"Hello, Jessica"? When did she start addressing her with the full seven letters? And what was wrong with her voice? It sounded deeper and huskier than normal, and not at all friendly. In fact, it really sounded rather hostile.

Jessie wasn't sure what to say. But it didn't matter, because before she could say anything, Annabella barged into her room and did something that utterly horrified her. She grabbed Jessie by the wrists, pulled her up against her dresser, yanked her hands behind the dresser mirror on either side and shackled them around it.

Jessie gasped. "Oh, God!" she screamed, suddenly totally aware what was happening.

A light clicked on above her head, even though there was no fixture in this particular section of her room.

"God can't save you now."

Jessie looked up into the mirror and shrieked at what she saw.

She was indeed leaning over the dresser with her hands trapped behind it, and this was her face and body, but her hair was wavier and strawberry blonde instead of brunette...and her eyes were turquoise instead of hazel. She looked back down in further horror to see that, yes, sure enough, she was indeed wearing nothing but the nightgown and panties.

She didn't even have to look up at Annabella, but she did. And once more she gasped and screamed as she saw the reflection of Annabella's face and body with her moderate brown hair, her hazel eyes and her summery outfit. And she could not see what Annabella was strapping around her waist, but she obviously knew precisely what it was.

"OH NO!!" she erupted. "PLEASE DON'T! DON'T DO IT!!"

The emotionless Annabella roughly grabbed her between the legs, making her cry out in pain, and replied with only a cold, icy, "Shut your fucking mouth, you little cunt. Your sleazy whore pussy's gonna get what it deserves now, dirty filthy bitch."

"WHAT??!" Half those words were not even in Annabella's vocabulary! "BUT—"

Annabella whipped her nightgown up and over her, muffling her face with it.

"PLEASE!!" Jessie continued futilely hollering under the gown. "I'M SORRY! I DIDN'T MEAN IT! I'M SORRY!! NOOOOO!!"

The panties were yanked down and not a further second was wasted.

"NOOOOOOOOOO!!" Jessie repeatedly howled as she felt her vagina being spread open. In short order, the very same dildo commenced to raping her, forcefully and abrasively.

"OW! OWWWW, IT HURTS!!" she cried, tears stinging her eyes and nose. "IT HU-U-URTS! STOP, PLEE-EE-EEASE!!"

She felt the hairbrush make vicious contact with her ass. A burst of tears and sobs exploded out of her.

The dildo felt three times too big and too thick for her to handle. The agony was indescribable. She felt like she was dying. She shrieked and bawled hysterically as the dildo pounded and rammed inside her, painfully and mercilessly. She rattled helplessly and crazily against the dresser mirror, stamping her feet on the floor. She now knew exactly how her own victim felt.

The rape went on and on, minute after minute after hellish minute, each second pure terror. Jessie shouted and yelled until she was hoarse. She whipped her head back and forth until she finally began to get the nightgown back off her face.

"ANNABELLA, STOP!" her voice horrifically echoed around the room. "STOP IT!!"

The voice changed. Her blood turned to ice.

"Who's Annabella?"

Her hell-stricken eyes widened. She was scared beyond death, but she looked up into the mirror.

Her heart stopped.

Annabella's face and body were gone. She was still in the nightgown with her step-mother's hair and eyes, but her own hair, eyes and clothing behind her had been returned to their rightful owner. Annabella was nowhere to be seen.

Her eyes opened wide with tears of doom as the dreadful reality set in. She was raping herself.

She affixed on the glass to see her own face leering down at her as her reflection fucked her relentlessly. She shut her eyes, opened her mouth and unleashed the mother of all lung-piercing, voice-crushing, blood-curdling screams.

The mirror shattered.


September 30th, 4:48 p.m.

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!" screamed Jessie, shooting bolt upright in bed. She sobbed and whimpered, looking around her, collecting herself slowly back together and relaxing in relief as she realized it was a dream.

She calmed down degree by degree, pawing tears and sweat from her face. Her throat felt sore, a logical result of screaming in her sleep. She rested her hands over her heart, feeling it slamming against her. She looked back at her pillow to see a head-shaped pattern of perspiration, not unlike the patterns she and Annabella had made in the mattress during their pillow fight two nights ago.

That was it, she decided. She was left with no choice. No matter how frightened she was of what her loved ones would think or do, she couldn't bear to even consider going through that petrifying dream again. She had to confess, and do it as soon as possible. She only hoped it would put these torments to rest. She swung her feet around to the floor, sniffled and wiped at her face.

Someone knocked on the door.

Jessie's eyes bugged open and she froze.

The gentle knock came again. "Jess, babe, it's us!" she heard the voice of her Dad from behind the door.

Exhaling another relieved breath, she let herself down off the bed and staggered across the room. Why they didn't just come in, she didn't know, until she looked down and remembered—oh yeah, she'd locked it.

She unlocked and opened it to hear William continue, "Guess who we ran into!"

Opening the door to see him and Gretchen, Annabella suddenly popped up in between them. "Surprise!" she said.

"AAH!" a startled Jessie exclaimed, jumping back a foot.

Annabella's face washed with sympathy. "Oh, honey bear! Golly, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to give you such a fright!"

"Jessica, are you all right?" asked Gretchen.

"Um...not completely," answered Jessie. "I was just taking a nap, and I had a really, really bad nightmare."

The sympathy spread to all three faces in the doorway. "Aw," they said. Unaware of the details of said nightmare, Annabella stepped inside and gave Jessie a strong, warm hug. "Oh, baby!" she said softly. "No wonder you're jumpy! I'm so very, very sorry that happened to you." She gave her multiple kisses all over her face and head to comfort her.

"I second that," added William. "Well, we were just at the mall, and happened to see Annabella there. So we said, we think Jess is at home, why don't you come with us?"

"Yup, and here I am!" Annabella smiled.

"So why don't you just go ahead and hang out with your sweetie?" said William. "It'll get your mind off that bad dream in no time."

"Yeah!" said Annabella.

"Uh, actually, I, uh—" Jessie started to say.

Before she had the chance, Gretchen added, "We've gotta get dinner started anyway. C'mon, Billy!"

They headed off before Jessie could say what she needed to. Annabella turned back to her.

"Oh, Jessie, my dear, I'm so sorry again about your dream," she told her. "Wanna rap with me about it?"

Wanna? No. Have to? 'Fraid so.

"Um...maybe in a little while," Jessie skirted, still hesitant, though she now had everyone here she needed.

"Okay!" acquiesced the ever-cheerful Annabella. "We can do something else." Her playful grin appeared. "Wanna wrestle?" she flirted. "If you let me pin you, we'll both win." She winked. "Think about it, that's a made in the shade deal for you, babe; you'll come out on top either way!"

Ah, a suggestion somewhat akin to the pillow fight. Jessie forced a chuckle. As much fun as that really did sound, "Uh...heh...maybe a little later," she reiterated.

"All righty-roo, then, no sweat..." Annabella poked at her mid-section. "One, two, three, four—I declare a tickle war!"

That sounded very much like wrestling. Not in the mood for laughter, Jessie took her by the hands before she got out of control, trying not to be too rough with her. "Um...can we just maybe...kinda sit and talk?" she requested.

Annabella's expression softened. "Of course, sugar!" she agreed. "Talk about what?"

Jessie turned and sulked to the bed, sitting on the edge and placing her hands in her lap, gaze to the floor.

Annabella's eyebrows raised. "Oh my goodness, something's truly eating you," she commented. She sat beside her on the bed and stroked her back. "Lay it on me."

Jessie took several deep breaths. She shook her head, unable to stop the tears. She felt like a small child who had just gotten into a brawl at school and come home crying to her m...

Annabella sat with her, caressing and embracing her, giving all the love and affection she could, before Jessie finally croaked out—

"I'm the most horrible person alive."

"What??" squealed Annabella. "Honey bee, what on God's beautiful green Earth are you talking about?"

Jessie wanted to severely punish herself. She felt she totally deserved it, the worst and more.

"Annabella...I did something unthinkable...before I met you. Something unforgivable."

Annabella did not completely understand. "But...if it was so terrible, how come you never brought it up until now?"

"Well, it's not exactly the kind of thing you come right out and tell someone when you're just getting to know them."

"Well...yeah, I dig that, that makes sense," agreed Annabella. "But, Jessie, dear, we're tight; you know you can tell me anything."

Jessie looked back at the floor and shook her head. "Not this."

"Well, Jessie, for Heaven's sake...did you...did you kill someone?"

She shook her head.

"Did you cause a great big car accident?"

Again, she shook her head no.