"Andi" Challenges to Triumph Ch. 01


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Andi told me it would be on! In the darkness of the foyer I looked for the number pad. Andi turned on the light and then I heard the four little beeps as Andi punched in the numbers.

"Are you ok?" Andi asked softly.

"I'm fine!" I shot back rudely.

Andi stood silently waiting for me to pass. I stood still letting her move first. She walked in the direction of her room.

"Bert and Ernie are coming tomorrow with Alex and Angie." She whispered. "You might want to take a shower before they come."

She left me standing in the foyer too embarrassed to move. I turned off the light after she reached her room. I was in the shower standing under the hot water when I finally realized what I had done. Only then did I break down and start crying.

Andi found me on the shower floor the water long since having turned cold.

"Come, let me help you before you catch pneumonia." She said in a comforting way.

She stayed as I brushed my teeth and got dressed. Andi refused to leave before she had me safely tucked in bed. Her hands framed my face her finger pressed against my lips refusing to let me apologize. Andi kissed my forehead.

"You'll feel better in the morning." Andi assured me.

She turned out the light and head headed slowly out of the bedroom.

I smelled the coffee before I opened my eyes. Getting up I made my way to the kitchen after stopping in the bathroom. Andi was sitting at the table her hands wrapped around the mug in front of her. The sun poured in the breakfast nook warming us up.

"Coffee's on the counter, there should be enough for another mug." Andi offered.

"Thanks'." I replied not knowing what else to say.

Her hair was frazzled, the top she wore stained with coffee. She turned to face in my direction as I stepped to the counter. I could see her fingers nervously tap the mug. She was less comfortable than I was. I poured the mug with the remaining coffee and stood trying to think of what to say.

"About last night..." I started to explain.

"None of my business." Andi cut me off.

She stood and then hesitated. I thought she was going to say something but she slowly moved to the door. Her hand gripped the opening, she turned to face me again.

"You ok?" Andi whispered.

"Yeah." I replied knowing there was nothing else I could say to help the situation.

"Bert called, the kids want to go out for lunch before they come back and play." Andi explained. "You're welcome to come."

"Thanks but I have an errand I need to run." I lied. "Maybe I will see them before they leave."

"I understand." Andi said.

She knew I was lying, she always knew. When I looked back she was gone. I looked in on her before I left, she was waiting for the boys to pick her up. Andi was wearing her favorite top with what seemed like new shorts. Her hair looked better but still unruly.

I drove around then stopped for lunch on my own. Tomorrow I needed to go back to work. I decided to go back to the house and get some laundry done.

The house was empty when I got back. I separated my clothes and headed down to the basement. Starting the washer I walked to the other end of the basement. This side was finished like a family room with a bar. I sat down on an old bean bag chair.


Ashlyn came home late last night. I was up not able to sleep, something has been bothering me lately. I heard her pull in the drive. I knew she had been drinking again, I waited for her at the back door. She had no problem with the lock but I knew the alarm was going to go off soon if she didn't punch in the code.

It's over a hundred bucks if they come out for a false alarm. I wanted to let it go but I knew she would just get in more trouble if I did. I turned off the alarm just in time. She had been drinking of course but worse than that she had sex with someone. Lyn knew I was aware of it.

I heard the shower running. She had been in there way to long. I thought she had passed out but she was on the floor crying. The water was ice cold. I helped her up and started drying her off. She has put on some weight again. This is never a good sign.

Once I got her settled in bed I kissed her goodnight. Lyn thinks I hate her but she's wrong. I love her more than anyone except maybe him. I've tried to talk to her about this but she refuses. I thought that when she showed up last week and just mom was home we would get to talk. Now mom is gone and I can still feel the way she despises me.

Bert and Ernie are coming over today. I know they are names from a kids show but they love it. Truth be told they are still two kids even though they are the oldest of five.

We are the Armstead's. My dad is Anthony, or Tony. Mom is Abigail, or Gail. Then there is Albert, or Bert. Then Arnold, who simply became Ernie to go with Bert. Then there is Andrew, or Drew. Ashlyn, or Lyn. I am the youngest and my name is Andi. Except for one person, I refuse to have a nick name. Others have tried but mom and dad won't allow it. Mom and my older brothers still try and call me baby but I ask them not to.

Yes we all have first and last names that start with A. Even Bert and Ernie's kids have names that start with A. That will give you an idea of how my dad and older brothers view life. It's all fun and games for them. It is a wonderful family and I love them all. But like any other family we have our issues as well.

My brothers showed up with Alex and Angie. They are the oldest niece and nephew. There are more but I don't do well with young kids and they all seem to be infants and toddlers right now. Alex and Angie each grabbed a hand and led me in the door where they talked throughout lunch.

After that we went to the park before Bert and Ernie took me home. The door was unlocked and the alarm was off. I stopped in the foyer, Bert and Ernie waited on the porch with the kids. I closed the door for a moment to locate her.

"She is in the basement." I called out as Alex opened the door to the back yard.

Angie insisted on going in the pool. Ernie had the kids at the pool when I came out from changing into my swim suit. He watched as the three of us played Marco Polo. Bert must be in the house with Ashlyn.


I heard them come in, I should have gone up but I was hoping they were just dropping Andi off. Then I heard him come down the steps.

"Want some company?" Bert asked.

"Sure, why not?" I lied.

"Anything we can do to help?" He asked truly concerned.

"Take her with you?" I suggested.

"Can't do that. Orders from above." Bert teased.

"Yeah, I know." I replied.

"Things that bad?" He asked.

"Why? What did Andi tell you?" I asked nervously.

"You know she would never say anything." Bert assured me. "Something you want to tell me?"

"Nah, better you don't know." I replied. "Thanks for asking."

"Sure." Bert said.

Bert looked at me sizing up the situation. His normal smile was missing.

"Does she know?" Bert asked changing the subject.

"I don't think so. Mom made me promise not to say anything." I explained.

"You want Ernie and me to be here?" Bert asked.

"I don't know, it might only make it worse." I suggested.

"Well we will keep that day open just in case." Bert said.

"Thanks." I hesitated but I had to ask. "Why do you think mom went to be with dad?"

"He needed her?"

"But she hasn't helped in the office since you were born!" I reminded him.

"Maybe that isn't the kind of help he wants?" Bert joked.

"You guy's only have one thing on your mind!" I teased him back.

"Well maybe two. I am getting hungry again!" He joked.

I looked past Bert and she was standing there on the steps. Bert turned, I could see him look at her like he always did.

"Andi?" He called out.

"Ernie and the kids will be in shortly. He is just picking up around the pool." Andi said softly. "He thinks you should be going."

"Thanks ba...I mean Andi." Bert caught himself. Andi smiled.

Turning she headed back up the stairs.

"If there is anything we can do to help. Please don't hesitate to call." Bert said.

Of course he would say that now. Now that she was the center of attention. We talked for another ten minutes before we headed upstairs. The kids were in the den playing with some toys waiting to leave. I said goodbye to Ernie and the kids before they left. Andi closed the door and locked it before setting the alarm.

"I'm sorry, are you planning on going out tonight?" She asked facing me.

"No. I have to work tomorrow. I think I should stay at home tonight." I replied.

"Ok, but if you do you will need to turn the alarm off first." Andi reminded me.

"I said I am not going out!" I yelled.

The outburst scared her at first but then she collected herself and turned to leave. She stopped, still facing away.

"Is there something I did to make you mad?" Andi asked.

I didn't have the guts to tell her it wasn't her I was mad at. After I didn't answer she continued on to her room.

I found coffee waiting for me when I reached the kitchen but Andi was nowhere to be seen. I left for work and when I got home a salad was waiting for me. With that I had the leftover chicken as I sat alone for dinner. The next morning coffee was once again waiting with a fresh blueberry muffin. Again I ate alone that night. It had been two days and Andi and I had not spoken one word.

The message was loud and clear, she was avoiding me. I could hear her in her room talking on the phone at times but she never came out when I was home. By Wednesday night the thought of her avoiding me was just adding to my already stressed out life.

Two can play this game I thought. Then I realized I was wrong again. She had already shunned me, how could I now punish her by shunning her? Grabbing my keys I headed out the door. Old habits die hard, I headed back to the bar. The crowd on Wednesdays is pretty pathetic. I turned down the only offer for a free drink. Using John as a gauge you can guess how bad this guy was.

I didn't think I was drunk, the bartender obviously disagreed. I was in the back of the cab shouting at the cabby to take me to another bar. I don't remember giving him mom's address, but I found myself standing on the porch just the same. I remember opening the door and that fucking alarm started beeping.

I closed the door hoping the alarm would just turn off. The incessant beeping started pounding in my brain. I just lost it!

Falling to the floor I just started crying. It was all too much. My marriage was falling apart, I couldn't see my kids, and my mom abandoned me. I am living with the sister from hell and she won't even talk to me. And now the fucking alarm is going to go off and I can't bring myself to punch in the damn code.

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have turned on the alarm." Andi apologized. "I wasn't sure you were coming back."

Andi tried to help me up but I swatted her away. I didn't need her help. I didn't want her help. She stood hovering over me, her arms crossed.

"If you don't let me help you I will call Ernie and have him come over." She threatened me.

Even in the fog of being drunk I knew that would not be a good thing. With everything to lose I conceded defeat.

"Can you help me up?" I whispered.

Andi extended her arms, I grabbed her hands. With strength belying her petite frame she hoisted me up. The only thing I remember after that was her hands framing my face and the gentle kiss she placed on my forehead.

"You'll feel better in the morning." Andi assured me.

In the morning there was coffee waiting in the kitchen but so was Ernie. He gave me that same look mom gave me when she was disappointed with me.

"What?" I snapped.

"I didn't say anything." Ernie replied smiling now.

"What are you doing here?" I asked rudely now that he was smiling.

"Andi asked me to take you to pick up your car." Ernie replied his constant smile never wavering.

"Why would she do that?" I questioned forgetting all about the fact it was at the bar.

"She thought you might need it to get to work." Ernie laughed.

"Oh." I stumbled. "Thanks for the coffee."

"Didn't make it. Andi did." Ernie continued to grin. "Maybe you should thank her before we go?"

It wasn't a suggestion it was a request. We sat in silence as I finished my coffee. I walked down the hall to her end of the house. I stood at her door contemplating if I should knock or not. I knew Ernie was expecting me to report back. I knocked softly on the door. I waited for an answer that didn't come.

I knocked this time harder. Still no answer. I knocked again this time loud enough even Ernie could hear it in the living room. The bitch still refused to answer. Returning to the living room Ernie was waiting for me.

"She won't answer." I complained.

"Do you blame her?" He asked, a smart ass smirk crossed his face.

He walked past me down the hall to her room. I waited at the corner. He did just as I did and knocked.

"Coming" I heard her call out faintly. Neither one of us had spoken a word and yet she knew it was Ernie.

"Were leaving." Ernie replied when she opened the door.

"Is she ok?"

"She's fine."

"Thanks for coming." Andi said softly.

"My pleasure. I will be busy tonight but Bert will be home if you need him." Ernie said. I looked around the corner just in time to see him kiss her cheek.

She faced me when Ernie turned to leave. Andi turned and closed the door not even saying goodbye.

Something was bothering me on the way to the bar. Ernie pulled in the lot beside my car. I was expecting some kind of lecture but he didn't say a word. I sat there for a moment looking at the building trying to remember last night.

"Ernie I don't remember how I ended up at mom's house." I confessed.

"What?" He asked.

"Well if they looked at my license I would have ended up at home." I said still searching for any memory of last night. "How did they know to take me to moms?"

"Good question?" Ernie replied not helping.

"And Andi was waiting to turn off the alarm!" I finally realized.

"Seems you need to talk to your sister?" Ernie gave me that shit eating grin.

"But she won't talk to me!" I protested. "I haven't seen her in days!"

"Do you blame her?" Ernie asked again. He then looked up at the building. "Is that really helping?"

I looked at the bar and turned a bit red.

"You ok? I should get going." Ernie said seriously now.

"Yeah, I should get to work." I answered. I opened the door and got out. Ernie drove off when I realized he didn't give me a kiss goodbye. She wins again.

Thursday when I got home from work there was another salad waiting for me? So now she thinks I'm fat? Enraged I went to my room to change. Pacing around as I shed my clothes I just seethed in anger. I know I have added a few dress sizes but really? Do you need to rub it in my face? Standing in front of the mirror in just my panties, I looked at the woman I had become.

I threw on a tee shirt and a pair of shorts and stormed out of my bedroom determined to face the bitch. How dare she belittle me and think she could get away with it? I stomped my way to her room like a spoiled brat and knocked on her door.

"Andi come to the door!" I screamed.

I head the muffled sound of her talking.

"Open this door bitch!" I screamed again.

Andi opened the door wearing her head set. Only the glow from the computer monitor lighting up the room. She was speaking into the mic. I was so pissed I didn't care if she was working or not.

"Get your ass out here!" I yelled.

"xin vui lòng chờ đợi" (Please wait) She said calmly into the phone. She pushed a button. "Can this wait until I finish this call? I am on the phone to Vietnam"

"No this can't wait!" I yelled. She pushed the button.

" xin vui lòng cho tôi gọi lại cho bạn." (Please let me call you back.) She said to the party on the phone. "Cam On" (Thank you).

Andi walked back to her desk and sat down her head set. Turning back to me she met me back at the door.

"What can I help you with?" She asked softly. This only enraged me more. The smug bitch was acting all innocent.

"If you think I am fat why don't you just come out and say it?" I screamed.

"Ashlyn what are you talking about?" She stood there so tall and slender.

"You left me another SALAD?" I yelled.

"Lyn you know I can't ..."

"Cook!" I yelled. "You're fucking right you can't cook!" I yelled.

"But I ..." She started to explain but I was on a roll.

"You what? Made me another salad so I will lose weight?" I screamed at her. "Well I'm not skinny! I will never be skinny! You think it's so easy? You always get everything you need! You always have! Poor little Andi, poor baby! Well I'm sick of it! You aren't the only child our parents had."

"Ashlyn I know you're upset but...!" Andi tried to explain.

"But what?" I moved closer.

"But you have so much. You have Roger! You have two beautiful kids who love you..."

"Stop it! Don't you dare rub that in my face! You will never talk about them again do you hear me!" I was screaming at my sister just a few feet in front of me. "He kicked me out! I can't even visit my babies!"

"If you just let me help we can fix that!" Andi replied.

"Fuck them! When Drew gets here Roger will be a past memory!" I yelled.

"Drew?" Andi asked. Just his name made her wobble. "He's coming home?"

"Didn't know that smart ass did you?" I yelled. "I'm on the phone to Vietnam! I am so smart! You are so dumb! Well he is coming and when he does..."

Just then Andi staggered back and fell to her knees. I saw her body go limp, her arms flailed grasping for the door. Andi was an ashen white, she mumbled his name.

SLAM! With her last ounce of strength she closed the door on me.

I knew I had gone too far. I promised mom I wouldn't tell her. She made me promise twice. Why Ashlyn? Why did you tell her that? I need to fix this.

"Andi! I'm sorry baby. Please open the door so we can talk!" I pleaded leaning against the door.

I tried for almost a half an hour before the real panic set in.

"Mom, I fucked up!" I said as soon as she answered the phone.

"Ashlyn what did you do?" I could hear the disappointment in her voice.

"I told her." I knew no more words were needed.

"But honey he won't be coming until Sunday!" Mom reminded me.

"I know, I'm sorry. It just came out." I explained.

"Where is she now?" Mom asked concerned.

"In her room. She won't open the door!" I replied. I could unlock it and go in and check on her."

"NO! Nobody goes in her room!" Mom Insisted. "Do you understand? No one but the kids. Call your brothers now and explain what you did. Have them bring Alex and Angie. Call now!"

"But mom..." I pleaded.

"Ashlyn we have no time to waste. Call your brothers now. Have Ernie call me when he gets there."

Mom hung up. I called Bert first knowing he would be the most forgiving. He offered to call Ernie but I told him I needed to talk to him first. I called Ernie and got an earful but he agreed to leave immediately. I walked back to Andi's door and knocked.

"I am so sorry Andi. Bert and Ernie are on the way!" I said loud enough so she could hear me. "They're bringing the kids! Please forgive me!"

I waited for her to respond but she never did. I slid down the wall until I came to rest on the floor. Leaning my head back I only hoped she would be alright until they came. I closed my eyes and drifted off.

Roger looked so handsome as he waited for me to come down the aisle. I can still feel dad's arm steady me as I glided closer. Roger was smiling so broadly, I can't ever remember being happier. The groomsmen looked so handsome, my maid of honor and bridesmaids all looked at only me. I remember passing Andi sitting with mom.