Angel the Vampire


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Halloween is coming boys and girls. Be careful as you travel the alleyways in the night or the next story may be about you.

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RMike35RMike35about 1 month ago
So Hot and Kinky.

For Angel to pick Laney to be one of her Vampiric Minions was both awful and touching.She basically fucked Laney with her cock and also nearly drained her of every drop of her blood but she stopped just in time to turn Laney into a Futa Vampire to be one of her girls.

But Angel coaxed Laney to become one of them by getting Laney to fuck the man she loved with her new cock Angel gave her,and to drain Tony as she orgasms in his virgin ass to get revenge on Tony for rejecting her.Thus ensuring Laney lived for eternity as a Hot Futa Vampire who fucked and sucked countless young men so they would turn to dust after she had her fun with them.Sure it seems cruel by Laney to impale her cock into Tony in one go but after what he said to her she was well in her rights to cause Tony pain and agony.

Now Laney gets to be one of the girls with Angel,Samna and Raven but it just doesn't feel kinky enough and wish the author had included multi feedings to one guy and also multi sex with the victim maybe have one fuck him as 2 or 3 shoot there cum and then all 3 or 4 drain him. I also would love have seen where they fuck eachother do lesbian futa vampire sex when their not out hunting.

bulldog0826bulldog082610 months ago

What I wouldn't give to have this become a series. The darkness, the taking of both life and pleasure. Have been browsing this site and literally THOUSANDS of works for the past few years, have yet to come across anything even remotely similar to this and it makes me so sad.

sublandsublandover 4 years ago
Good but not the best.

I've become a big fan of this author and enjoyed this story but it's not my favourite. It's got some very nice and down right filthy sexy scenes in it and the rape parts really appealed to my perverted side but the rest of the story, for me, just wasn't up to this authors high standard. Far be it for me to criticise as writing is no easy feat in itself but I personally didn't feel it was as good as the previous work. So only four stars for this one but I still enjoyed shooting my load to the final enforced sodomizing scene so it couldn't have been that bad.

CabolCabolalmost 6 years ago
Jugular Vein

The Jugular Vein returns unoxygenated blood from the brain to the heart. Oxygenated blood is supplied to the brain via the Carotid and Vertebral arteries.

timothynoullettimothynoulletabout 7 years ago
Amazing Story

I really enjoyed this story. I hope you will consider adding more to this story.

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