Angela Discovers Exhibitionism


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I didn't mind, however, since Rick was great! He was perfect for me in every way, and having a guy around all the time who adores you, when you're young and insecure (and all of us girls are insecure, no matter how pretty guys think we are), having someone like Rick looking out for you, protecting you, and showering you with affection, well, it has its effect!

So, even though I gave my precious cherry to Uncle Dante, Rick was my 'one and only,' even if, obviously, he had to share me with Uncle Dante. He didn't even know about my ongoing (I hope!) affair with Uncle Dante. I decided putting out for Uncle Dante, and not for Rick, was unfair; so, unbeknownst to Rick, I decided he was about to get lucky.

I also knew that for Uncle Dante, as I said before, I was just a piece of ass for convenience, for him to get laird while visiting relatives, while for Rick, I was his whole world, and then some. Bizarrely, both situations appealed to me.

I didn't want my first time with Rick to be in his car, so I wanted to reserve a room somewhere. To do that, I needed a credit card, and my credit card bills went to my Dad, so that was a non-starter. I explained this to my Uncle Dante, asking if he could reserve a hotel room for me. He became furious, and I saw the ugly side of my uncle for the first time. So, a hotel room was out.

When the time came, I had a wonderful date with Rick, and at the end of the date I suggested we go to Cherry Hill. A lot of teens went there to make out, and a fair number of my friends had lost their cherries in the back seats of cars on Cherry Hill. We used to joke that was how it got its name.

The local police usually left us alone, unless they were horny and wanted to see some teenage boobs. I was hoping this wasn't one of those nights. Rick and I were making out hot and heavy, in the back seat of his father's extended cab F-150, when the moment came.

"I love you, Rick. Would you like a blow job, or do you want to make love?" I asked, while suggestively sucking on my finger.

Rick was shocked, but he recovered quickly and smiled. "I love you too, Angela," was all he said. Rick never was that verbal. Strong and silent, that's my Rick. He pulled off my panties and spread my legs, seeing my not-quite-virginal pussy for the first time.

I'd like to say Rick was only the second (after Uncle Dante) to see it, but there was Bob, too, with all of his pictures, not to mention the boys across the creek at summer camp.

I still didn't know if Bob had shown those X-rated pictures around. I knew by now every guy I knew in my high school had seen pictures of me nude in my bedroom, but Bob had close-ups of my pussy, and even some with Dante the Dildo inside me. I was with Rick now, however, and I pushed Bob from my mind, and concentrated on the wonderful guy poised and ready to fuck me.

Rick seemed to know what he was doing, which surprised me. I knew a lot of guys used Internet porn as a sex ed class on what to do when the time came with a willing girl, so maybe that was how Rick knew so much, but in any event he did. He raised my naked legs in the air, got between them, kissed me, and then poked around with his cock, looking, but not finding, my sacred hole. Uncle Dante had had no trouble finding my hole, but he was experienced, I was sure.

I reached down, found Rick's cock (which was not hard to do; it seemed to be everywhere!), and guided it to my hole. That was all that was needed. Rick took the plunge. It was unclear who was more excited, Rick or me. Rick was finally laying me, his adolescent wet dream coming true, at last! I, on the other hand, was looking over Rick's shoulder at Scott Stone, who was perving on our little show, and smiling knowingly at me.

I winked at Scott, but turned my attention to Rick fucking me, the first time for Rick, and only the seventh for me. It was awesome. I realized with Dante, I had lust for him, and excitement for me, plus the turn-on that it was incest, and totally taboo! With Rick, on the other hand, it was wholesome sex. With Rick, we were making love. I was making love for the first time! The excitement of the first time with Rick, however, was greatly augmented by having, unawares to Rick, a peeper watching us through the window of Rick's father's truck. I was so turned on!

Of course, the fact that we were in a teenagers' make-out spot was a super-duper turn on, since Scott Stone himself was peeping on us! Someday, somehow, I will have private sex, with nobody watching, assuming I even want that. It just wasn't going to be this time. I had heard, from the other girls, ie, my friends, that the first time, boys don't last long. It's just too intense for them, and sure enough, in what seemed like less than a minute, maybe only 30 seconds, Rick emptied his balls into the rubber.

Rick was embarrassed, and apologetic, for not having lasted long. I lied, saying it was wonderful nevertheless, and let's wait until he's hard, and try again. Scott was gone when Rick opened the door to drop his condom onto the ground.

I had gone on the pill after Uncle Dante had fucked me bareback, which was like closing the barn door after the horse had bolted, but because I had done that, I told Rick, "I went on the pill for you, so if you want, next time you can skip the condom."

Rick's face lit up in a smile. His cock stirred.

"Ooh, nice," I said. I took his cock in my hand, and lovingly tugged at it, encouraging it to once again become erect. I felt as if I had magical powers as Rick's flaccid cock gradually stiffened up before my eyes, presumably due to the loving caresses of my hands, but probably due to the promise of intense pleasure another round with my welcoming pussy afforded. After it stiffened, it began to harden. I felt pride. Rick was playing with my boobs as I tugged on his cock, and even better, Scott was back, peeping in through the window.

Even though Rick's cock was covered with his spunk and my love juice from our first fuck, I overcame my repulsion and took Rick's cock into my mouth, to speed up his recovery. The real reason was, however, to show Scott that I could suck cock as well as anyone. I guess I love having an audience.

My need to impress Scott Stone bears a little elaboration. Scott had always been on my case. He thinks I'm an ice queen and don't put out. Compared to the crowd Scott hangs out with, there's some truth to that statement. Quite a few girls in my high school are just a tad easy with their sexual favors, and I know from reliable gossip, that Scott has laid every one of them. Again, this is according to gossip, which naturally I believe completely.

Scott came after me last summer, when Rick was out of town, on a vacation with his family. Unfortunately, Scott is irresistible. Every girl in my high school has a crush on him, and I felt really flattered that Scott was coming after me. Yes, I really was that vacuous a girl back in high school. I succumbed to his charms, but only partially. Scott managed to be the first boy to get me completely naked, and he wanted to profit from that achievement by taking my cherry.

When I refused to put out for Scott, and since he was not a date rape kind of guy, all he could do was express his displeasure. I tried to dispel things, and salvage what I thought we had together. I had thought getting me naked was kind of enough to keep him interested, but I was wrong. I pacified him with a hand job, but Scott wanted a blowjob. I was not ready to do something like that, even if I knew every other girl on the planet gave them right and left, as if they were candy. We compromised and I let him squirt all over my boobs at the end of my hand job.

I knew on our next date he'd expect a blowjob, but luckily, Rick's family returned early, and Scott Stone was history. I thought it was fine, because he hooked up with Emily, and (according to the gossip mill) she gave him blowjobs and also, even more impressively, she put out for him. This was quite something, because Emily was one of the "good girls," like me, and Scott took her cherry on only their second date.

Given this history, I was quite pleased that our voyeur, Scott Stone, had seen Rick fuck me, and was now watching me blow him, preliminary to our second fuck. It was worth it all, because Rick's second fuck was spectacular, and we rocked the car, and at the end there were my footprints on the headliner of his parents' Kia Sonata. It felt so good to be filled up with Rick's cum. And Scott got to watch it all, the dirty peeper, hee, hee.


Bob was not going to let me get away without giving him something, to stop him from circulating his pictures of me. He didn't know Dante was my uncle, but nevertheless it would be highly shameful if the picture of Dante fucking me were to circulate in our high school. Bob would do it by putting it up on the web and giving a few guys the URL, and then in a New York minute, everyone would see me naked and fucking my uncle. No way could I let that happen.

I tried to forestall it as long as I could, but Bob kept after me to pose for him in his studio, and finally I had no choice but to relent, and to do it. I dressed for my first official photo shoot. My best friend Michelle came over to give me clothing and -- especially -- make-up advice. I wore a white, see through blouse with a camisole underneath it, and a lace, black bra below the camisole. I wore a royal blue tight skirt, that showed off my bubble butt quite nicely, and I wore panties of black lace that matched my bra.

Michelle used her considerable cosmetic skills to give me a face like one I could get at a fancy department store, where they try to sell you the latest products of Chanel and give you a make-up session as a kind of incentive. Michelle has real talent. I also asked her to come with me to Bob's. That way I had some protection, or so I thought.

Bob loved the way I looked, and he offered us a drink to "get in the mood." He spiked both of our drinks with ecstasy, unknown to us. Next, he took an entire set of pictures, giving the ecstasy time to have its effect on Michelle and me. During this first shoot, I had to move and twist every which way. Then he said he wanted to take sexy pictures. That surprised no one. Absolutely nobody.

I felt I had no choice, and I blame my compliance on the ecstasy. He had me remove my camisole, so one could see my bra through my transparent blouse. He took a few pictures, and then he wanted me to remove my bra, but to keep on my blouse. That way my boobs would be visible through my blouse. I knew he'd want that, which is why Michelle and I chose that blouse. Had we chosen a thin sweater, for example, I'd be topless at this point.

Effectively, however, I was topless, since only a transparent blouse was giving me modesty, as far as my tits were concerned. I was beginning to get turned on. So was Michelle. I thought it was strange, but I went with the flow. It's only pictures, right?

It began. Bob reached under my blouse to tease my nipples to get them erect and hard. I couldn't help it, but a little moan escaped my lips when Bob did that. I was hoping nobody noticed, since it was so soft and subtle. Bob and Michelle both noticed, however. Of course, they noticed. Bob and Michelle looked at each other.

Michelle said, "Go for it, Bob."

"Michelle!" I said, feeling betrayed.

"You know, her panties match her bra," Michelle said, and in no time at all, or so it seemed, my skirt left my body, and I was sitting there in my bra and panties. Bob had me take all sorts of poses, quite a few of which were, shall we say, suggestive? Now I was clearly aroused, and could not hide it. I think I was giving off a pheromone smell, or something.

"Okay, that's enough. I've got a great set of photos. Thanks a lot, both of you," Bob said.

I gave Bob a big smile, I was so grateful that it was over and without any sex, even though, strangely, I seemed to want sex, just not with Bob! I began to get dressed, smiling constantly, when Bob stopped me.

"What are you doing, Angela?" he asked.

"Getting dressed, obviously. You said we were done, and you just thanked me, remember?" I said, not bothering to hide that I was just a bit incredulous at his question, which seemed accusatory.

"We're done with the photo shoot, but there's still the matter of you, or you and Michelle if you prefer, taking care of my boner," Bob said, as he finished removing his pants, revealing quite a spectacular erection. "You really turn me on, Angela."

"Uh...this wasn't part of our deal," I said, but I couldn't take my eyes off of his thick, hard, cock.

"Of course, it was, and you knew it," Bob said, as he took my head in his hands and kissed me.

I thought about it quickly. I had fucked my Uncle Dante, and I had fucked Rick, all within the last few months. Could I also fuck Bob? It was totally different: with Uncle Dante, I had had a crush on him since, well, forever. I loved him. With Rick, well he was my boyfriend, and it was expected of me. Besides, I think I also kinda, sorta, loved Rick. I knew Rick loved me. Bob, however, was just a creep. I knew I'd be unable to fuck a creep like Bob. It was totally different.

On the other hand, Bob's cock looked quite tempting, just then. I'd been aroused by the photo shoot for the last two hours, and my pussy was good and wet. I looked over at Michelle. She gave me that raised eyebrow look she has. Michelle was not only a good friend, but she was wise.

"Let me talk to Michelle. In private, okay, Bob?" I said.

Michelle and I, well, mostly Michelle, laid out a plan. Bob ended up happy.


I went to college out of state. I never saw Bob again, which was a good thing in my book. Michelle kept dating him, and they stayed together for two years. Michelle is a size queen you see, and Bob was, well, big where it counts. Bob was enthralled with her, because she was the one he fucked that night, and it was his first fuck ever, and he could not get enough of Michelle. Bob forgot all about me, and his risqué pictures. He took pictures of Michelle, all sorts of pictures. Pictures of Michelle dressed and looking pretty, and pictures of Michelle topless and looking pretty, and pictures of her nude, and still looking pretty. They were always tasteful, too.

I had boyfriends while at college, but nothing really clicked. Uncle Dante dropped in from time to time, and that was fun. In fact, my times with Uncle Dante are the best sexual memories I have of my college years. I did see my peeper Scott Stone from time to time. It was a mild surprise that he went to Purdue, too. Scott and I became friends, and eventually I even told him where I thought my boyfriend of the moment would take me for backseat sex, so that he could peep on us.

When it was a visit from Uncle Dante, since Scott lived off campus, we would use Scott's room for our hanky-panky. Scott had a one-way mirror, so he could easily watch the entire love session of me with my uncle. Dante never even suspected; he just knew I was turned on in the extreme when we used Scott's room. Scott of course didn't know Dante was my uncle.

I know it's perverse to arrange to be peeped on, as I did, but Scott and I had an understanding. I don't know what was in it for Scott, but my orgasms were much more intense when someone was secretly watching, all the more so when that someone was Scott. I began to realize I was a specialized exhibitionist. I liked showing off for Scott, but not for anyone else, at least not that much.

As I've recounted already, Scott and I had some history. He had dated me in high school briefly every time Rick was out of town, and I knew he really wanted to have sex with me. All he got from me though, was a really nice hand job. I let him squirt all over my boobs. One time, however, after I had broken up with Liam, one of my many casual boyfriends, Scott asked me out.

We went out a few times, and we reminisced about my hand job from back when we were in high school. Well, we were older now, and I still liked Scott, so this time he got a blowjob. I always find it amazing how thrilled a guy can be with a blowjob. I mean, they're easy to give, and if you like the guy, it's kind of fun giving one. And if you swallow (as I do), they're less messy than a hand job, and for some obscure reason, more thrilling to the guy.

The one catch is the issue of deep throating the guy. It's not at all necessary; I became quite skilled, and I was able to give one hell of a blow job without deep throating. However, Scott happens to be both long and thick, and ironically perfect for Michelle. I tried hard to please him, and you know what? Just before Uncle Dante came to town, I successfully deep throated Scott. Scott then graciously let Dante and me fuck in his room (I had a roommate in my room, and back seats of cars were getting old), while he peeped, of course.

Perhaps it was inevitable. After watching Dante, my mysterious boyfriend from out of state, fuck my brains out, Scott knew that, at least for Dante, I put out. When Scott next dated me, we both knew he wasn't going to be satisfied with just a blowjob. I had to decide: Was I ready to go all the way with Scott Stone? He had seen the two big loves of my life, Rick and Uncle Dante, both of them, fuck me; could I satisfy Scott with just blowjobs?

The problem was this: I love Uncle Dante, and I loved spending time with him, but even though he was perfect for me, he was my freaking uncle!! There was no future in Dante, except as an occasional illicit lover, on the side. That left Rick. I felt I almost loved Rick, and I enjoyed the sex a lot, but it wasn't exciting, like it was for Dante, unless of course Scott was watching.

I had to parse things. Was sex with Uncle Dante so good because it was incest, and taboo? Was sex with Rick so good because Scott was watching? I thought long and hard, and came to be the conclusion that the answers were yes to both questions!

That left the question: Did I need some extra thrill to make the sex really good? Was that how I was going to choose a potential life partner? Was sex that important? The answer was no, it wasn't key that the sex be wonderful; if the man himself was wonderful, good sex was enough. Still, the big question, for me, was could I ever have over the top wonderful sex without these extra props of incest, or being watched? It was an interesting question.

My first test was with Rick. We did the deed in a spot with a high risk of being caught. We weren't caught, but the sex was over the top. I concluded risk was enough; we didn't really need a voyeur. That was encouraging.

There was a final step. Scott wanted sex, and I had fallen for Scott, big time. Rick and I were dating less frequently, as my affection for Scott grew exponentially fast, and my love for Rick withered away on the vine. Rick began to date Mary Beth, and that doomed out relationship.

I heard that Mary Beth not only sucked and fucked her dates, but she let them do her in the ass. Rick was infatuated with her. I was not going to put out for Rick after he had taken Mary Beth up her ass. Rick became history. The worst part of it all is that Rick didn't even seem to care.

I wanted a guy to be upset if I dumped him, especially if I had been giving him everything he wanted! Rick should have been emotionally destroyed, or at least damaged, that I was gone from his romantic life. Losing me as his love, or at least his sexual partner, should have been akin to the burning of the library of Alexandria.

It wasn't. Rick was so infatuated with Mary Beth, that he seemed to be nonplussed that he and I were finished. He ran to Mary Beth and took out his emotions, if he had any, on her sweet body. I was left wondering what had happened to our relationship, even if it was I who had ended it. I felt easily replaceable, just as my dear father's maxim predicted I would be. Maxim aside, it was nevertheless depressing.