Angry Mommy

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Angry mom takes son then pimps him to rich friend.
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Angry Mommy

It was only seven AM and I was already dressed and ready to leave the house. Usually at this hour I'd still be lying in bed, the past night's dream still fresh in my head. I had finished high school but wasn't yet employed, so the mornings were mine to fuck with, so to speak. Everything I had on was new stuff I'd bought a week ago -- white T shirt, classic khaki Nautica shorts and Clark's sandals. Even the Givenchy Xeryus Rouge cologne was from a freshly opened bottle. I must add, there was no underwear under the shorts; a private joke intended for the woman I was going to meet.

Juanita had texted me to let me know that after two weeks of not being with me her pussy was itching for my cock and the perfect opportunity for us to meet and fuck had presented itself. Juanita was a forty-five year old Portuguese woman that I'd been banging for the past six months; she was my mother's friend. She told me that her husband and son had gone into the city to purchase building supplies for their house which was under renovation and would not likely be back until mid-day. Her daughter had left without her to open their business place in town, while she had stayed home to watch over the workers until the husband and son returned.

My presence at the house would not arouse suspicion from the neighbors because they would assume I was one of the workmen, and the workmen would think I'm a relative there to keep an eye on things along with Juanita -- never mind I am black. I am light skinned, so I could pass as a mixed relative of Juanita or her husband. Everything just fitted nicely. The maid had been given a couple of days off because work was being done in the kitchen area.

I went into the kitchen where I knew mom would likely be, to let her know I was going out. It would be another hour before she left for work so I couldn't wait around to escape her scrutiny. Juanita lived fifteen miles outside the city, so I had to take a mini bus, first into town, and then another one to get to Juanita, which would bite into the few hours we had at our disposal. Mom was at a counter getting together cooking ingredients. She was wearing a close fitting, light-blue, sheer, half-slip pulled up over her breasts. She was probably like that because she would know I usually got up much later and would be thinking she had time to change into something more decent before I came out. I had been up since six, taken a shower and ate a quick snack even before she got up, so she must have started moving around while I was in my room getting dressed.

I could see that one leg of her yellow panties had slipped into her butt crack, leaving a good portion of one side of her fluffy ass uncovered under the see-through slip. Like me she was tall and slim, five eleven, about an inch shorter than my still growing frame, but not boney; she had an attractive softness with rounded, long limbs and a nicely incongruous, pert, fleshy ass. She reached up into a cupboard and the already hiked up, short slip went higher, leaving most of the plump ass exposed. I looked away, embarrassed at seeing her like that.

She must have smelled my cologne, because she spun around, a doting smile on her full lips when she looked at me. Her long, brown dreadlocks were hanging loose and spread out past her shoulders to the center of her slim back. At thirty-nine her full C-cup longish breasts were still firm and tilted up, with long dark-brown nipples, a nice contrast to her creamy-beige skin, which was a shade lighter than mine The nipples were prominent against the thin fabric. She looked down at her body shyly. Once again I looked away, feeling embarrassed. It would have been nice and easy to keep looking at her sexy body but I wasn't that brazen with my mom. With other females I was though, and would have looked unabashedly, maybe even comment on the sight.

"I didn't realize you were up, already, I just showered and was setting up some stuff to come back to in a few minutes," she said.

She quickly added, "You going somewhere, Darren?"

"Yes, I'm going out with a friend."

"At this hour?" she asked, looking surprised.

"Yeah, we have to catch a bus, we're going out of town."

The smile and loving look quickly left her pretty long-features face and was replaced by a frown.

"One of the friends I warned you about?" she asked, peering over her glasses.

"No Mommy," I said, looking away, because of the thought of where I really was going.

"Boy don't lie to me, why you looked away so quickly?"

Some folks in the neighborhood had been whispering in mommy's ear about the company I kept, especially a couple of classmates of mine who lived further up the street and were known thieves. Although I sometimes hung with them I didn't share their profession and never would, but some folks thought otherwise.

Mom took off her glasses and put them on the counter. She looked me straight in the eyes, her big, light brown eyes, replicas of mine, flashing anger.

"Where did you get these new clothes and cologne from?"

"I bought them last week," I answered.

"With what, you don't work anywhere and I didn't give you that much last payday."

"Mom, you know I play pools. I won some money last week," I said.

"Darren, don't stand there looking me full in the eyes and lying," she shouted, stamping her foot, before adding, "That new computer ... you told me you borrowed it ... and the pile of new CDs and books. I've seen some other pricey stuff and more new clothes. You borrowed them too ... or won money? ... I've been meaning to ask you but was afraid of what I might hear... Are you a thief, like your friends? ... Just be straight with me."

Her eyes were like daggers piercing mine, and she was breathing so hard her chest heaved and I looked unintentionally at the steady rise and fall of long nippled breasts. Thinking how beautiful they were, just like Juanita's, but larger. I got to also picturing Juanita's thick thighs that were waiting for me to come and get between them. I felt my unharnessed cock puff up. I wanted to get out of the kitchen and go fuck my sweet middle-aged baby. I turned to walk away.

"Don't walk away from me boy ... you haven't answered my question ... are you a thief?"

"No, I'm not a thief mommy, I don't care what you or anybody think. I know I don't steal" I said, and once again turned and started walking away.

She grabbed me, but I wrenched away and headed out of the kitchen.

"What was that Darren, you don't care what I think? ... and I told you not to walk away from me," she shouted.

I didn't want to argue with mom, I just wanted to go fuck the woman waiting for me, so I paid her no heed.

She flew at me and I felt her open palm hit my back. I spun around and she lashed out at me with flying fists, which I evaded, except for one that caught my shoulder. Her failed attempts to connect with her flying fists got her madder.

"This is how you repay me for working my ass off to give you an education, without the help of a father. This is what yuh turn out to be, a damn petty thief?"

Her hands kept flying and I evaded most of the intended blows, then laughing, caught her wrists and held them tightly as she tried to break free.

"So, yuh going to fight me!" she cried, raising her knee and banging it into my crotch.

I let go of her, and when she charged again, I grabbed her around her waist and we started to wrestle. She was like a crazy woman as she jumped and twisted in my arms. Her slip got dragged down and out bounced her full firm breasts, jiggling and swaying. As we wrestled, me trying only to keep her from hitting me, I found my hands covering those lovely breasts. That looked so shiny and delicious; she must have creamed them after her bath. I let my hands remain on the soft bouncing bubbies, and against my better judgement which was telling me don't you dare go there, I allowed my fingers to squeeze them repeatedly. I guess with all the struggling she was doing, that didn't register on her. I wondered if she was also not feeling my semi hard cock brushing over her ass and hips as she tried to struggle free.

She showed no signs of quitting, and managed to spin around, facing and pressing into me, her thighs getting between mine, mine between hers, rubbing hard into her soft crotch. She was trying desperately to topple me. I guess she felt she had a better chance of connecting with her punches if we were on the floor.

She didn't seem aware of the freed bouncing boobs, even though I had released them when she spun around and they were now swaying in front of her. Or maybe she just didn't care. I was aware of them though, in a way that I tried to deny, but they got to me and soon I was fully hard. She somehow managed to get my feet tangled and we fell to the ground and started rolling around, me, trying not to hurt her or make her feel I was fighting her, while she was still trying to throw punches. She just wouldn't give up or let me subdue her. She was breathing so hard the sound filled the kitchen.

She sat on me, throwing hands that I kept catching. I decided enough was enough, especially because of what I was beginning to feel, as my cock throbbed. I needed to get out of the threatening and embarrassing situation quickly. I tossed her off me and onto her back. I lay stretched out on her, pinning both hands to the floor. My thigh was between hers, my hard cock pressing into her groin. She began bucking, trying to throw me off, but I kept her pinned. I wanted her to just stop struggling and show some sign that she was no longer interested in hitting at me. She was bucking hard, and looked like she was about to cry any minute.

"Let go of me Darren, get off me,' she commanded, breathing hard.

"Only if you promise to stop hitting me, and let me go my way."

"I'm not promising shit, I'm the mother, you're the child. You don't get to tell me what to do," she cried out, angrily.

"Well we goin to stay here all day."

"What! Darren get off me now or I swear I'll beat the shit out of yuh thieving ass," she said.

"Only if you stop hitting me, I'm not a child anymore, I'm a man."

"Not to me, not in this house. What makes you think you're a man, this, you started using this?" she asked, as she bucked up against my hard tool.

"This doesn't make you a man," she said, thrusting against my cock at the word this.

And then she froze as realization hit home that her son had a full-blown erection between her thighs pressing into her mommy pussy.

"What de hell, Darren ... Your penis is hard ... on me ... your mother! ... Boy get off of me."

"You promise to stop?" I asked, blushing red with shame.

"I'm not promising nothing but to whip yuh thieving, pervert ass," she cried out, furiously.

She started bucking wild, trying to throw me over. Every time she pressed upward, I would press down. I saw the moment her eyes followed mine and she became aware that her bubbies were exposed and I was staring at them. She looked from her bubbies to me in disbelief, gave an anguished scream and started bucking harder. Instinctively, I think, I placed both of my legs between hers, my cock landing flush on her thrusting pussy. I saw her bite into her bottom lip and close her eyes, her face grimacing, her nostrils flaring as she breathed heavily, like she'd just run a race. We were both thrusting frenziedly, she upward, I downward as if prompted by the same voice.

I think we realized simultaneously that this was no longer about her trying to throw me, and I trying to pin her. We were shamelessly grinding into each other's privates with obvious sexual intent. She was groaning passionately. I released her hands and she wrapped them around my neck. I scooped mine under her shoulders and we began a furious dry-humping, looking into each other's eyes and minds. I leaned forward and kissed her, she opened her mouth and accepted my intruding tongue. She latched onto it and began sucking it.

After a while I broke the kiss and arching my back took a stiff nipple into my mouth and sucked on it as she moaned with pleasure. We continued humping madly, while my mouth alternated between nipples, nibbling so hard they were bound to be sore later. I reached between our bodies, freeing the rampant cock, letting it glide along the wet panty crotch. She was now rolling her slim hips delightfully under me. She grabbed one of my hands and placing it to her lips, opened her mouth and let a thumb slip in. she sucked on it like a baby, while managing to whimper what sounded like:

"Oh, baby, oh baby,"

I reached down and puller her panty leg aside and pushed my cock forward. She grabbed it and guided it into her. I felt the soft satin walls part to let me in. it was a heavenly feeling as I slid deep into her then just like that she gave a mighty shove and threw me off her. The loud 'oh baby, oh baby,' turned to 'no Darren no.' She sprang up nimbly and I followed suit. She stepped back, away from me. We stood there staring at each other until I lowered my eyes to the heaving, full bubbies I'd only a minute ago been sucking on. I glanced further down. The slip had somehow managed to stay bunched up around her slim but flaring hips. The panty leg was partly off one half of fat pussy lips, and fitted into the crack.

As I was staring between her thighs, she was staring between mine at the cock stretched out long and hard through the fly of the shorts. I felt an overwhelming surge of passion and started stepping toward my sexy and sexually aroused mother. Before I could make a second step, she let out a howl and charged me, nearly knocking me over. She grabbed my head and started kissing me passionately. I loosened the waist of my shorts and let it fall to the ground. She broke the kiss and started dragging the slip down as I lifted my T shirt and took it off. She slipped off her panties and threw it across the room. I grabbed her under the ass cheeks and lifted her up. I deposited her onto the kitchen table and she immediately spread her long legs wide and raised them high, leaning back on her hands. With a mighty thrust I sunk my cock into my mother's wet, slippery pussy. She yelled.


I began fucking mommy's pussy fast and hard, going deep with each stroke. She threw back her head and moaned loud. She wrapped the long legs around my hips and as I drilled the pussy, I raised both hands and gently massaged the big bubbies. She suddenly rose up, pushed me away and slipped off the table. She turned and ran out of the kitchen. I followed her, knowing she wasn't running away from the fuck we'd been enjoying. I looked with uninhibited lust at the bouncing fleshy bottom above slim thighs. She flew into her bedroom and jumped onto her bed, settling on knees and hands. I wasted no time getting behind her and into her pussy. I grabbed her hips and pushed my cock deep, all the way in. She rolled her slim hips and tiny waist, pushing back against my lower belly and grinding hard.

I grabbed the hips and settled her as I began thrusting in and out of her rapidly. She was blowing out hard.

"Whooo, whooo, whooo, whooo."

Suddenly her body began shaking and she let out a loud, long wail.


Her body trembled with passion and I saw goose bumps appear on her butt cheeks, lower back and shoulders, as her light beige skin reddened deeply, tickled by the burning sensation of an orgasm.

I flipped her over onto her back and got between her legs, sinking into her welcoming private chamber. I felt the walls pulsating against my hardness and that drove me wild. I began pumping the pussy with quick short jabs, as she gripped the bed sheet and rolled her head from side to side. I was so enflamed by my mother so eagerly surrendering her precious, private part to me that I felt a kind of overwhelming dizziness and with a mighty thrust I went deep and started spurting semen into her. She gripped me around the back and locked her long legs around the backs of mine, holding me tight as I drained away my passion.

She stroked my wet back as I lay on her, enjoying the afterglow. I suddenly remembered my mission and glanced at my watch.

"You still going out, honey?" she asked in a subdued voice.

"Yes," I said unsteadily.

"Is it or money?"

"Yes, sort of," I replied.

"Darren, baby, don't do it, it' not an easy life, and you don't need money that bad, I will double your allowance until you get a job ... please baby."

"Mommy, I don't thief ... I'm going to Ms. Juanita ... she gives me money ... she's my girlfriend," I blurted out, only catching myself and trying to pull back the damning words after they'd already slipped out.

She sprung up.

"Juanita! ... My friend! ... how long has this been going on?"

"Since the night of your birthday party."

"Six months," she whispered, as if talking to herself.


"So, you and Juanita had sex the night of the party?"

I nodded, and she looked at me wide eyed, her long straight nose flaring, her wide, full lips parted, showing perfect white teeth. I remembered the night of the party when Juanita and I had slipped out through the back door and into the yard, and had us a quick fuck. It was my first time.

At the side of the house she had taken my cock out the fly of my jeans and bending over, sucked it for a few minutes, before leaning against the wall with thick legs spread and close fitting powder-blue dress hoisted to her fleshy waist. She pulled aside the leg of her white panties and guided my cock into her wet and ready hole. She hugged me tight against her soft bosom, and I gripped her ass cheeks with trembling, damp fingers. I banged away furiously in the silky hole, listening to her soft cries of:

"Fuck mi, baba, fuck mi ... oh gawd, ooooh!"

Within five minutes, I felt my climax approaching. When she sensed I was starting to cum, she pushed me off and dropped to her knees, quickly taking my cock into her mouth. I came in the thick lady's clinging and sucking mouth, bucking hard, causing her to gag. She took all my semen in her mouth and swallowed it as i held her head tight.

Before we went back into the house, she took my phone number. Two evenings later when I was supposed to be at a club meeting, I was fucking Juanita in her car parked along the seawall. This session lasted much longer and had a bit more variation, which included me eating my first pussy. I liked it.

After a long time mommy spoke, studiously, a slight smile on her lips.

"Six months, and also receiving money ... you're in deep ... you two have got to be careful ... I'm going to talk to her about giving you a job in her store ... to stop folks from thinking you're a thief ... but you still take whatever money you could get," she said, speaking softly, matter-of-factly.

I was amazed at how easily and quickly, less than half an hour, my mother had moved from being just a loving mom into being a lover and a pimp to her son. She accepted me fucking her and the revelation that I was also fucking her married friend as if it was something so natural. I was surely learning about life and women with longings.

She got up, pulling me up with her.

"Go freshen up for your date," she said smiling.

As I was turning away, she reached down and grasped my half erect cock.

"You're going to have to make time for me too, with this ... I mean, I'm hoping you do. I'm not forcing you ... what we just did shouldn't have happened, but it did and can't be undone ... and to be honest, I liked It. I have never felt so satisfied in my life, so if you liked it as well, and want to, we can continue ... I haven't had a boyfriend in two years ... I live just for you, baby ... I want you to be my boyfriend too. So now you can have two girlfriends, if you want," she said softly and carefully, making sure I understood.

I smiled and nodded and she kissed me deeply.