Anita’s Phone Tease


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"The dance club, tonight?"

"Yes, sweetie, I want you to come and watch me tonight. Just think how that will make you feel, baby – you remember the feeling you get when you come to the club, don't you? When you walk in your heart starts to beat faster, and you're thinking about how much you need to see the girls strip for you, to tease you, to get you horny and excited, to get your cock throbbing. You like that feeling, don't you Robert?"

"Ohh yes, I ... ohhhhh ...."

"You're not stroking yourself now, are you? You're not allowed to cum, remember – I want your cock to be big and full when you come see me tonight. When you walk in and sit down I want you to be already worked up and feeling sooo frustrated! And when I dance for you, do you know what I'm going to do? Well, what I'm going to do, sweetie, is take your need, that ache in your poor suffering cock – and I'm going to make it worse, baby, oh so much worse! When you finally leave, Robert, you're going to feel twice as excited and frustrated as you did when you arrived. Just think, I'm going to tease and tantalize you something awful, while you sit there panting and not allowed to touch yourself, not able to get any relief. Think about it, Robert – you enjoy suffering like that, don't you?"

"Omg omg, yessss, ohhh I need it so bad, please..."

"And then when you leave, your cock will be big and throbbing and aching, it will be just dying for attention, for relief that none of us nasty girls will give you – and then when you get home – ohhhhhhhh just think about it – you can work on it all night, stroking and jerking it, teasing it, loving it... Just think how you can get it all nice and lubricated, and lie on your bed with your legs spread wide apart, and then your hands will be all over it, squeezing the head, massaging the balls, rubbing it against your body – doing all the delicious things to yourself that get you sexed up with sweet pleasure! Mmmmmm, just think about that pleasure, Robert - you really need it, don't you? And all the while you'll be remembering the things I did at the club to get you hot and bothered, and you can pretend that I'm there – those are my hands on your cock, making it feel so good, you can imagine it's my mouth on you, pleasuring you and making you cum... you like thinking about that, sweetie? That's really what you need isn't it, to feel so excited, to get your cock almost teased to death?"

"Y ... y ... ohhhhhhhhhh oh god ohhh..."

"Uh uh uh – no more touching Robert! You just keep that hard-on nice and big and hot, and let me work on it for you tonight – you know the kind of things I can do to you, Robert, you know how worked up I can get you. And then tomorrow, after you've jerked that cock all night and made it cum and cum all over the place, you can call me again and tell me all about it, tell me how I made you feel. And you know what? When you're telling me about it, I'll get you hot and make you cum again. Would you like that, sugar?"

"Ohhhh yes yes I will..."

"Bye bye, sweetie – here's a little kiss until tonight, a little kiss for you-know-where!"

Anita smiled, and hung up. Then, she got ready to go to work.

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jasonantonio26jasonantonio2610 months ago

She taunts him for not having a girlfriend! So evil! Yet so teasing! What a bitch! (in the best way possible ;-))

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

My first wife did a phone tease on a young man who was about 19 and a virgin. He worked in a grocery store as a stock boy, She was in the store one day wearing one oif her sexy skirts. Apparently, she flirted with him and flashed her pussy while letting him see up her skirt. She got his phone number, and later that evening gave him a call. This was many years ago before you could easily trace a call--no caller i.d., or anything. Anyway, she told him on the phone that he had made her pussy wet and she would love to see his dick and suck it. I was there and heard the whole conversation. She told him she was married, but that she wanted a young man with a hard dick to fuck her. She told him that she hardly ever wore panties, and that she liked to show off her pussy to guys like him. She asked him if he had ever fucked a woman. He told her that he had never had sex. She said she would like for him to put his dick inside her and make her feel good. She asked him if he would like to fuck a married woman with a hot wet pussy. He started moaning, and you could hear him him jacking off. She told him that he made her so hot that her pussy was wet and she wanted him. She told him she would lick his dick and make him so hot his dickhead would turn purple and shoot more cum than he ever had shot before. He came hard. You could hear him groaning. He became silent, and she asked him what he was doing. He was wiping up. Then, the phone went dead. She was very good at phine teasing. And, not only that hse was very good at teasing in person by showing off her pussy.

CanadianMCanadianMover 18 years ago
Great build up

Love the way you describe the teasing .. very good.. enjoy your writing..

mgcloopermgclooperalmost 19 years ago

I'm going back and reading all of your oother tories, while teasinf my cock and keeping myself on the edge.

You are so ruthless, it's perfect.

Make my cock ache, precum drip, and my ass twitch in excitement.

tinman69stinman69sabout 19 years ago
Absolutely Fantastic story!!!

Oh honey!! That is one hell of a story!! I'm glad you sent me a notice to go read it! I am one of those men that loves to be teased. I am a lot like the guy in mall, I want to be teased by a good exhibitionist!!!

This little "story" you did for the phone sex is just awesome!!! It would drive a man nuts!!! Especially if it was in person!! Really great job honey!

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