Ann: A Love Story Ch. 69


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"So...I was thinking the other day about us being apart again," Ann said calmly.

"Yeah...when was this?" I asked.

"Um...Wednesday. I jacked you off into my drink at your parent's house...remember?"

"Ha...yeah, how could I forget."

"Well, that night I started thinking about us being apart. I'd been talking to your Mom about the wedding, and the things I need to do for it while you're gone. And that got me thinking about you being out there alone. Well, maybe it was the conversation I had with Carol that night. But it started with Betsy."

I heard what Ann said, but it surprised me. " talked to Carol? When?"

"I just told you, Wednesday night. Aren't you paying attention, or are you still thinking about Heather," she laughed.

"Ann...stop it. I'm not thinking about Heather."

" you're thinking about Carol," she teased.

"Damn straight. When...I mean why did you talk to Carol? How did you even get her number?"

Ann knew I was confused, but she remained very calm. In fact, her voice shifted to her sexy voice, and she said, "Just relax, and try to follow along with what I'm saying, okay?"

I nodded, which was odd since Ann obviously couldn't see me. So I just kind of grunted, wondering where this was all heading.

"I'll take that as a yes," Ann said, the lilt in her voice coming through the receiver.

"Yeah. What's on your mind, Ann?"

"Well...I'm not sure yet. First, I said, I talked to Carol. I got the number from the paperwork you brought with you to California. You know, the packet of stuff outlining your job."

"I showed that to you?" I said, wondering if I had. I had intended to...I even took it on the trip, because my Dad said that I should so I could show Ann. But now that she mentioned it, I didn't remember actually doing it. We'd been too busy doing other things.

"No...but you pulled out the envelope one day and you set it on the counter in my bathroom next to the sink. And, you'd written on it what was inside, so I figured you wanted me to see it. I mean, why else would you have put in on the counter like that. Was I wrong to look inside?"

"No...God no, Ann. I wanted to share it with you. I'm a little mad that I forgot to. When did I pull it out?"

"I don't know...I think it was the first day you stayed with me at Chad and Dana's. You're sure you're not mad?"

I laughed and said, "No Ann. It's our have a right to know what kind of a deal we got to move to West Virginia. That's why I brought it with show you."

"Well...that's kind of why I called Carol," Ann said sheepishly.

"So, you called Carol because of the compensation package?"

Ann giggled and said, "Well, that was one of the reasons...I read through the papers that day, and I got so excited. I mean, you told me about everything we were getting, and I knew it...but when you see it in writing...WOW! Anyway, I got to the part about your salary, and I saw what you'd told me, about Carol getting us the extra money, and the extra vacation...and it kind of hit me that I was going to have to make good on our deal."

"So...that's not going to be that big of a problem. Is it?"

"I don't think so...but you have to remember, the time, I'd never been with a woman before. I know it sounds so strange to say that now, considering how many times I've done it since then...but I was really nervous about it. And I still am, in a lot of ways. It's kind of been weighing on me since I read over the package weeks ago. And that night, talking to Betsy...I guess I kind of got to thinking about you being out there, and it made me think of Carol, and how fast this is all coming up. That's why I called Carol...I wanted to kind of set a date for when I come out in a few of weeks."


"I owe her at least two's what we negotiated, remember?"

"Well, yeah. But I thought nothing was going to happen until we got married, and you moved here."

"That's how I was thinking at first. But that was before Dana...and Missy. And, well, all of them. Besides, it was all a part of the negotiations."

"No it wasn't. I'm the one that made the deal with Carol. I don't even know if she knows you're going to come out before that."

"You told her...she told me you told her," Ann said confidently.

"So...what are you talking about?"

"I wasn't referring to YOUR negotiations, baby. I'm talking about the one I had with Carol last week."


The knock on the door startled me a little bit. Not that it should have. I knew that Heather was likely coming back to the room to get the other cart. But I was so engrossed in thought over the conversation that I'd just had with Ann that I kind of forgot where I was, and why I was even there.

Answering the door, Heather looked at me and right away noticed the difference in my demeanor. "Are you okay?" she said, standing still in the hallway.

"Huh...oh, yeah. Come on in," I stammered, moving out of the way as I held the door open for her.

Heather brushed close past me again, her tits bumping up against me a little as she headed into the room. She walked past the cart, and turned to lean against the table she'd placed my suitcases on, crossing her legs at the ankles as she put her hands on the edge. I wasn't sure if she moved up against me on purpose or not, but her smile gave me the impression that she had.

"Are you sure you're okay?" she asked a second time.

"Yeah. I just got off the phone with Ann. I'm still trying to grasp what she said."

"Hmm...I can understand that. You have an amazing fiancée, Neil."

"I suppose you've talked to her too," I said, kind of tilting my head to the left a little. Heather's smile gave me my answer, and I gave kind of an exhausted shrug and said, "I can't say that that surprises me, Heather. It's pretty much par for the course with Ann."

"You look tired. Maybe we should..."

"No...Ann's right. I've been sitting down for the last 10 hours or so. I need to move. And I'm sure she's got something amazing in mind for later anyway. So...let's go," I said, motioning her toward the door.

"Okay. But I'm still on duty for another twenty minutes. I'll take the cart downstairs and then we'll hook up, okay?"

"Sure...I need to take a shower anyway."

"I don't see why...I'm only going to make you sweat," she laughed as she brushed up against me again, this time very deliberately on her way out of the door as she pulled the cart behind her.


Ann made a compelling case. She didn't want to go backwards, or have the sexual side of our relationship put on hold just because we were apart again. She wanted to continue to push the limits when it came to who we were together as a couple. It was important to her that we not fall into some kind of trap where it was okay to suppress our sexual urges for each other, and our sense of adventure. She'd said she was worried that if we allowed that, it would be too easy to let that kind of complacency seep into our lives and become the norm.

Instead, Ann wanted to be mysterious, and enticing. She wanted things to be unpredictable and stimulating. She wanted each of us to try and turn each other on, and get each other off, no matter what the circumstances were. Being apart was going to be an inconvenience...but she said it wasn't an excuse to ignore each other when it came to our sexual needs.

I loved Ann's sense of adventure when it came to our sex lives. She seemed to think on a different level than any woman I'd ever met when it came to sexuality, and how we experienced it. And the key component to that fact was how Ann 'thought' about sex. It wasn't that she appeared to think about it almost constantly, much like most men that I knew; it was the WAY she thought about it. To Ann, it wasn't a casual way to pass time, or just some random images flashing through her brain. She thought about sex a lot, but it wasn't idle daydreaming. It always with a purpose...a stimulating, incredibly exciting purpose.

And so it was that Ann began describing to me her latest idea to keep us both sexually energized while we were apart. And it all started with a call she placed to Carol.

"What do you mean you negotiated with Carol? What in the world did you negotiate?" I asked.

"I agreed to a couple more dates with her, if she wants. It really all depends on how the first one goes, and if she likes it."

"Dates? What do you mean dates? You're not dating're talking about having sex with her, Ann," I laughed.

"I'm talking about US having sex with her, Neil...not just me," Ann said, her voice calm and soothing as she said it.

"Wow...okay. When were you going to tell me about this?" I chuckled.

"Well, you already knew about that when you met Carol the first time. You knew it was going to be a threesome, didn't you?"

"Well...yeah. I'm talking about this new revelation. When were you going to tell me you talked to Carol about doing...more?"

"Well, I pretty much planned to do it now. That's kind of the reason I make sure you got there safe, and then to tell you."

"Why not before I left?"

"I didn't want to spoil the surprise."

"What surprise?"

" already know that I was talked with Carol, and that I negotiated with her. I had to be bartering for something, don't you think?" she laughed.

I'd been so focused on the fact that Ann had talked to Carol, it never occurred to me to think of the real reason why. And when Ann said that, I immediately cracked a smile and said, "What have you been up to, Anna?"

"Anna? You must think I've been up to something naughty to call me Anna," she snickered.

"I KNOW you've been naughty. The REAL question is whether you've gone all the way to being Annabelle."

"Ha...well, I'm not quite there yet. But I AM working up to it again. In fact, it's only a matter of time before I'll want to be Annabelle again for you, baby. Right now, I'm just...well, I guess I AM Anna!"

"Okay, so...what are you up to, Anna?" I asked, circling back to where I'd been a few seconds before.

"Okay...I'll tell you, but we don't have to do this if you don't want to. Nothing's set in stone. Well, other than the fact that we're going to have at least one additional date with Carol...likely two."

"You're stalling again."

"Not really...I'm just trying to figure out the best way to explain this. It's a little complicated. And I haven't really got it all figured out yet...I was kind of hoping you'd help me. It's an idea I have, but...well..."

It actually didn't take Ann all that long to tell me once she started. And it wasn't as convoluted as she was making it out to be, mainly because it was an idea...a very intriguing idea. My ears perked up, and I felt myself feeling amazed and excited at the same time; amazed at the imagination that Ann always seemed to have when it came to finding ways to keep the fire for each other burning white-hot. And excited at the prospect of what she was proposing. In truth, it likely wasn't going to be all that often. And yet, there was the possibility. And just knowing that existed had me getting hard.

"You're breathing heavy, baby...are you thinking about it?" Ann cooed on the other end of the phone.

"Um hmm. But tell me is this going to work?

"It's kind of like an account. And you'll keep a balance."

"Sounds more like a sperm bank," I laughed.

"That's funny."

"But...what about YOU?" I asked. "You're going to need some relief too."

"Oh...I'll be fine. This is more about making sure you don't suffer, baby."

"I don't think so...if we're going to do something like this...then we're BOTH going to do it!"

"So...what are you saying? You want us to each have an account?"

"We're getting married, babe. What's mine is yours, and what's yours is mine. If we're going to have an account, then it needs to be a JOINT account," I laughed. "Besides, you've always had a thing about us being even...this is a perfect way to keep us balanced."

"Huh...a joint account! That's even better than what I thought of. But, we'll still never be even now that you've showed me that I'm capable of multiple orgasms," she laughed.

Ann had said that she knew we'd be cumming together over the was inevitable, and it was something she was actually looking forward to. So was I, once she said that. But she also said she knew there would be times she'd masturbate on her own. And she said she knew that I would likely be doing it too, because we wouldn't be able to hook up on the phone, and I'd need to relieve some stress. She said we'd need to get off just to help us feel close, even if it was just in our minds. But Ann wanted to make a game out of it. And when it came to Ann and games...well, that's where her imagination kicked in.

Ann said she wanted me to have the possibility of physical contact. She wanted to make it so I'd be able to have someone flirt with, and remind me of what I was missing. It actually sounded like torture at first, but then she explained herself.

"I want someone to keep you on edge thinking about me, Neil. Someone to kind of push you sexually. I'm not really talking about tempting...because that's not what the game is about."

"Game...this is really a game?"

"Sort of. What I was thinking'd have someone that can kind of push your buttons...and keep you good and horny for me, besides what you and I are already going do to each other naturally," Ann giggled. "And most of the time, that's going to be it. BUT, there is always the possibility that you might be with one of them."

"Them...who's them? Who did you have in mind?" I asked.

"Well...the obvious one is Carol. And...I was kind of thinking Heather for you too. Is she as pretty as Carol said she is? Are you attracted to her?"

"That's a pretty odd question for my fiancée to be asking, don't you think?"

" know what I mean. It's not like I think you're going to leave me for her, or do anything behind my back. I know better than that. I just wondered if she's hot enough to be a part of this. I don't want you being with someone you're not attracted to. Where's the fun in that?"

"Well, she's plenty hot. But you said Carol told you that...sounds like you already know she's hot. In fact, it sounds like Heather is already a part of this."


It really was a great band. I'd been sitting on a stool next to the bar, nursing a bottle of Heineken, listening to the group up on the little makeshift stage play a great original song. They'd been doing covers since I'd walked in, and damn good ones. But I was blown away that they were doing one of their own songs. And it wasn't just that they were playing it, and that it was great. What got me was that most of the people in the bar knew the song, and were kind of singing along. This band was local, but they obviously had a bit of a following.

Watching the lead singer, I kind of became lost in the moment. While I was still feeling a little strange about being out on my own in a place where I didn't know anyone, I at least felt comfortable. The music was rock, with a bit of rhythm and blues thrown in, and I quickly felt at ease with it. The melody was like an old friend, comfortable and genuine, and I found myself smiling as I tapped my foot against the leg of the barstool.

As I brought the bottle to my lips again, I tilted my head back and closed my eyes for just a moment as I took a draw of my cold beer. But it almost came out my nose when I felt a hand on the inside of my thigh, near my crotch. I choked for a second, and had to use the back of my hand to mop of the beer that spilt past my pursed lips. It actually made my eyes water as I blinked, turning to my right to try and see.

I felt a body slide up closer to me, pressing against my shoulder, and I knew whoever it was, they were standing. And I hoped it was at least who I thought it was, or the idea of being in the bar by myself might have been a bad choice after all.

I heard a soft laugh as I wiped the water from my eyes, followed by a sweet southern voice. "Did I startle you, Neil?" Heather said over the music.

"Just...a little," I said, coughing again, before sniffing to try and collect myself.

"I'm sorry...I just couldn't resist."

When I finally got my eyes to stop blurring, so to speak, I got a good look at Heather. And it was much different than the last look I'd had of her when she left my room with the luggage cart. In a word, she was stunning.

Heather had changed her cloths, and done her makeup, including a fresh tease of her hair. She had changed out of her work uniform; donning a very short black leather skirt that hugged the ample curves her ass and hips. Above that, she wore what could best be described as a white wench's shirt...the kind that had elastic around the neckline, arms and underneath her big, heavy breasts. The elastic held the thin material close to her body, showing off her build. Heather had it pulled down over her shoulders instead of letting it ride on top of them, showing she wasn't wearing a bra. With the cut of the blouse, her toned tan midriff was exposed, her sexy navel practically calling out to me as I stared at her tiny waist.

The only thing she was still wearing from before were her least from what I could remember. They were black stilettos, and they made her taller than her 5'4" frame. Heather had changed her makeup, going from trying to be modestly alluring and businesslike for work, to becoming an exhilarating cross between sultry and slutty. It was as if she'd changed her personal settings from stun to kill, and she had her sights set on me. She licked her lips, freshly painted in a deep, dark shade of red, and I could feel the breeze being created by her huge eyelashes as she batted them for me.

As she massaged my balls through my jeans, feeling my cock start to grow with her fingertips in the way she had her hand placed on my crotch, Heather leaned in closer. " I have to buy my own beer, or are you going to be more of a gentleman this time."

I smiled and turned my head, waving at the bartender behind me. In seconds, he had another Heineken on the bar, and I was handing it to Heather. She chugged it at first, drinking about a third of the bottle before stopping to lick her lips again.

"Ahh...that helps," she said as she stared at the band.

"Helps?" I asked, her hand still on my groin.

"Yes...believe it or not, this is a little out of my comfort zone," she said as she turned her attention back to me.

"What is...drinking a beer, or listening to a band?"

Heather smiled and said, "No...those are pretty familiar to me. I'm talking about this...this is hard." She kind of waved her beer bottle back and forth between us, like it had something to do with the two of us. I knew what she meant, but I wasn't going to let her off that easy.

"I'm not following you, Heather. What's hard...besides my cock right now?"

She leaned up against me again, feeling the heat between us, and she licked at my ear. "You know, maybe this isn't going to be as hard as I seem to be okay with this, don't you?"

"Well, I'm not sure what this really is yet. But if you keep doing that...I'm pretty sure I'm going to stay hard." I slipped my arm around her waist, pulling her towards me quickly, making her squeal a little.

"'re strong."

"You don't have to play to my ego, Heather. But I appreciate the sentiment."

"I was serious, Neil. Mind if I have a seat?" she asked.

I looked on both sides of me, but the barstools were occupied. When I started to say something, Heather threw her long brunette hair over her left shoulder, and she turned to face me. Before I knew it, she was lifting her right leg over my right, nestling her knee against my balls gently as she straddled my thigh. She reached behind me and held my neck with her free hand for support. Taking another swig of her drink, she started moving her body back and forth slowly, grinding her crotch against the denim. "Mmm...I hope you don't mind. I'm pretty sure I'm getting your jeans wet. It's been a long time since I've gone without panties like this."