Anne Working Overtime Ch. 07


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The clit had reached full size and was completely out from its protective hood. In a few moments she knew it was time to start approaching it and set her lady on fire again.

"Anne! Dear girl.... as we discussed so many times already; We only do things that we're comfortable with. Now, as a burster, I must admit I enjoy my orgasms a lot better if I don't have to be careful to hold back anything! This may be very difficult to control, especially in our age. Like I said, a lot of our clients have these problems - more or less - and also feel much better with the girls who know how to handle and help a burster."

Her body shook again as the darling tongue started playing upwards and getting closer to her clit.

"The control with the bladder is something we normally handle reasonably well by making sure we visit the restroom regularly. To some extent, you can also train your muscles to help it. The critical moment is when your orgasms explode into a young girl's mouth. That's when the weaknesses cannot be hidden. The moment of truth, so to say."

She gasped again as the wonderful tongue started pushing lazily into the grooves on each side of her clit. Burning arousal again got her blood boiling as she took time out to draw a deep breath before she continued.

"So, to put it in plain words, we tend to leak a little at that critical point. Some just a little bit, more or less hidden in the juices they gush into their service girl's mouths. On the opposite side, you have those who practically loose control of their bladder. They can spill a lot of their bladder content when they cum."

"And then we have the broad average of ladies, like myself. When I concentrate really hard, I'm able to hold back almost all of it. Like for example when we had the sit- in lecture. But that concentration and effort obviously comes with a price; it reduces the pleasure of the orgasm.

In the beginning we thought that was something we would all have to live with. But then we discovered that by braking in our little ones the right way, by appealing to the right kind of passion and desire to give pleasure, they actually had their ultimate turn- on from helping us out with this."

"Jean discussed it with physicians from the Stanley University Hospital, and got clarified the health aspects about this. They stated that drinking from a lady is no problem as long as it is not too much or too often. Just like fat and sugar in fact!

I have to admit I really can't understand it too much. I wouldneverdo something like that myself. But then again I would never want to be anywhere but at the receiving end anyway. I've seen it over and over again though; the girls straight onloveit, and after a while they're almost dying for it. Really!"

Carol moaned again, and her hand came down to caress Anne's fair locks. She gave a gentle little tug to direct her tongue more firmly at her clit.
"Oh, and by the way; the physicians also stated that pussy juice is exceptionally healthy! Especially for young people!"

Anne responded by circling her tongue around the now fully erect clit, and at the same time slightly intensifying her fingertip massage of the nipples up there. A wave of new submissive feeling had got to her, and she had already decided to go for it. Sick or not. If it wasn't dangerous, it couldn't be anything wrong about trying something that might well be another mind- bending experience. Carol was an instructor. It was no problem to get sick with her. At least far better than with some of the clients, if what Carol told her was true.

Thrilling, but still very frightening. She had to admit to herself that she would wish it wasn't like this. But on the other hand... if it made the orgasms even more perfect??.... Yes, she wasdefinitelygoing to try it!! Towantit!!

With a dizzy head she thought back to the taste she had had at the first orgasm. The part of the wonderful flow of juices that she had clearly recognized as different. It wasn't that bad, was it?!? But then again, it would be different when she really let loose, wouldn't it?!?

Anyway, there was no way to find out unless she tried, was there?!?

Guided by Carol's firm hand, she homed in on the clit with narrowing tongue circles, feeling how thighs and buttocks slowly started responding with those tiny ripples of their own. Then she settled on a rhythm of slow tongue flicking back and forth... right under the shaft of the clit, gradually increasing the pressure of the tip.

In between she let it wipe down to the soaked opening, teasingly pushing slightly inwards before returning back up.

Carol's face grew tense again, and the part of her belly bare of the curled- up skirt jerked deliciously each time the tongue touched the base of the oversensitive pleasure nod. She gasped again as the hormones flushed through her body making her weak with passion.

The sight of the elegantly curved belly right in front of her vision was so exciting that Anne just had to touch it. Gently she let her palms move from the grip around the hips and up onto the soft, mature curve, half way in under the wrinkled skirt, moaning of joy through her nose as she felt the ripples of passion deep inside. A few extra powerful tongue flicks caused a huge contraction, and made the pubic bone bounce up at her nose.

Wonderful! Wild! Crazy!! Oh, how she loved this woman! How she lovedanydelicious woman who could appreciate her skills and devotion the way this one did!

And suddenly it was over her again. This thing about Carol and Jean. Was Carol a match, or wasn't she?

How on earth could she feel such all- consuming passion to this lady, even when she thought she was endlessly in love with Jean?!? Or maybe she was falling in love with Carol too? Or both? Or – the thought chilled down her spine – maybe it was just pure passion?!? Maybe she wasn't in love at all! Maybe it was just the extreme submissiveness of her nature that drove her? Sexual force rather than love?

No!!! She didn't want to think that way! She was in love! Definitely! She was in love with Jean, and she was in love with Carol. And she was in love with horny, mature bodies that responded to her caress with shattering, demanding passion! And that was all she wanted to know for now.....

Anne worked her miracles on her lady for the next half hour or so, using combination of flicking and penetration techniques to drive her up towards a new peak. Her own tension grew with her partner's, and when the laboured breathing turned in to breathless sighs, she felt a mixture of passion and nervousness that made her tremble like a leaf. The moment of truth was here! Coming right up!

The hips rolled restlessly back and forth, grinding the pussy all over her face as she strove to keep her tongue firmly on the pulsing clit. Then she secured her grip around the hips and started a series of intense and powerful flicks. Something she knew would bring on a devastating explosion in just a few minutes. Carol's body went on shaking stiffly as her breath gradually changed into short, uncontrolled gasps, her head wallowing from side to side over the neck rest as she gritted her teeth in response to the overwhelming sensations flushing through her body.

Then she exploded!

A new eruption of wild bouncing and yells of ecstasy. Anne hanging on desperately as grasping hands threatened to tear off all of her hair. She was totally consumed by the enormous orgasm she had provoked, concentrating on keeping up the stimulation and gulping down the gushing juices. Nothing else was on her mind, not even when the pain from the tugging and tearing of her head and hair got almost unbearable.

Somehow - she didn't know how - she was able to control her own feverish heat this time too. Helped partly by the pain caused by Carol's grasping hands. But she felt she had never experienced a heat like this herself - not even with Jean - and just one careless movement would send her headlong into her own uncontrollable orgasm.

But she had to hold on. She didn't want to loose control with a woman like this. She was the best service girl ever, and she had to prove to her and to herself that she was able to keep her focus 100% on her lady's pleasure, and thatonly. She would have her relief later, when she was alone. No problem.

As the ecstasy passed its peak, she did some final, powerful flicks over the clit, and concentrated on the point when her lady got too sensitive to stand the ministration. That was the time to gradually reduce the intensity of the attack but at the same time keep up the sensations of those sweet, orgasmic aftershocks as long as possible.

She gulped down the last squirt of juices as she focused completely on this.

Suddenly her mouth was flooded again! And this time the taste wasreallydifferent. It kind of exploded in all over her mind as she in a flash recalled Carol's words about the bursters. The hot jet hit the back of her throat with a shocking force that made her grimace and immediately brought tears to her eyes. For a moment she was completely numb. Then she more or less by instinct gulped it down. And then her mouth was full again.

She had held her grip at the hips, and pressed her mouth deep into the folds of the still grinding pussy as she kept her focus on the fading orgasm. As she managed to gulp down a second load of fluids, the instincts totally took over her mind. She tugged her head backwards and released her mouth from its warm embrace. The jet first hit her nose and cheek, and then splashed down her neck and chest before Carol eventually was able to squeeze the flow shut. She groaned in discomfort as the contact was broken, her hip still living its own life as the abandoned pubic bone made a few more aimless twists.

"Oh Anne, dear;" she shouted, working herself better up on her shaking elbows. "I'm so sorry! I'm so very sorry!!"

She continued up in a sitting position except her one leg still up on the desk and reached out for the sputtering girl. She grabbed the towel at her armrest and started drying her face and neck.

With a little trickle running out the corner of her mouth, Anne finally got her breathing right again, and could use the towel herself to dry even the tears from her eyes. Just a few days earlier she was sure that something like this would have made her cry like a child. Luckily she had gained so much experience and self- confidence in this game by now that she knew for sure there was no reason to feel bad. No reason to feel bad about not being able to do such an outrageous thing right the very first time.

Carol helped her to get her tee-shirt off as she continued to excuse her lost control. She had prepared to relax and let go a little more than the previous times, but the climax had been so all consuming that it had not been possible to find a controllable middle way! No matter how much she tried!!

As they eventually calmed down again, Anne jumped to her feet and ran over for a bucket of water and a rag out in the kitchen corner to clean up the mess. As she worked on the carpet, her lady took the time to explain over again what serving a burster was all about.

Then she held in and let herself fall limply back into the chair. Still totally spent.

She lay motionless the rest of the time as Anne finished cleaning up everything. Eyes shut, one leg still up on the desk, calm and rhythmic breathing.

Anne straightened her back and looked up at her lovely mistress. She still recovered, completely relaxed, almost like she was sleeping.

"I think I'm ready" she whispered up at her.


Carol lifted her head, opened her eyes and smiled down at her.

"How do you expect me to be able to move a single muscle after that workout?!?"

Anne got down and crawled in between her legs again, gently patting her leaking pussy with the towel.

The lady sighed. Then started on the process of working herself out of the chair. Anne jumped up and helped her onto her feet with attentive hands.

She then continued guiding her out of the office and through the dark hallway intostudio 4. The lady staggered shaky and almost bow- legged at her side on her high heels until she could again raise her skirt and slump down into the cushion of one of the deep leather recliners.

She let herself slip down into her favourite service position as Anne draped the comfortably warm towel gently over her spent pussy.

"Anne dear, I cannot say this often enough; I am just straight out impressed! I've never had a service like this before, not even from very experienced girls!"

Anne looked up at her between her spread legs;

"I love you."

Carol beamed at her. When she was exhausted like this, Anne thought she could really see some genuine devotion and tenderness in her eyes. Definitely something more than the professional instructress. One more thing to make her ever more determined to see it properly through.Allthe way through!

Carol laughed meekly.

"If I should manage one more go, we'll need some time. You'll have to be very gentle and patient. Normally I can take a lot of orgasms in one night, but I must say that your technique wears me out completely!"

Anne chuckled with her for a moment before she got serious again,

"I promise you I'll be very careful and patient!"

"I know you'll be."

And Anne kept her word. When her lady was perfectly relaxed again, she started off with a lot of gentle kissing. She even took the liberty of carefully lifting Carol's legs and let the tip of her passionate tongue play around and right inside the tight, pink opening of her nether hole. Then she used the flat of her tongue to massage the soft peace of skin between the two openings. Long, loving strokes.

This obviously did the trick, because she had her lady panting and sighing again in a matter of minutes.

She let Anne hold her legs with her knees almost resting against the shoulders and her entire ass spread in front of her face as the girl let her tongue play around and enjoy the tight, pink- grey opening. It was wonderful to sense how it instinctively clamped down on her tongue as she teasingly pushed just slightly inwards.

Again the taste was not the thing that was wonderful about it, obviously. Just the fact that it was wild... wild and passionate, a new and extended level of submission, of providing pleasant sensations to her lady. And an excellent way to take her through the recovery after her orgasm. And just wild wild wild wild!!!

The shape of the huge behind in its broadest glory, resting on the edge of the leather seat, the wildly erotic movements when pleasure spread throughout the wonderful body, the way it accepted and literarily devoured her passionate caresses and horny tonguing - all of it was just breath- taking, awesome and totally overwhelming.

Another ten minutes of tonguing and moaning passed as she enjoyed the richness and femininity of the full ass and the little sensitive opening. As her lady's moans started sounding slightly strained, she withdrew her insistent tongue and gently let her legs back down again. She sensed her readiness to be driven up towards another climax, and "washed" her tongue in her own saliva for a moment before she swallowed and let it dart in between the sweet folds of the pussy again. There was a short squeal of passion to welcome her back in. Back in where she belonged, and where she felt she could stay the rest of her life. Really! The rest of her life!

"Anne dear?"


"What do you think? Can I.... Can I relax? Enjoy it fully? You know...?"

Anne let her tongue slip flatly up at the clit and slide up and down several times over the now hard nodule.

"I thought my tongue had already told you!!!....."

"Anne my dear girl.... I just love you!!!..."


Then the room was almost completely silent. For the next half hour or so, the only sounds to be heard was an occasional moan, and a few slopping sounds of a hard working tongue. Carol had overcome her soreness completely, and floated weightlessly in a cloud of heavenly feelings. She concentrated on relaxing totally, and let the pleasure impulses massage her mind, travel back and forth throughout her brain and body.

It took a long time to build up this time. But she didn't mind at all. Shehadplanned to be home at a certain time that evening, but there was absolutely no hurry. Nothing could pull her out of this distant dimension of sweet sensations.

Anne worked more patiently and devoted than ever. And she was determined to keep the burster challenge in mind this time.... all the way through! Her own passion was so worked up it left her shaking even when her mistress was relaxed. She was quite sure she would not survive the next ecstasy without loosing control herself. No... not with her blood practically boiling already at this point!

Another ten minutes was what it took. Carol's orgasm was violent, but exhausted, a kind of mobilization of the last strength into a final workout. But her yell of passion was enough to tear Anne over the edge along with her.

As her own body trembled and jerked in orgasmic bliss, she had the first squirt of her lady's bladder down her throat. This time she was prepared though, and as the strong, tangy taste blew in all over her senses and mind, it was suppressed by the rain of sparks exploding all over her inner vision as her body finally got it's own release.

They shook like this in unison ecstasy as Carol's flow poured down her throat in a steady torrent. A perfect match in movement and passion, even at a moment like this. And a match so perfect that Anne even now had a place in her mind for that creeping feeling that there could be more things to life than Jean.Definitelymore things....

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Anne truly is a gift to be treasured.

Mistress Irene.

PixiehoffPixiehoffover 4 years ago
Another delicious chapter

My favourite kinks just keep flowing ..

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Ultimate Sub/Dom Relationship

Anne is willing to do ANYTHING to please this

Ultimate woman. The petite Anne is like a little girl on her knees

Before this well rounded amazon of a woman.

You have to think that Anne has some real Mommy

Issues here. Maybe feels that she is submitting

To a woman who outshines her own mother in every way.

Now she is showing 100% loyalty and devotion

To this MILF PAWG!

sharksharksharksharkabout 6 years ago

Wow! Little Anne licking Carols huge ass!

Carol truly owns her little girl now!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Oh my!

This just gets more intense all the time! A new element to the pussy worship has been added and the love triangle is in full bloom. Teriffic! Author, you've either had some exotic and wonderful experiences in your life, or else you just have a rich and dynamic imagination. Either way, I'm glad you're able to put it into words. Very glad indeed!

Tomorrow: chapter 8.

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