Another Weekend with Bili

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Megan returns for a weekend under Bili's command.
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Friday night - late

It was late when the doorbell rang. Bili stretched as he left the couch to answer the door. A grin stretched across his face as he looked through the peephole in the door. It was Megan. It had been two weeks since she had left his home. He had thought that it would take her another week or two to get the nerve to come by again.

He opened the door to see her standing, thumbing her purse nervously. She looked up and smiled. Then, timidly, she asked if she could come in. They sat on his couch for several minutes in silence. Finally, in a quaky voice, she spoke. She went over their previous weekend in detail. Soon, her ragged voice became louder and excited - almost panicked.

He reached over to her, covering her tiny hand with his. Instantly, her voice calmed and she slowed her speaking. Her eyes met his and then darted away. Then she continued reminiscing over their weekend together.

Finally, she looked up at him, meeting his gaze, briefly. "Bili, I want to taste more of what you showed me," she said. "It's just's just that I am afraid of what you will do to me. I mean, what you did excited me, but..." her voice trailed away.

A gentle smile crossed his lips. Slowly, he moved his hand up her arm and to her face to cradle her chin. "Megan," he said, "my rules are the same as before. I promise not to harm you. But, if you choose to stay with me you will have to suffer my will. And, once you agree to it, there is no reversal, no matter how you beg or ask out of it."

He stood, drawing her up with him. Then, he kissed her cheek and rubbed his hands up and down her arms. She shivered, excitedly, at his gentle caress.

After leaving the room, briefly, he returned to where she stood and showed her a black box. He opened the lid to reveal the collar and cuffs that she had worn on her last visit. There was also a set of five locks and a single key. After displaying the boxes contents he sat it down on the coffee table and went into his bedroom, leaving her with a choice.

She sat down on the couch and pondered her predicament. Remembering his telling her of so many terrible things; things that he had done to the women he was with, she wondered if he would do those things to her. Would he humiliate and torture her to the degree he had other women? He did promise not to harm her, after all. But, what was harm? He had already humiliated her and caused her severe pain. And yet, here she was, back again, seeking more.

He was reclining on his massive bed, reading, when she came into the bedroom. As he had expected, she was wearing only the leather and steel jewelry that he had shown her. He watched her approach him. She was trembling when she handed him the key.

He motioned her to kneel by the bed. She did so, without hesitation or thought. She dropped her head to look up at him from within the cave of her hair. He noticed that her hands were behind her back, already.

"Where is the strap for your hair?" he asked, softly.

"In my purse" she whispered.

"Get it and return," he told her.

She scampered away, returning strap in hand, to kneel at his bedside, hands behind her. He was reading again and did not look up. She tilted her head down and watched him through her thick hair, while he read.

He slowly pulled one hand from his book and held out his hand. She placed the strap in his hand and then returned her hand behind her, nervously. She wondered how it was that she should be so excited and afraid at supplicating herself in this manner.

For several minutes he gave no signs of interest and she wondered how long he would make her wait or if he was waiting for her to do something. The minutes passed slowly. Finally, he dog-eared the page of the book and closed it. He sat up and stretched. Then he commanded she turn around. She found herself facing the mirrored closet. While she knelt, regarding the image that they cast, he got up and retrieved a brush from the bathroom. In a moment he had returned to the bed to begin brushing her long hair.

She reveled in the soft care and attention that he gave to her hair. She found herself closing her eyes and shivering with every stroke of the brush. Very soon - too soon - it was over and the long strap with the shiny steel ring was braided into her hair.

She stood up at his command and turned to face him. When she had turned around he showed her a short chain. "This," he told her, "is for your waist. This chain is special and I want you to understand its meaning."

Over the next several minutes he spoke to her about the long-standing friendship that they had shared. He spoke of the times that they had drifted out of contact and how he always thought about her, wondering where she was and what she was doing. He spoke of how much joy he felt when they had resumed contact after those times. And then he began to tell her of his feelings for her over the long years of their friendship.

Within all of his explanation of his feelings he told her, too, that she would suffer for him should she agree to wear the chain. He told her that her previous suffering was minimal and that she could expect far worse. Slowly, she came to understand the full meaning of the chain.

"The chain is not for this weekend." He told her. "You will decide on the chain another time. But, I wanted you to know my feelings for you." Then he flashed a warm and comforting smile.

She did not know how to feel about all that he had told her. She was caught in the revelation of his feelings for her. She had harbored similar feelings for him as well. Still, hs promise to make her suffer provided a sharp fear of what might come.

After a long moment of silence he offered her a last chance at leaving the collar and cuffs behind for the night. She chose to stay, bound in cuffs and collar, to suffer at his whims. Later, as she suffered, she would question her decision.

Saturday Morning around 1 AM:

She wept in disgust and defeat as her tongue pushed against his asshole. She was now bound, chest down, to his coffee table. Her head was tilted up and back, held in harsh bondage. He had arranged the strap in her hair so that it was pulled back by a chain. The chain, in turn, passed between the cheeks of her ass down underneath the table to lock on a ring that was just under her head. Her hands had been spread wide, bound to either end of the coffee table in similar fashion. Her thighs had been bound with wide leather straps, which, in turn, were attached to the cuffs on her ankles.

Initially, she had refused to lick his asshole, finding it disgusting. However, a few strokes of his taws had convinced her to provide him the pleasure that he wanted. Now he sat on the couch, feet propped on the table, enjoying her tongue on and in his hole.

After a considerable time, he put his feet down and pushed her and the table back and away from the couch. She cried out as the carpet burned her knees. Ignoring her pain, he knelt in front of her and pushed the entirety of his cock into her half open mouth.

Just as she thought that he would choke her to death he withdrew his cock from her mouth, leaving her gasping for breath. She found that she was lightheaded and she was sure that she would have emptied the contents of her stomach had it not been empty. Her relief was short lived, however, as he was soon thrusting into her throat with a quick and steady rhythm.

Finally, after nearly an hour, he stopped his thrusting, to leave his cock resting just inside her mouth. She panted, trying to catch her breath. Again, when her breath returned to her, he pushed himself back into her mouth. This time, he spoke to her in a soft and gentle voice, instructing her. And with his soft instruction she found that she was able to accept his cock into her throat without gagging or loss of breath.

A few moments later he arched his back and let out a groan. As he began his climax her eyes grew wide. She had expected the unpleasant flavor and warm thickness to fill her mouth. Instead, his warm viscous cum flowed down her throat, bypassing her mouth.

He left his cock in her mouth for several minutes. During this time she began to wonder about her newest accomplishment. She disliked the taste and texture of cum. Thus she was pleased at having avoided it. She was also quite proud at being able to take him so deeply into her mouth. Most strangely, she felt as if she had cheated, by not actually having to suffer tasting his cum.

Eventually, as the moment's excitement ebbed, she found that her bondage was causing her considerable pain. She began to wonder if and when she would be released from this bondage. Several times she started to ask him, but thought better of it, not wanting to suffer anything stricter.

Finally, after watching her struggle with the pain, he released the chain that held her head back. Then, after releasing her arms he went into the bedroom, bidding she follow.

He watched her enter the room on her hands and knees, her feet seemingly growing from her ass. He enjoyed watching her crawl into the room in obvious humiliation and discomfort. Even more, he enjoyed watching her struggle onto the bed as he had commanded her.

When she managed her way onto the bed he attached a strap around her upper arms. A few clicks later and her wrists were now attached to her upper arms with hardly any distance separating them. She thought this to be an oddly erotic and ironic manner of binding; free to move about, but utterly helpless as was proven by the ease with which he flipped her to her belly.

After lifting her slightly to place a pillow under her belly, he slid a hand between her legs and began massaging the damp cleft between. As he had during her previous visit, he stopped when she neared climax, beginning again after the moment had passed. If ever there was suffering, this was suffering as; over and over he brought her near to climax, never fulfilling her urgent need.

She lost track of time as she begged for release, over and over. Then, as she met her first orgasm, she felt pain. Somewhere amidst the torture, she couldn't remember when, he had retrieved leather cat-o-nine from his armoire. It was this that she felt stinging her bottom. It was to accompany each orgasm that followed the first, never relenting and ever present. For the next hour she suffered, screaming in confusion, pain and pleasure, praying for it to end yet wanting more.

Saturday Morning around 8 AM:

She awoke in his arms, no longer bound. He was already awake, stroking her shoulder with the tip of his finger.

Memories of her torture came rushing back to her. Pondering all that had occurred last night, she became confused as to what it was that she had felt. She found that she could not remember the specifics of her tortures, only flashes of activity, mixed with a distinct and powerful intensity.

When Bili realized that she was awake he pushed her head down to his soft member. She took him into her mouth, sucking him to hardness and then to a quick climax. She swallowed his semen, proud to have brought him to such a quick climax.

Later, at breakfast, they chatted the chat of long lost lovers, laughing and joking. They reminisced over days past and lost loves. Too, they spoke of the "would have's", the "could have's" and all of the things that made them who they were at this moment.

Their conversation intensified when he spoke of his sexual wants and sadistic interests. By the end of their chat she finally understood what he meant, when he told her that she would suffer. She shivered at his words.

Saturday Morning, around 11:30 AM:

She walked into the garage to see the many intricate devices that he had constructed. He ushered her across the softly carpeted floor to a large apparatus constructed of heavy steel tubing. The upright posts of the tubing were bolted into the floor and joined, at the top, to a crossbar, with elbow joints. Set in between the uprights was a small wooden box.

At his command, she stood on the box and regarded the harmless looking device. Really, she had expected far worse torture devices than this harmless looking piece of plumbing.

Saturday Morning, around 11:45 AM:

She looked at him from her perch on the box as he pushed the gag into her mouth and secured it to her head. Once gagged, he slid his hands down her arms to the cuffs on her wrists, which he brought together in front of her and locked together. Then, he kneeled down and secured her ankles together. Before she realized what he was doing, she found her head tilted forward and her hair pulled tightly to the bar above. And then, the box was gone, pulled out from underneath her bare feet.

The taws fell on her skin, raising light welts. Tears poured from her eyes and she screamed with pain from behind her gag. Still, he continued striking her ass and thighs, reveling in her pain. Then, after what seemed like hours, the taws fell no more.

He stood in front of her, regarding her. He wiped a tear from her eyes, tasting the salty moisture. Then, he stroked his fingers across her nipples and down her body to her hairless sex. All too soon her body was reacting. She tried to resist but found her body betraying her. How could she become aroused after being beaten, hanging by her hair and suffering through pain as she was?

Suddenly, she became angry. She was angry with herself for allowing Bili to use and abuse her body. She was no plaything! She was not some toy to be used for another's sadistic gratification. Even more, she was angry with her body for it's betrayal. But, as much as she wanted to, she could not find anger towards Bili. He had hidden nothing and, true to his word, he had made her suffer.

Her first orgasm was joined with a muffled scream as he smacked her raw ass with the taws. And then began her suffering. For long and long he continued to torture her, flavoring each orgasm with the sharp scent of pain. Her muffled screams were a symphony to his ears and her body the instrument on which he played.

Floating, she looked down to see the tortured girl who hung by her hair from a heavy pipe. She sympathized with her pains while reveling with her pleasures. She wondered who the girl was so she swooped down from her place above her. The face she saw was vaguely familiar and she tried to remember if she had seen the girl before.

Suddenly a man stepped in between her and the girl and removed the thing that partially covered her face. She floated over to where she could better see the girl but could not place a name to the face.

Then, the man was carrying the girl in his arms. She flew over them, regarding the girl, curiously. She felt attached to the girl in some way, though she did not know why.

The man placed the girl on a bed, gently. She watched him as he wiped her brow with a damp cloth. Then, she settled down, beside them. As she came down to the bedside she glanced up to see her own reflection in the closet doors mirror. Suddenly, her being filled with subversive pleasures that accompanied wave after wave of torturous pain and she felt herself being drawn into the woman on the bed. She cried out in a silent scream of desperation as she was drawn into the body that lay before her.

Saturday Afternoon, around 4 PM:

Her eyes fluttered open, her body shaking and cold. He was holding her in his arms. She turned her head to look at him.

"What happened?" she whispered. "Was I dreaming?"

He nodded in negation. "No, it was not a dream. You suffered. But, you suffered exquisitely." He said. "And you will again."

Shortly before they left the bedroom she found herself taking his cock into her mouth again. Soon, she was on her back, head hanging from the side of the bed while he slid himself in and out of her throat. Before long, he was spilling himself into her, moaning with his orgasm.

When it was over, he told her how pleased he was with her new oral skill and she found herself filling with pride. A short while later they were on his couch, watching television in the living room, enjoying the comfort of each other's arms.

Saturday Night, around 7PM:

After a pleasant dinner they retired to Bili's bedroom. At his command, she climbed into his bed and waited for him to join her. While she sat on his bed she grew fearful of her anticipated suffering.

Bili, meanwhile, was rummaging through his armoire. Occasionally he glanced to where she sat on the bed, enjoying the worried look on her face. Finally, amidst his multitude of devices and toys, he found the exact items that he had been searching for.

Her eyes grew wide as he dropped the items on the bed. She began to protest but was quickly hushed as he began his explanation of the items. "These three alligator clamps will be attached to your nipples and your clit" he began. "And, this vibrator will fit inside of your pussy. And yes, the alligator clamps at the base will be attached to your labia so that it won't fall out." She shuddered, afraid of the fierce looking clamps.

Then she spoke up, angry, remembering her previous anger. "Where are the keys for the cuffs?" she demanded. "This has gone too far. It went too far already, when you strapped me by my hair and beat me. This is over!" she finished.

Suddenly, he was over her, his hand pulling her head back by her hair. Then he dragged her to his garage, while she fought him. After much resistance and screaming she was, again, bound and gagged and hanging from her hair, as she had before.

Panting, he went back into the house to retrieve the items that had so frightened her. When he returned, he unlocked her ankles and spread them to the upright poles that she hung between.

Once she was secured satisfactorily, he turned his attentions to her sex. Slowly, he pushed the vibrating torture device into her sex. Then, he attached the four alligator clips at its base to her labia.

The pain from the clamps was excruciating and she screamed beneath the gag. She began to wonder how he could be so cruel to her after declaring his feelings for her.

And then, almost before her thoughts had matured, he began to attach the alligator clips to her nipples and her sex. Muffled, she screamed at this horrible pain, jerking beneath the steel pipe from which she hung.

He stepped back to regard her. The painful jerking, enriched by the sounds of her moaning and occasional screams, made his blood hot. He reached up to stroke her cheek softly. Then, his hands traveled down her body, lovingly, to find the vibrator that was, so cruelly, attached to her sex.

She hung, trying to cope with the pain that raced through her. She was not even aware of when he turned the vibrator on. Somewhere in her torture, however, she began to feel the stimulation of the vibrator, and her body began reacting in defiance to her wishes.

He looked at her, as she began to react to the stimulation of the vibrator. Then, he began stroking her belly and breasts with long strokes of his fingers, exciting her further. Her body went ridged and she began her first orgasm. Soon, she was suffering from another orgasm that was followed by another.

For long and long she hung, suffering through painful orgasm after painful orgasm. Until, finally satisfied, and as she began the throws of one of her many orgasms, he removed the clip on her left nipple. She jerked, spastically, screaming. And then, as another orgasm filled her, he removed the final clip from her other nipple. Then, he pulled a cat-o-nine from a nearby cabinet and began whipping her ass and thighs while she climaxed.

After reddening her ass, thoroughly, he got to his knees now, in front of her. She watched him as he waited for her next orgasm. When her body tensed and the orgasm flowed through her, he removed one of the clips that tortured her labia, making her jerk and scream out, in pain.

Several orgasms later, the clips no longer held the terrible device in place and he slid it from her sex. Still, her body shook and she continued climax.