Apocalypse Slaves Pt. 13


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"No problem," Jon said. "I'll stop by your parents place and have them keep the kids for the weekend. They fucking owe us after all of this, after all." He slapped Luci on the ass. "Alright you, up and at 'em. Time for you to see your new home."

Wayne was shocked. "You still want to stay here with me despite the fact that you're basically free from your obligation?" he asked, confused.

"In case you haven't figured it out yet; Jon and I are swingers," Andrea told him, looking up at him and dropping the 'Master' pretense for the time being. "We love each other and are devoted to each other but have no problem having sex with others. That's why I had no qualms about offering my body to you in order to keep my family where they're at. I know that Jon isn't jealous because he takes it as a complement that men lust after me. He knows that I'm not jealous since I take it as a complement that women find my man hot. Its probably something that has saved our marriage and saved our family's lives a lot over the years. So, if you don't mind having me around for a full day, I'd like to stay here and play with you some more... Master," she said, batting her eyes up at him.

"You won't get any argument from me." Wayne conceded. He then looked at Jon. "I'm serious about you working for me. To further cement the deal, I'd like you to go to my Maysville office first thing Monday morning to clean house for me. You can take the office for your own since you mentioned earlier that you wanted to move there to free up space in your house."

"I'll do that for ya," Jon nodded. "See you on Monday." He then blew a kiss to his wife. "See you sometime this weekend," he teased with a wink.


CHAPTER 127: Play Day 1.

Luci was exhausted by the time that Jon took her home with him as it was early into the next morning and she'd been up nearly all day Friday. True to his word, he stopped by a tall red brick house, went inside to talk to the occupants, and then came outside while leaving her naked in the cab of the truck. He didn't bother clothing her for the ride but to her surprise he did grab the clothes that she'd worn. "You'll accompany me to work every day and you'll be naked at the office for me, I don't trust you yet and until you earn mine and Andrea's trust, you'll never be far from our sight. Got it? We'll find a proper outfit for you to wear while you're at the house all the other times because we want you to be clothed around the children," he'd told her straight up on the ride to his house... her new home. She nodded her understanding. It made sense. After all, in her haste and recklessness to keep from the Corning Crusaders, she'd nearly damned their family. Probably screwed a lot of other families along the way, too. What reason did they have to trust her? The answer was a resounding 'none.'

Already, Jon was proving to be the caring Master that he promised her he would be. He didn't make her walk barefoot across the rough, hard, sun scorched grass. Both times, at Wayne's home and at their home, he picked her up to carry her from one place to the other until she could walk on her own. That, alone, put him miles ahead of anyone else. He led her around the house, showing her each room including the upstairs corner office that he was in the process of renovating. "That'll be your room once I'm finished. I started building a play dungeon for just me and Andrea... along with anyone we decide to bring over... but I think I'll convert it for your use. You'll note that there's only one way in or out now and that's through the Master Bedroom here," he explained. Luci looked it over and the room by itself was larger than her old apartment in town.

Jon then led her back into the bedroom where he directed her to lie down on the bed. She did so, body humming as she let out a sigh of relief. Jon and Andrea must be really loaded, or really lucky scrounging, to have a four poster bed with a pillow top mattress. Luci felt like she was laying on a cloud. Jon took the leash for her collar and latched it to a D-Ring on the headboard. Then he got a pair of handcuffs, a solid metal piece set not like the standard cuff-and-chain that a lot of people used, to bind her wrists together. "I know that we're not going to have any problems, right?" he asked. She looked up at him in fear and shook her head no. "Good. Then you won't have any problems wearing these until you've earned my trust, right?" She shook her head. While she didn't relish the idea of being a slave again, Luci didn't want to contemplate the alternatives; her being cast out of this beautiful home that her new Master and Mistress have obviously put a lot of work into. To be cast out would mean certain death for her now.

"I promise that I'll be a good slave for you, Master," Luci said in a small voice, the words just blurting out on their own.

"Good," Jon nodded. Now that she was secured on his bed, he started stripping out of his clothes. Luci swallowed as she drank in his muscular body. He wasn't ripped but damn was he toned! Her loins went wet and hot and her pale nipples stiffened in response. She rubbed her thighs together in hot anticipation. He was a lot better to look at then her former boss, Jeff, or any of the bounty hunters, or even any of her owners that she'd had back in Corning. He easily was six and a half feet tall. The dark hair was a turn-on for her as well. He caught her drooling over him and he smirked. Then he crawled into bed beside her, gently running his hand up her thigh from her knee up to her pussy. "So how bad was it for you in Corning?" he asked. "That was, what, three years ago when you were eighteen?"

"Yes... Master..." Luci gulped, her body shivering under his touch. While men had fucked her without regard to her wants or needs, this was the first time any man had touched her in a gentle, loving manner. It sent erotic tingles up and down her spine. "I was... I was sold to them after I turned eighteen..." she said, swallowing hard again as she looked down at his hand that was gently squeezing, releasing, and rubbing her bald mound. Luci found it hard to concentrate on what to tell him. "I was sold on the auction block, bought by a man on the outskirts of their town. I did housework and lawn work for him. He beat me and fucked me every day without reason. After a while he tired of me and I got bought by someone else who just kept me locked in a closet." Tears welled up in her eyes at the memories. "I... I traded Masters a few times before... before I... I manged to escape to come here. I got a job with Jeff. Then the bounty hunters found me. I traded sex for silence until I could start paying them. Then Jeff got a hold of me and started using me..." She tore her head away and started to cry. Then she gasped as a wave of pleasure washed over her from where Jon was still touching her intimately.

"Well, I'll tell you right now that I'm not like any of them," he murmured, mouth coming down to suckle on her left breast. "I take care of my own and I fiercely protect what is mine." he said, swirling her tongue around her nipple, making her moan.

"Oh! Master!" she gasped. "Please, get me off again! I'd never had an orgasm during sex before!"

"Really?" Jon asked, coming up and looking right at her. She shook her head no as she looked right back into his deep brown eyes.

"No, Master," Luci admitted. "I'd... always have to do it myself... if my owners made or permitted me to... or if I was desperate enough to do it on my own when they weren't around."

"Oh you poor, deprived thing," Jon said. He moved overtop of her, mounting her. Using one hand, he pinned her shackled hands above her head. Using the other, he reached down to spread her open with two fingers while inserting his middle finger up into her. Luci jerked and moaned, reveling in the pleasure and moving like a virgin in heat. She mewed out 'Master' over and over again as the pressure built in her loins. Then she violently shuddered as Jon fingered her to climax. Her body seemed to lock up as she threw her head back, mouth open in a soundless scream to whatever heavens existed. Then she slumped back into the bed when she came down off the sexual high, moaning with extreme pleasure.

Jon smiled at her, letting her go and kissing his way from her plump lips all the way down to her quivering pussy. "OOOOOHHHHHH!" Luci the cried out as his mouth covered her mound and his tongue attacked her clit. "OH MASTER!" He ate her out far more efficiently than she'd done with his wife and soon she was shivering and shaking in her bonds from her second orgasm. Then, no sooner than she'd come down from that climax, he mounted her, driving his hard cock deep into her body, filling her up more than any man had before him. Using his hands, he moved her legs around his waist and she got the clue to squeeze him with her thighs. He stayed back on his haunches so that he could jut his hips back and forth to fuck her while leaving her open enough for him to play with her pussy with one hand and play with her tits with the other.

She looked up into his eyes and Jon looked right back at her. For some odd reason, she was captivated by his hard gaze that locked on her. Luci felt that his gaze, even if it was for this one fleeting moment, was meant solely for her. She saw want, lust, desire, protectiveness, tenderness, and even a bit of fondness in his eyes as he steadily played with and fucked her body. For the first time in her life she felt truly possessed and captivated by a man and the desire to please him swelled within her chest. He'd had her dead to rights earlier. He could've outright shot her out of vengeance for nearly wrecking his life. He could've easily turned her over to Jeff or Wayne and washed his hands of her predicament. Hell, he could've done nothing and just left her at the mercy of the bounty hunters earlier when they demanded more out of her. Instead, he'd come to her rescue, in a way, and stepped up to claim her to protect her from what Wayne had in mind initially for her punishment.

It was in that moment, as she felt her third orgasm in a short time wash over her right as his seed blew into her pussy to fill her up, that she decided that she was his. Luci might not ever be his wife or the mother of his children, but she'd be his most devoted servant until the end of time.


After Jon and Luci had left the manor, Wayne took Andrea upstairs to the Master Bedroom with him. He'd tried taking the restraints off of her but Andrea was now in a much more playful mood. "No, please, Master," she said huskily as she dropped down to her knees submissively. "Leave them on me for tonight." She leaned forward to kiss his cock that was already stirring back to life. "After all," she added, keeping her voice low and suggestive, "I was a bad girl in seeing my husband tonight when I wasn't supposed to."

Wayne let out a long, low, painful groan of lust at her words. His cock twitched in response just picturing her laying in his bed with the mobile pillory on and totally helpless to his whims. He watched as Andrea dipped her head, tipping it back, to take his semi-erect cock into her mouth to start sucking it again. Then he took over by grabbing the sides of her head and fucking her face while she started gagging and moaning on his cock in the process. He had a sudden urge to blow his load all over her face again, to cover her tits in his cum as well. He hadn't realized he'd said it out loud until Andrea had pulled back enough when he was ready to blow, saying "do it, Master."

With one hand on her head and another on his cock to shove him over the edge, he shot his first load all over her beautiful face. Andrea was ready for it this time as she'd closed her eyes, leaned back, and had opened her mouth. His cum came out in short spurts from her forehead all the way down to her tits. When he was just standing there, shuddering, he pulled her face closer and smeared the head of his cock all over her ruby red lips. Andrea moaned submissively in response. When he was finally done, she remained on her knees, looking up at him expectantly. He then took her to the shower where he proceeded to clean them both off, with her still in her restraints, before heading to bed and falling asleep.

Andrea had a blissful dream of non-stop sex all night that made her hot, horny, and wanting for tomorrow to get here already so she could be fucked like a slave some more.


When they got up the next day, Luci insisted to her new Master that she prepare the meals. Jon quipped since they didn't have any arsenic or other poisons in the house, that would be fine. In fact, it became her first chore in the home. From here on out it would be her responsibility to get up early to do it and then do the dishes afterwards. Then, while he worked around the house doing the maintenance and renovations, she took on being a housemaid for him. As she didn't have any clothes that Jon had directed her to wear yet, she did her work in the nude... save for the metal collar that Jon kept on her. He did, at least, take the restraint cuffs off of her wrists so that she could work.

She found it oddly liberating being a slave to someone she actually wanted to be with. Right now she only had two jobs and she took to them with gusto. She had the freedom to move about the house, do her job, and attend to personal needs as they arose. As she worked throughout the morning, Jon would come by every so often to take her; by the stove while she cooked breakfast, bent over the couch in the living room when she was cleaning, back on the dining room table with her legs in the air when she was dusting, on all fours in the Master Bedroom when she brought him lunch. Even when he wasn't fucking her and just simply moving from one place to another through the house, he would reach out to squeeze her butt, fondle her breasts, or just pull her in for a deep, passionate kiss. It was such a night-and-day difference from her previous owners that she found herself anticipating his next visit.

Luci was in the middle of cleaning up the library late in the afternoon when Jon called for her. She'd been fascinated with all of the old books in there that she'd lost track of time as she sorted, shelved, and dusted them off. Rushing up stairs, she nearly tripped when she went into the Master Bedroom to the point that Jon had caught her. "Woah! Easy there. No need to kill yourself."

"Sorry, Master," Luci said, blushing from him caring for her well being. "I... I just want to make sure that you don't think that I'm running or anything."

"Okay, fair enough, just, be careful, okay?" he smiled at her. Then he cupped her head and pulled her close to make out with her for a few minutes. Luci drank in his kisses and plastered herself to his topless body. He'd been working in nothing more than his jeans all day and it made him look sexy as hell for her. She moaned in response to his touch and his passion. He finally broke away from her long enough to get to why he'd called her up. Luci knelt on the floor submissively as he pulled back the skirt of the bed to reveal the hollowed out space under it that was now accessible via a corner gate large enough for even Jon to crawl into. She peered inside. Where there used to be drawers, there was now just an empty space that was held up by the wrought iron frame and reinforced with metal grating over the openings where the drawers used to be. She saw two comfortable looking mattress that filled up the floor of the king sized space, lots of pillows, and some very plush blankets. "This will be your space until I get the room ready," he said. "Nine times out of ten, you be sleeping up top with me and Andrea. But, when we don't need you, or if you have nothing to do, or if we just want some alone time, you'll be in here." He looked at her, and her shock must've shown, as he gave her a sympathetic smile. "Remember; you're serving out a punishment here. This isn't a Hab City luxury condo."

"No! It's not that. No, no, no, no, no... Master, don't get me wrong," Luci said quickly, shaking her head to stop him. "It's okay, really, it is. The closet that I'd told you about was much smaller than that is. You even gave me bedding which is more than any of my old Masters ever gave me. Thank you, Master, really." She smiled at him, crawled over, and impulsively kissed his feet in gratitude. "Its more than I expected and far more than I deserve."

"Well, then, I'm glad that you like it," he held open the grated gate and swept his arm in. "After you, then, so we can break it in properly."

Luci arched an eyebrow but did as her Master instructed. She crawled in, finding that she had more than enough room to crawl around on all fours as the bed frame was indeed tall, at least three to four feet. Then Jon surprised her by taking his clothes off and crawling in with her. "Master!" she gasped in shock.

"On your back, slave," he playfully ordered her. She complied at once, spreading her legs wide for him and he promptly crawled up on top of her. He brushed her golden-white hair with his hand before cupping her head with it to hold her in place for a kiss. Their lips locked together and already he was grinding his pubis against her mound. She felt his cock rise to the occasion and he was slipping inside of her shortly after that. Luci moaned deeply with pleasure, lifting her legs up and finding that she could brace her knees against the roof of her little room. She chanted out his title, wrapping her arms around his body as he continually drove his cock into her, faster and faster, before he finally came hard inside of her, making her shudder from the tiny orgasm that resulted. Naked, sweaty, and tangled up in each other's arms, they soon fell into a nap in her little space under the bed that he'd made just for her.


Andrea was humming happily the next day as she cooked her and Wayne something to eat for a late morning brunch. They'd slept in with Andrea flat on her back in the mobile pillory with Wayne draped over her body, possessively groping one of her tits. When they woke up, he released her from her restrains so that she could stretch out, see to business in the bathroom, and then get downstairs to make them some food just like she'd done last week. The only difference this week was that she was now here of her own volition. Wayne came downstairs after he cleaned up and used the facilities, pausing by the stove to sidle up next to her naked body to suck on her neck and feel up her breasts. Andrea moaned with pleasure. It'd been a while since she'd been able to wake up naked to go down to the kitchen to cook before spending the day in the nude. At least 13 years by her reckoning. She made a mental note to start doing this more with Jon. They could take the kids over to their grandparent's house once a month at least.

"Now this is a sight that I could easily wake up to every day," Wayne said with appreciation as he sat down in the breakfast nook while Andrea served him. She bent over low as she did it just so that he could feel up her round bottom and play with one of her dangling breasts. Then she knelt submissively by his side to allow him to pet her while he ate.

"Well then, Master, you need to get you a wife who would do this for you," she said. He gave her a pointed look and she shook her head. "No, not me," she said firmly. "I love Jon too much to leave him. Find someone else."

"Couldn't help but try," Wayne sighed before digging in to his breakfast.

Andrea cocked her head as she knelt there regarding him. "How come you never did marry anyone?" she asked, curious.

"Never had the time," he admitted. "Was too busy learning dad's work of running the town and then when he passed, the burden of leadership fell to me. Then it was people who, like yourself, festered their girlfriends, their wives, their adult daughters, on to me as favors. But no one ever stuck around," he elaborated between bites. He glanced down at her. "You're actually the first woman to willingly stick around and indulge my... tastes."
