Apples & Oranges Too


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Midori and Shayla became my most usual bedmates.

Shayla snuggled with me, only me, on nights when other family and guests were not available, or if she was merely in the mood. I set the door for privacy then.

We snuggled. We fucked. We wiped off, and snuggled again, and talked. Mostly about neutral stuff, like how our studies and lives were going, what amused or aroused or bothered us, the way of the world, et fucking cetera. We did not often talk about rules and our fucking and social taboos. But sometimes...

I must have looked worried.

"Mikey Mikey, you've saved my ass so many times, it's yours now, you and Taz, my heroes, my saviors, my shining knights!" She nuzzled closer and bit my ear.

"We're adults. We know what we're doing. I sure know what *I* am doing! I am rewarding a hero, and I'll keep on rewarding my hero, because you saved me, so you own me." Her lips moved from my ear, down my neck, and found a nipple. Ouch!

We did speak of morals, mores, social standards, conformity, compulsion, consent, control. Yes, most moral rules are about social control. In Hinduism, it's karma. In Judeo-Xian culture, it's sin. Set the rules and you control the culture. Especially rules about sex. Get-em by the balls and their hearts and minds will follow.

We did not worry about mutant offspring. We were not planting seeds. We had ONLY the rest of the world to fret about. But we would be fine as long as we did not carry-on in public, or announce a marriage, or anything stupid like that.

I had made no moves on my sister. It was her decision, her fault. Do not blame me.

But we kept at it. Damn, she was a sweet fuck! Still is! But that is another story.


My Sisters, My Lovers

(But do they do daddy, too?)


The hilltop house saw a lot of free-fucking. But there was more. Dylan and DiDi had their realty business to sweat over. We 'kids' were all students at the county seat's community college, with varied courses, and did not intersect much there -- thus our varied fuck-friends. I sure love my music section's wind and brass players. They had breath control and knew how to use their lips.

Well, Shayla was a horn-blower too, especially cornet, so there you have it.

"Hey Mikey, we have good oral control, too."

Belva (or was it Briana? I did not check ankles) decisively proved her point by completely swallowing my long, fat, supremely erect cock, her lips flat against my pubes, her throat bulging, and held that pose for 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 fucking seconds before she surfaced for air, gasping, my full cock dripping from her drooling mouth.

She had done SOMETHING with her throat muscles while she had me inside her, something vibratory, so I nearly came way past her epiglottis. She overcame that limit by tonguing my cock's oh-so-tender underside JUST right, as usual. I came with fire-hose intensity. She firmly drained Fireman Mike dry, rasping her teasing tongue convincingly along my urethra to encourage every last spurt. Woah!

Briana (yes, for sure -- I saw black devil wings tattooed on her ankles) crouched on my mouth, faced away from her fellating sister. She pulled my hands to her breasts, as if I would have reached for anything else. She made firm labia-to-tongue contact.

She said, "Now I'll test YOUR breath control, Mikey. How long can you satisfactorily slurp my snatch on one breath? How many breaths do you need to make me yell?"

The twins usually yelled instead of screaming. Neighbors had less to complain of.

I played alto saxophone as well as keyboards. I'd had diaphragm training. My breath control was excellent. So was my tongue technique, on both a sax's reed and a girl's glories. I held my breath long and slurped nice. Briana yelled soon enough.

And then it was Belva's turn to suck me hard, and Briana's turn to sit on my face and wiggle, to writhe, shout, and leak. I breathed normally during my usual probing, tasting, and playing, and when drawing more detailed maps on and around her quivering quim. But when her clitoris unrolled and I focused on her pleasure, one breath lasted quite awhile.


Other than occasionally screwing my dad -- they said I have less hair, better muscles and endurance, better breath, and tastier jizm -- and doing whatever they did away from the house, the twins, my new step-sisters, mostly kept me for themselves -- unless I was otherwise occupied.

They never joined in those group sessions. "We don't need girls and we don't do Taz," their little brother, they said. But they did not seem to mind my lustful fucks. My step-sisters were my step-lovers.

My flesh-and-blood little sister was my for-real lover, many times, alone together or having fun with selected others. We still kept our 'rules' with irregulars. No sibling fucking around those who did not already know.

My older sister Olivia, usually at her distant university, had never touched me sexually. She was not my sister-lover. Would that change?

I would come home to my studio or Shayla's and find her stretched with Cyndi or Lia or Tia or Latrella between my cute little sister's cute, spread knees, slurping and groaning, with glorious flesh arrayed before me, and Shayla's dazed eyes somewhat tracking me. Or with Shayla merely a cog in a 3-by or 4-by or 6-by chain. I just sat and watched. Watching was fun. I might be invited to have my cock licked, sheathed, or otherwise abused, and I rarely declined. BUt watching was quite entertaining.

Entertainment: that is how humans organize and occupy their time when not doing anything productive. Keep that in mind.

Our home changed slightly. Taz now mostly "stayed-over with" (fucked) friends elsewhere. That was great for me since he almost never shared my shower or kitchen now. But his slashing outlaw girlfriend Cyndi still had a gate key. She spent many nights here, ostensibly in Taz's room, but usually in Shayla's or my bed, coupled, or grouped with us and Midori or any other visitor(s).

Another change, slower: Shayla spent more time with me. We did music practice together, keyboarding changes for her cornet or my sax lines. We breakfasted together if she and any others spent the night in my bed. We skinny-dipped the lap pool together when we were alone. Yes, we fucked on the grass out there.

My steady lovers were such a delight! The twins always, when unimpeded. My little sister Shayla, whenever she was torchy or otherwise needy. Midori and Cyndi still, on a weird pattern of availability. DiDi, when she caught me alone. Many women infesting my life!

Then big-sister Olivia came home for a long weekend.


"Hey guys, how's it going?" Olivia called, jumping off the airport shuttle that had somehow threaded the thin twisty road to our hilltop compound. Shayla and I were the only ones around. We hugged her and grabbed her travel bag. Then we breached the gate, back to the covered patio and through Shayla's studio door, and dumped the bag.

"I'm filthy from that flight," Olivia announced. "I need a shower." She looked hesitantly at the tiny stall in Shayla's bath.

"We're filthy too -- been working in the garden," Shayla said. "Let's all hit Mikey's water palace. We can shower together." Olivia shrugged. "C'mon, it's not like we haven't seen each other naked before," Shayla insisted. Olivia shrugged again.

My "water palace" was certainly the largest, most decadent shower in the house, a showpiece of luxury by the contractor who had built this as his weekend party pad in the woods. Visualize a glazed five-by-ten-foot red-tiled space sporting a dizzying maze of rainbow-tinted enamel pipes, handles, valves, and nozzles. The shower's outside wall was frosted glass bricks giving a mystic glow.

"But first..." Shayla pulled a pitcher from my kitchenette's fridge. "Refreshments," she announced. She poured tall tumblers.

I recognized that pitcher. It had migrated downstairs from the main kitchen. It held DiDi's celebrated Long Island Iced Tea, a deceptively potent booze-fest. If Olivia recognized the flavor, she did not comment -- nothing more than, "Ahh, just what I need!" She filled her mouth, cooled her brain, swallowed, and had another slug.

I guessed she had not consumed snacks lately. It hit her fast.

"Yeah, a shower, that sounds good. Shower together, sure. Damn, I stink!"

Olivia peeled out of her travel clothes, finished her 'tea', and headed for my bonus bath. Shayla and I were right behind her. Damn, she was good to watch, front and rear! My big sister was a honey!

"Suds my hair," Shayla demanded of Olivia. "I used to do you. Now it's your turn."

We went triangular, all facing inward. Wobbly Olivia massaged shampoo into Shayla's head. Shayla loaded my head with suds. And I worked shampoo into Olivia's scalp. Our faces were close together but our eyes were closed till we rinsed.

"Okay, backs now," Shayla ordered. She rubbed my back down to and including my buns. I did quivering Olivia, who shakily washed her little sister's backside. No finger was inserted into any anus.

"Now fronts," was Shayla's next command. She washed my somewhat hairy chest and belly, pushed a soapy finger into my navel, and then gave a good scrub of my enlarging cock and swinging scrotum.

I carefully soaped and fondled Olivia's beautiful breasts, breathtaking belly, ticklish navel (so I discovered), and that enticing pubic thatch. I did not try to slide inside.

Olivia was even shakier now but she dutifully cleansed her sister from neck to taint, including a bit of tit-rubbing afterwards. We all did that, rubbing our siblings' chests. Our groins moved closer.

"This is kind of kinky, isn't it?" Olivia gasped. Palms still circulated around nipples.

"Oh, it's just good brotherly and sisterly love. Nothing wrong here. Hey, now that we're all rinsed and everything, how about a kiss or two?" I shut the water off.

Shayla lowered her mouth to her big sister's bountiful boob. I took the other. We sucked nicely. Olivia moaned.

"Hey, what... what are you guys doing?" Olivia sounded puzzled but did not back off.

"We're showing our big sister how much we love her, that's all," Shayla said, and continued sucking. I saw her fingers crawl to her big sister's pussy.

"Oh... but Shayla, you're finger-fucking me!"

"So grab hold of Mikey's big cock and do him some good. Oh. Oh fuck. OH!"

She said that after I insinuated my finger into her and found that rough patch.

Olivia did tentatively handle my hard cock. Shayla and I suckled her harder. Shayla was especially enthusiastic as I fingered her G-spot.

"We can't do this! You're my brother and sister!" Olivia wailed, but she did not back away, did not drop my cock, did not resist out intensive nursing. "You can't..."

"Oh yes we can," Shayla said. She knelt in front of me and took my cock into her sweet mouth. She sucked a bit and then looked up at Olivia. "Help me out here." She pulled at our big sister's arm.

Wobbly, Olivia sank to her knees. She watched Shayla slowly lick up and down my throbbing shaft. She looked up at me. "Really?" she asked.

Shayla pulled Olivia's face next to hers. "Really," she said, and kissed her, with tongue, and then held both their heads against my lucky cock. Both licked me. Their tongues danced up and down me, around me, sometimes my dickhead inside a hungry mouth while the other worked my shaft or scrotum.

I was deep inside Olivia's mouth when I started spurting.

"Hey, some for me!" Shayla called, seizing her share.

Side by side, my two sisters' mouthed my ejaculation. Wow! When I stopped leaking, I saw them soul-kissing, still kneeling

Then Olivia creakily reached up to me. "My knees are killing me."

"Me too," Shayla said. She took my other arm.

I pulled my naked sisters from the shower floor. We hugged.

Close up, Olivia looked blearily in our faces.

"Really?" she asked, "we just blew our brother?"

"Really?" "We just blew our brother," Shayla affirmed. "And you loved it."

"And I loved it," Olivia whispered. "Oh fuck, what now?"

"Now it's this," Shayla said, "we dry off and go to bed."

Shayla obviously knew the chant, "One tequila, two tequilas, three tequilas, floor." And probably the Dorothy Parker quip. "One drink and I'm under the influence. Two drinks and I'm under the table. Three drinks and I'm under the host." That Long Island Iced Tea was about five or six drinks. How far under can our big sister go?

We carefully tried and tasted each other. Shayla and I sucked Olivia's fine tits. Olivia and I sucked Shayla's sweet swells. My sisters sucked my nipples and made sure my cock was dry. I made sure their pussies were wet.

Shayla took charge. I like that in a woman. In my little sister.

"In here," she said, a hand in each back, pushing us to my big bed.

"Right there," she ordered, positioning Olivia toward the headboard.

"Just right," she said, pushing me down beside Olivia and taking her other side.

"A good start," she said, kissing her big sister's beautiful right breast and pushing me to the other.

"Oh fuck," Olivia murmured, as our tongues worked her boobs and our fingers worked her pussy.

Shayla and I suckled awhile. Then I got an idea. I moved down to suck Shayla's boobs while she continued with her big sister. My fingers reached inside Olivia and found that rough patch. She jumped.

Shayla abandoned that lovely breast and slowly kissed her way down our big sister's body. Underboob kisses. Belly kisses. Thigh kisses. Pussy kisses. Olivia moaned.

There is no more beautiful sound than a woman's moan when a tongue first parts her labia.

Further moans were also beautiful. I slid down beside Shayla. My tongue joined hers. Hugged together, we licked around and into our older sister's luscious pussy. We took turns here and there. Whose tongue does the big lick, the vagina plunge, the clitoris walk, the double or nothing? 'Who' did not matter. Our tongues crazed her.

Olivia pinched her own nipples as we tongued her to a howling orgasm. We took that as a sign of approval. Damn, she was loud! Good thing we had bolstered the room insulation for music practice, else dishes upstairs would have rattled.

When she stopped yelling, Olivia looked down at us, still lying between her thighs,

"Really?" she asked. "I really was tongue-fucked to death by my brother and sister?"

"Really?" Shayla said. "You really were eaten nicely by your little brother and sister. But wait, there's more!"

Shayla rolled her compliant sister onto her hands and spread knees.

"Like that," Shayla said. She got on her back, her head between Olivia's thighs,

"Now fuck her," Shayla told me, and started licking her sister's exposed pussy.

I crouched above my little sister's chest. My balls were at her chin. I slipped my erect penis directly into my big sister's vagina. Did she groan? What do you think?

I fucked into my big sister while her little sister licked her. I held her tight buns, slid in and out of her, and watched and held her swinging breasts. I felt the surge. Faster, faster! Olivia's face was in her pillow, crying, as I pounded and Shayla slurped.

Our orgasms were wonderful. Watching my little sister drink the semen overflowing from our big sister's cunt was wonderful.

Yes, we introduced our big sister to incest.

Yes, it really was as easy as that.

Maybe she was ready for this or maybe not. Maybe those lowered inhibitions were not so strong to start with. But she did not complain.

"Oh fuck," Olivia croaked, "oh fuck, what now?"

"Now you suck Mikey awhile, get him hard again, while I eat you, okay?"

"Umm, well..." Olivia was a bit foggy. My reviving cock in her moaning mouth and Shayla's tongue tickling her pussy did not clear her mind much. Neither did the next maneuver, with Olivia on her elbows and knees, her face pressed into Shayla's delta, my hard but drained cock pistoning into our big sister, long and slow, no hurry.

Welcome home, Olivia!


My sisters and I dozed through too much of the afternoon. I awoke naked with a sexy tits-up sister softly snoring on each side of me. What more could a boy ask for?

I eased out of bed. Not quite easy enough -- my sisters stirred. Their eyes opened, Olivia a bit slower and groggier than Shayla. Olivia dimly focused on me standing naked, then on her own nudity, and her little sister beside her.

"Well, fuck me with a ferret," Olivia said. "Did we really...??"

"Really," I said.

"Really," Shayla said.

"Oh fuck," Olivia muttered. "And I've gotta pee."

"And we all stink," Shayla observed.

"To the shower," I ordered.

Peeing while showering with others is easy and fun. Under the sybaritic spray, my naked sisters slightly crouched, hugged me, and peed down my legs, sighing with bladder-draining relief. They hugged me tighter then. My firehose golden-showered our feet. It all bubbled away down the drain, along with our sins.

Alas, our sins remained in the room as the stink of sex. I lit a scented votive. Sins-be-gone! No need to pay a priest.

Others would eventually return to the house and we did not want TOO flagrant a display. Midori and Cyndi knew of Shayla and me. Could more incest stay secret?

I pulled on clean shorts and a musical tee. My sisters returned from their shared room in decent sundresses. They held hands and giggled. Then they hugged me between them. All those boobs pressed into me felt nice.

Olivia turned my mouth to hers and kissed me. It was not a sisterly kiss. Shayla angled me to her face and kissed me as emphatically. They leaned past my shoulder to kiss each other, long and deep.

We shifted a little. Our three mouths joined. Our three tongues mamboed. This lasted awhile.

"Okay, sure, I think I'm okay with this now, but fuck, what the... Is this the new normal?" Olivia asked. We still held together.

"We love you. You love us. If this is how we'll love, it can be the new normal, when you're here," Shayla said. "We can have fun on breaks and vacations when we're running off on our own trips, our own schedules. Let's just love when we can."

A stomach rumbled.

"Aahhh, I haven't eaten since forever," Olivia said. "Got any snacks?"

Sandwiches and iced coffee filled our immediate needs.

My girlfriend and semi-roommate Midori opened my not-quite-closed door while we three munched and talked.

"Hey Mikey, can I spend the..."

She eyed us. We likely all looked fresh-fucked. She sniffed. Candle scent filled the air.

"Oho, so THAT'S how it is, huh kids?"

It is difficult to maintain a poker face while blushing.

"Well goddam! Got anything left for me? And I don't mean just the food."

Midori built her own sandwich and popped a soda can.

"Can I hang around? Or will you want privacy tonight? And over the weekend?"

Our eyes searched our sibling souls. Olivia knew of Midori and me -- we were no secret --, and now Shayla. Midori now knew about us all. Shayla and I stared at our big sister. It was her call.

I did not know what gears ground in our big sister's head. But she nodded.

"You get these guys all the time. My stay here is short. Fuck them later, okay?"

"Gotcha. But can I kiss you all goodbye? After the sandwich, I mean."

We finished our snacks and rinsed our mouths with splashes of soda. Midori kissed me first. She clutched my crotch. I fondled her bra-less tits. She kissed Shayla next. Their hands wandered. Then Midori approached Olivia.


Olivia pulled my cute, curvy girlfriend into a tight, wide-mouth kiss and boob-bursting hug. They were not prompt.

"Maybe next time," Olivia said, holding Midori against her prominent bosom.

"Next time for sure," Midori gasped. "I better go now. You guys have fun. Don't scare the peacocks down the hill." She departed.

Olivia, now 22, looked at her younger brother and sister, that was me, now 19, same as Belva and Briana, and Shayla, a year younger, same as Taz.