Are You Sure About This?


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Her rectum once again displayed its tightness by forcing my cum to ooze out of her anus and onto her bedroom carpet after I had pulled out of her.

My mother was still laying motionless on her back as Angela kissed her on the face a few times and asked her, "Wonderful wasn't it?"


I got dressed and left the room with Angela as my mother continued laying there in bed, motionless, enjoying her bliss. Angela gave me a deep kiss and thanked me for the show. I told her what an unforgettable experience it was for me as well. Afterwards, I took my things and left the house for a few hours as I wasn't supposed to be home during this time.

I came home later that evening, at the time I was originally expected to. My mother was alone and was cooking dinner as I arrived. She greeted me with her usual hug and kiss and asked me how the trip went. She acted normally, but I couldn't help but think of all the nasty things I had just done with her hours earlier. How we kissed, how we performed oral sex on each other, how I took her anal virginity, and that massive orgasm Angela and I gave her - all while she was blindfolded and didn't know it was me.


My mother and Angela got married a few months later. It was a small but elegant ceremony at a fancy hotel. It came as a surprise to a lot of people when they announced their engagement and everyone knew how much they loved each other.

The threesome we had was never brought up again. It was like it never happened. From that point on, Angela stopped winking at me and teasing me, so I had assumed that any chance of having another threesome with my mother was over. That was, until Angela had slipped me a note on the evening of their wedding.

The note read: Your mother started asking about 'Joe' a couple weeks after we had our fun together. I told her I would arrange another meeting when the time was right, and that it would be a real surprise for her. Meet us at our room tonight - 11 pm sharp. I'll have her ready by then. Don't be late.


11 pm had arrived and I was just outside their door. I felt nervous and excited all night since receiving that note as I finally had another chance of being with my mother again.

Finally the time came. I knocked on the door to be greeted with a warm hug by Angela, who was topless and wore nothing but her panties and high heels. She kissed me on the lips before taking my hand as she did during before our first threesome, and led me inside.

I expected to my mother blindfolded again, on the bed, completely unaware of her surroundings, knowing only that sex was soon to follow. But that wasn't the case here. This time, she sat on the bed wearing her matching white bra, panties, and stockings - but with no blindfold!

Mom stood up and walked over to me and we looked at each other. There was tension in the air. She knew. She knew exactly what was going on and why I had come.

"I assume you prefer me with the blindfold on," mom said casually.

"Mom, you knew?" I replied, stunned.

"Of course I knew," my mother replied in a soft and understanding tone. "You're my son. Did you really think that a mother wouldn't recognize what her own son feels like? What kind of mother would I be if I didn't? Besides, Angela eventually admitted it to me when I kept on asking if it was you or not."

"I don't know what to say. It started when I woke up and saw you and her together one night, and I couldn't get that out of my head ever since. Then, the day that it happened... I just couldn't resist. I'm sorry mom."

"Don't feel so upset. I've talked with a lot of mothers over the years who've said their sons have had similar feelings. So I can assure you it's normal. Granted, most sons don't take advantage of their mothers when they're blindfolded and have sex with them," she said with a smile at the end.

I blushed, "So what happens next?"

Angela put her arms around me and said, "What's next is you're going to be a good boy and give your mother exactly what she wants. And if you haven't figured out what that is yet, it's that nice cock of yours."

I gave my mother a look, wondering if this could really be happening. And she confirmed that it was as she wrapped her arms around me and gave me a kiss. It started as a few small kisses around my lips which then turned into a passionate embrace, one that I had dreamed about for months.

"Now let's get your clothes off and we'll do things properly this time," mom said with a wink.

I was undressed quickly with help from my mother and Angela. My mom then had me sit on the couch and watch her unsnap her bra and pull off her panties, followed by her climbing on my lap, straddling me.

"I want things to be intimate this time," mom said. "I want to look in your eyes while we make love."

She continued straddling my lap as we started kissing again. My cock became fully erect after feeling my mom's thick pubic hairs and labia rubbing against it. She ended the kiss and we looked each other in the eyes, face to face, while she used one hand to guide my cock inside her waiting vagina.

Despite all we'd already done, this was my first time feeling myself inside her vaginal opening. It felt soft and warm. Its wetness showed how aroused she was. She felt how a real woman should. She closed her eyes and sat still for a moment after I had fully made my way inside of her. I could only imagine what she was thinking; how she was naked in her son's arms and was willingly giving herself to him.

She opened her eyes to look at me and began slowly thrusting her hips after her vagina had adjusted to having my cock inside. It was slow at first, but she gradually increased her body's movement, giving us more pleasure. I could feel her breathing on my skin and she could feel me doing the same as we gazed into each other's eyes. We were now making love.

Angela, sitting right by us on the couch, had been watching us while masturbating herself. She was furiously rubbing her clit and fingering her cunt the same way I saw her do it to my mother when we had the threesome. As my mother and I continued our lovemaking, Angela took one of her wet fingers and began playing with my mother's anus. It had an immediate effect on my mom as she moaned and thrusted her body with more force.

"I want you to cum inside me," my mother whispered, knowing that I was about to climax. "I want your sperm inside my womb."

Hearing my mother talk in such a way sent me over the edge and I started cumming inside of her. One shot of cum after another soon filled her delicate womb with my orgasm as she kissed me. We both looked down to see that not only was my cum slowly leaking down from her vagina, but her orgasm as well. She scooped some of it up with one finger and put it in her mouth, sucking it and then giving me a smile, approving the way it tasted.

"That was incredible," I groaned to my mother. "I've never experienced anything like that before. I don't know what to say. Thank you."

"You don't have to thank me," she replied. "I enjoyed it as much as you did, if you couldn't already tell. But there's something we want to ask you; how would you feel about the three of us living together? Everyday could be like the pleasures we've already shared together."

"Are you sure about this?" I asked her. "Don't get me wrong, you know how much I've loved doing all this, but you and Angela are married now. And the last thing I'd ever want to do is ruin what you two have."

"You're so sweet for saying that. But the way Angela and I see it, we all get along wonderfully. The three of us living together wouldn't be much different than usual, except for our sex lives of course. And I'll always love Angela as my life partner, and I'll always love you as my son. But when the three of us are together like this, it just feels right. Moments like these feel perfect. So we'll take things one step at a time and see how it goes. What do you think?"

"Well since you put it like that, I'd love to give it a try," I replied, before giving her another big kiss.


This was our life for the next year. The three of us lived in one household, naked, and making love together regularly. Some days it would be with me and Angela. Other days I would walk in on them and only watch, just like on the night which started all of this. Sometimes it would be a threesome and sometimes it would be just me and my mother.

But this newfound love and affection I now had with my mom didn't end there. We would often hold hands and kiss out in public, enjoying the looks people gave us thinking that my mother was some middle-aged woman who was having a fling with a younger man who was half her age. But they never could have imagined that the young man she was with was her own son of all people. And that was the thrill of the whole thing - the taboo. Even when we attended family gatherings, we couldn't help but to go to the bathroom together and have incestuous sex, while our unsuspecting family members were in the other room.

Angela proved right about one thing: "Women enjoy incest too."

The End

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

A well written story with a lot of surprises ! I really enjoyed your efforts.

lcsgmrlcsgmr7 months ago

Very good, but could be continued.

oksideshow859419oksideshow8594197 months ago

IDK I've read this story a couple of times and I enjoyed it 5⭐s both times yeah.... whoo.... But it seems to me that the story needs another chapter or two

NawtyMeNawtyMe12 months ago

Now THIS was an AWESOME, LOVING story!!!!

I loved every word of it.

ToughSailorToughSailor12 months ago

Webster says: "Thrust is the standard past tense form of the verb thrust. Thrusted exists, but usage is rare." This always seems to give me a slight speed bump when reading an otherwise perfectly enjoyable story. Love your prose . . . .

rlrmiller1951rlrmiller1951over 1 year ago

that was really HOT!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

i had a threesome with my mom and her friend. both were married. mom ate her creampie i left. this thing does happen. love and peace

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

He joins his lesbian Mother and her gf in a threesome. That alone could have been better bcos if a Lesbian is having Sex with a man then she isn't a Lesbian at all, their is a reason why lesbians always break up with those that are bi curious, bcos if u are bi curious u are more likely to cheat with opposite

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Quite imaginative. Thx


bob3641223bob3641223about 2 years ago

I agree with maddogintexas, more like this when you write about them they come alive for us they become real.

bob3641223bob3641223about 2 years ago

Your my favorite author now, you right everything i've loved and experienced i'm going to read everything you've written, and maybe in future u could try audio

SatyrDickSatyrDickover 2 years ago

Fun, Hawt, und Sweet!

11/10 Anal Beads!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Nothing like a Horny that Loves Anal...


This is quite the change-up in storylines...the mother's lesbian lover picks the son to be their live-in "boy-toy"...WHAT AN IMAGINATION YOU HAVE, to tell a story like this, get us all riled up!!

I have to agree with a couple of other readers, REALY SHOULD WRITE MORE ABOUT THIS THREESOME! Well, how the relationship continues...I am not giving advice on how to write...just wanna see more, PLEASE!!


Kiwi4everKiwi4everover 2 years ago

Another great story enjoyed so much Thank you

Kiwi4everKiwi4everalmost 3 years ago

Great up to your normal standard you do write great stories Thanks

IFAFILHGIFAFILHGalmost 3 years ago

Very fun and erotic story ... loved it... 5 stars

LSantiagoLSantiagoabout 3 years ago

Fast delightful fantasy hitting on more cylinders than a formula 1 engine. great one to learn from,

Diecast1Diecast1about 3 years ago

i like the story a lot. AAAA++++

mrdata9770mrdata9770over 3 years ago

Interesting, a nice read. Just one year, why?? This would be a great beginning of a series. Maybe add some new young and mature characters.

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