Arena Ch. 06

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Gladiator and Gladiatrix meet to prove their mettle.
13.9k words

Part 14 of the 38 part series

Updated 12/03/2023
Created 05/25/2013
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Immersion Playground

Book #2: Arena

Chapter 6

Rick and Giselle enter the offices of Immersion Playground just before nine, thirty minutes prior to Coy and Sierra's scheduled arrival. While Giselle opens doors, Rick juggles a selection of bagels and fruit, along with several flavors of coffee and teas, plus apple and orange juice. He didn't know what breakfast items Sierra and Coy might like, if any, so he got a little of everything. They are still spreading the items on the small buffet in the corner of the conference room when Todd and Charlie arrive.

"Good morning all," Charlie announces as she enters the conference room, drawn in by the smell of coffee.

"Morning," Rick and Giselle say almost simultaneously as Charlie and Todd enter the room.

"Everyone ready for an exciting day of wrestling action? That coffee smells wonderful," Charlie says, heading straight to the buffet.

"I didn't expect to see you here, Giselle," Todd adds while pouring himself and Charlie a cup of coffee.

"Rick asked me to come this morning. He wanted my stamp of approval for... err... what was his name?" Giselle asks.

"Coy," Charlie supplies. "Why would he want your stamp of approval? You obviously have horrible taste in men."

Giselle hears Todd snicker. "I heard that!" Rick complains.

Rick and Todd settle at one end of the table with bagels and watch Charlie and Giselle chat at the buffet, Giselle serenely dunking a tea bag as she talks with Charlie. He notices that Charlie keeps look over to them, obviously in response to something Giselle is saying. He can hear Giselle, but can't quite make out the words.

"What do you suppose they are talking about? Besides us, I mean," Todd asks quietly.

"I don't know. The only thing I know is when those two start whispering, things invariably getting interesting around my house," Rick says, never looking away from the two women.

"Yeah, same here," Todd acknowledges. "On the other hand, those two getting together put us where we are today, so I don't guess I can complain."

"Yeah, I suppose not. It just makes me nervous, that's all."

Todd barks out a brief laugh. "I know what you mean."

Suddenly Charlie bursts out in the full-throated laugh she has, the one that turns men's heads. She laughs long and hard, putting a hand on Giselle's shoulder for support. Giselle looks to Rick and smiles broadly.

"Oh hell," Rick moans.

"What?" Todd asks.

"I don't know, but it's not going to be good," he says, eyeing Giselle's broad smile before she and Charlie continue their conversation. After a time, the ladies break up their little gab-fest and join the men at the table.

"Sounds to me like you've had a busy few days, Rick," Charlie says, sliding into a chair next to Todd. "Had your ass kicked, kicked some ass, and didn't turn into a pumpkin at midnight." She watches for Rick's reaction over the rim of her coffee cup, slowly sipping the hot liquid.

"Sounds like someone has been talking out of school," Rick says with a pointed look at Giselle.

"Don't let her get to you, Rick," Giselle says. "She thought she was going to get hauled away by the police for indecent exposure this week."

Rick and Todd look at one another. "Neither one of them can keep a secret worth a shit," Todd says bitterly.

"Amen to that, brother," Rick replies as both Giselle and Charlie giggle in delight. Finally, unable to stand it anymore, Rick says, "I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours."

"You first," Todd replies.


Todd is just finishing his story of Charlie and him on the wrestling mat when the outer door pings the four of them, announcing someone entering the reception area. "I'll get them," Charlie says, rising from her seat. Once again, Rick makes a note to talk to Charlie about having one of her girls come in for some part-time work. Why can't he remember to talk to her about this? Today, as soon as Coy and Sierra leave, he'll mention it to her.

Moments later Charlie returns with Sierra in tow. Instead of riding leathers, this time Sierra is wearing a t-shirt with a picture of a lioness roaring at a lion, the male looking decidedly chagrined, with a caption below it that reads I am woman. Hear me roar. She also has on a pair of running shorts and sneakers with no socks. Without the heavy leather to hide her figure, Rick can now see that Sierra is a very attractive and well-endowed young woman.

"Help yourself to anything you like," Charlie says, indicating the selection of food and drink. As Sierra browses her options she makes introductions. "Rick you have already met. That's Todd Rose, my husband and the operations manager of Immersion Playground. That beautiful creature there is Giselle Chamfer, Rick's wife. Everyone, this is Sierra Pederson, one of our two participants... I hope," she amends.

Sierra is polite, greeting Todd first, but she seems very focused on Rick and Giselle. "So that's what you look like," Sierra finally says to Giselle. "You are fucking gorgeous. And you, Mr. Rick Chamfer, for an old fart, you've got some moves." There is a short uncomfortable silence in the room while Sierra chews a bagel. "Sorry," she says finally with smile, "but considering what we're doing, I figure if we can't be honest with one another, then this project is in trouble before it even starts."

Todd begins to snicker, a snicker that quickly spreads through the room as the truth of what Sierra said sinks in. Rick also notices Sierra said 'we,' with no caveats, so he stands and extends his hand across the table to her.

"You're right, and well said," he says, shaking her hand again. "Welcome aboard, Sierra."

"May I ask you a personal question, Giselle?" Sierra asks.

"I suppose," she answers quietly.

"Do you always come like that?"

"Well—" Giselle begins, but Charlie interrupts.

"Yes. She's a goddamn sex machine. It pisses me off, and I'm jealous," Charlie says, causing Giselle to blush furiously.

Sierra begins to laugh. "Yeah, I think I'm jealous too, and I just met you."

Giselle blushes even more. Over the last couple of days, after experiencing Rick and Giselle's immersion, Sierra has found herself thinking more and more about what she really wants in life. Her experience with relationships in the past is that they tended to cool quickly, but here is a woman, obviously in love, whose relationship doesn't appear to have cooled at all. In fact, Charlie's reaction indicates just the opposite, their relationship is hotter, more intense, now than ever before. What would it be like to have a relationship like that? she wonders.

"I hope we didn't put you out too much to meet us here this morning," Giselle finally says, recovering her composure.

"Not at all," Sierra replies. "One of the nice things about working for yourself is you get to make up your own hours."

"What do you do?" Rick asks.

"A little of this, a little of that. I have a little family money, but my day-to-day expenses are covered by the sale of vids on the net. I also write a few articles here and there. It's not much, but I don't need a lot, and it leaves me a lot of free time to do what I love."

"Oh, what's that?" Giselle asks.

"What do I love to do? Travel mostly, get off the beaten path, go where few people go. I make vids and keep a journal, then use that material for the articles and vids to help fund the next one. I also like to stare death in the face, then kick him in the balls. Free climbing, auto racing, anything to get the adrenaline pumping, you know?"

"Charlie tells me you box," Todd says, intrigued.

"Tried it, didn't like it. I went three-and-oh before I quit. That's when I realized that I'm not into blood sports. Plus I was too damn hard-headed, according to my trainer, who was always bitching at me because I would walk right into a punch if I thought I could land one. Leading with my chin, he called it. And he was right. If I kept winning I was going to run into someone that was going to knock my head off. I like my head, so I decided to hang it up while I still had it."

"And how old are you, Sierra, if you don't mind my asking?" Rick asks.

"Twenty-six." Sierra answers.

"Sounds like you've already lived more than most people," Rick says.

"Maybe. But then, I have this one more thing I want to do," Sierra says with a knowing smile.

Todd is about to ask another question when they receive another ping, announcing Coy's arrival. "Your co-star is here," Todd says as Charlie rises out of her seat.

Charlie returns and introduces Coy around the room. Sierra surveys Coy, taking him in. Big, tall, and sexy as hell, Sierra notes as Coy shakes her hand. Not a firm shake, but not limp either. As big as he is, Coy is probably used to holding back lest he crush someone's hand.

Coy and Sierra size each other up, not in hostility, but in getting that first impression. "Sierra Pederson. Did you try out as the punter for the U of A Wildcats?" Coy asks.

"Yes," Sierra says slowly. "Why?"

"I was there," Coy says. "My little brother was trying out on the same squad. James Bell, he was a running back. I was there to watch him during tryouts." He pauses before continuing. "You got knocked on your ass a lot. It fact, it was starting to piss me off that you weren't getting the protection you should have. The coach should have stopped that, but what impressed me the most is you just kept popping back up. No bitching, just got right back in there and took the next snap, knowing you were going to get plowed. Let me just say, that took guts, and a lot of them." He then looks around the room, addressing them all. "When she wasn't getting knocked on her ass, she was kicking the living shit out of that ball." He looked back to Sierra. "The coach was an idiot. He should have snapped you up. Why didn't you go somewhere else? You are one of the best punters I've ever seen. Any team, well, any team that had a coach with half a brain, would have taken you in a heartbeat."

Sierra stares a Coy for a moment, pleased with his words. "Title IX says they have to let you try out. It doesn't say they have to let you play."

Coy's mouth sets in a tight line. "Yeah, I guess, but that sucks. You were clearly the best punter there, and by a lot. I guess you had the last laugh. The Wildcats sucked that year, not the least of which because their punter couldn't kick shit out of a bag."

"Thanks, Coy. That's nice of you to say," Sierra replies. She's already liking this guy and beginning to think that perhaps she will share her bed with him sometime soon. "I proved to myself that I could do it, and that was all that mattered. Did you play?"

"Yeah, but you're a hell of a lot better punter than I ever was as a tight end," Coy says with an easy smile.

Giselle notices that Charlie is sitting at the table with a self-satisfied smile on her face. And why not? These two are obviously hitting it off and she's taken an instant liking to Coy. And he is, after all, drop dead sexy. She catches Charlie's eye and gives her a slight smile and a nod, and Charlie's smile widens.

The group talks for another fifteen minutes, everyone getting to know one another. It is obvious to all, including Sierra and Coy, they are getting along. Unless something comes up in the tests, they have their gladiators.

"Coy, are you ready to go? What you have on isn't exactly what I had in mind when I told you to wear comfortable clothes," Charlie says, "But we—"

"I have something else in the truck," Coy interrupts. He's wearing a pair of faded jeans, a loose, white, button-down shirt, and loafers, clothing that he looks very comfortable in. "I didn't know what I was going to be doing so I figured I would err to the side of being overdressed."

"Okay, good. Go get your clothes and get changed while we set up here. Giselle, you want to let Coy back in?" Charlie asks, looking at her.

"Sure," Giselle replies before walking out with Coy.

"Giselle, let me say you are more lovely in person than you are in the immersion. Rick is a very lucky man," Coy says quietly as they walk into the reception area.

"Thank you Coy, that's very nice of you to say so."

"Just callin' 'em as I see 'em," he says, giving Giselle a smile that makes her heart skip a beat.

As Coy enters the bathroom to change, Giselle glances at Charlie and blows out air from puffed cheeks while fanning her face as if she were hot.

Charlie laughs before she mouths the words, 'I know.'

Coy emerges from the restroom dressed in a T-shirt and sweat pants, both with the University of Texas Longhorns steer horns on them.

"Right this way, Coy," Charlie says, opening the door to the storage dock. The mat is already on the floor, Rick has the thousand-yard stare of someone communing with the net, while Todd stands to one side, watching Sierra stretch in the middle of the mat. As they enter the room, all eyes, save Rick's, turn to Charlie.

"Okay, here is what we are doing today. Two out of three falls on the mat. As soon as we have a winner, you're both free to go. We are going to capture you both while you wrestle and see what we get. Remember, this is an immersion, not a vid, so there is no point in acting. We four will experience the immersion and let you both know what we think. Just do your best, try not to get hurt, and have fun. Any questions?"

Sierra and Coy look at one another before looking back to Charlie. "Nope," Coy says as Sierra shakes her head.

"Okay," Charlie continues, "You should see a device open on the network labeled Capture One. Please log in." In a moment Sierra nods and Coy give Charlie a thumbs up. "Okay then." She looks to Rick. "Are we capturing?"

Rick also gives her a thumbs up.

"No rush, but whenever you are ready," Charlie says to the combatants.

Coy and Sierra spend several minutes stretching and warming up. Neither say anything, their game faces on. Finally, Coy steps to one corner of the mat, shaking his limbs to stay loose. Sierra sees him move off and, after finishing her stretch, moves to the opposite corner, turning to face him.

"Ready to get some?" Sierra asks, taking a couple of steps to the center of the mat.

"Always, but I thought we'd do that after the match," Coy replies with a smile, though he doesn't like the look of Sierra's smile in return.

Sierra waits patiently for Coy to make his move. She's confident she can take him, but she needs to be on the defense so she can use his weight and momentum against him. Like most big men, he wades in, trying to get his hands on his opponent. He's quick, really quick, but she's ready, and with a feint to the face to distract him, she sweeps his legs from under him with her own leg and drives him to the mat, tucking in tight with an arm lock, head down, so he has no way to turn and nothing to grab. He is pinned in seconds and almost immediately taps out. He didn't even struggle. She's disappointed in the easy win. The wimp.

The moment Sierra releases him, Coy springs to his feet and offers Sierra a hand up. "I do believe I underestimated you," he says, giving her a brilliant smile. "I won't make that mistake again."

She takes the offered hand as her estimation of Coy grudgingly rises. Not so much a wimp as someone who recognizes his mistake and plans to correct it.

He turns to face her. It was stupid of him to think that she was just going to let him reach in and grab her like that. He doesn't know what kind of ninja bullshit move she put on him the last time, but he knows it's going to be his size and strength against skill. The problem is, he doesn't know what she can and can't do, and that puts him at a distinct disadvantage.

Almost as soon as Sierra has herself set he charges in again. What a dumbass! Did he think the last time was an accident? She moves to take him down again, only to realize at the last moment he's set her up. As she tries to sweep his legs out from under him he shifts his weight and braces, using her as a lever. She might as well have been trying to sweep an oak tree from the ground. As her leg crashes into the pilings of his legs, she feels him turn, lifting her with the very arm she had intended to use to drive him to the ground.

Sierra lands on her feet with only one hand going to the mat for balance. If she falls, he'll be on her, and it'll be all over. Scrambling backward she is almost to her feet when Coy's ham-hock-sized hands toss her backwards like a doll. Damn, he's fast! Faster than any man his size has any right to be. She rolls onto her back, bringing her legs up just in time to catch him as he drives in, trying to pin her.

He sees her legs come up, recognizing the danger, but is unable to change his attack in time. As her legs close around him, he just manages to get an arm inside her legs before she clamps down and twists, throwing him onto his side. He lands hard, but immediately begins to try to lever her legs open before she can adjust her hold.

She gets her legs around him, just, as he powers in. She twists her hips, using his momentum to drag him down, but her hold is wrong and she can't do anything with it. Worse, he has an arm inside her leg and, as he tries to force her legs open, she realizes that as strong as her legs are, he may be stronger. He strains against her, using his entire body to try and push her legs apart, causing her to groan under the strain of holding him.

He can feel her grip begin to slip. Slowly, with desperate effort, he twits in her grip, turning himself until he can finally get a foot against her ribs and begins to push.

As soon as his foot touches her side she knows the hold is lost. He'll cave in a rib if she doesn't release him, but she holds fast, trying to break his will, squeezing with every ounce of her strength, knowing his shoulder has to be killing him as he twists in her grip. It isn't enough, and he begins to push, hard. With a gasp she turns him loose and rolls away as fast as she can in case he comes after her again.

The moment her legs release him he throws himself away from her, rolling to his feet before she can do any more of that ninja shit on him. As he comes to his feet he locates her, doing the same, too far away to be an immediate danger. Apparently she's retreated too. Afraid he was coming after her? Good. So, not invincible after all. He works his shoulder, moving it around, trying to loosen the muscles. The pin hadn't hurt until he started trying to twist out of her grip. Then it hurt... a lot.

She bounds to her feet, finding him far enough away from her to put her out of imminent danger. So, not a wimp after all, but dangerous as hell. Yes her hold on him was wrong, but he twisted out of as if it were nothing. This time she'd underestimated him, and it nearly cost her. She smiles at him, crouching, flicking her fingers in a 'come on' motion, not feeling nearly as confident as she acts. Her pins are going to have to be spot on perfect if she's to have any hope of stopping him.

He sees her smile and call to him. He smiles back, because that's what he used to do when someone hit him so hard that he got up looking out of the ear hole of his helmet, taunting them so they won't see the pain.

"Uh-uh... you come get some now," he taunts.

Once again they circle each other, neither willing to rush in again. She knows she can take him out in moments if she doesn't mind hurting him, but this is supposed to be a wrestling match, not a brawl. Kicks to the face, hell, kicks anywhere, or punches to the face, she isn't willing to go there. Not unless he does first.

He keeps his distance. He has a sneaking suspicion that she is holding back, not using the full arsenal of her weapons, and he doesn't want to walk in and have her drop a bomb on him. He's never been much of a fighter. With his size, bluffing is enough, but she obviously doesn't give a shit about his size, so he's wary. It's also obvious that she isn't going to come to him, so he begins to stalk her.