As I Want You to Be Ch. 04


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The thought slipped away as she drifted off to sleep, holding the soft butch.

As usual, LJ woke first. And, as usual, she stayed quietly in Mia's warmth for a couple hours until Mia stirred.

Mia hugged her young lover, thinking to the virginity she planned to take later. Never had she so dreaded sex.

She'd been far more cavalier about the loss of her own virginity. It'd been a quick and unpleasant experience in the back of a Ford quad cab, done more out of obligation than lust and not repeated.

LJ seemed much more racked about hers and Mia at least had a plan to take the edge off for her.

Not flowers and candlelight. That wouldn't really be in keeping with their relationship and might make the worried teen even more anxious. A couple shots of hard liquor would benefit the nervous young dyke a lot more.

"Let's get up, huh?" Mia wanted to get the day started and face the dragon.

LJ grunted rebelliously and held onto Mia's soft arms wrapped around her. The idea of getting her cherry popped had her stomach in knots and she was in no hurry to leave the security of Mia's embrace.

"Okay," Mia capitulated rather easily to more lazing, "We can stay here awhile, I guess."

She nuzzled the back and side of LJ's neck and fell to daydreaming about a shopping spree she had planned for herself later that week.

But the sun rises and sets despite the reasonable fears and justifiable procrastinations of all mere mortals. Unfortunately, the sun rising over Mia's apartment raises the temperature such that it's not entirely comfortable to be held tightly while awake.

Mia, more used to the heat of the room, laid in complacency as she felt her lover start to wriggle.

"Getting a little too warm?"

LJ felt the blush rising in her cheeks from both the heat and the admission she'd have to make, "Yes."

LJ popped loose from bed like a greased pig and made a run for the bathroom. Mia chuckled and enjoyed watching her lithe body move as she sprinted across the room.

Mia went to the guest bathroom, then snuck back into her own bedroom before LJ could get dressed.

"C'mon," She grabbed a surprised LJ's hand and led her back toward the master bathroom, "Let's catch a shower."

"Cool." LJ trotted into the bathroom behind the hot femme and hopped from foot to foot while Mia brought the water to temp.

The large shower stall held them both comfortably, but there was a bit of good natured jockeying over the warm spray. Mia eventually let her guest stand under the water while she brought the raspberry body wash and pink loofa to bear on LJ's fresh young skin.

Mia shook her head in amused empathy when LJ shook her head and snorted out some bodywash bubbles that found their way up her nose. The sexy strawberry blonde continued on and shampooed and rinsed her shaggy brown hair, which she noticed was looking less and less scruffy in recent days.

She also recognized – and not for the first time or the last – that those vibrant hazel eyes would be one hell of a seductive weapon when LJ learned to harness them. The pretty boi kept those hazel eyes roaming over Mia's body, saying nothing out loud and really not needing to vocalize her thoughts when they were so clear on her eager face.

"Damnit," Mia let herself cave into LJ's teenage horniness. "We can wash you again. C'mon."

"We're not going to...we're already in the shower?" LJ very much wanted to try shower sex.

"Uh, no." Mia laughed, "You do have a tendency to collapse right after you come, LJ. We'd both end up slipping and falling if we had shower sex. And I'd break a hip."

LJ smiled at twenty-five year-old Mia's age joke and understood it as a reversed excuse. Her considerate hostess consistently took precautions against the young athlete's becoming needlessly injured. LJ's cocksure belief that she could overcome any athletic challenge with the mental invulnerability of youth notwithstanding, she appreciated Mia's consistent insistence on protecting her health and thus her scholarship.

Mia stepped out of the shower, grabbed a few of her luxuriously fluffy towels, and laid them on the tile floor. "Coming?" She asked a confused LJ still standing beneath the spray and watching.

LJ nodded quickly and stepped out of the shower too, then let herself be laid down on said fluffy towels.

She continued to watch and the feel the gorgeous Mia as she laid atop the soft butch.

"We're making this one quick, Handsome." Mia slid two shower softened fingers straight into LJ's hungry body.

LJ's legs popped up and wrapped around Mia's hot ass, her ankles crossed in the air.. The older woman's generous hips kept LJ's legs spread wide enough to have plenty of space for her intended fingering endeavor.

She kissed LJ, hard and decisively. LJ's hips wanted to bounce, but Mia's weight kept her in place.

Mia, on the other hand, had no impediment to her movement but LJ's ankles crossed over her perfect ass. In tune with LJ's need, Mia started humping her fingers in and out of LJ and bouncing the both of them on the thankfully fluffy towels. Especially thankfully as LJ's head bounced off the floor.

Mia was serious about the quick part though and reached as deep as she dared into LJ to rub her fingertips over and over the heated teen's g-spot while her thumb strummed over LJ's hooded clit.

The blue-eyed beauty knew precisely what she was doing and had the already excited LJ on edge within a few minutes of sex play.

Still, she wanted to enjoy LJ's high and kept kissing and rocking the athletic girl.

She pulled back from LJ's face to admire her handiwork all over the sex-tripping younger woman's handsome face.

LJ's exquisite hazel eyes came open at her lover's oral absence, clouded with her coming orgasm.

"Kiss me more?" She whispered.

Mia lowered her head without thought to kiss LJ's sexy cupid's bow lips until the teen had to moan out her orgasm in relatively quiet satisfaction.

Mia laid half on LJ and half on the towels for a few minutes, essentially until LJ stopped panting.

"I'm still dirty." Mia noted, readying herself to disconnect from LJ and halt the break she'd called in their shower.

"And, how." LJ stabbed back.

Mia slapped her thigh playfully and LJ felt a directly related shot of pleasure strike through her sensitive clit and moaned unconsciously in response.

Again, Mia filed the knowledge away.

"My point was, I still need to shower. Think you can handle it without needing to be 'taken care of' again?"

LJ grinned like an idiot up at Mia, but nodded assent.

She demurely followed Mia back into the shower stall and grabbed the loofa in one hand and the raspberry bodywash in the other.

"Your turn." LJ knelt at Mia's pretty feet and washed them meticulously before slowly moving up to her ankles, to her shins, to her calves, and to her knees.

Mia was relatively patient to that point, but huffed loudly when the curious teen began to work back down her lower leg.

"Keep it moving, Handsome. We'll get all prune-y in here if you don't."

"Sorry," LJ murmured, not meaning it. She found herself fascinated by the feminine beauty of the womanly figure before her. Still, she sped her progress to a degree to appease her attractive hostess.

LJ, while still managing to do an exceptional job of washing her lover, really visually explored Mia's body with almost an artist's eye for the first time. The angle of the back of her knee, the way her hip tapered up to her waist, the line of her neck as her head turned; every nuance interested her to no end.

All too soon, LJ was massaging shampoo into Mia's scalp through her water darkened and weighted hair, marveling at the sheer difference in mass between her own midlength mop and Mia's long tresses.

Mia took over at the rinsing phase, then kissed her young lover's cheek. "I'm going to blow dry my hair. You finish washing up and toss all these damn towels in the wash. I'll see about rustling up some brunch."

They completed their respective chores and met up in the kitchen, where Mia had put on her robe and indeed made sliders and potato skins. LJ, dressed in a pair of black track pants and a gray wifebeater, was fairly ravenous and psyched to find the salty, fatty goodness on a plate. Mia had an ulterior motive in feeding her charge the greasy and fatty bar food however.

"Have you seen 'Loving Annabelle?'" Mia asked her young friend.

"No. What's it about?"

"A girl who falls for her teacher. I think you'll like it." Mia set up the movie on her gargantuan TV. At Mia's recommendation, LJ grabbed some cheddar Lays and a couple Dr Peppers while Mia laid out a dropcloth over her beloved suede foldout sofa.

"You think I'm that messy?" LJ asked, mildly offended.

"You can be," Mia affirmed lightly, "And, while I'm fond of you, this couch has been here longer. It has seniority."

"At least I rank it while I'm masturbating on top of it!" LJ shot back, her pride in her wit immediately overtaken by her abashment at her glib admission.

"Hmm. I'll have to step out into the living room and see how the couch takes it some night." Mia answered, blue eyes atwinkle.

When the ruffled teen took a seat at the opposite end of Mia's couch though, the beautiful woman with a plan redirected her and the evening's tone.

"Not-uh," Mia put her arm up on the sofa back invitingly, "This is a cuddly movie."

LJ took the suggestion and curled up next to her own teacher.

Shortly after Annabelle declared herself, Mia declared a short intermission for a bathroom break and restocking refreshments.

She returned with more Dr Peppers, a bag of Fritos, and a bottle of peach Ciroc with two shot glasses.

"Where have you been hiding that?" LJ asked in surprise, referring to the vodka. "I didn't know you had the hard stuff."

"Not something I partake of often," Mia explained, "But tonight seemed a good night for it."

She poured both shots and set them in front of the young dyke.

LJ looked at the alcohol before her. She could smell the strength from where she sat and – picking up and swirling the beverage – she thought it seemed much clearer and cleaner than beer.

The older woman just watched as LJ took a full gulp and shook her brunette head at the burn.

"Ahhhaaahasss," the startled teen hissed out, but kept the shot down.

Mia wrapped an arm around the baby dyke. She used that hand to pick up the other shot glass and held it to LJ's silky lips. Her other hand rubbed the inside of LJ's silky thigh.

"Use the Dr Pepper as a chaser if you need it," Mia whispered an order to the shaggy heartthrob, "but take the second shot.

LJ pushed the little glass ever so slightly with her pretty lips as she nodded and opened her mouth. Mia tipped back the glass sharply and LJ took the second shot from Mia's hand much more smoothly. She still reached for her Dr Pepper after and took a quick swig though.

Mia started the movie again, but stood back up before LJ could nestle back into her.

LJ started to stand too, reflexively, but Mia stopped her with a firm hand on her strong shoulder.

"Watch the movie, Handsome." Mia intoned as she sank with a practiced grace to her knees and began tugging off LJ's loose pants.

"Really, we can finish watching it later?" LJ wanted to see the end of the movie at some point, but she wasn't about to turn down Mia on her knees and felt reasonably certain that even the most basic etiquette demanded her primary attention be on anyone in the sexy strawberry blonde's position before her.

"I've seen it." Mia rebuffed with a reassuring smile as she got the hot boi's pants off to find new black silk boxer briefs. "And where have you been hiding these?"

They were such a sexy pair of underwear, particularly on the already sexy LJ, that Mia hesitated to take them off. Instead, she caressed over both the smooth material and LJ's smooth skin with both hands.

"I ordered them last week," LJ admitted with not a little embarrassment. She always found herself embarrassed when even gently confronted with an overt attempt at increasing her attractiveness. "I was waiting for a special occasion."

Mia felt the tendons of the tense dyke's legs quake a little while she thought of why it was a special occasion.

"Shhh...Just watch the movie and relax." Mia massaged the terrified girl's upper legs until her muscles released a little bit. The pleasant warmth in her stomach and spreading throughout her whole body from the nice buzz she had going from her first consumption of hard alcohol didn't hurt either.

The sexy blonde kissed her way over LJ's legs, in no real hurry. Her goal was to produce an increasingly pleasurable sensation throughout the girl's body, rather than immediate arousal.

Mia found herself drawn to the unexpected boxer briefs and their sheen. She ran her usually aggressive tongue in lazy strokes back and forth between LJ's admittedly somewhat bony knees and her less admittedly sensitive naval, particularly enjoying the feel of silk beneath her tongue on her ways there and back. Sporadically, she'd lick over the younger woman's mound and add the moisture from her saliva to the growing wet spot on the tight black shorts.

LJ, for her part, was extremely happy with her purchase, taking equal pleasure in Mia's tongue through the silk and the matching sheen in her lively blue eyes.

Soon enough, she adjusted to receiving a quiet carnality from Mia without more than an occasional moan as she watched the movie. She raised her hips obligingly when Mia slow rolled those sexy drawers down passed her ankles and off her body.

LJ also smiled to herself when she looked down to see why the touching stopped. Mia had paused in her mild extended foreplay to smell delicately of LJ's scent soaked into the silk.

Mia returned in short order to her labors, manicured fingernails leaving light white lines on LJ's athletic thighs, velvety cheeks and chin sliding between them leaving dainty kisses, licks, and nips in their wake.

By the light of the film, Mia reared back on her haunches and surveyed the effectiveness of her work. Without working the girl up overmuch, the talented Mia had opened her like a flower as Spring becomes Summer. And she was fairly leaking honey.

Mia poured a third shot, again bringing it to LJ's warm lips. Even as her head tilted back to open her throat and accept the vodka, Mia noted her clear dual intoxication from her first taste of hard liquor and the attentions lavished upon her.

As the movie ended, LJ realized herself just how sexually receptive she'd become over the previous hour or so on simmer. When Mia stood, flashed an oddly triumphant smile, and straddled her lap, LJ freely welcomed her lead with a submissive mellowness that she didn't fully understand or at all mind.

Mia aimed to maintain her lover in her distracted state, and to that end opened her robe and placed LJ's strong hands on her breasts. Her own hips gyrated suggestively in LJ's lap as she put her hands over the teenager's and pushed those long slender fingers into her firm flesh rhythmically in time with her hips, until LJ took up the rhythm herself in massaging Mia's lovely breasts.

Mia draped her arms around the back of the hot and bothered dyke's neck and brought their lips together. No playful darting or nibbling, Mia opened full throttle on the girl.

LJ gave herself over to the experienced woman's overwhelming kiss and let her lover's lust wash over her body. She found herself brought horizontal rather suddenly, but literally rolled with it.

The passionate kiss was held through LJ's gentle fall, Mia's tongue dominating the soft butch's like a top Olympic wrestler. Two fingers of her left hand slipped into LJ's pussy, with her left thumb twiddling around her clit. More opened than she'd ever been, LJ enjoyed Mia's demanding fingers for her dozenth or so time without much thought.

Mia, however, was gauging the younger woman's dilatation like a delivery room doctor. Her nipples were becoming sore as LJ continued to manipulate them inexpertly. Her tongue was cramping, but she'd pull it from LJ's delicious mouth shortly to keep it from being chomped off if LJ bit down.

The strawberry blonde's right hand rooted behind the seat cushion to find a prepositioned self-lubricating wand dildo. While LJ remained too wrapped up in what Mia's left hand and lips were up to to pay any attention, the intent woman slowly pressed the wand along the inside of LJ's thigh beneath her.

Mia removed her lips and left hand at once and craned her neck back to lock her blue eyes onto LJ's hazel ones, realizing what a big moment it would be in the baby dyke's life and wanting a level of solemnity.

LJ whined subconsciously, lips trying to reach Mia's, needy pussy suddenly empty, hands on Mia's breasts confused and out of rhythm.

Mia pushed the wand into LJ, firmly, decisively, and calmly, until she felt the girl give way inside.

LJ's handsome face registered pain as her virginity was removed as a factor from her life, but Mia's lips were back on hers in a moment. The wand was removed after only a few strokes, causing an odd mix of relief and longing in the girl. Again though, Mia's fingers and thumb were back at home between LJ's legs immediately, but tenderly, willing the girl to continue enjoying the experience.

Hot tears ran down LJ's cheeks in bodily emotional response to the physical loss of her virginity, but the warmth from foreplay and alcohol was still rolling through her and her every particle focused on the hand at her pussy bringing off the volcano to come.

Mia had wanted to remain tender throughout all stages of the planned event, but LJ's hands had stopped moving and were holding on instead. Sensing that she was losing the girl, she sped her fingers and rubbed the ball of her thumb vigorously on the underside of her clit.

LJ yelped at the added stimulation to her extremely sensitive nether regions. Her pelvis knew better than she did though, and gyrated to the motion of Mia's fingers.

After less than sixty seconds of the aggressive action, Mia felt LJ's still ridiculously tight pussy contract on her knuckles and the lava gushing forth.

She pumped in and out a few more times – until said contractions ended – and removed her wetted digits. Surreptitiously, she wiped her fingers and thumb on the dropcloth and wrapped her arms around the spent woman below her.

"Thank you, Mia." LJ whispered.

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Nicole2023Nicole2023over 1 year ago

Wish my first time was this gentle

UncertainTUncertainTalmost 2 years ago

Outstanding, and I thank you sincerely.

TheserialwaffleTheserialwaffleover 3 years ago

I just found your writing here a few days ago and your precise use of words is beautiful like if you were obeying the golden rule. But pulchritudinous? Girl you have a fetish on words or something? But I loved this story so far. Thou art a Great writer ! We all think a feel-good one. I thank thee for thy gracious syntax . Keep safe

TSreaderTSreaderabout 5 years ago
Amazingly done!

You continue to impress with your mastery of the precise words to be found in an erotic light! Thank you!

ToadattoadhallToadattoadhallabout 5 years ago
I can’t wait for the next instalment

I have really enjoyed this story and can’t wait to find out how it will be resolved. One of my favourite stories on this site

alexwatson62alexwatson62over 5 years ago

Just hoping I don`t have to wait 3 years for part 5!!!!

Seriously, it had everything, happiness, sadness, strife and eroticism, not to mention well meaning and intelligent friends who could have but didn`t take advantage.

Every part was an easy 5 stars :)

stroudlestroudleover 6 years ago

Another good romp of a read thank you . reading how lj found her way through the complex situation of coming to terms with still being avirgin was fab.

Would of liked a bit more on the scene when she did loose it but nicely handled . carnt wait for chapter 5.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

I'm glad to see the story focus on LJ; her encounters at the gym, excelling in her studies; the possibility of mending the relationship with her parents, and still fumbling in the romance department. I'm surprised the scene when she finally lost her virginity didn't last longer; I guess she just wanted to lose it and move on; I personally would have wanted the experience to last a bit longer, but at least that feeling will no longer be eating away at her anymore.

Since you introduced us to Rhea and Brenda, they could be a perfect start to chapter 5; using them as stepping stones to improve her sexual prowess; she could finally learn to sense when her partner is about to cum, knowing when to stop, and how to better approach women in future encounters. The final chapter six could see all her hard work in school pay off; she becomes a successful tennis star, maturing into a more confident stud, and maybe going toe-to-toe with Kay; teaching her some humility in the process.

That's just my two cents; thanks for giving us chapter 4.

LesbianChickLitLesbianChickLitover 6 years agoAuthor

I appreciate everyone's comments, votes, favorites, and feedback.

And, yes, Lesbear, I freely admit it. I am a logophile, or "word whore," or what you will depending on lexicon of choice. And, also, yes, probably a show off too. :)

joelafayettejoelafayetteover 6 years ago

I really enjoyed this. Complex characters, role reversals, an interesting first time with great descriptions. Thanks! And that's without reading the first few chapters.

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