Ashleigh's Christmas Break


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"So, this Kappa sorority, what do they do for fun?" Gary asked. Ashleigh knew it wasn't out of curiosity that he asked. He had been trying all semester, whenever they talked on the phone, to get Ashleigh to admit they drank and did drugs and had premarital sex. It was all true, but Ashleigh wasn't going to get baited into an argument in her first hour at home, and she just emphasized the charity work they did helping inner city kids read.

"Why do you have to help them nig-" Gary started, then finished, "... them black kids? There are plenty of white kids who need help too." Ashleigh mumbled something about everyone needing help, and then let her mom change the subject.

"When are we going to get to meet this Jason you've been seeing?" her mom inquired. Ashleigh shrugged. "I don't know, mom," she replied, "I don't even know whether I want to keep on seeing him. We had a big fight the week before he left and we haven't talked since." Her mom nodded sympathetically but Gary picked Amanda up and left the room. Ashleigh had made the mistake of telling them Jason didn't go to church, and Gary went ballistic a few months ago and never recovered.

Ashleigh and her mom chatted for a little longer before her mom announced that they had to go to the semiyearly church cleanup. Ashleigh pretended to be a little more tired than she actually was, and got a pass to sleep the morning off while the rest of her family repainted the Sunday School rooms. Ashleigh was actually quite relieved to see Gary and Amanda go - in the seven years her mom and Gary had been together, she never quite clicked with him.

Ashleigh went to "her" room, which now had more of Amanda's current toys than it did of Ashleigh's childhood. Her cheerleading trophies had been put in the closet to make space for a dollhouse, and her posters of her favorite bands had all been replaced with church posters. She flopped down on her bed and felt the comforting familiarity of her old blanket, and fell asleep.


At first, Ashleigh thought she was dreaming. Or she might actually have been dreaming. Either way, it took a while to realize that the pair of hands probing at her pussy while she slept was not a dream. Ashleigh screamed and sat up, her panties around her knees, and looked into Gary's face, contorted with anger.

"I knew it! You're a fucking whore!" he yelled.

"Get the fuck away from me!" yelled Ashleigh back. "Get the fuck out of here!"

Gary triumphantly held his finger up with the evidence - a big wad of cum that he had scooped out of Ashleigh's pussy. "I knew it! You and all your whore friends at your whore university, just whoring it up! You couldn't even keep your legs crossed the night before you came home!"

"You sick fuck!" screamed Ashleigh. "You sick, twisted, fucked-up pervert! MOM! MOMMMM!"

Gary grabbed Ashleigh's arms and shook her violently, then threw her back down on the bed. "Your mom and Amanda are at church, cleaning out the filth, while I'm at home doing the same," he sneered. "Pack your bags up, because I will not have this perversion under my roof!"

"You can't throw me out," jabbed Ashleigh, "And this isn't even your house. It's my mom's house, and you're just a broke-ass mechanic who couldn't even afford renting his own apartment!" Gary reached out and slapped Ashleigh so quickly that she didn't even realize she had been slapped until the tears welled up in her eyes. Gary thrust two pieces of paper at Ashleigh, each of which filled her with increasing fear as she read them.

The first was a deed to the house. Her mom had signed over full ownership of their house to Gary at his behest, citing "man of the house" rules. This house had been Ashleigh's home for their whole life, and they had fought tooth and nail to get it from Ashleigh's birth dad. Ashleigh's mom had paid the mortgage dollar by dollar while working as a supermarket cashier. And now she had turned it all over to some creepy perv who went around checking his daughter's pussy for cum while she slept!

The second was even more chilling. Ashleigh knew that her mom and Gary had fought over her attending State University, and Ashleigh had even lied to her mom about her sexual activity to try and smooth things over. But that had turned around to bite her in the ass, as apparently her mother was so gullible that she had signed a contract with Gary, stipulating if he ever caught Ashleigh having premarital sex, she would be kicked out of the house.

"What kind of fucked-up shit is this?" declared an outraged Ashleigh. "You can't kick me out of a house I've been in longer than you!"

"I can, and I will," declared Gary, a chilling smile creeping across his face. "Unless ..."

"Unless what?" asked Ashleigh. Oh, no. He didn't mean THAT, did he? "Unless WHAT?!"

Gary unbuckled his belt as Ashleigh, wide-eyed horrified, watched his cock grow erect under the fabric of his pants.

"This is so fucked up," stated Ashleigh. "You're a sick, sick, SICK piece of shit."

"YOU'RE THE PIECE OF SHIT!" yelled Gary in a sudden rage, as he ripped down his pants and jumped on top of Ashleigh, grabbing her wrists and pinning them above her head. Ashleigh struggled and tried to kick him off of her, but he forced her legs apart and dropped on top of her, his rock-hard dick pushing towards the entrance of Ashleigh's dry pussy.

With his free hand, Gary reached over and grabbed a bottle of lube (where did THAT come from?) and squirted some all over his dick and Ashleigh's cunt. He roughly thrust a few fingers into Ashleigh's pussy to lube it up, and then suddenly entered her. He pressed his face up to Ashleigh, now terrified, and grunted as he began fucking his stepdaughter.

"Listen up, WHORE. I did you and your WHORE mother a favor by giving you a chance. Your mother is the one who was about to lose this house until I stepped in and saved your asses, so you could do me a favor and show some FUCKING GRATITUDE by not WHORING around while under my roof," he hissed at her.

Ashleigh had fucked a lot of guys, but this was the first time she ever felt dirty while she was fucking. Or, rather, being fucked. Bursting into tears, Ashleigh sobbed uncontrollably as her stepdad hammered his cock deeper and deeper into her pussy. All the lubrication came from the half bottle of lube that Gary had slathered onto her, and the residual cum from last night's festivities.

Gary fucked his stepdaughter like he used to fuck the street whores when he did his prostitute ministry. He fucked his stepdaughter like he used to fuck the teenage whores when he did his youth ministry. He fucked his stepdaughter like he fucked his whore of a wife, who ended up unmarried and raising a child alone until he came by to save them. He fucked them quickly and brutally, filling their cunts with his cleansing sperm. And when he was done, he left them, curled up in a fetal position sobbing, so they could reflect on their sins and repent.


More awkward than getting raped by her stepfather was the realization that Gary was essentially right. Her mom had quit her job to raise Amanda. With Gary as the sole owner of the house, her mom was 100% at his mercy, and as much as she hated Gary, she loved her mom. And Ashleigh resigned herself to doing what was best for her mom.

The first few days that Gary fucked Ashleigh, it was discreet. He slid into her bed late that night, after her mom went to sleep, and fucked her missionary style while making her answer questions about how many guys she had fucked at school. The day after that, he cornered Ashleigh one day when her mom and Amanda were out, and then bent her over the living room couch and fucked the shit out of her. But by the time Christmas came around, Gary was becoming more and more brazen, forcing Ashleigh to give him a blowjob in the garage while her mother and Amanda were both in the house on Christmas Eve. Not more than two hours after blowing a load into her mouth, he tricked Ashleigh into reaching under his car's hood, and trapped Ashleigh under the hood of his car. Then he fucked her with the garage door wide open and waving to neighbors.

Chapter 5

Christmas morning, Ashleigh woke up when Amanda ran into her room screaming about how it was Christmas morning. Ashleigh's back still hurt from where Gary had closed a car hood on her the day before, but she stumbled down to the living room and pretended to enjoy the cheap-ass gifts that Gary had bought for her - an Old Navy T-shirt and a men's calculator watch from Walmart. Wow, thanks. Even Amanda's gift topped that - a framed picture from this past summer of Ashleigh and Amanda in matching cheerleading outfits. "I saved up my allowance for a month!" she proudly proclaimed. Ashleigh's mom gave her a small flat box, which Ashleigh quickly realized was an iPad. Gary noticed it too, and apparently wasn't consulted, because his face turned bright red with anger when Ashleigh pulled it out of the box.

Christmas fell on a Sunday, so right after breakfast, everyone got dressed up to go to Christmas service. Ashleigh took a shower, and then put on a red skirt and white sweater with white tights and heels, her traditional Christmas outfit. Her hair went back in a tight, conservative ponytail, and she put on a small golden cross necklace that Gary and her mom had gotten for her two Christmases ago. As she looked in the mirror, she couldn't believe that last year at this time, she had only had sex with eight different guys (ten if you counted handjobs).

Gary's SUV pulled up to reserved parking space in front of the church - "Deacon Gary Rivers," it read. "Daughter-fucker Gary Rivers," Ashleigh thought to herself. Gary shook hands with everyone and acted like a real dad celebrating his daughter coming home from college, and Ashleigh stewed with contempt for his hypocrisy. She saw some high school friends and excused herself to go say hi to them, but then ducked out of the sanctuary and downstairs onto the old patio to be alone.

It didn't take her long to realize that she wasn't alone. The smell of cigarette smoke led her around the corner to a small stone wall where Brandon and Jesse were sitting, smoking. Brandon and Jesse were sort of youth group outcasts. They were the same year as Ashleigh, but they hung out with the emo crowd and mostly just snuck off and smoked. Unlike Ashleigh, who was always popular and outgoing, they always had sulked in the corners and made fun of the church.

Ashleigh was in a mood to sulk in the corner and make fun of the church, so she sat down on the wall with them and asked for a drag of their cigarette. "You've lightened up," Brandon said as Ashleigh took a long, slow drag on the cigarette. "Who are you, and what did you do with Cheerleader Ashleigh?" joked Jesse.

"Let's just say that I've learned this world is a truly fucked up place," Ashleigh sighed, exhaling smoke. She had never smoked tobacco and only smoked other things once in a while, but often enough so that she could pass for a smoker. "You guys had it right all along."

"What made you change your mind?" asked Brandon. Ashleigh didn't want to answer.

"We'll share our stories if you share yours," Jesse offered.

"How about this," Ashleigh countered, "You tell me your stories, and if either is even half as fucked up as mine, I'll share mine." Brandon and Jesse agreed, and after some quibbling, Brandon agreed to go first.

"My dad and my mom didn't get married until I was 14," Brandon started. Ashleigh started to call bullshit, as she had known their families for as long as she could remember, but Brandon cut her off. "They told everyone they were married, and my mom even changed her fucking name when I was born, but they weren't married. They were never married. And you want to know why? Because she was married to some other dude when I was born." Ashleigh wasn't sure whether this was a huge gag or he was telling the truth. Brandon continued, "So basically, my dad was nailing a married woman, and when she got pregnant, her husband freaked the fuck out because he had a vasectomy and never told my mom. He dumped her ass, she and my dad moved to a different town and told everyone they were married, and started a new life. They never got around to getting married until I was poking around their room looking for porn when I was 13, and found her divorce papers - dated two years after I was born."

"That's pretty fucked up," Ashleigh replied, "But that's not even half as fucked up as my story. What's yours?" she asked Jesse.

"My dad runs a whorehouse," Jesse began. "When I was 15, I was home sick one day and I noticed my dad coming back home in the middle of the day. But he never said hi to me, just hung out by the mailbox for half an hour until the mail arrived, then he sifted through the whole thing and never brought any of the mail in. So I started poking around his computer and found a message from the State of Nevada about some sort of licensing thing that he needed to sign. I called the number, and presto - I find out that the license is for some kind of brothel and he's a 75% owner. The 'business trips' he takes to LA every month? He's collecting his motherfucking dues from his hos and bangs a few before coming home."

"No offense, but that's not even as fucked up as Brandon's story," Ashleigh interjected.

"I'm not done," laughed Jesse. "Something told me that wasn't the end of the story, and I tracked down some old employment records at my dad's whorehouse. It seems that he didn't meet my mother at Bible study at all - she was one of his employees for five years. And he paid for two abortions for her before they got married and had me."

"Well, that's pretty good, but ..." Ashleigh began.

"Bitch, he ain't done yet!" Brandon blurted.

"On the marriage certificate," Jesse paused for dramatic effect, "is my mom's real birthday. She was 20 years old, not 25, when she got married. That means ..."

"Oh my God," Ashleigh blubbered.

"... my dad was whoring out and jizzing in a 15-year-old." Jesse finished triumphantly, as if he had just recited the Gettysburg Address from memory. The words hung in the air like a dark cloud. Ashleigh just sat, stunned, thinking about Jesse's mom, her 3rd grade Sunday School teacher, getting nailed in a dimly-lit brothel. Brandon's dad, the chaperone at her senior prom who told her she was dancing too close, plugging a married woman.

"So ..." Brandon broke the silence. Ashleigh motioned for another drag from the cigarette. After gathering enough strength to speak up, she passed it back to Brandon.

"So the other day I woke up with Gary's finger in my pussy looking for cum," Ashleigh started, causing Brandon and Jesse to choke. They collapsed to the ground laughing. Ashleigh was a little annoyed at first, but eventually laughed along with them.

"Ash, I gotta say, I thought you were being a priss when you said you had a fucked-up story to tell," Brandon said, while wiping the tears from his eyes. "Allow me to apologize for my unbelief." He made a dramatic bow before picking up his dropped cigarette and sitting back on the wall.

"He's always been super suspicious of me not being a virgin," she continued, "I came back from school and he's all, 'What do you girls do in your sorority' and 'What do you and Jason do at night.' I took a nap while they went to church for the cleanup, and he came back alone. He was sure that I had cum in my pussy, so he stuck his finger in and pulled out a glob."

"Wait," Jesse pointed out. "You mean he found some?!"

"Umm," Ashleigh stammered.

Brandon and Jesse high fived each other as they laughed uncontrollably again.

"Now THAT ... is truly fucked up," Brandon stated. "I think this calls for a little celebration." He pulled out a little vial of white powder and some rolling paper. He spread out some tobacco and then sprinkled the white powder carefully, holding his hand so that the wind wouldn't blow it around. After rolling it up, he lit it, took a drag, and then passed it to Jesse, who also took a drag and passed it to Ashleigh. She wasn't exactly sure what it was, but having to spend Christmas at church full of perverts was reason enough to do whatever she was about to do.

At first, it just seemed like any other cigarette, except unfiltered, which Ashleigh definitely didn't like. She shrugged and handed it back to Jesse. "Wait for it," he encouraged, and after a few seconds, a wave of euphoria crashed over Ashleigh. It was like an orgasm, except not in her pussy. "Oh shit," she blubbered. Brandon and Jesse laughed.

They passed around the cigarette, taking turns until it ran out. Brandon made another, and then a third. By this time, Ashleigh could barely see straight as her head throbbed with pleasure. Her pussy ached for the same, and Ashleigh found herself asking, "So which of you wants to fuck me first?"

Jesse volunteered, and let his dick out for a breather as Ashleigh knelt in front of him and gobbled it up. Brandon pulled Ashleigh to her feet without her mouth leaving Jesse's dick, and he started fingering her from behind. Her panties were sopping wet, and he pulled them down to her knees with one hand as he stuck a finger, then two, into Ashleigh's gushing cunt.

Neither of the boys lasted very long, Brandon blowing his load into Ashleigh within 30 seconds, and Jesse filling her mouth with salty cum a few seconds later. Whatever was in that cigarette heightened Ashleigh's sense of taste as well as touch, and she had to spit it out on the ground because it tasted vile. Brandon and Jesse high fived each other again and laughed.

Ashleigh stood up and led them back into the church by their dicks. The service was well underway, and everyone was upstairs singing Christmas carols, so she knew all the Sunday School classrooms were ready for defiling. First, Jesse fucked her missionary style on the preschool play mat, collapsing on top of her as he dropped a load into her pussy. Ashleigh might have cum once, but it was actually pretty hard to tell whether that was just the drugs. Next, Ashleigh rode Brandon while he was lying on the a table in the 3rd grade classroom. She definitely came there, and grabbed Brandon's shirt so hard that he tore one of the buttons off. After he pumped a second, small load into her, the three of them retreated to the teen lounge, where they took a water break.

As they sat on the sofa, Ashleigh played with their dicks until they were hard again, and they took turns trying to stick it in Ashleigh's ass. They were unsuccessful, a combination of not having lube and also having been drained twice already, but Ashleigh came again while Jesse finger-fucked her ass and Brandon finger-fucked her pussy. Finally, Ashleigh ripped off the couch cushions and sucked each of them off in turn, making them dribble out a final load of sperm onto the couch. She then replaced the cushions so that the whole room would smell like jizz in a few days.

Satisfied that they had properly exacted their revenge, the three of them cleaned themselves up with a bottle of Febreze that Jesse carried around with him for just this purpose, and then dried themselves off on the hair dryers in the bathroom. Then, they went upstairs and caught the last verse of "O Come, All Ye Faithful."

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