Ashley and Jack's Turkish Delight


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Cara turned to Jack and kissed him again, this time with even more passion.

I knew what I wanted to do. I went behind Cara and ran her dress zipper down. I felt as if I was in control and unwrapping a gift for Jack and me. As her dress slipped to the floor I saw Jack's hand touch her breasts. When he broke the kiss, he bent down and gently sucked one of her nipples causing her to moan.

She turned and gently kissed me and then reached for Jack's t-shirt and drew it above his head. I undid his belt and eased his trousers off.

Cara pushed Jack on to the bed and said to me, "Please let me, I so want to do this." She pulled his boxers down and his large cock sprung out fully hard.

"Oh my God Ash, he is magnificent," she said bending over and placing a gentle kiss on the head of his penis.

She turned to me and pulled me into a kiss as we stood beside the bed. As the kiss ended her hands pulled my underwear down, and then she slipped hers off saying, "Shall we make you gorgeous boyfriend cum first."

I stood there jolted by her words. Realising that from now it was more serious. If I wanted to stop now was the right time to do so. As those thoughts went through my mind, Jack moved back on the bed with his eyes wide and a grin on his face. Cara knelt on the floor in between his knees which were bent over the edge of the bed.

Spreading his knees a little further apart she leant over onto one thigh. Through my mind was clouded by her stunning kisses and my indecisiveness, I recognised she had left room for me.

She was ordered and in control. Pushing her hair to one side. Adjusting Jack a few inches lower on the bed. Holding Jacks cock in her hand, down low. She turned and looked straight at me.

My pussy was damp. Looking at Jack I saw pure desire in his eyes. That pushed me over the edge. I want to do this I thought. I knelt down in the position Cara had left for me.

"Your boy. I want to watch. You go first," she smiled.

I moved my head towards him and opened wide, and she guided his cock into my mouth.

I closed my lips around the head, held him tight. Then did what I usually do, sucked him firmly. My lips ran tightly over him as his cock slid inside my mouth. Tasting a drop of pre-cum, I thought he is really turned on. I trapped him between my tongue and the roof of my mouth. From experience this was the best way of generating the pressure he so adored.

I then started pushing down onto his cock, focusing on taking as much as I could. Pleased with myself as I got all the way to the back in one stroke. I knew this was turning Jack on, but a bit of me was showing off for Cara.

I felt her squirm a little beside me as I let him slip back out. Cara moved forward and her pretty little tongue ran across Jack's balls. He moaned enjoying two girls pleasing him orally for the first time ever.

Then I went to suck again every bit as deep. But if we were to work in tandem, I couldn't. Cara's head was in the way. I so was not going to deny Jack's balls getting attention. So I did what he found almost as good, ran my tongue over the sensitive spot just behind and below the head of his penis.

Holding just the head in my mouth and moving my tongue in earnest. In control. Pleasing Jack. Showing Cara what a good little cock sucker I am.

Her hand came up, tucked some of my hair behind my ear, and I felt a full breast press into my arm. "You look so good with Jack's cock in your mouth," she said.

Jack's erection throbbed inside me. I sucked him in and out and he groaned and I felt his thigh tense next to my shoulder. He was not far away and I had another decision to make.

I made it. I slowed, stopped and he popped out of my mouth. He raised his head to look at us. Questioning.

I slid my hand to the bottom of his cock and pushed it towards Cara.

She smiled at me, took a deep breath and slid him right in. As deep as I had gone on my first attempt. She was good. No winner here, except of course for Jack.

Jacks head fell back on the pillow and he moaned loudly. She then ran her mouth up his cock. She copied me and held the top of his cock in her mouth with the centre of her tongue right behind the sensitive tip. She worked her mouth back and forth, sliding it from side to side. This girl could suck cock.

"You look good like that," I said stroking her. Pleased to realize I was comfortable with my boyfriend's cock in my friend's mouth.

Jack seemed well beyond thinking as he squirmed under her subtle touches. I said some words to myself, surprised that they turned me on rather than scaring me, "I don't mind sharing him with her at all."

Her eyes twinkled at me as she worked my boyfriend's cock. I ran my tongue over his balls. Copying her. He groaned again and I looked up recognising he was close.

Still working her mouth now more gently on the head of his cock, she arched her eyebrows at me. I knew what she was asking. I was fine with it. "Yes," I whispered.

She grinned back at me again, let him slip out. Jack lifted his head with a look of concern. She looked him directly in the eye and asked in her most sexy voice, "Jack darling. Would you like to cum in my mouth." He moaned. She was so pushing his buttons.

"Oh and Jack darling, would you like me to kiss your pretty girlfriend afterwards. And coat her lips with your sperm? Do you want to? Jack?"

He just nodded poor boy. Her voice made me wetter, God only knows how strongly it heated up his desire. I thought maybe I should be more vocal in bed. Get Jacks eyes as crazed with lust as they now are. Offered a fantasy he didn't know he had.

I was entranced. I had so lost control. She closed her lips over his cock and Jack moaned as his head fell back on the pillow. Cara sucked him in slowly all the way to the bottom. Then again and he tensed his hips. Then he exploded in her mouth, as she held just an inch of him between her lips.

She took the first spurts, jaw locked getting as much as possible in her mouth. Jack groaned again, in pure bliss as she sucked gathering up every drop with her tongue.

She held him inside until sure he was done. Looking up to Jack she waited. And waited. And waited. Until he opened his eyes.

As he watched from the bed, Cara took her mouth from his cock not spilling a drop. She pulled me to my feet. Her cute little tongue emerged covered in sperm. She ran her tongue along my mouth coating my lips with Jack's cum. And then in for another open mouth kiss. Her tongue pushed some of my boyfriend's sperm into my mouth. We shared a glance at Jack. Then we both swallowed together, holding the kiss long after it was all gone.

It was the most erotic blowjob I have ever been in.

We broke, I started breathing once again, desperately trying to get my eyes back into focus. Again I found myself thinking this girl can sure kiss. And she gives a mean blowjob. She glanced again at Jack and licked a single drop, which had slipped out of my mouth, from my chin.

Jack groaned again. "Oh my god. So good. You two really are goddesses..."

We both climbed on the bed and lay on each side of Jack. Taking turns kissing him. He was slow to move but when he roused himself, he climbed over me so I was in the middle and he kissed me deeply.

I thought, "Oh my God, my boyfriend can so kiss." I turned to Cara and she kissed me. I thought, "So can she. There is no denying that. But if I had to choose a winner it is still Jack."

They both pressed their bodies against mine each with a knee over my thigh. Then as if synchronised they kissed little light kisses down my cheek, ran their tongues over my ears, and kissed down my neck and chest to finally circle my nipples with their tongues.

Jack gently on one nipple, Cara firmer on the other. I was in heaven as my nipples are so sensitive and I was getting a double dose for the first time ever. Round and round they went licking, and Cara occasionally gently biting, each touch connecting to my pussy which was starting to leak.

Then they looked at each other and bent over my body to kiss. When they broke their kiss, Cara said "Me?" and Jack replied, "Yes, definitely." Whatever understanding they had reached was lost on me.

They returned their attention to my breasts and I lay back on a pillow. Closed my eyes enjoying the sensation. Then gentle kisses started again, one set up my body and another down my body. Suddenly I realised that they had agreed who was going up and who was going down.

I opened my eyes to see Jack smiling at me. As I lent up to kiss him, I knew it was decision time all over again. But I was so horny and Jack so unconcerned, that I let a ten year barrier down in my mind. Cara was going further than any girl ever had with me. I lay back on the second pillow Jack had thoughtfully got and propped me up with.

When Cara knelt down in front of me and looked up at me with those big eyes, I wasn't prepared for the response my body gave her. And when she slipped a finger against my clit, she could feel the response, "Ooh," she cooed, "looks like you want this gorgeous."

She spread my legs giving her all the access she needed.

Her little tongue slipped out of her lips. I watched as she let her fingertips graze my wetness and then felt the pressure of her finger slipping into me. I admit that it felt soooo good. And when that tongue flicked against my clit, I buried my head into Jack's chest. I whimpered.

Jack asked, "Do you like Cara licking you honey?" And when he flicked my nipple, he got the answer he was looking for, a groan and stiff little nipple to play with. Flicking my nipple with his finger, making me even more desperate.

She grazed and sucked my clit then rolled her tongue around it in circles. Working me up slowly, she pumped her finger a few times and then buried it. Leaving it in me while sucking my clit again.

Jack massaged one nipple with his fingers, the other with his mouth. Gently just the way I like it.

They were both driving me mad with lust.

Then she looked up at me with the most innocent look she could muster and asked, "Is that how you like it? Am I doing a good job?"

Admitting to myself she is good, and different from Jack. I nodded, "Yes. You're doing great. Put another finger in me, though." As she obeyed, I could feel the two fingers stretching me.

"Ooh," she smiled at me, "you're really wet now." Her fingers were the perfect size to make me completely dumb with pleasure so I could only nod. Her tongue, soft and wet, fluttered over my clit while Jack caressed my nipples, both sending more shock waves through my body. They both sucked a little harder and I moaned from sensory overload. Two people who knew how to pleasure me touching me together.

Then she looked up at me again with those big eyes, "I like licking you. You taste so good. Do you like it Ashley?"

My body reacted to this question by getting even wetter and I could barely whisper, "Yes. Oh my God yes."

I was trembling all over. I thought I was about to cum right then and there, but I managed to hold off.

That little tongue flicked out and licked my clit like it was melting ice cream. She asked softly, "Can I suck it, too?"

"Yes, please," I groaned as I opened my eyes to see Jack smiling down at me. No doubt as surprised as I was about how vocal his girlfriend had become.

Making the sexiest shape with her mouth, she sucked my clit between her lips and it was all I could do not to move my hands down and shove her face into my pussy.

I closed my eyes and just let her tongue do its magic. At some point, my hands ended up grasping Jack by the hair and pulling his mouth to mine.

I wanted to kiss him while my hips, with a mind of their own, ground against her pretty face. When I got really close, she kept attending to my clit while Jacked caressed my nipples. Then she shoved two fingers deep into me. I gasped.

Jack returned to sucking my nipples and Cara never let up on my pussy. They had me so turned on, I couldn't believe it. And then she started stroking my G-spot.

That's when I lost my mind and just let everything go, "Fuck yes. Oh God. Shit. Suck me Jack. Eat my pussy. God yes. Make me cum. Holy shit, Jack." My heartbeat and breathing stopped at the same time as my back arched and my body erupted, I shook and shivered, chills broke out all over, my nipples were rock hard from Jacks attention, my pussy gushed from Cara's, and I was lightheaded.

Never, ever in my life had I cum that hard before.

Cara kissed her way up my body and I opened my eyes to see my spellbound boyfriend open mouthed, with his hand touching his rapidly hardening erection.

Cara lent over and kissed him, and asked in the sweetest voice, "Do you like tasting you girlfriend's juices on my mouth?"

"Yes, she is even more delicious when I lick her from your lips," he said as he helped her down on the bed between us.

I couldn't move. Just rolled my head over and kissed her as Jack moved down to caress Cara's breast with his tongue. I could see him roll her nipple around in his mouth and I could hear her moan. Groggily I raised myself so I could reach her other breast. Taking it in my mouth I sucked her nipple, imitating how Jack sucks mine.

He looked at me questioning, and I just knew what he was asking. And he was right to ask. I ran my hand over his face, silently indicating my thanks and my answer.

He smiled and we returned to massaging and kissing Cara's big breasts. They felt softer than mine and, because she didn't moan as much, I guess they are less sensitive than mine. Leaving Jack to indulge himself playing with the big breasts that had first attracted him to Cara, I moved back and kissed her.

"Thank you," I whispered.

"The pleasure was all mine," she said.

"I so don't think so. You weren't the one screaming," I said laughing, looking into her eyes.

A little tremor went through her body. We both turned towards Jack to see his head moving down her body. I guessed the tremor came from his tongue touching her belly button. I loved when he licked the piercing on mine.

I watched Cara lie back and close her eyes. Deep down I was completely uncertain about whether I could do what Jack was about to do. I was thanking Jack for asking and not pushing me into it.

But unlike Cara, I knew what was coming. Right from when we started making love, Jack had surprised me with his gentleness. I knew that when he pressed his lips into her pussy he would land as light as a butterfly. His gentle touch was as sensual as it was delicate.

"Ohhhhh..." Cara sighed. I gently kissed her and got up a little higher on my elbows to get a good view.

I saw him use his lips, gathering her juices and then he looked up into my eyes. Smiling I said, "Make her cum Jack."

Dragging his lips up and through her labia, a pause, and then down and through. He used his thumbs to softly spread her even more open, very gently. Then upper lip feather soft over her clit and meeting the lower lip right at the opening.

She pursed her lips for a kiss, leaned into me and sucked my tongue, her softness and gentleness reflecting, what I knew from experience, Jack was doing to her pussy.

I could hear the little slurps from Jack licking and sucking. I so knew that she was finding it as pleasurable as I did, as he kept making her squirm. A lot. He kept moving, always very slowly.

While I had not had a lot of other boyfriends, they had all gone down on me. But Jack was a completely different experience. Electrifying. Cara moved her knees even, wider. Silently begged him toward her.

I tucked the pillow behind her, so she didn't have to strain to keep her head up. Pulled some hair from her eyes. Put my head on her shoulder and we both watched very closely.

From experience I knew he was moving much slower than she had on me. Much, much softer. His slightest touch was taking her breath away.

Moving his tongue down, I suspected, a little above her butt. I wondered whether he would touch her most private of places. Cara's moan answered my question. I realised he had delicately run his tongue over her hole. Lingering, gently caressing her butt with his tongue. Cara moaned, "Fuck that is good."

Then straight up in a single maddeningly slow agonizingly light lick through her lips, lighter over her opening, somehow even more so over her clitoris. When Jack did that to me my clit would stand tall as if begging for attention.

Tongue extended, he leaned in, lapped at her clit like a kitten takes milk. I looked away from Jack to Cara and saw her laying back on the pillow eyes closed softly calling out Jack's name.

I thought it was sooo hot. Cara was experiencing sensations as intense as the ones she and Jack had given me.

A deep breath from Cara. I looked down to see my boyfriend look into my eyes as his tongue started pressing inside her. Circling around inside, tracing her circumference. Then slowly, deliberately back to her clit again. I knew from experience, and from her sighs and moans, that Cara was slipping slowly into ecstasy. Driven by the slow twirling and lapping of my boyfriend's tongue.

His lips now went directly onto her clit. Full tongue soft and gentle, getting Cara's breath shuddering in tiny little gasps. It looked so fantastic, I didn't even notice my fingers slide inside my pussy until they started moving hard in me.

I could see Cara's fingers curl. Her hand reached out and grabbed my arm. Ouch. Her breathing turned into moaning. Her body started trembling. She became as vocal as me. "Suck me. Oh fuck, you are magic. Yes Jack. Lick me stud. Make me cum."

Tongue still gentle, but licking more quickly. Cara's hips trembled like they wanted to force themselves deep into Jack's face.

I looked at her. "Oh my god. Yes Jack," she screamed as she came. Hard. Then she slowly unwound, relaxed and smiled. A smile so sweet at me, that I melted, leant in and kissed her.

Jack sensuously kissed his way up her tummy, still being a butterfly. Soft and slow. He lay on top of her, resting his cheek on her shoulder. Her glorious boobs pressing against him on one side and me on the other.

She slowly brought her arms around to hug him close.

"That was beyond fabulous, Jack," she whispered, kissing the top of his head, "That was truly the best ever. By far."

He snuggled in besides her getting comfy. I got up on my elbow and looked down at them. Cara smiled at me her arms still around Jack. "Ashley that was unbelievable. Is it really like that every night? Kiss me honey."

I leant over and kissed her, imitating the way Jack delicately played with her pussy. She moaned and then eased herself under Jack so he ended up in the middle between Cara and me.

I leant into him and kissed him deeply and passionately, tasting Cara on his mouth. I felt ok with that. Traced my finger up his cock. It was somewhat stiff when I touched the base but the time my fingers reached the sensitive spot just under the head he was fully hard.

My touching myself as Jack licked Cara had made me horny again. And just a little desperate for my man.

I reached over and gently pulled his shoulder so he lay on his side facing me. Looking him in the eye, I smiled and said, "I want you. Now. Deep inside me."

He rotated over me, eyes never leaving mine and his erection bumped against my pussy. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Cara roll onto her side. It made me even hornier knowing she was about to watch my boyfriend make love to his girlfriend.

I'd been horny since looking at the photos. Cara and Jack had more than taken the edge off, but I needed more. Jack looked down at me. I looked up at him. We knew what to do, to make it just right. And he slid slowly inside me. Firm and deep and familiar, I so love the feeling of him on me and in me. I hugged him tight while he slowly withdrew and slid back inside with just a touch more firmness.