Ashley's Revenge Ch. 13


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"It's very serious, baby. You and I can be together, don't you want that?" she cooed.

"Yes," I groaned as my cock was hardening under my robe. Ashley slid her hand down and giggled as she found my hard cock.

"Your wife is such a dumb fucking bitch for not worshiping this big cock," Ashley moaned as she gave my cock a few quick strokes with her hand. "It's too bad she ran off, I wish she could see me suck you off, baby."

"Ashley," I groaned.

"I wanted to see her face as I swallowed you whole," Ashley groaned as she opened my robe and leaned over and took my cock completely into her soft, warm mouth in an instant.

"Fuck, Ashley," I said, still unable to think with my cock as Ashley went down on me.

"Are you fucking serious?" my wife yelled as she burst into the room. She was pointing the 9mm at Ashley and closing on her fast. Ashley kneeled next to me on the bed and turned to face my wife who stopped just a few feet away.

"Oh, hi, Mrs. Jones," Ashley smiled as she licked her lips.

"Hi? You stupid little bitch, I'm going to make you pay for what you've done to my life!" my wife fumed, I could see she was getting even more pissed since Ashley didn't seem to be phased by the 9mm pointed at her at all.

"Hey, all I did was fuck your husband, something he said you didn't do too much anyway. I didn't tell you to kill anyone," Ashley calmly shot back. "By the way, I hope you don't mind that I borrowed your wedding rings," she giggled showing off her hand like a newly-engaged woman eager to show off her ring.

"Your game playing has come to an end, Ashley. It's time that you were the one that paid for what you've done," my wife yelled.

"Katherine, I pity you. You think you have my kind of game and you simply don't. If you'd have kept your husband happy he would have never fucked me, to begin with," Ashley smiled. "If you wouldn't have fucked with my life and cost me a brand-new Mustang I would have never decided to take your man from you. If you were smart you'd leave now and never look back, you are in way over your head."

"Fuck you, bitch!" my wife spit out with as much venom as she could muster. "I killed your little slut friend there and you're next."

"I don't think so," Ashley smiled coyly. "You're not selling it. You look like the calm, cold bitch that your husband always said you were. Besides, I can clearly see that Lindsey was breathing when I walked in."

"Fuck you," my wife screamed.

"Sorry, you're not my type," Ashley giggled. "I don't like posers and cowards. I bet that even telling you that your hubby fucked me in your wedding dress and that we destroyed your veil wouldn't even make you pull that trigger. Or how about knowing that I had your grandmother's pearls deep in my dripping wet pussy?" I could see the anger growing in my wife as she stood there, her face now red with anger. Ashley's weight shifted on the bed and she reached behind herself slowly. "Let me tell you, they feltsofucking good! The I wrapped them around your husband's cock and he fucked me with them. Granny would have been proud. Or, how about knowing that the night you had phone sex with your hubby that I was here doing everything you described as we laughed at just how fucking pathetic you were, you stupid fucking hag?"

"That's it!" my wife screamed. "You are DEAD you fucking little bitch!" She raised her arm and pointed the gun directly at Ashley as Ashley's right hand came from behind her back quickly and three shots rang out causing me to jump off the bed.

"Oh my God, she was going to shoot me!" Ashley screamed. "What the fuck!" I looked at Ashley and saw that she too had a gun in her hand, still smoking. My wife was bleeding on the floor, I ran over to her but she was gone. Lindsey popped up off the floor and tossed Ashley my cell phone.

"Got it," Lindsey said.

"Got what?" I asked completely in shock as I looked up at the girls.

"Proof that I shot the bitch in self-defense," Ashley giggled. "Call 911, Lindsey. Tell them we need the cops and an ambulance because there was a shooting."

"Ok," Lindsey replied as she grabbed her cell and ran out of the room.

"Where did you get a gun?" I asked Ashley, in shock over what had just transpired. My brain going a million miles a minute as I was hoping this was just a nightmare and not reality.

"Don't worry, I have a permit and a concealed carry license. Good thing, too, your bitch wife was going to kill me," Ashley grinned.

"You know that's not true," I said, kneeling next to my wife's body.

"Do I?" Ashley asked, taking off her hoodie and looking at her left arm. "Then explain why my arm is bleeding." Ashley turned around and pointed to the headboard, "Bullet hole, the bitch grazed me."

"Ambulance and cops are on the way," Lindsey said as she reappeared, the ketchup cleaned off of her forehead.

"You two planned all of this?" I asked, stunned.

"Well, notallof it," Ashley said. "I mean your wife had to actually point a gun at me in order for it to work. We made her pay, husband."

The cops were the first to arrive. They tried to revive my wife but there was really no use, one of the bullets went pretty much right between her eyes. Ashley and Lindsey played their parts perfectly. I sat there in shock as Ashley showed the officer the video which conveniently started just before my wife yelled that she was going to kill Ashley.

"Good thing you were armed, Miss," the officer said as Ashley broke down and cried.

"I know, I still can't believe it," she sobbed.

"So," the officer said as he walked up to me. "You were in bed with the redhead and your wife caught you?"

"Yes," I nodded.

"Where was the blonde at that time?" he asked.

"I'm not sure, she was in bed with us when I fell asleep but when my wife came in she was gone," I replied truthfully.

"I went home," Ashley said. "I live in the house right behind this one."

"Why did you go home?" the officer asked.

"I was pissed, I am the one that brought my friend into this threesome and I got jealous," Ashley sighed.

"So why did you come back?" the officer asked.

"Lindsey texted me that Mrs. Jones came home and was in a complete fit of rage, making threats and waving a gun around," Ashley said sniffling.

"Why didn't you call the police at that point?" the officer asked as he surveyed the room.

"Because, I've been sleeping with Mr. Jones for a while and didn't want my parents to find out. I thought the situation could be defused quietly," Ashley said.

"So then why bring the gun?" the officer countered.

"Because, she had one," Ashley said as a paramedic bandaged her bleeding arm. "I was hoping it wouldn't come to it but she was a jilted wife and I was the girl fucking her husband."

"Fair enough," the officer said. "It's a good thing your friend here was smart enough to get a video of it all. It looks like a pretty clear-cut case of self-defense. Hopefully you girls have learned a lesson about sleeping with a married man."

"Yes, officer," Ashley and Lindsey said in unison.

"I'm sorry for your loss, Mr. Jones, and for the shit storm that is about to come out of all of this," the officer said as the paramedics loaded up my wife's body. "This is going to be big news. We will be in touch," the officer said before leaving.

I sat there on the bed, in total shock. Lindsey grabbed her clothes and shed the sexy white lingerie. I knew my gun wasn't loaded the last time I had it out, so that meant my wife actually had to load it. Was she really planning on shooting Ashley the whole time? No matter what things were now fucked up beyond all repair.

"This is just too fucked up," I said as Ashley walked up to me and sat in my lap.

"It's over, baby," Ashley cooed in her little girl voice. "The cheating bitch is dead and we can be together."

"I don't think she was cheating, I know you planted the Monet ticket stub," I said angrily.

"What about the trip to the Sybaris?" Ashley asked.

"She said their company was providing the furniture for a remodeling job they were doing there," I replied.

"Fuck, oops!" Ashley smiled and groaned at the same time.

"Wait," Lindsey chimed in. "Where's her sister?"

"What?" Ashley and I both asked back in unison.

"If she went on the spa weekend with her sister then why isn't the sister here? Did she leave her at the spa?" Lindsey asked.

"That's a good question," I said.

"Lindsey, call the spa and ask for Mrs. Jones room," Ashley said as she wrapped her arms around me. Lindsey grabbed her cell, looked up the number on Google and dialed. She put the phone on speaker and the phone was ringing.

"Katherine Jones' room, please," Lindsey said after the front desk answered the phone. We heard a few clicks then a male voice appeared on the other end of the line.

"Hello?" the voice said.

"Hello," Lindsey said quietly.

"Kat, is that you, I was getting worried," the voice said and Ashley sprung to her feet.

"Mmhmm," Lindsey said.

"Did you really catch him in bed with some little slut?" the man asked.

"I did," Lindsey said, doing a decent impersonation of my wife's voice.

"Good, now you'll clean up in the divorce and we can stop all of this sneaking around," the man said. "Get back here soon, we need to celebrate!" Lindsey hung up the phone and looked over at Ashley and me.

This whole situation was just beyond fucked up, something the producers of the Jerry Springer show might not even believe. My wife was cheating on me, and by all accounts she should have been happy to catch me with Lindsey. The mystery man was right, she would have cleaned up in the divorce. It was only her desire to get back at Ashley that was responsible for her now being dead.

I sat there shocked over all of the night's events. It did not escape me that Ashley and Lindsey concocted a scheme that had deadly results. There was no denying that Ashley had come over hoping my wife would pull the gun on her so she could take her vengeance. With that said, my wife had actually loaded the fucking gun and pulled the trigger.

We all got dressed and went our separate ways. Ashley went home and had to confess to her parents about our affair and what had just transpired. I was waiting for her dad to come over and try to kick my ass, but that never happened.

I walked Lindsey into the garage where her car was still parked. I opened the garage door and noticed a newer model Mercedes in the driveway that I realized must belong to the guy my wife was fucking at the spa.

"So," Lindsey said tentatively. "I'm sorry this turned out as fucked up as it did."

"Ashley came here to shoot my wife, how could you not think it was going to end up fucked up beyond repair?" I asked with both anger and confusion.

"When we planned it, Ashley's gun wasn't supposed to be loaded," Lindsey sighed. "With that said, your gun was also supposed to be unloaded, but your wife put the ammo in it. You have to wonder what she was thinking."

"Yeah, I do," I said.

"If Ashley's gun was unloaded, or fake, I have a feeling that you, me and her might all be in a body bag right now," Lindsey said as she looked up into my eyes.

"My wife would still be alive if I had been able to resist fucking Ashley that first night she came over," I said quietly.

"But, she'd still be cheating on you," Lindsey countered. "I'm not saying she deserved what she got, but you two were probably done. She should have stayed at the spa and just filed for divorce. There is a lot of blame here, none of us are walking away clean."

"You're right," I nodded. "I guess it's time for a fresh start."

Lindsey reached up, kissed me on the cheek and then got into her car. She pulled out of the driveway as I watched her. When she was out of sight I closed the garage and went back inside. I was pissed off at my wife for cheating on me, even though I knew how hypocritical that was. I was pissed at Ashley for coming up with such a fucked up plan. I kept running the scenario through my head and tried to make sense of it all.

The next few weeks were a total blur. After the funeral, I put the house up for sale and prepared to head out of town. The details of my affair with Ashley and the shooting were all over the news. Even though it was reported that Ashley acted in self-defense and that my wife rushed home from a tryst of her own I just did not want to deal with all of the stares and whispers everywhere I went.

I did not hear anything at all from Ashley or Lindsey for weeks. I was pretty sure their parents and/or lawyers had them on lockdown while the police investigation continued. From what I could tell nobody was even living in Ashley's house at the time. When it did conclude, the police were quite certain that Ashley acted in self-defense, something I was just finally being convinced of myself.

I tried calling Ashley's cell, but the number was disconnected. I tried the texting app that we had used, but the account there was deactivated as well. I told myself I just wanted to see if she was alright, but the truth was I missed her.

I decided I needed a nice secluded place that I could just go and decompress and reboot my life. I went onto the Internet and found a nice house in Belize that was right on the water and in my price-range, so I bought it sight-unseen.

As I was packing the house up, I found that princess cut diamond bracelet that I'd bought for Ashley but never gave to her on that fateful weekend. I did not want it and since I didn't know how to get in touch with Ashley I sent it to Lindsey along with a note with where I was headed. I told her she could give the bracelet to Ashley, keep it for herself or donate it.

For the first few weeks in Belize, I spent my days in a hammock on the beach, drinking boat drinks and wondering what kind of adventures were next for me. I soon realized just how many expats were down in the area running from questionable pasts. I met some very colorful characters that made for great drinking buddies.

We sat around swapping stories late into the night and my tale never failed to impress my newfound friends. The more I told the story the more I placed blame equally among all the involved parties. When it came down to it, at that fateful moment, both my wife and Ashley were ready and willing to pull the trigger.

I asked myself over and over if I knew how it would all end if I'd have still given into Ashley that first night she came over. I'd like to say I'd learned something from the experience that would have made me act differently, but I knew that wasn't the truth. Guys will never think about the consequences when a hot, teenage girl wants to fuck them.

Belize was the perfect place to change gears and evaluate life. I would often spend the days out on the water fishing and the nights writing or playing cards as I killed off more bottles of rum than I'd care to admit. I had more than enough money to live for a long time, especially after my wife's multi-million dollar life-insurance policy paid off.

About three months after I arrived I was having another typical Belize day, I spent the day out on a boat with a tech-mogul expat fishing and bullshitting. He loved hearing my story as he said it made him seem like the sane one. The sun was going down and the copious amount of rum drinks I'd had consumed had me laying down as he captained the boat to the dock by my house.

"Hey, you drunken asshole," he yelled to me.

"What?" I groaned.

"Those two girls, one was a blonde and one was a ginger, right?"

"Yeah, why?" I asked.

"Tall, skinny bitches?"

"Yeah, why?" I asked again.

"I think they're waiting on the boat dock," he smiled.

"Yeah, right," I said, sitting up then stumbling as I stood.

"Look," he said. I did, and sure enough on the dock was a pair of beautiful girls. One a tall, sexy blonde and the other a tall, sexy redhead. Both in short jean shorts and bikini tops. They waved as the boat approached the dock.

"Holy fuck," I grinned.

"Yeah, I'll be honest, I thought you were just a good storyteller but you didn't do these girls justice," he smiled as the boat hit the dock and I jumped off.

"Hello, husband," Ashley grinned as she jumped into my arms and kissed me hard. He long, slender legs wrapped around my body and I struggled to keep my balance. "I've missed you," Ashley cooed.

"I've missed you too," I smiled as she broke and looked into my eyes.

"Hello, Brian," Lindsey smiled.

"Welcome to Belize, girls," I said as my buddy jumped off the boat and I made the introductions.

"From the stories I've heard this place just got alotmore interesting," my buddy said.

"No doubt about it," I grinned. Let the new adventures begin.

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PumpkinMousePumpkinMouse4 months ago

It seemed to me like a much more believable, intriguing ending would be that Katherine was spying the whole time via hidden camera. She had been dead inside, but was was getting off on watching her husband cheat. She left her rings because she really did want to see Ashley wear them.

It comes to a head as she envisions herself as part of the threesome (or foursome).

Would have been an interesting exploration of guilt, voyeurism and polygamy as they hide the truth from Ash's parents.

The current ending just felt rushed and contrived. 12 good chapters though. It ended in Jerry Springer instead of Eyes Wide Shut. Too bad.

Madeira1076Madeira10765 months ago

Just freaking awesome! Some of the chapters got a little mundane but the ending made up for everything.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

I loved the first half of the chapter when they were gonna get revenge on Ashley. I hated the second part where they provoked her into getting shot and then covered it up as self defense. I hated how Brian said he wanted Katherine, then said he wanted Ashley. I hate that Katherine was last called a terrible, demeaning insight before getting shot, and then she may not be able to pass over peacefully. I hate that Ashley and Lindsey got away scot free and even justified their actions. I hate that Brian got Katherine’s life insurance policy. If I could have asked for a different ending, it would’ve been Katherine taking everyone by surprise by shooting Brian in the heart. He passed away instantly. Ashley and Lindsey lose their shit and end up in a mental institution, being SA’d by the nurses repeatedly. At least their hotness would service horny medical professionals. And finally, for Katherine to get away with it and cash on Brian’s life insurance policy, and move to Belize with the guy who treated her better. RIP Katherine. No hate on the author, by the way. I’m just kind of pissed.

wwaldripwwaldripabout 1 year ago

A great twist after all of that time

wwaldripwwaldripabout 1 year ago

A follow up would be great, I am sad about Katherine.

lolax2lolax2about 1 year ago

I would love to read a follow up of this sexy trio!

stockingnutstockingnutabout 1 year ago

The girls should dress in lingerie all the time and the three should live happily ever after.

oldtwitoldtwitabout 1 year ago

What a long story, I think the plot was a good one, but just tooooo much orgasms for everyone, especially him.

rushman1ukrushman1ukabout 1 year ago

Hope there can be an update that Brian & Ashley marry & start a family.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I’m fine with what happened to Katherine, it fit this story. I just wished you ditched the Lindsey angle for the end. It would’ve been better for Ashley and Brian to have wound up together in Belize, married, and starting a family without the baggage from home.

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