Asian Sexfight Championship Ch. 07

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Four long quarterfinals with different contests.
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Part 7 of the 7 part series

Updated 05/17/2024
Created 05/18/2022
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Though I was looking forward to the quarter-finals, it would be fair to say my mind was still on fucking my way up Elton John's 'Yellow Brick Road' My road was made of gold bricks, ended in Guangzhou and was based around Yang Chen, the sex addicted millionairess factory owner and mediocre sexfighter, who believed me when I said I could make her number 1 (see Chp 6).

With those pleasant thoughts swirling around my head, I watched the first of the 4 quarterfinals. It pitted the current All Asian sexfight Champion and youngest ever champion and World 1 Nha Trung, 21 years young from Saigon Vietnam, against the oldest competitor in this year's event at 49 years, World 26, So Savoeun of Cambodia.

Maybe Nha Trung was already thinking of the final 2 matches away. Perhaps she was thinking of her sponsorships and blossoming business ventures. Maybe she had underestimated the oldest competitor in the 32-women competition and her opening Banzai attack. Maybe it was just one of those once-a-year off nights. Whatever it was the 21-year-old was taken by surprise.

Expecting the usual slow build-up in the 3 unmatched orgasm event, which required stamina rather than a quick result, she was taken by surprise. Ignoring her mouth, So Savoeun moved straight to her tits, sucking one and fingering the nipple on the other, quickly making her respond, then rubbing her pussy with her free hand as the other hand continued working on her left nipple. She maintained her tit attack, sucking like a newborn baby on the other tit. Her fingers were wet with Nha's love juice before Nha had laid a finger on her sex.

Nha had claimed the title in a changing of the guard at the last championship, beating Zhang Wu of Hong Kong who had defeated her in the 2 previous championships. At 21 she was the youngest title holder ever by 2 years. Daughter of a Saigon Banker, she had been trained (like Tiger Woods in golf) for the title by her mother, a former Vietnam number 1 and World 3. Incredibly pretty in that Vietnamese way with their high prominent cheekbones, thick permed hair and long (compared to other Asian nationalities) legs. She also, like Tiger Woods, had zero personality and was not a popular champion.

So Savoeun was 49 years old, 5ft7, 116 pounds with a still firm, surgery-enhanced 36 C 27 38 body. She came from a wealthy Cambodian family with her father doctor to the rich and famous, and she was 18 when Pol Pot seized power and set out to eliminate the educated and wealthy as he started Cambodia again at year zero. Fortunately, or unfortunately, So Savoeun was spared to satisfy the urges of the Khmer Rouge soldiers during the day and the ruling clique at night. In 1978 when the Vietnamese ousted Pol Pot her reward for being rescued by the Vietnamese was to become the woman of the victorious Vietnamese 307 division: available to any officer at any time. Four years later she was lost in a bet by the division commander and ended up in a Vietnamese brothel. Ten years later she escaped back to the capital of Cambodia, and soon she owned the largest brothel in Cambodia with close links to and funding by the Government. This was her second All Asian Sexfighting Championship.

On stage and still setting the pace, So Savoeun took her mouth from Nha's engorged nipple and worked her way down, pausing briefly at her navel and then lower, quickly reaching the crevice between her pussy and her legs, leaving a trail of wet kisses from tit to cunt. Her nose nudged her pussy lips, making Nha jerk and stiffen as So Savoeun moved her lips up to her clit and sucked it fiercely and gave it a gentle bite, making the Champion jump involuntarily.

Nha finally concentrated on the contest and responded. The 2 women locked into 69 but Nha was far more aroused, playing catch up, still trying to make up ground on the Cambodian brothel owner who was going hell for leather. So Savoeun slid one finger inside Nha's fuck hole and was rewarded by the moans that came from deep in the Champion. Encouraged, the Cambodian increased her pace until she successfully had worked not one but three fingers into Nha's hole and had her writhing. She took it up another notch sucking and fingering at a ferocious pace. But there was no way she could maintain this for long and all Nha had to do was hold on and then wear her down when she tired.

As they settled into the contest, I contemplated this year's contest. There were 8 contestants left with many top seeds brutally eliminated by newcomers in the first two rounds. So, we had:

The 21-year-old World 1 and favourite Nha Trang, who after a poor round 1 was back to form, but appeared to be behind in this contest, though I felt she would win now she had her mind settled on the task in hand.

World 3 and perpetual semi-finalist, the 42-year-old Vietnamese Australian Trang Vu, clinically impressive so far.

World 5 and Thai teenage sensation Jasmine, who had just scraped through a draining, bruising second round against a Japanese/Korean, Megumi (Chp 6).

World 6 and quickest rise ever through the ranks, newcomer Wang Fei, the 23-year-old Shanghai stockbroker, untroubled so far and worth putting money on with the bookmakers.

World 26 and oldest competitor at 49, Cambodian brothel owner So Savoeun, who had already defeated the Filipina Nun Sister Remedios to claim the most men title and currently fighting Nha.

World 40 and first timer, the Chinese 22-year-old IT expert Shen Yu, had been a revelation in beating the World 7 and 25 in her 2 rounds.

World 128 and first-timer 46-year-old Vietnamese Nga Nguyen, who in 2 long matches had disposed of a fellow Vietnamese World 10 and a former World 3. But had she exhausted herself with those 2 long sexfights, including the longest championship contest on record?

World 122 newcomer 43-year-old Fu Hai Shoon from Singapore who had only been competing outside of the Singapore local scene for 10 months but who beaten the world 2 in the first round.

In front of me and the audience So Savoeun was sucking Nha's pussy like a vacuum cleaner sucking up the dirt off the carpets in a cheap, late-night, TV advertisement, and Nha's body was shaking from that and the rhythmical fingering she was enduring. Nha lifted her head away from the higher seed's cunt and groaned from arousal. Still sucking her clit and finger fucking Nha, So Savoeun felt her trembling under her and worked a fourth finger inside the Champion's swollen quim. It was time. Like a chef preparing a masterpiece So Savoeun added the final ingredient: her trademark, 'The Fiddler', a one-finger anus-ring technique, and one that successfully started a nuclear explosion inside Nha.

Like in the black and white newsreels that I had seen of French Foreign Legionnaires interrogating Algerian nationalists on a wire bed frame attached to a generator, Nha's body jerked and twitched uncontrollably and she flopped off the bed to the floor taking So Savoeun with her. Was it an accident or by design? We will never know. So Savoeun has kept that knowledge to herself. What is undisputed is that So Savoeun's knee drove into the prone Nha driving the air from her with an agonised gasp and winded her.

As she lay gasping like a fish on dry land So Savoeun went all out. She had one of her hands playing with Nha's tits and nipples while the other hand was between her spread legs. The Cambodian's fingers repeatedly slid up and down between the wet, open cunt lips, circled her clit and then disappeared deep into her cunt. So Savoeun's movements became faster and faster, Nha's gasping became more intense, her legs shook and she tried unsuccessfully to close them against So Savoeun's fingerwork. Soon, Savoeun's fingers, no, her whole hand was covered with Nha's juices. So Savoeun brought her hand close to Nha's face. She let her smell her own pussy juice and then touched the champion's lips with her wet fingers as she frigged Nha's clit with her other hand. Nha let out a deep and long moan as she came.

So Savoeun pulled Nha onto her lap, put her legs between hers and forced her legs open. Nha's wet, sodden cunt, and swollen puffy lips were displayed to the watchers. The inside of her thighs glistened with cum and she was desperate to come again. So Savoeun reached forwards and slipped a finger into her hole and began to finger fuck her rival, the squelching audible to the audience. Her other hand skinned back the sheath of skin protecting her swollen clit and she began to strum it. For the third time that day, a wonderful tune was being played on Nha's cunt. So Savoeun stopped. Began again, stopped again.

Nha writhed under the assault, all dignity gone. She needed a release from the tension building inside her. So Savoeun gave it to her. With one hand diddling her clit she used the other to reach in and find her G spot. Normally Nha would have used her muscles to impede and restrict access to her G spot, but the knee drop and subsequent fucking from So Savoeun, when she was defenceless, had made her easy prey. Her cums washed through her, white light flashed into her skull and pleasure surged over her in waves, causing her to spasm and twitch with each one. Included was the third and winning unanswered orgasm.

Her supporters rushed the judges calling foul saying the Cambodian had used physical force and turned it into a Hue sexfight, but before So Savoeun was stopped Nha had experienced 6 more shattering orgasms at the hand of the 49-year-old Cambodian. Eventually, order was reinstated. The score was taken back to 1 zero in favour of So Savoeun, as her supporters had successfully argued that the match should continue from the point of a Nha orgasm. Nha had to lie back and let the older woman make her cum so the match could proceed.

Within a minute, Nha could feel the beginning of an orgasm building up. Her back arched into it and her eyes closed to slits as she gave herself to the pleasure. After several minutes of constant friction and pumping, her pussy was making loud sucking and wet noises from So Savoeun's fingering, but Nha was beyond hearing or caring.

"Come on bitch; come for me like a good slut," So Savoeun gloated, looking down at her as she plunged her cone-shaped hand in and out, arousing, but not taking Nha all the way. Working her over and over until she decided Nha was ripe for the picking. Her fingers again found her G spot and Nha exploded and So Savoeun's hand was again covered in her pussy juices. The match could continue with the score 1 zero, So Savoeun leading.

It was no contest. In the space of 1 hour Nha had orgasmed, been winded, expertly worked over, orgasmed another 11 times, most from gut-wrenching G spot orgasms, and she was now expected to claw back from 1 zero down. Clinically, efficiently So Savoeun wrung a 2nd unanswered orgasm from the 21-year-old Vietnamese Champion before she fist fucked Nha's arse and ate the shrieking, wailing, twitching and quivering Nha to her 3rd in a row, defeat and elimination from this year's title quest.

I am not ashamed to say it was one of the best sexfights I have witnessed and the evidence was coating my hand and staining my cargo shorts. My phone rang and when I picked it up a female voice said we have business to discuss. I smiled. Business meant money and hopefully money for me.

I knocked on the hotel door and was told to enter which I did. I was greeted by Nga Nguyen. Yes, that is correct. Nga Nguyen, one of this year's quarterfinalists and the new holder of the longest sexfight victory with her defeat of Xuan Nguyen. Nha's face made a British Royal's face when they were forced to speak to some commoner look positively radiant. She glanced at my cum stained cargo shorts and nearly vomited. I held out my hand in the good old Aussie tradition of mateship when meeting someone but she ignored it.

The door to the bedroom opened. It had a separate bedroom, but it was nothing like the palatial suite Yang Chen had paid for me to stay in after she left for China. My jaw dropped. It was Loc, daughter of Xuan Nguyen whom Nga had defeated in their long sexfight, and who, with her mother, was the World doubles Champion.

She looked at me, and I sucked in my gut, ran my fingers through my thinning hair and smiled at her. I am a quick learner and this time I didn't offer my hand. Her face mirrored Nga's and she spoke rapidly in Vietnamese to Nga. Unfortunately, I can speak Vietnamese well enough to be hurt by her words.

"Fuck. Do we need this sleazeball? What could he possibly do for us? He doesn't even look capable of wiping his arse."

I was about to say that I could do it with either hand when Nga came to my defence. "Yes, I agree. He almost makes me puke, but he has connections. It is like when your sewerage is blocked. You got to get someone who does that shit to fix it."

Reluctantly Nga told me why I was needed. She had convinced Loc to ditch her mother as her doubles partner in favour of Nga. Before it became common knowledge they wanted to do the Asian circuits. She knew there was a swag of wealthy teams in Vietnam who competed for big dollars privately: mother/daughters, sisters, cousins, and friends willing to sexfight but not risk the Victory rites and not wanting to compete in the international scene because of family or protecting their image. So, posing as a new mother/daughter pairing Nga had organised 3 contests at USD10,000 per contest. The relatively few Vietnamese first and family names made that easy.

She explained she wanted more contests in other Asian countries before knowledge of their paring became commonplace. I would get a 5% commission. I pulled out my weapon of choice: a Motorola. I know, I'm a cheapskate, but it works. I dialled Singapore.

"Hello, Xin Yue," Blah blah blah and so on. I finished up with, "I just booked them to fight Mei Ling and her sister for $50,000. You don't want her to be one up on you? Ok, I'll confirm a date for your fight at $50,000."

I phoned Mai Ling and reversed the spiel. She accepted. I turned to Nga. "What dates, countries and how many do you want? And it's 15%, though I would take 10% and a couple of threesomes."

They took the 15% and I left, almost running to the 3 biggest bookies to put the money Wang Chen had given me on the new paring of L & L Nguyen in the doubles contest that followed the singles.

Because of that, I was late for the second quarter-final of the 2008 All Asian Sexfight Championship. Both women's slits were already soaked in love juice as they competed in a dildo submission event. Both Trang Vu the 42-year-old Vietnamese-born, Australian domiciled lawyer and the Shanghai stockbroker Wang Fei were determined to win.

Locked in a 69 Trang licked the love-tunnel of the 23-year-old Chinese woman who had broken every record in making the top 10, Wang Fei, with her long, extended tongue. She tensed as she felt the Shanghai Stockbroker, part her swollen lips with practised ease, thumb pulling back her hood to reveal her erect stimulated clitoris. She squirmed again and did the same to the Shanghai stockbroker. Her activities were rewarded with a muffled "Aahhhhhhhhhh!" from Wang Fei.

She redoubled her efforts. Faster and faster both women licked and sucked, twiddling each other's pulsing clits with one hand, the other hand tweaking a nipple to ever-increasing hardness. Overcome by the sensations, the tastes, the fragrances, the tiny Vietnamese felt her senses whirl.

"Eighhhhhhhhhhhh," she hissed between clenched teeth, Wang Fei had plunged her fingers deep into her inflamed sex cavern. "Wang Fei rammed her fingers further into Trang's shaved pussy, steadying herself by placing one palm on the older woman's inner thigh. She felt her own orgasm mounting. The Australian-domiciled Vietnamese lawyer's persistent attentions were beginning to take their toll on her pussy.

"Oh! I'm going to...," Trang's mouth worked spasmodically as she gasped, unable to continue aloud. She put everything into her efforts and felt the Chinese woman contract around her fingers, then grunted aloud as her own climax struck her. "Ahhh! OhOhOhOhOoooooooooooooooooooh!" The Vietnamese woman cried out as she came first, her juices spilling onto Wang Fei's face.

Immediately Wang Fei bent Trang back over the arm of the sofa and held her down, legs spread well apart, and strapped on the dildo. This strap-on had a 4" dildo on the inside to pleasure whoever was wearing it and a thick 8" dildo on the outside for the one they are fucking. And slowly, inch by inch, she fed the dildo into Trang's tight cunt. Trang was moaning loudly, making sobbing, gasping noises as she took the monster. Wang began fucking her with it. Faster and faster her hips thrust to and fro, ramming the strap-on cock into her opponent's defenceless cunt. Each thrust made Trang gasp out, her 32B silicone tits shaking and her body jerking as the Chinese screwed her relentlessly for her allotted three minutes before the two united in combat again.

Five minutes later. "Unhhhh NNNooooooooooooooooooooo!" Trang punctuated Wang Fei's cum with a nip at her distended clit, sending her completely over the edge.

This time it was the older Vietnamese who knelt in front of Wang Fei's spread legs and took some of the KY and rubbed it on the 4" dildo that was on the inside of the strap-on. She pushed the 4" dildo inside herself and the started to rub the tip of the 8" dildo along the Shanghai woman's slick cunt. Within seconds Trang was fucking Wang with all 8 inches of the dildo. She held Wang Fei's legs up with her knees spread apart and fucked her faster and faster. Wang writhed under the assault, moaning and biting her lip.

Forty minutes later Trang had come again twice and Wang Fei had used the strap-on, first for 5 minutes then 10, enjoying the lengthening time each orgasm gave her to fuck the older Vietnamese. The first time Wang had taken the Vietnamese doggy style, one hand entwined in Trang's hair pulling her head back, as she pistoned in and out of the kneeling older woman. She was not only fucking Trang in a frenzy but also rubbing her tits and pinching her nipples. For the next she fucked the older woman missionary style grabbing Trang's knees and forcing them apart, spreading her shaven pussy lips even wider to fuck her even deeper. Wang had come one time herself but Trang after being taken three times hardly had the strength to fuck the Chinese in a damaging way in her increased 5 minutes.

Both women were worse for wear but Wang Fei was obviously ahead. How much more punishment could the older, petite Vietnamese take? And with her next fuck Wang would be able to use not the double dildo they had used but the larger black model placed menacingly beside them. Although weary they united in combat. Wang Fei clamped her lips to Trang's and they frenched each other hotly, hands running over each other's bodies. Soon they were moaning as they worked fingers into each other's slit.

Trang put everything into it. She worked on each tit in turn with her lips while fingering the Chinese before finally moving them into 69, their heads between each other's legs. She sucked and licked at her Chinese opponent's cunt, working her tongue into its moist interior. A sudden roll of their bodies and she was able to drive her fingers into Wang Fei's arse and her thumb into her cunt while still eating her. She slurped noisily, reaching under and fingering arse and cunt

"Fuck, I'm cumming," Wang Fei moaned, "I'm cuuuuuuuuuuumming. Shit, oh fuck oh fuck. Uuuugh!" Trang waited until Wang Fei had finished cumming before she got up and attached the 8-inch double dildo and drove it into Wang Fei, doggy style.

Once it was in, to the surprise of the crowd she did not pump the Shanghai 23-year-old. Instead, she reached around the Chinese woman's hips and found her clit. She didn't fuck her, just kept the 8 inches buried inside the Shanghai stockbroker as her encircling arms allowed her to manually arouse her clit stroking it lengthways with the fingers of one hand as she used her other hand on its tip taking her close to and keeping her on the verge of orgasm for her allotted 10 minutes of fuck time. At 3 cums each the next woman to orgasm would be fucked by the larger black monster.