Ask No Questions Ch. 01


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"Chris," I whispered. "Chris." He didn't stir. Good.

I pulled his covers down. He was only wearing a pair of pajama bottoms. Damn. I was hoping he slept nude. I mean, if I had a cock like that, I would let it out every chance I got. Just another way he was abusing that poor, wonderful cock.

Still, I needed to look at it. I couldn't look at if it was all wrapped up in pajamas. I smiled, having sufficiently justified myself. Besides, I was good at this. I used to pull Aaron's dick out and jack him off without him ever waking up. And he thought he came three or four times a day, try five or six dumbass. He didn't even know how good he had it.

I lifted the front of his pajamas off his skin and gently undid the two buttons, then I slipped my hand into the opening and slid his cock out. I had to move slowly. Let him get adjusted to the feeling of my hand on him. The last thing I wanted was for him to wake up to his sister fondling him in his sleep. I didn't do anything. Just held him. Lightly massaged him. Watched as he got harder and harder, right there in the palm of my hand. As his perfect cock stretched itself out. As the veins pumped blood into his cock. I felt the warmth of him, radiating into my hand.

I started to pump him slowly. I mean, I had already come this far, right? And I couldn't leave my baby brother with blue balls! What kind of sister would that make me? So I pumped him. Up and down. Softly. Slowly. He stirred and mumbled in his sleep, but he wasn't waking up. I smiled as I wondered how his mind was making sense of this in his dreams.

It took six minutes, six wonderful, enjoyable minutes, but his body finally tensed up, his hips lifted off the mattress as his cum dribbled out of his cock and onto my hand. I made sure I got every drop of it. Made sure none of it leaked down onto him. There was no need to be wasteful.

'Wait, I mean, I didn't want him to get messy! Yeah... Yeah, that.'

I licked it off my hand, breathing in the strong scent of his seed as I looked at my sleeping brother. He was so relaxed now, so peaceful. And he tasted so wonderful. I quietly licked my hand until I couldn't taste him anymore, then I put him back up and let myself out.

Sarah's book was wonderful. My wine was delicious. And I hadn't slept so well in weeks. It was like I was sick and Chris was the medicine. The really tasty medicine.

I kept looking at him the next day, smiling to myself.


"ANQ," I said.

He grumbled something under his breath.

Still, I figured while I was feeling better, it was time to take another shot at his problem. But not right now. Next week. I would do it next week. I wanted to do a little more research before I played out my nuclear defense.

I spent my week working and watching Chris. More watching than working. I even got to see him put on another show for me! It was hard to catch him though. He really needed to have a schedule. I had peeked in on him every day that week and the first time I got to see his cock again was Friday night. 'Note to self, it's pretty sad I spent Friday night trying to voyerize my little brother. Also, not sure if "voyerize" is a word.'

It was as beautiful as I remembered it. All veiny and throbbing and angry. His cock knew it was destined for greater things and Chris was just holding him back, like a zoo tiger. He started off with slow strokes, speeding up little by little as he got more engrossed with whatever he was watching. I really wanted to know what it was. It looked good.

I tried to get onto his laptop, but I couldn't guess his password.

He kept stroking and stroking, his eyes glued to the monitor. His grip was tight. I clenched my own hand, remembering how he felt when I jacked him off. I watched as, once again, his cock shot off, wasted.

It was around 3 o' clock, Saturday afternoon. I had come home from hitting up a few sales downtown. Chris was enjoying himself with my least favorite activity. Video games.

"You know what? I've had enough," I said. I walked over and turned off the TV.

"Hey! You just killed me!"

"I'm about to!"

"What'd I do," he asked, standing up.

I pointed to the couch. "Sit." He did as I said. "Now, it's Saturday. What are you planning to do?"

"I was just doing it. Then you killed me," he mumbled.

I sighed. See what I mean. Video games. If I wasn't for them, he'd be a healthy young pussy hound. Sticking his nose between some girl's legs and using that cock for its God given purpose. Instead, I have to come home to the perfect cock wasting itself on Call of Duty. "No! Absolutely not. Why aren't you seeing anyone?"

"Huh, what's that got to do with anything," he asked defensively.

"Just answer me," I said.

"Well, no one's really interested in me, I guess."

I gave him the look. "Do I need to call Britney again? Or how about Rachel. You know Rachel, right? She's in your English class. She called me to see if you were on the market." I turned the look up, glaring into his soul. "I know girls are interested. Why are you ignoring them?" Like I said, Chris isn't anyone's underwear model, but he's still solid, top-of-the-line man meat.

"Um... I didn't know?"

"Fuck that. Rachel asked you out. You turned her down. Why?"

He looked at me with shock. "How do you know?"

"ANQ. Now why."


It was so cute when he tried to use it. "You know better."

"Look, I'm just trying to focus on school right now. I don't need a girlfriend distracting me, okay?"

Finally, we were getting somewhere. I took the look off him. "No. Not okay." I went and sat down next to him and wrapped my arm around him. 'There was a lot less of him to wrap when he was younger,' I thought to myself.

"Chris, school's important, but so is living. If you only focus on school, you're going to forget how to live, little bro."

"I was living until you killed me," he muttered. I pinched him. "Ow!"

"Video games aren't living. You need to go out, have fun, and get laid. That's what college is all about. Learning, in and out of the classroom. Okay? Think about it." I kissed him on the cheek and went to my room.

'There,' I thought. 'That ought to make him go get a girlfriend.' To celebrate, I decided to change and go see George. A nice fucking would cap my day off really well.

I was right, as usual. George was great. He wined me, he dined me, and he rammed his cock through me. It was a fun night. And I liked George. He didn't make me leaving ten minutes afterwards awkward. He walked me to my car, kissed me goodnight, and asked me to call him when I got a chance. He was a good cock. Just not a personal one. A steady diet of George would probably kill me. Our views were just way to different.

When I got home, Chris was already in bed asleep. 'The boy went to sleep at ten on the dot every night, but he can't find a way to jack off at a convenient time for his sister to voyeur him. Ingrate.' Still, maybe a little Chris Cross would put a little feather in my hat? 'Nah,' I thought. 'I don't wanna mix George with Chris.'

I went on into my own room, jiggered myself a little, and went to sleep.

And would you believe, after that wonderful talk we had, he spent Sunday in his room doing school work. Not catching up, no. Not my little brother. He was getting ahead. He was a whole month ahead in three different classes! I was now in total agreement with all the girls that had told me about my brother. Frustrating. And there was no way my brother was going to be a geek. I was too proud of him, and he was too cute. I demanded better for him. It was my personal opinion that women should throw themselves down on the ground before him so that his feet never touch the ground.

Then again, I was his sister.

The next two weeks were bad for me. Very bad. I lost all my cocks, one after another. Davin, my wonderful little eater, found himself a girlfriend, lucky bitch. George had gotten a job out of town and moved. And Danny was just too damn clingy. He asked me to meet his mother. I had to cut him loose.

Two weeks and not a decent fuck in sight. I was climbing the walls. I needed cock!

And Chris. He didn't listen at all. Britney told me he had turned down a date with Miss Freshman! How could he do that? He was walking around with the perfect cock hiding in his pants and not doing anything with it!

I'll admit it. I was desperate, frustrated, and horny. My mind most likely wasn't in the right place. It was in my horny place. My EXTREMELY horny place. I peeked on Chris. He was sitting at his desk, headphones in his ears, jacking his meat. I'd had enough.

He didn't notice me until I took his hand off his cock.

"Sis!" Oh the shock in his eyes. "Um, um, um."

"ANQ." I got down on my knees and slid his cock between my lips. Hmmm, no lotion. My brother was a dry rubber. You don't find many of those these days. I liked dry rubbers. You never need to worry about having to clean anything off, it was just there and ready, and throbbing in my mouth as my tongue ran up the underside. I looked up at him. He was frozen somewhere between shock and pleasure. His hands clung to the arms of the chair, his mouth hung open.

I loved it. I loved that I could do this to him. I brought my hand up and started massaging his balls. I watched as pleasure started to overcome shock and good sense. When I ran my tongue over the head, I saw pleasure punch good sense in the face and push shock off the swing set. He moaned out and tilted his head back. Some part of his mind told him to just sit back and let this happen. And I was more than happy about that.

I had already gone too far. Hell, I had gone too far weeks ago when I gave him a hand job while he was sleeping. This was way overdo. I slowly started to come up off him, then back down. Back up, my tongue working inside of my mouth, playing with his head when what was all that was left in my mouth. Then back down, twisting and twirling along the underside of his cock.

When I came back up, I took him completely out. I held his dick up and licked my way down to his balls. I sucked and I licked on his sack, then I took one of them into my mouth, playing with him as my hand moved slowly along his cock. I opened my mouth and switched balls. He moaned again. It was deep and hard, but he was into it now. My panties were soaked through and I could feel a rivulet of my juice running down my thigh. There was no turning back now, not for either of us.

At least, not tonight. I licked my way back up his fuck stick and slid him back into my mouth. My head bobbed and bounced on his cock. I worked his balls, squeezing and massaging them, working that man juice out of him. I wanted it now. I wanted it bad.

And my little brother didn't disappoint me. It wasn't like when he was asleep. His cum shot out this time. The first shot went straight down my throat. I pulled back on him and took the rest all in my mouth, straight from the source. It was as great as I remembered it.

I kept him in my mouth until his cock wasn't pumping anything but air. I licked what was left off the head, and watched him shudder at the sensitivity. Then I swallowed it all in one big gulp. I stood up and watched him as he caught his breath, as good sense started flowing back into his brain. He looked at me. Yep, shock was back, and it had brought good ole confusion along for the ride.


I put a finger over his lips, silencing him. Then I moved my finger and lightly kissed him. "ANQ." Ask no questions. I kissed him one more time. "Good night, little brother."

I walked down to my room, strangely proud of myself. Sure, I had left my little brother stunned and confused. And I had just committed incest. But I had taken my sexuality into my own hands. I had seen the perfect cock, and I put my claim in for it. If Britney had done this, she wouldn't have to worry about her panties. She would have stopped wearing the damn things around Chris. Speaking of panties...

I slid mine off. They were ruined. I had soaked through the crotch and the satin and the lace. Still, I might be able to find a use for them. I threw them into the bathroom. As troubled as Chris might be, my mind was completely at peace. I know that I should have been feeling guilt and remorse and screaming about how wrong it was, but it wasn't. Nothing about what just happened felt wrong to me at all. That cock was made for me. The fact that it was attached to my brother was really just a twist of fate. With the taste of my brother's jizz still in my mouth, I laid down on the bed and happily drifted off to dream land.

Sunrise is a horrible thing though. Cock-loving, selfish Alex went to sleep, and big sister Alex woke up.

I woke up early the next morning and made breakfast, my mind racing. Last night was a bad idea. A very bad idea. Damn cock lust. I couldn't imagine how confused Chris must have been. Fuck. Fuck me. 'Stop! Wasn't sucking him off bad enough,' I thought.

That was the problem though. It wasn't bad. It wasn't bad at all. It was the farthest thing from bad. It had been sexy and hot and wrong and taboo and... and everything. It was everything. And, even as wrong as it was, I wanted more.

Chris came in, nervously. He sat down and I placed a plate of eggs, bacon, and jellied toast in front of him. I fixed my own plate and sat down across from him.

"Um, sis, about last..."

I held up my hand, silencing him. "Before that. Chris, why aren't you dating anyone? And I want the real reason, not any bullshit. You hear me. No bullshit, no excuses, just the reason," I said softly.

He looked at me and he could see how serious I was. Even after last night, my brother knew that his big sister was still all about him. "Well, Dana, the last girl I dated... Well, when she broke up with me, she told me it was because I wasn't enough. I'm not interesting, I'm ugly, and I'm pretty sure I have a small... you know... thingy." WHAT!!!! What the hell was this? This is why my brother wasn't dating anyone? His eyes started tearing up, "She told me she was only dating me because she felt sorry for me."

It suddenly clicked to me. Oh my God, she was his Calvin Tivell. "Chris. You dated a bitch. It's not a big deal. You'll probably run into a few more of them. Hell, even I can be a bitch sometimes. But that shouldn't stop you from living and loving your life."

I know my little brother. I've known him all his life. He wasn't listening to me. I looked into his eyes and I could see him reliving every moment of that relationship: beginning, middle, and horrible end. Right at that moment, as I sat across from him, she was breaking up with him all over again. "And you know what," he said. "I don't need your pity either." Then he got up and stormed out, slamming the door as he went.


Note to readers (to be read as if it was shouted to you): If "voyerize" isn't a word, I demand to be credited with its creation. Start the petitions! Write to your senator! Also, I am willing to recognize that Charles Dickens did "jigger", but I turned it into a sexual term. So that too! Now, all of you, march on your city hall and demand that I be given the key to the city for my literary contributions! Or at least leave a comment! And vote! And I hope you enjoyed it! ----Shaide

Also, currently working on chapter 2. You won't believe how this goes down!

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AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

I love the humor mixed in with all of the life issues. Too many authors get hung up on monster cocks and breasts, while never saying anything.

…reaching the last number of pi… really did it for me.

I look forward to the next chapter!

ScottishTexanScottishTexan12 months ago

It's a crying shame that you walked away from this one without ever writing an ending for it. Checking out your bio page says that the last submission that you published was June 3, 2020. That troubles me because I certainly hope and pray that you are not a COVID fatality. But it also means that you let this story languishing for 6 and a half to 7 years unfinished.

This one was brilliant! Just the right amount of humor mixed in with the plot that kept it very interesting!

My favorite excerpt:

"I went out for a drink after work and picked up another cock. I needed to get all my dicks back in a row. 'Ducks! I meant ducks!'"

That was freaking hilarious! Definitely worth the 5 🌟 star vote and a crying shame to boot.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Wheres part 2 this is one of the few stories that has so much ❤️ I love it

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I'm rapidly becoming a fan of your intuative style of writing. I doubt "voyeristic" is in the OED yet but it's a good word and deserves to be. An Englishman.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Um not a big fan of this story

Hey Bro I saw you slut of a sister getting airtighted at the frat, you must be proud of the cum dump...big sister brings multiple guys in around her younger brother? Good way to make him into a beta cuck, I'm sure him listening to his big sister love of his life getting pounded out every nite by a different guy is the best thing for him.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
chapter 2.

Were is chapter 2?

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
2 when?

2 when?

BrewlewBrewlewabout 7 years ago

Please. ;-)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Please write more of this story don't start something your not gonna finish and if you do continue the story please stop making the sister more of a whore it seems like your trying to set up a love story between bro and sis but making her out as a whore does not make it believable that she'll love him like that but it's your story so I'm not going complain too much about were you take your story but please at least finish the story for those of us that want to read it please PLEASE!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

i cant spel worth shit so ill agree with u abuot voyerize. take the credit for it. i only found the story today and am looking forward to chapter 2. hopefully i wont have to wait 2 years like the ones who found it that long ago eh. 5 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Fun & Sexy

2 years and counting for the next chapter. I've read the other comments and it's readily apparent that you fired up a lot of readers. Many of us liked it. Some hated it. I encourage you to draft Part 2 so you can fire up some more. Alex reminds me of one of my nieces. She says, "They're just boys!" Funny girl.

ag2507ag2507almost 9 years ago
Sez here yoiu are working on Chapter 2

Loooooooong gestation!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

It's a shame... Well over a year on and no part 2. I keep checking in every few weeks hoping for it. Oh well.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
next one?

Where is the next instalment of this? The crowd demand the next one!!


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Can't wait for the next part

I think, this is one of the best for me

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