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"Takes one to know one." I looked between Rory and his manager. "You're not really mad?" I checked. Rory rolled his eyes.

"I'm so fucking mad I could stab you." Good. He didn't give a shit. And Gerald was the opposite of mad. He was ecstatic.

"We need to get you on for a segment with Rory. Slice of life stuff. Whatever he's done wrong that day."

"Absolutely not." Rory said as he folded his arms.

"Can I talk about the environment?" I asked.

"Yes, that's perfect. You're his better half. Every time he says something stupid you call him out." Rory sighed.

"I get enough of that in real life."

"You wanted to come out."

"I thought you'd be silent and staunch and manly. I didn't think you'd drag me on National TV."

"Who the fuck do you think you've been seeing?" Rory grinned at me.

"The ratings are gonna be so fucking good." He looked at Gerald.

"You're an asshole." I swore at Rory. He shrugged.

"I'm the best asshole you'll ever have."

"Asshole of the year, Rory McIndoe."

"Asshole of the decade." I grinned at him as he smiled at me adoringly.

"Asshole of the century." I reassured him.

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AnonymousAnonymous10 days ago

This was absolutely awesome

Calico75Calico7512 months ago

I really liked the story although not as much as I liked the others I have read so far. Rory was just too unpleasant--hard to suspend my disbelief and buy that he really loved the MC and still said and did such hateful things to him year after year. It was also a little long--hard to stay engaged when Rory did hateful things over and over and the arguments dragged at times. But still much better than many of the stories on this site.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Rory is a walking red flag, I was rooting for them to not get together. Loved the story, nonetheless.

Rainyday493Rainyday493over 1 year ago

Jeez, enough with the hating Rory, this is erotica - and pretty damn hot erotica, too. Loved the sex scenes, so raunchy.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

What a great story! I love it and really enjoyed the read. Thank you so much for posting :-)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I hate Rory with burning passion.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I like your Nerd story a lot but I don't like slutty main character here. Fucks with one, fucks with the other, do we really have to know about that? Can't you, authors, just write about 1:1 relationship but have to fucking random captains on the road and stuff?

I'm so tired of listening to slutty gay romance. Don't give a story tag gay love when it's about sluts.

dreamsofdaysgonebidreamsofdaysgonebiover 2 years ago

There's a wide variety of thoughts on this, but I enjoyed it a bunch, even when I hated Rory. It was incredibly compelling and I am grateful that you shared it with us.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Great story but not my favorite by far. Just couldn't get the feels for Rory. Just too much of an asshole, but I guess that's the point.

I wish you had written a bit more of the outing by the press as it was possibly the more satisfying point to have his plans fail *finally.* Would have loved to see him fall apart and go through the stages of denial until he finally realized he had no choice in the matter. But maybe that's just me hating him again. Lol

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I was worried I am following to a bad end when I was in the middle of reading, Maybe between page 4 and 5. Glad that they were finally on the same page. Just reading your latest one, "want you to want me", it seems a little that the characters are similar, but I just started reading so maybe I would be surprised later. I really suggest you should warn your newest readers that most of your stories are longer than 2 pages and how you are good at turning people into emotional wrecked mess.

RobKansasRobKansasover 2 years ago

I enjoyed the references in the story to modern Brazilian football (soccer), especially the mention of one of Brazil's greatest players, Garrincha. Readers here may be interested in knowing that Garrincha was famous throughout Brazil for (among other things) his legendary 25cm cock. His monumental cock size and tremendous football skills notwithstanding, Garrincha had a very difficult life and died poor, likely from the effects of alcoholism. His former spouse, the supremely talented samba singer (and gay icon) Elza Soares, died just a few weeks ago, singing to the very end.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I hate Rory and wish Jeremy had more self-respect. Since when is hurting someone love? Rory didn't love Jeremy he loved his obsessive submission toward him. Just my opinion but your writing is great.

Ginger630Ginger630about 3 years ago

You’re an amazing writer but I absolutely HATED Rory and their whole relationship. Rory would be absolutely crucified nowadays in the media.

DificilDificilabout 3 years ago

Well written. Especially on quick, intense scenes, I noticed typos and missing words. People say bad grammar turns off the reader from the plot. But in this story's case, the typo just showed the excitement of the author while writing it and this made it even more enjoyable to read. Who doesn't want to know that the author enjoyed writing it as much as we loved reading it?!

FintannFintannover 3 years ago

Super cute. Loved it.

bienclarbienclarover 3 years ago

I really enjoyed this. No notes.

sm1982sm1982over 3 years ago

Loved the story, the writing style, the plot, and the love-hate relationship the two main characters developed over the years. 13 years of waiting for someone to want to be their true selves in a world that claims they want the real and not the fake but condones and is cruel to those who are different. Happy to read that Rory loved Jeremy and their relationship enough to no longer lie about himself and the man he loved. As a straight woman who has seen or heard of friends having to hide who they sleep with because the other is in the “closet” or not ready to be themselves, my heart goes out to everyone who is scared, afraid, or unwillingly to speak and live in their truths.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Wow! Totally worth the award! Fantastic story.

HughGBabcockHughGBabcockover 3 years ago

Honestly, I read your story because it was (at the time) #1 on the Top Stories list for Gay Male stories. I did so as I way to help me learn what my stories might be lacking when the main characters are in bed. Your story and the many sex scenes it included helped me realize how important chemistry is for the couple involved. And oh boy do Jer and Rory have chemistry together! Chemistry that would, personally, exhaust me but chemistry nonetheless. It was fun to read and yes, the many sex scenes made me leak. And I love things that make me leak. What an awesome 26,212 words, I mean story! :D

JRSONJRSONover 3 years ago

Great story! I came upon it this morning, and could not stop reading! I am not sure how Jer put up with the bullying and torture in high school! It really was a love hate scenario for both!

Rory was a very unlikable jerk the entire way! But it was obvious that he was over compensating for his true feelings! Many struggle with societies stigma when they come to terms with the fact that being gay is not acceptable to most! I was not expecting a happy ending for either until the very end!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I fucking love your work gawd i feel so lonely now that this ended

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