Astra Pt. 09


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John sighed, "Because under human law I am human. But I am not entirely human. I encountered a species known as the Drakor. Their DNA modified me to be 40% Drakor."

She looked shocked, "You encountered another alien species? They modified you for what purpose?"

John smiled, "The short answer. To try and help humanity. As you can see my age has been retarded significantly. My blood is a biological gift to humanity. It can cure most diseases including cancer, Parkinson's, dementia, and many others that plague humanity."

She looked at him, "You are giving me one hell of a story! How do I know this is true?" He held up his right hand and twisted and bent it in 7 different ways including twisting it backward.

He straightened out his arm. "I am human and not a lab rat. I will wait until contacted by the Planetary President if she wishes to accept this gift for humanity or not. It is a choice. The changes that were done to me would fundamentally alter the DNA of anyone who got 5ml of my blood. They could do the same to anyone else. They have asked me to be a protector of humanity. They have different roles in their society all bound by a psionic blade or Psi sword.

A red blade is the aggressive one who goes rushing in to defend humanity; if they were a human hybrid. The blue blades are the cautious ones, the defenders if they were a human hybrid. They watch the attack and counter as appropriate. The reds are swords if you will, and the blues are the shields. Then there are the justices. They are a balance of the two. They seek to keep the sword and shield balanced but to seek justice for humanity. I can say that is what those justices seek because I am a Justice.

My sword name to the Drakor is Dispenser of Justice. Every hybrid, for each species they do this with, undergoes several challenges. I have completed the first level of graduation if you will. The one that tells them humanity should not be destroyed. They have the firepower and technology to walk in and destroy us if that is what they wished. Instead, they want our people to learn to find a balance. Not all of us and they are not asking all to become hybrids.

I am looking for a high level of acceptance for what I can do, and what I have done to protect humanity. Things I will continue to do. To go after the enemies of humanity, root out corruption, and work to bring balance to humanity. Because if hybrids fail, then humanity will fail. That means extinction. There is a second means of getting this DNA in smaller doses. My assistant had put my semen samples on the market. Every child conceived with it will give the mother 1% Drakor DNA for each child she carries.

It will provide those gifts dealing with regeneration and disease removal at a lower level. It takes longer, but it still works. Those are out there for those who wish to make that choice. Again, I am human by human law and I am declaring this openly. I have no reason to make that up. Anyone who wishes for me to assist them or a family member; I would urge you to send the request to the Planetary President to authorize this exchange."

She was still in shock, "You talked of psionic swords. What are those?"

He slowly had his blade float into his hand and then activated it. "I am a master with the Katana if you wish to test that out for yourself. I studied all of the techniques for decades." He put his sword away. "I will give you time to get approval to put this interview on the air; how much they will allow, and time to hear back from the Planetary President." John ended the call.

Astra smiled, "So much for keeping a low profile."

John shrugged, "I told you, one more break, the tracker, and low-key was out the window. I put it out to the masses and have not started anything...yet. Let me know when it airs."

She laughed, "They are airing it now. You have an incoming call from the Capitol."

John nodded, "Put it through."

Trudy stood there with her cabinet. He thought to Astra, "Phase one then scan for aliens."

She chuckled as the room nearly exploded in fireworks. She looked around, "What just happened?"

John sighed, "Ask your Security Services. When they find the remains, they will find dozens of listening devices; some alien, most are human."

John thought, "Astra net over Capitol."

She smiled and nodded, "There is now a net over the Capitol. Anyone who has or brings in a listening device will find they explode going through your Security Service checkpoints."

Astra responded, "The Admiral is a Caldar."

John thought to the Admiral, "Stand perfectly still and silent until I ask you questions."

John looked at her, "Drakor hybrids have many talents to help protect humanity. Including finding aliens who are hostile to humanity."

He thought to the admiral, "Show your true form. Now! "

The admiral turned into a green Caldar. President Winthrop backed off from him. John looked at her, "Meet the Caldar, they hate the Drakor because the blood I am offering helps to protect humans from them. That takes away from the Caldar's food supply; they eat humans. Admiral! How many humans have you killed?"

He growled out, "Get out of my mind. I have killed hundreds of thousands over the last 534 years."

John sighed, "More likely over a million correct?"

The admiral groaned out, "Yes, if not 2 or 3 million."

John sighed, "How many of each color are on the planet currently. I will hunt them down and exterminate them one by one. You have no redeeming qualities."

He growled out, "Only 9 of us, 3 from each sect. Our last progeny sent off 10 years ago."

John looked at President Winthrop, "They have 3 sects if you will. They reproduce from fragmentation. All based on color. Blue, green, and yellow. They like to start 3-way wars. They are extremely flammable and hybrid blood causes them to explode and poison the food supply they like to feed upon...humans. Wars are an easy way to hide the bodies they consume."

John looked at the Admiral, "Have I told her anything that is not true, Admiral?"

He groaned out, "We have value. That I disagree with."

John sighed, "Come now Admiral, to humanity what value do you have?"

He growled out trying to fight John's influence on him, "To humans, we are a means of population control as you are cattle. We prefer the males of your species over the females."

John nodded, "Contributing to the lopsided number of men to women."

He growled, "Yes."

John called out, "Put the small cube of material that controls that blob on the table. And leave the rest of that body on the floor. NOW!"

He separated a 2 cm square of material on the table. The rest fell to the ground.

Jack looked over, "Anyone of you has a lighter? That is the only part you must destroy before disconnecting this call. They are telepathic, which is why I can do this with them. I lose control over his mind and he will go on a murderous rampage to hide his identity. I cannot do this to a non-psychic."

Trudy Winthrop reached over and pulled up an old desk lighter and set it on fire herself. It screeched for a few seconds. She backed off as it died. John looked at the President. "I have been doing this for a while Madam President. You need to understand."

He sent her everything that happened to him. She slid back into her chair and held onto her head. One of the others looked at John, "What are you doing?"

John looked at the man, "Giving her the answers to all of the questions she has circulating in her head about why I am here. I showed her the future of humanity and the power the Drakor possess if they truly wanted to destroy us. That future invasion; for the moment I have averted that aspect."

She looked up, "Our government made you this way?!"

John nodded as Astra came into view and popped open her chest panel, "Yes, It was part of my core's programming before I came online. Done by another, but I am the one taking care of your technology security."

Trudy Winthrop nodded her understanding. She looked at her Security Service detail. "He carries a sword. No need to try and take it. I have seen him make it out of folding chairs, or podiums. He would always have a sword."

John nodded, "But I never use it without a reason."

She nodded, "I saw what you did. Others will find it hard to believe."

John nodded, "I know. But the question to you is, do I distribute this cure to the terminally ill patients that are flooding your communication lines, or do I leave it with just the semen samples within the marketplace?"

Astra looked over, "All 30,582 samples have been distributed after that news broadcast. I sent them out while he was working on the metallic hydrogen sale earlier. Over half have already been implanted."

President Winthrop sighed, "How would you do this?"

John sighed, "I choose a location, and do a selection of patients. The adults, 6-8 hours after getting it, would give a liter of blood. They get distributed around the world. The process is repeated at every major hospital and medical center and filtered out. Those that are closest to death should be the priority. Then the children who are in danger at every facility, starting with those who are in the worst shape. Then everyone else. Some have religious convictions or personal beliefs against this and that is their choice.

Those are the places where the remaining 8 Caldar will congregate. It narrows where I must search for them. I saved your life today and I intend to do it repeatedly in the coming months. For all of humanity. You are going to ask about technology. Stuff you had seen on those images. I have it, I will never give it to GS. They work, unknowingly, to the detriment of mankind and make us an easy target for alien species. The company needs to be eliminated.

Innovation and an open market will help to protect humanity more so than one doing everything extremely bad through one government contractor. I can build the fighters, shuttles, scouts, destroyers, cruisers, battleships, and dreadnoughts you saw in the time. I would not do it to attack humanity but to help humanity to have a stronger shield against truly dangerous outside influences. Just like the Caldar that was right next to you."

She looked over at the Admirals' blob of a body, "Get that out of here!" Her Security Services went to work. She looked back at John, "You are a piece of work. You boxed me in with this cure."

John shook his head, "There is always a choice. You can simply tell people the choice to accept is their choice. That is a choice. You have the choice as the leader of Humanity to block that choice."

President Winthrop sighed, "You will be making more hybrids?"

John nodded, "To establish your colonies to solve your population problems. To broaden the base if you will because if I die, the Drakor will kill humanity if all hybrids are destroyed at this stage. I am on my way to see a patent lawyer. The insecticide for the killer bees will be one of the first ones. To help with crops worldwide. It has all the studies already done. I will then put out there all the ones for new colony ship designs to support the engines I will introduce when I bring GS down. In fair head-to-head competition."

She sighed, "You are talking about becoming the new GS?"

John shook his head, "No. I want every subset of components built by 2 or more groups of competitors. Everything I introduce will be on that new technology tree. I will not introduce anything that overlaps with future technology that I know about. Every piece will be my technology going into the market for companies to improve upon.

I cannot go after small contractors upfront because GS will simply kill off the owners and destroy the company. Astra is sending you the files where they have done this in the past; including last year's small, retro thruster challenger that blew up mysteriously in a testing accident."

President Winthrop sighed, "What do you want?"

John smiled, "I want to take the Jupiter space station and relocate it. My being on Tera or in orbit of Tera would be too disruptive initially and create many security concerns you are not prepared to address. Being mobile is my best security.

I will build my docks and when contract day comes, give you the bids and specifications as those patents hit the market. I will build my workforce away from the prying eyes of GS. I can see invisible or cloaked ships.

I need permission to arm my space station and docks against the attacks that will come. Permission to fire if fired upon. In short. Allow me to defend myself. The other option; is to get that workforce and build it in Tau Ceti. Give me fair competition and the right to defend myself and those working for me. Nothing unreasonable. I have the 3 colony charters for Tau Ceti ready."

Trudy sighed, "I will leave the choice to the individual. I will have my Surgeon General coordinate distribution. Do you know where you are going to start?"

John smiled, "There are many in your inner circle who hold GS assets in their portfolio. They would not want to see me succeed. Some will inform GS that I am gunning to destroy them. Hatred can run deep when corruption hits; coveting wealth. I will contact you back or let the hospital or hospitals I hit contact you directly. I just put a large target on my back by saving your life and telling you all of this. It was a choice I made. I am a justice hybrid and I do not do politics."

President Winthrop sighed and nodded, "I understand."

She ended the call.

John looked at Astra and his guards, "Think you might be underpaid for this job?"

The guy chuckled, "Yes. We need to get you moving. I will contact the owners and see about getting some additional coverage over you. I have a family member dying of cancer. If what you said is true, then that is reason enough to ensure they get a cure by keeping you safe."

John nodded. "Where is your family?"

He sighed, "Iowa."

John nodded, "Any others in this group in the same boat?"

He nodded, "Probably."

John nodded, "Get names and locations."

He smiled and nodded, "Will do."

They made it back to the ship and docked it to the shuttle. He looked at Astra, "I am leaving you on The Survivor while I talk with the lawyer." He was still annoyed at her for not following his directions.

She nodded, "Alright, but take security." John nodded.

Astra smiled, "I sent the payment of 5 million TCs for the Jupiter station and received your executive orders to fire if fired upon. It is not exclusive. Also, to arm your research center. She has given you the green light to try and compete here."

John nodded, "Get supplies ordered. Stock both shuttles with food, you know what I want."

Astra nodded, "It will be waiting for us in the hanger in Sydney. They will bring all the supplies there under a shell company I put together. I want to avoid you getting poisoned with something that works. 20 people, 20 years of supplies."

John looked, "Connect me to that corporate attorney."

Astra smiled, "Here you go."

Astra connected it and John smiled at the lady who answered the line. John nodded to her, "I am looking to create a business and I need a lawyer who can set this up plus deal with the patents I want to be filed. They need to act as a full-time business manager. I had a researcher give me your number."

She smiled, "One moment."

She put him through to the woman who took his breath away.

He looked at her as she smiled, "Can I help you?"

He nodded, "I want a business established named Hybrid Innovation Solutions, LLC. I also have several hundred patents I want you to file. I would like to have a business manager as well; full-time."

She smiled, "Anything else with that Mr.?"

John smiled, "John Travus, dinner with you and we can talk about dessert afterward."

She smiled and laughed at that. "My girlfriend might object."

John smiled, "Camille, I know. You said she might object. Meaning I have hope. Are the 2 of you looking to make beautiful children?"

She seemed shocked, "How did you know about Camille?"

John smiled, "I researched, or should I say my assistant researched patent attorneys for me. She had a lot of her criteria in the search and she found you."

She smiled, "One look and you want to be the father of my children?"

John smiled and sent her a file with a picture of Grace. She opened it and looked at it. "Where did you get this?"

John smiled, "Dinner, it is a 3-bottle conversation. Maybe 30 bottles. Not stalking you by the way just very pleasantly surprised when Astra came upon you in that search. I know you are named Lacy G. Landers; The G stands for 'Grace.'"

She looked shocked, and looked at the picture, "How did you know that? This is... who this is a picture of? The woman who I was named after? She died long ago. She looked like this and was a lawyer as well."

John nodded, "A very good lawyer, patent lawyer, business manager, lover, and wife. She had a girlfriend named Danyelle. In another life for me. Over 275 years ago."

She looked a little freaked out, "I know she married and had one child who died but not much else about her. There was also a reference to her working at the patent office and burying a friend named Danyelle."

John nodded, "I know, no physical body though, she fell into a crevasse on the moon. When would you like to meet? I am en route to Sydney. Collins Security Hanger." She looked up at the time, "2 hours and I am bringing my girlfriend."

John nodded, "Understandable. Let us set up that business account with these leases and 80 Billion TCs in a business account. Business name Hybrid Innovation Solutions, LLC.

I want you to set up a couple of shell corporations under there and another called Conserve the Universe Foundation. I want them to buy the leases for metallic hydrogen rights at Saturn and Jupiter with a company page calling out protection and conservation of our universal natural resources being a Foundation priority."

Lacy looked at John, "You plan to mine them?"

John nodded, "Eventually, but not from a station. I bought the Jupiter station and that is in my name and not under the business. That needs to be moved under a new company called Space Based Construction, LLC."

She looked at him again, "You're the guy from the news. The hybrid."

John nodded, "Yes. I also need you to file these 3 colony charters and get out this first patent."

He sent her the files. She looked over, "90 minutes!"

She ended the call. They landed and the supplies had arrived. They were scanned, cleared, and loaded when Lacy arrived with Camille. They looked over and Lacy commented, "You have a lot of security. Your colony charters were approved easily enough. I do not think they read them."

John nodded. The guard gave him a list of 3 locations. He waved them inside with Astra, "Astra, fill three bags with half a liter of my blood and give it to these 3 guards with instructions on what to do with it and the hospital. You cleared them. Let them start the distribution."

Astra nodded, "I would caution against giving more than a liter of blood, but you will just tell me you regenerate."

John nodded, "Saves on the arguments. Lacy, I need you to generate a patient release to get injected with my blood to try and cure them of human ailments knowing that the blood has an alien DNA component to do that."

She wrote it up and sent it to Astra who put it on 3 pads with instructions. She went out and gave it to the guards who looked up and nodded at what he wanted them to do. He got the second shuttle docked. They would leave the local security behind.

John looked at the ladies, "Grab a seat and Astra will explain everything to you two. I do not need guards or pilots for this next portion of the trip. Sydney tower TSM-158475 ready for departure."