At Any Cost Ch. 06


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"Odd sort of man, milord." Sykes announced as he approached. "Dressed like a gent, but he came through the back."

"McGallagher." Derek murmured. "Show him in."

"Very good, milord." The butler nodded. Vivian looked up curiously from her post. "Who is it, Derek?"

He was already standing up from the chair and discarded his napkin. "An associate." Was all he supplied to her question.

"From the runner's office? But I thought you no longer work there."

His temper was flaring up. There were reasons why men don't marry, one being so they wouldn't have wives asking them silly questions or inquire about everything they did. And they had the worst way of getting under your skin. He looked into Vivian's eyes. Well, he married her, he would protect her, but by god, he wasn't going to explain his every move to her.

"It is nothing to concern yourself with, Vivian."

"Is this your lovely bride?" They both turned to the man who entered the room, his thick Scottish brogue filling the room. He possessed a beard, his reddish brown hair had grown unruly and yet underneath it all, he looked to be quite handsome. As Sykes had pointed out, he was dressed as a gentleman, his clothes made by the finest material and tailor and he walked in with a confident ease that not too many men could pull off.

He went straight up to them and bowed. "I will take it upon myself to start the introductions. Nathan McGallagher, at your service ma'am. I'm an old friend of Trentham's. You must be Vivian."

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Mr. McGallagher."

"Nathan, please." Then he turned to Derek, casting him a boyish smile. "Looking good, mate. Marriage agrees with you."

Derek frowned. "Let us go into the library."

"Lead the way." Nathan replied.

Vivian slumped into her seat when they left. Derek was trying so hard to push her away and keep her away, at least in the daytime, letting her close only at night. Suddenly losing her appetite, she did nothing but toy with her napkin ring, even ignoring the morning post, which normally gave her so much delight.

It was a long time before both Nathan and Derek emerged from the study. She heard Nathan say something in a low voice and then something about giving his best to the wife, meaning her, before leaving, through the back, it sounded like. It was another moment later when Derek returned to the breakfast room.

"Did he come on business?" She asked rather casually. She made a point of eating her breakfast as if she had been doing so all along. Derek looked up.

"Yes and no." He paused. "Vivien, I've decided we're going to the country."

"The country?" She asked, utterly confused. "But we've accepted all those invitations. We cannot possibly go now. Besides, no one is there right now."

Exactly, he thought. She would be safe, completely safe on his vast property, where all his staff, all his men would be there to look out for her.

"I've already informed Sykes about it and we're leaving in a week. There will be plenty for you to do there and I have neglected my tenants there for far too long."

"I suppose I can send out our apologies for canceling, but really, Derek, this just isn't done. I hope you do not always intend to change plans at the last minute in the future. Everyone will hate it."

Now that was a comment that made his lips curl slightly into a wry smile. "No one could hate you, Vivien."

"And you?" She hoped he would take this opportunity to tell her everything. About this reputation of his that everyone seemed to whisper about. But he merely smiled.

"As long as you're with me, Heaven itself would accept me into their gates."

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john1946john1946over 5 years ago
Fun Read

A most enjoyable story. I look forward to more.

snowgirl714snowgirl714over 9 years ago
Please Continue

Please continue love it!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
please oh please oh pleeeaaase!!!!

You have me captivated and on the edge of my seat!! His story is one of the best romances I have read in a long, long time please continue it!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Awe struck

Pleats continue the story.. It has me enticed..

unvirtuous_virgounvirtuous_virgoabout 11 years ago

Please finish this story. I love it and I cant wait to see where it goes.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Oh please finish it!

I just read every chapter and am pining for more. You are a talented writer, you have created interesting and empathetic characters.

Soul_childSoul_childover 12 years ago
Oh no!

U have left us hanging.... Please finish it!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
MOre please!

please please please! You are so talented! MORE!

ladybug71ladybug71over 13 years ago

This story is fantastic!!! You are a very gifted writer and I loved reading this story of Vivian and Derek. Could you please finish the story out, as I would love to see what happens with this wonderful story??

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Aww, man...

I did it again. I read a story that an author ditched too soon, lol.

Please come back and finish it!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

You have great skill in the way you write. I have enjoyed every one of your regency romances and wish you well with your writing. Please finish this story off and write more. Best wishes.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

Please continue this story it's sooo good!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Wonderfully interesting

Please continue...I think you could write a book about these characters, they are so well developed and I feel I could read about them for ages. I do love the Derek and vivian story the best...I want to know everything! Great Job!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

continue this story! i'm hooked and need more. besides, the characters need to fulfill their story destiny.

silverfall_fairesilverfall_faireabout 14 years ago

Gaaaahhh! I've read this whole story like 5 times and can't get enough of Trentham! When are you going to write more????? This is just cruel and unusual punishment, dropping at a crucial point in the storyline..... *pouts*

jazz13jazz13about 14 years ago
keep writing!

AWESOME!!! cant wait for more!!

Messier51Messier51over 14 years ago

Lovely series. Each chapter leaves you eager for the next. Your grammar, spelling, and style are impeccable. This in and of itself makes your stories stand out. An intriguing plot, budding romance, and unique historical setting all combine to make this a tale of the highest caliber. My only regret is that the series is yet unfinished, and it seems as if there have not been any chapters published in quite a while. Hopefully there will be a continuance of this wonderful series in the near future.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Hope you arent done

Its a great story. Looking forward to future updates.

Nightstar1Nightstar1almost 15 years ago
please dont leave the story unfinished

please update soon!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago

I am really happy you updated and I can't wait for the next chapter. But I really don't understand why Vivian didn't want to marry lord Garner, aside from being unattractive there is nothing wrong with him. But I do like her husband so I guess it is good she didn't marry him since Helen suits him better, update soon please.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
Please continue the A Darker Love Series!!

Hey Amy_Monac, im a big fan of ur writing and i just wanted to take this chance to ask u and beg u if need be to continue ur A Darker Love series. Its a truly wonderful, imaginative and inspired series, please please complete it. Im sure i speak for many when i say that we would all love to know what happens to both the angel and demon! I know it must be a long time since you're last post but, i no u can find it in u to continue and finish the story briliantly as always. lots of love anonymous friend

starry_nightstarry_nightover 15 years ago
Welcome back

I saw this update by accident...I had missed your centaur stories and was rereading Callum's story when I noticed that little yellow N. Thanks for taking the time to continue this story! I am enjoying all the different couples in it. There is something so sweet about the growing closeness between Lord Garner and Helen. And Pete's just adorable the way he defends Annie and takes his time with her. Also, this new character Nathan is interesting too. Can't wait to see him and maybe Derek take down the bad guys. Looking forward to more updates!

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

I hope you update more often compared to your other stories. Please kindly post the next chapter soon!

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

I LOVE this story... This chapter isn't as good as the others, I think because of focus on the old man and his girl.

I love the romance blooming between Annie and Pete, and the old man and his girl. It's all very sweet.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
glad to see u back!!!

but it would have been great to have read mote about Viv and her Derek.I absolutely luv this story and have waited forever for an update.

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