At His Majesty's Pleasure Ch. 06


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He eased the crop back into her, pushing it all the way to its original, wonderful fullness. She tensed, readying for more of that (exquisite) intrusion - but it remained still there, laying limply within her quivering core.

"Perhaps you need a little time to think about your priorities." Leaving the crop protruding crudely from her tight hole, he rose from the bed. "In the meantime, I have some work I've been neglecting."

He was just going to leave it there?

Her eyes shot open, watching as he moved back to the basin. "You make quite the lovely fixture, by the way." In a leisurely fashion, he rinsed his hands, drying them off on a rag. "I will be sure to enjoy the view."

The King went to the far desk and seated himself. Before long, she could hear papers shuffling, and the occasional scrawlings of a quill. He was just going to abandon her to her predicament, while blithely going about his work.

Time had never crept by more slowly than it did now. At first, she shifted her hips experimentally - as if there was some way to ease the intrusion out - only for another fluttering breath to tear from her lips as the crop pressed lightly against another spot within. The ache deepened, with temptation so near (and escape impossible). Every second was another battle waged; she had to force herself not to inch her hips closer, not to let a moan of concession escape her lips. This was just another test of self-discipline, one that she could not fail after she'd already come so far.

The King did not seem in any hurry to release her. A good hour must have crept by, maybe two - it was impossible to tell when the seconds inched by with such sluggish agony. Occasionally, he glanced over to her from his comfortable seat, admiring her as surely as if she were some newly acquired piece of art.

By then, she was resigned not to move, her eyes an enduring haze when there were open. Hers was a delirious impasse - and yet, her one silver lining was the near-irrational confidence was that he would not leave her like this long enough to damage her. In all of his crueler whims toward her, he always seemed to remain...reasonable about what he ultimately would or would not do. Even tonight, if she was to reflect, the totality of his actions did not amount to anything truly perilous: she had been plucked, (very) lightly lashed, and aroused against her will, but it was more the helpless humiliation of it all that intensified the experience. In a vacuum, it shouldn't have amounted to much at all, but for the way her body had been used as a weapon against herself.

She kept herself occupied with these ruminations in mind, and any other distractions that might divert her. Her throat was a little dry now, so there was that to steer her focus toward.

At some point, she also experienced the distinct thought of how difficult it might be to poison his meals directly.

When this monotony was interrupted, it was not by either of them, but a knock upon the door. The King shifted a scroll, jotting down some last sentence, before he went to answer it - disappearing into the entry chamber and leaving her momentarily alone. A brief glance at his vacated desk revealed a dizzying array of maps and diagrams, no doubt plans for his next onslaught of wars.

He did not return immediately. When he did, it was several minutes after, whereupon he quickly and soundlessly began gathering his scrolls, sweeping the remainder into a drawer (which he locked). She had never seen him like this before - where he usually moved with a languid self-assurance, there was something more frenetic to his energy now. He appeared distracted.

Approaching the bed, he removed the intrusive crop from her passage, and soon he was untying each limb from its rope bonds. When she was finally free, she curled in on herself, unsure now of what to expect.

"I have business to attend to," he informed her, in a clipped voice. He reached for his surcoat, donning it. "We will speak later."

And then he left her.


Authors: Thanks for reading! As always, we appreciate any ratings/favorites/comments thrown our way, if you feel so inclined! And if you want to receive updates when a new chapter is posted, subscription information is on our profile.

Also, we thought of a little game you can play in the comments! All it requires is for you to post a comment with a fictional name of your choosing - any name, so long as it fits the setting (medieval). We'll then put all the names on a list and use them for new characters! It'll be the luck of the draw if we use your name for a major character or a passing reference, but it's there in case anyone's interested in leaving a small mark on the story!

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

This is a small thing… but did you mix up a riding crop and a flogger? I was thrown momentarily by the tendrils lol

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I'm not sure what the other comments are talking about. I thought the silence was a good addition to the story, it's a good showing of her character!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Silence is a child's game, and should have no place in these stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago


ColddesireColddesirealmost 8 years ago

Her silence is an interesting concept, but for the sake of the book and of entertainment I hope it ceases next chapter. Otherwise the book will be a bore , unless something utterly unexpected happens .

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

I was really enjoying your writing but this chapter has bored me silly! What a pain in the arse. Paragraph after paragraph of the same guff! Won't be reading the remainder. I have a feeling those who are fans are bored and frustrated, this? Has lost the pace.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
names for your list

Sarah for a lass and Owen for a man.

Your work on this story is good, four stars at least. I understand

the way she is turning inward. It is not a reaction that is explored

often. Keep writing please.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Names and Comments

Tharion perhaps might be an interesting name, or perhaps something more along the lines of: Victoria, Rosalyn, Nathaniel, Marcus, Gavin, Gregory, or maybe Vanessa.

I do greatly enjoy your writing, good writing is hard to come by now days, and I do hope you will continue this work although within the aspects of reason. All good things must come to an end and this can be no different sadly, although the story does promise a great deal of possibility as well as some interesting path altering choices to come, meaning that neither the two of you talented writers or your readers should worry any time soon.

I must thank you for the characters of Alexander and Alais as they are highly enjoyable and in my (somewhat) humble opinion compliment each other rather nicely. Please keep up the good work and best of luck with your career and your studies.

-A Grateful Reader

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Or Agard or Devereaux or Adell

lady_temilylady_temilyabout 8 years agoAuthor
Individual Replies 2


Thank you so much!

@Anon "Awesome so far"

Thanks! Yeah, he's an asshole, but relative to other noncon male protagonists, he's actually not been too terrible to her (very relatively). It's something we've been careful about!


Thank you!


Yeah, having Alais be pragmatic was definitely something we focused on! And haha, yes, Alexander is a jerk but a lovable jerk (in our opinion), not least because he's sooo ridiculous. So glad that both of the characters are coming across to you as we intended!

@IllariaLannister and @Anon "Love love love"

Ahhh, you guys are so flattering! We'll make sure to keep those updates coming.

@Anon "Laziness"

You're right, it's not too hard to come up with names! We could just pick them off sites pretty easily. As the Anon down there said, though, this was meant as a fun game for the readers, as a way of participating (if minutely) in the story - if they wanted. As a sidenote, I'm impressed that you've read to the sixth chapter if you find us/the story so lazy!

@Anon "Yet another perfect chapter"

Aww, thank you! Sometimes noncon can be so bleak and serious - not to say there aren't dark themes in this story, because there are, but it's nice to lighten the mood with some humor here and there. I hope you did well on your exam!

@Anon "low rating"

Ratings can be pretty wonky sometimes, especially if a few people bomb with one stars; based on how averages work, it can take 10+ five star ratings to null out a single one star. So we aren't too worried, and unfortunately will be continuing to write. Your concern is admirable though. ;)

@Anons "Loving it!" and "Negative Comments"

Thank you for your kind words - you guys are always so supportive when we get random flak from comments, haha. But yeah, we're totally cool with constructive comments, but never too sure what to do when it's just negative vitriol. (Besides ignoring it, as you said.) And focusing on the more encouraging comments, of course!


He's pretty mean, yes! And he'll probably continue to be mean. He also does have a heart, though it's buried very very deep. It remains to be seen if she can unearth it!

@Anon "Wonderful story!"

Ethan will be making more appearances later, yes, and there's more to be learned about him. Obsivian culture is generally pretty barbaric, so in their society, Alexander's actions aren't seen as badly as say in more civilized countries; Ethan's mostly reluctantly resigned about the whole thing, which is a laughable under-reaction to Alexander's atrocities...but it does fit in the context of Obsivian morals. As for Alexander and Alais, they have a long journey ahead of them.

@Anons "5 stars!" and "I actually like"

Good, because he's going to continue of being awful and cruel, haha! From time to time, anyway.

@"Loving it!"

Yes, Alexander is missing their banter, though he won't admit it in those words. A mindless puppet is pretty boring! I'm glad you can recognize that his actions, though brutal, take place in an overall brutal world. That's not to say he isn't still awful and cruel, because he is (even by those standards), but he definitely is a product of his time; in context, his violence isn't thaaat out of the ordinary. And we do try to give him some depth - case in point, his first instinct this chapter wasn't to be rough, but to be gentle. Though admittedly that didn't last, haha.


Thoughts of publishing are pretty far from our minds, but thank you for your vote of confidence!


That was basiiiically his plan that night, before some extenuating circumstances pulled him away. Though he did want to wait long enough to tempt her to give it - which didn't work out, unfortunately for him!

lady_temilylady_temilyabout 8 years agoAuthor
Individual Replies

Literotica has queued Ch. 7 to be published tomorrow, so it should be here soon!

And thank you for all the great names! We've compiled them all into a list and will be making us of them in the coming chapters.

@Anon "Clever!"

Thank you - we thought it would be fun for everyone! And yeah, Alais won't stay passive forever, but right now it's a defense mechanism that makes sense to her while she sorts out what's next.

@Anon "yay new chapter"

Her passiveness is definitely a temporary thing! By the end of the next chapter, she will have reached a conclusion as to what her strategy will be from here. After that, more banter will return for sure! And aw, I really liked the Rebellious Slave series (especially Arlington), so the comparison is flattering. :)

@Anon "sad"

Alais will emerge from her hibernation soon, don't worry! Though her way of "fighting" him won't be very conventional.

@Anon "The best weapon"

Agreed! A lot of heroines in these types of stories might go for outright defiance (not to throw shade necessarily, since in the right context it works!), but here it would be foolish/dangerous, not just for her but her family. So she has to resort to different tactics for survival, and that includes more subtle kinds of resistance. And yes, she does have a lot of willpower! She's not without her foibles, like anyone else, but I think her willpower is one of her strong suits. (As for what drew Alexander away - that's a plot point that will come up later!)


Very interesting to hear your plot speculations! And flattered that you gave it such detailed (and creative) thought. It sounds like it would be an engaging to read in another story, though it won't be quite how this one shakes out given the context and character dynamics. Though Ethan (the friend) has gotten along with Alais, he'd be hard-pressed to uproot himself and risk everything for her - he has too many friends/family that would be in danger from something like that. Alexander's also done much worse, i.e. to prisoners of war, without Ethan's intervention; though sort of morally indignant, Ethan is still an Obsivian and their cultural mores are kind of...relative. Anyway, was still fascinating to read the hypothesis! I liked the part about Alexander failing to notice the lines he crossed.

@A.H.M.P. 6

First of all, digging the AHMP acronym, haha! Glad that you enjoyed our dialogue - it'll be making a return soon, so you won't have to wait for too long! She's been kind of revving up to "face the dragon," as you put it, and had to shut down for a bit to really make a decision about what she was doing.

@Anon "Loved this"

Aww, thank you! That's exactly what we intended for Alexander - he has kind of a dichotomy, since he can be both charming and awful, depending on his given mood at the time. It does, in a way, echo how their relationship also has its twists and turns.


Yes, the lack of reaction definitely frustrated Alexander! And the victory, technical as it was, was of some small consolation to her, at least.

@Anon "Um lol at that comment"

Aww, thanks for looking out for us! I read LadyParts's comment as just her speculation, but yeah, there have definitely been other comments before that have demanded the story play out in certain ways, or made assumptions about the characters that had yet to be established. Not that it wasn't cool to see people invested, but there have been presumptions now and then, as you said.

@Anon "nice!"

Haha, I can't help my puns. Expect more!

@Anon "Bartholomew Bosephius Wellington the IV"

Hilarious contribution, definitely using.

@Anon "Death"

More than one person dies in the next chapter, though sadly Alexander is not among them!

@Anon "Him Cave FIRST!"

She did technically win this round, since he wasn't able to get her to speak before the night was out! As for the trendy comment - haha, she can't help a bit of internal sass, even when she's being detached.

@Anon "I bet the maids told the king"

Nah, they didn't suspect what the tea's purpose was for. So her secret is safe - for now...


I always say this, but you write the best comments!! Always a blast to see how stuff came across to you.

First of all, so glad that it lived up to your expectations and the hotness didn't disappoint. ;) We're just writing what we're into ourselves, so I think we must just share a lot of similar perverted tastes! Like, I also don't like body hair - for men too, which is why Obsivian men naturally don't have chest hair (shameless, but possible!). And of course we had to finagle some way for Alais to get smooth too, so what better way than to have Alexander share the preference and just decide "nope, gonna just wax her whether or not she likes it." Such a dick move, yes - he's the kind of dick moves. The rope and riding crop stuff were dick moves number two and three, on top of that, so he's rounded himself off pretty well, hahaha. He doesn't even think he's been that awful; in his mind it's like - well, she didn't speak when I ordered her to, so what else am I supposed to do? You're right in that it was a pretty intense experience for her second time though...he kinda got carried away. But hey, there's plenty more up his sleeve! As you mentioned, he didn't whip her all that long this time, for one! The dickishness is just beginning.

Haha, he didn't mean to leave her hanging! Well, he did, but not for the entire night. Juuust long enough for her to give in, but of course, that didn't happen, and extenuating circumstances kinda frustrated their plans.

He did manage to be pretty convincingly nice in the beginning, didn't he? Buuut as always, he can never seem to keep at it for long, poor guy. And yeah, Alais is picking her fights. It frustrates me sometimes when noncon heroines are inane in how they rebel - some spark is great, but constant spazing out isn't a great survival strategy! Alais doesn't want to give in, but she's trying to use her head and figure out how she can best resist him without overly endangering herself.

PtmcPilotPtmcPilotabout 8 years ago
enjoying this tale

I have enjoyed this story to date, though the denial in CH06 was a bit over the top for me. However, I do plan to return for CH07. Have to see what happens when one of the two gives in. Of course, he could always fuck her, get off, and still leave her wanting, which is precisely what I would do in this situation.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Can't wait!!

Thanks for the update!

lady_temilylady_temilyabout 8 years agoAuthor
Chapter 7

Chapter 7 has been submitted, and should be out as soon as Literotica processes it. And we'll tackle your individual comments soon!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Please please let us know when the next part is expected to come out... Can't wait !

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