Attorney Client Privilege Bk. 01


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"Don't worry about it Lissy. It's only bank checks and they're already made out to each contractor and I still have to sign them. Besides with those legs you could probably outrun a bus." X laughed again.

"Alright I'll get over there but I want some serious strategizing tonight if you know what I mean." Lis grinned sheepishly into the phone.

"Now your wish is my command." X hung up the phone with a smile.

Lis took a cab to her place from work. She normally didn't allow herself the luxury of a cab but she was running seriously behind. Lis changed into a pair of faded jeans and white blouse. With her body the trim blonde didn't have to get dressed up in order to look sexy a pair of expensive cowboy boots would do the trick. After checking her make up and brushing her hair Lis rushed out of the building and jumped into another cab to X's townhouse.

It was 8pm by the time she bounded up the stairs of his stoop. Lis rang the bell and X answered right away. Lis was blissfully happy to see the handsome black man. She hadn't been able to get him out of her mind all day, for that matter she had been thinking about him so often since they had first met. What attracted a nice white girl like Lis to a bad boy like Xavier was anybody's guess but she was more than just sexually turned on by Xavier at this point.

"Hey welcome." X greeted her with a smile and opened the door wide so Lis could walk through into his home.

"Hi how are you doing?" Lis asked as X kissed her on the lips.

"I'm doing better since your pep talk." X kissed her again.

"That's part of my job. You know I didn't get much of a look at your place the first time I was here. This is so beautiful." Lis gushed as she walked into the professionally decorated living room.

"Thanks. I like to live comfortably." X replied proudly.

"I'll say. This furniture is gorgeous." Lis ran a hand along a chair as she walked through the room.

"Have a seat. You were able to get home today." X noticed how wonderful Lis' ass looked in an old pair of jeans but as someone who had toured her body up close and personal he expected her to look good in just about anything.

"This is actually an early day for me. It feels good to be able to wear some old clothes." Lis laid back into the couch and crossed her legs.

"Looks good too." The black man ran his hand up her leg and leaned in and kissed her cheek.

Lis smiled and let X touch her. It's what she had been looking for the minute she had walked through the door to the home. While she wondered what X's strong masculine hands had in store for her she took in the dark wood in the room and the artwork that hung from its walls. She turned towards X and kissed him. She wanted him badly and was going to let him have her right on the couch if he wanted. This man made her throw all restraint out the window he was that exciting. As their tongues found each other and began to rub against each other the front doorbell rang out.

"Oh shit its Kelvin." X broke up their romance as he stood up.

As soon as X mentioned the name, Kelvin Jones, Lis knew she was in trouble and an interruption of their sexual tryst was not the reason. In her haste to get to X's home and into his arms she had forgotten to stop by the bank and pick up the checks that X would need to start the rebuilding process of his newest project. It was well past the time where someone would be able to run down to the bank and pick up the checks. X noticed the worried look on Lis face as he went to the door to let New York's most eligible bachelor into his home.

Lis heard X greet another man in the foyer. They were laughing as they walked back into the room. Lis stood as she immediately recognized Kelvin Jones from the several magazine and style section photos she had seen him in. True to his reputation as a handsome man around town Kelvin Jones was bigger than life. Lis couldn't take her eyes off him as X introduced the two of them.

"It's so nice to meet you Lis." Kelvin said in a rich baritone that made Lis's spine tingle and goose bumps sprout all over.

"It's nice to meet you Kelvin. I should say haven't I seen you somewhere before but I already know where, in just about every social publication in the city. You're quite famous." Lis took the black man's hand as he held it out for her to shake. Before she became involved with X, Lis had only considered a select few black men worth a second look. It wasn't about being prejudice it was just the type of man she was accustomed to being around and thus attracted too. Kelvin definitely fit into that select group. The tall man's mahogany skin reminded Lis of very rich Belgian dark chocolate and although he was wearing a loose fitting white oxford shirt she could tell he was very well built. Still what really turned on the young lawyer was Kelvin's face. The symmetry was perfect with the cheekbones and dimpled chin jutting out and forming a nice triangle. It took all of her willpower not to stare at the man.

"It's getting harder and harder for you to travel incognito my man." X laughed.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to act like some star struck teeny bopper." Lis lied.

"It's no problem not when a beautiful woman brings up the subject. I haven't seen you around here before are you new?" Mr. Jones was referring to Xavier's primary line of work.

X immediately interrupted. "Ugh Kel, Lis is my lawyer. You know that thing with the dress shop."

"Hey I'm sorry." Kelvin Jones literally took a step back he was so embarrassed.

X started laughing to ease the tension that had just elevated in the room. It didn't take much to get the two others to join in. Besides Lis wasn't smarting too much for being mistaken for a call girl. Rumor had it that X ran the most beautiful women in the city, up to $5000 dollars for a night's work. On top of that one of the sexiest men in the city was showing a definite interest in her. Lis noticed that Kelvin was shamelessly checking her out. As beautiful as Lis was she still suffered from surprisingly low self esteem when it came to her looks. This attention was feeding her ego and making her blush.

"You don't have to be sorry. I guess it could be a compliment in a weird sort of way." Lis let him off the hook.

"Hey we've got the demolition done and the contractors are ready to start tomorrow. This is going to be tight if you want this joint ready by the end of the month." X turned his attention back to X while trying in vain to keep an eye on Lis' ass.

"Under budget and on time that's this guy's middle name. Without my man this lease just wouldn't be happening. I know he's just being humble saying this may be tight. Lis do you have that package from the bank?"

Lis' heart sank right then and there. She had heard from X how important getting this project started immediately was and now having one of the city's best contractors drive the point home again was horrible. She had blown it again for X. She hadn't even heard the exact amount of the lease and now she didn't want too.

"X, I forgot to get the checks at the bank. I'm so sorry I was just hurrying to get up here at the last minute. It just slipped my mind until you asked me just now." Lis admitted.

Both men looked at her as if she had just told them that she was pregnant with both their children. Lis would have laughed at their wide open mouths and saucer sized eyes if she hadn't known how badly she had blown it.

"Can you get the plumbers and the electricians to at least get things started tomorrow?" X asked with a desperate tone in his voice that made Lis feel that much worse.

"You know these guys X, no money no work. They know you're a stand up guy but they've been burned too many times. It'd be a one in a million shot." Kelvin informed his client.

"Can we still get it done on time?" X asked hopefully.

"X, I was serious when I said we'd be tight to finish with this weekend. Without it there's just no real hope. Can your tenant move in a couple of days later?" Kelvin was trying to mitigate the situation.

"There's just no way." X replied.

"Let me call see what I can get done." Kelvin pulled out his cell phone and took a step away from the other two all the while keeping an eye on Lis who gave the handsome black man a hopeful smile.

Meanwhile X and Lis stood together and waited. "X, I'm so sorry. I can't believe I did this to you. I feel horrible."

"Babe we're all human." Was all X could mange.

Lis wasn't used to panicking but that was what was exactly swirling around in her head at that moment. She had screwed up again with X and it was bringing about a serious bout of the guilts. She noticed Kelvin looking her way as he talked to one of the contractors and she smiled back at him.

"X can I do anything to help you out of this?" Lis asked.

"Lis I don't want to make you feel any worse but don't you think you've done enough? I mean this guy likes you but he's not going to go down to the job and bang nails by himself. He just wants to bang you." X scolded Lis.

"I know he likes me. Just know that I'll do what you want to solve this problem. He has influence with his sub contractors. If you want me to talk to him I can do it." Lis continued.

"Lis, he wants more than some talking." X informed her.

"You mean he wants me to have sex with him?" Lis whispered to X. She wanted to make it perfectly clear where X was going with this conversation. And while the thought of having sex with a strange man would have been abhorrent to her a few weeks ago tonight was different. She wanted to do help X and not just because she had screwed up. She wanted to help her man. She owed it to him. Lis didn't yet realize that her reasoning was mimicking a call girl's logic when she went to work for her pimp.

"I don't want you to feel forced but I think it would work." X reasoned with Lis.

"X, I came up here to see you tonight not go with some strange guy." She returned.

"I know that babe but I need your help or I'm doomed at that jobsite." X put his hands on her shoulders.

Lis didn't say anything she just looked at X and gave him a very slight nod. It was all that was needed. She had strolled into the web and become entangled. Now Lis had to hope that Kelvin Jones was an upstanding man. One that wouldn't make a girl pay for her mistake with a sexual favor.

"Hey Kel, why don't we step into the kitchen for a second." X gave Lis one last look and then led the other black man out into the hall and back to the kitchen while he continued to talk on the phone.

They spent a while in private but finally emerged. Lis could hear them talking but couldn't really make out what they were saying. X came up to Lis and said. "It's okay baby Kelvin says he can pull a crew he's already paid off another jobsite and get them to work tomorrow."

"Kelvin you have no idea how much I appreciate you helping me out. This whole thing was my fault." Lis breathed a huge sigh of relief as the weight lifted off of her.

"Well then you won't mind spending a little time with Kel to make it up to him for the sacrifice. Will you Lis?" X lowered the boom.

Lis thought she had avoided being used but her own beauty had done her in. Kel was obviously strongly attracted to her. She smiled meekly and said in a soft tone. "Sure that'd be fine."

She smiled as Kelvin stepped up to her. "I'm sure this isn't something you're used to doing."

"It's okay." Lis said as she walked out the door with the tall black man. She was absolutely numb thinking about what she was about to do.

As Kelvin and Lis walked down the street together she began to notice the stares. She had never felt so paranoid. At first, Lis thought that maybe somehow they knew that she was about to sleep with this man in order to make things right for X. An interesting thought until she came to her senses. The other people on the street couldn't read their minds and besides she was far from the first woman to give it up for something like this. Finally she figured it out. Everyone wanted to get a good look at the pretty blonde white girl walking with the big black man. Some had obvious looks of disgust, others were admiring her and unbeknownst to Lis some were even turned on by the sight of them. Kelvin noticed that Lis seemed self conscious.

"You must not be used to getting stared at." He smiled at her.

"Interracial couples must still be an oddity. It must be hard for you if you date white women." She defiantly stared back at an elderly lady.

"Well none of the white women I've walked down the street with have been as sexy as you." He returned.

"And you expect me to believe that someone like you doesn't get anyone sexier than me." Lis was flattered at the compliment but she couldn't resist throwing Kelvin a skeptical glance.

"You really have no idea how gorgeous you are do you?" Kelvin gave Lis' ass one last look before he opened the door to his Mercedes for her.

They drove downtown to Kelvin's loft making small talk as the car moved south. Lis quickly discovered that Kelvin could have been the city's most eligible bachelor on personality alone. The black man was engaging and very funny. He also had a confidence about him that was subtle yet belied a strength in the man. Lis felt at ease with him despite the circumstances that had brought them together.

Kelvin actually had a large garage in the building where his loft was located. They pulled into the well light garage which was part of a renovated building that held about a dozen high end lofts and a few storefronts on the first floor. Lis knew that a personal garage was an incredible luxury in this city reserved for someone that owned a building like this one. She got out of the car and walked over to a freight elevator where Kelvin was standing. They rode up to Kelvin's loft and Lis listened to him tell her how this building had been his first project. The owner had run out of money and walked away. Kelvin had convinced the city to let him pay the back taxes, take over the financing of the renovation and then take over ownership of the building. Since he already was the contractor, and a small minority owned one that the city didn't want to see go bankrupt, they basically let him take over the building for next to nothing.

"I have to tell you those were some scary days. I thought I was going to come apart each and every day that something went wrong." Kelvin admitted as the elevator opened.

"How did you do it? I mean the pressure, how did you live with it?" Lis asked thinking of her own recent problems.

"You just have to know that is something doesn't go your way, no matter how ugly it gets, you've got the talent and courage so keep your head down and go to work. Nothing replaces hard work. " The black man gave Lis a smile that was absolutely electric.

He changed course and gave her a quick tour of his pride and joy, his home. "All the lofts have an open design. The kitchen opens into the living room which opens into the dining room. On this side are two bedrooms and either one or two bathrooms depending on what the client wanted. For mine I put in only one bedroom and made the other space a workout room.

"My God! This is beautiful!" Lis was enthralled with the simple design yet luxurious look of the loft.

"With the lofts all having the same basic layout they were so cost effective to build." Kelvin couldn't hide his pride as a contractor as Lis looked over the main space of the loft.

Lis was brought back to the reality of the situation when Kelvin asked is she wanted a drink. "No that's okay."

"You know I'm not really sure what you actually do for X but I'm not going to make you do something you're uncomfortable with. I'll tell you what. There's this college basketball game on tonight. I wouldn't mind watching it. Maybe as your punishment for screwing up you can pop some popcorn and we can kick back with a couple of beers." Kelvin was letting Lis off the hook.

"I've got to use the bathroom. I'll be right back." The blonde attorney smile up at the handsome black man and then turned and walked across the room to the bathroom the high heels of her cowboy boots clicking on the hardwood floor.

As she made her way past the kitchen she heard Kelvin get on his cell phone. She found the large bathroom and closed the door. True to the rest of the loft the bathroom was spacious and beautiful. The amenities included a large Jacuzzi in one corner, a long shower stall with multiple shower heads. The entire room was made from marble. Lis checked her make up and applied some lipstick. Kelvin had been the gentleman and told Lis that he wasn't interested in forcing her into a sexual encounter even though he knew he could have done it. It meant a lot to Lis. This guy was a gentleman. Still Lis wasn't sure that being the good girl is what she wanted. The feeling she had when she offered to whore herself out was unforgettable. She felt so depraved and cheap yet in so many ways it felt so good. She never thought that becoming a man's concubine could somehow make her feel so liberated. She made a decision and for Lis Rome, Esq. it was a radical one.

Kelvin was on the phone to the last sub contractor he needed to put together X's new commercial space. It was actually not that untenable a situation. The owner of the other project didn't need to be in until the end of the next month. Kelvin could just take X's original crew and put them in that space on Monday. As Kelvin explained the situation to the plumber he couldn't get past the way he had been given Lis. It was somewhat troubling. X was a client of his yet Kelvin had never been a client of X's and he wanted it to stay that way. He didn't buy girls or worse it was unthinkable that he would ever coerce one into fucking him. His way was to seduce his prey with his charm. He had taken many a beautiful white woman that would have never thought of laying with a black man before meeting Kelvin Jones and then just like that they were in his bed or naked on his couch with his ebony colored manhood in their mouths or with their legs spread wide taking him deep and screaming like they had never before. That's why he had told Lis he didn't want her the way she had been given to him. Now if she happened to succumb to his gentle advances during the night well that would be a horse of a different color. After all he was just throwing compliments into the wind when he told he how sexy she looked. Yes, this woman was a prime example of Northern European beauty.

Kevin broke from his deep thoughts just long enough to look up and see Lis standing in the kitchen area. She was leaning against a post wearing nothing but a smile and a pair of very expensive black cowboy boots.

"Oh holy shit! Barney I got to go. Yea yea the keys are there and I'll be in by early afternoon."

Kelvin couldn't get off the phone fast enough. He threw the cell phone down onto the coffee table and sat back and watched Lis make her entrance into the living room area. She walked over to the couch and stood in front of Kelvin. In the soft light the black man could make out the shapely muscles that made up her thighs and the tops of her calves that came out of her boots. This woman was in unbelievable shape and she made it look so sweet. The gorgeous blonde straddled the seated black man on the couch with her legs. She leaned down and put her lips on his. They began to kiss. Kelvin slowly moved his tongue into Lis' mouth. She was more than happy to accept him flicking the tip of her tongue along the underside of his. This seemed to spur on Kelvin. He began caressing her body and legs. He marveled at the hard smoothness of her thighs. Lis was quickly breathing heavily as they broke their kiss. Kelvin began kissing her neck and when he slid his tongue along her earlobe Lis moaned. She couldn't resist any longer. She reached down and ran her hand along the outline of a huge bulge in the black man's pants. It looked and felt like a thick steel pipe. Lis continued to lightly caress the fabric around the lump. She could feel it twitching in her fingers.