Autofellating Brother?


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I swallowed. Gulped some air in and then swallowed some more. I fondled his balls and squeezed out every last drop of his cum. Then licked his still hard cock from top to bottom.

"C'mon here," he finally rasped out hoarsely. I slid up my brother's body. Cuddled against his chest as his strong arms held me. We kissed. Again and again. Pushed our tongues into each other's mouths. My brother's hands roved over my body. Exploring. Exciting. Opening me. His cock was huge between our stomachs.

"We can't," I finally panted out, knowing that I was seconds away from total submission. "It's wrong. I'm late," I pled as I tried to escape his arms.

"You're not going anywhere."

"I'm not." Mikey shook his head. "We can't."

"I haven't given you your Valentine's Day gift yet have I?" he asked with a smile. His fingers moved over an aching nipple. My body arched against him.

"What is it?" We were both panting.

"It's right here," he answered as he grabbed my wrist and directed my hand down between our bodies. I closed my palm around his cock. Then moved it so his cockhead rubbed against my slit. Spread my legs. It was too late!

And then it was inside me. And my world changed forever! Everything else that I'd ever experienced before that second in my love and sex life, everything I'd thought I'd known, everything I'd been told, was washed away by the tsunami of feelings Mikey's cock awoke in me.

"Fuck me," I breathed into his mouth as his cock entered me. "Fuck me with your big cock." Which he did. In the standard missionary position. I started to scream after about he'd taken about three strokes. My body thrashed under his as he took me. It was that eureka moment people always talk about. The moment of total understanding.

My brother owned me. And I knew he always would as my orgasm, an orgasm unlike any I'd ever experienced before, rolled through my body.

Outside of an hour taking a bath together, and a quick trip to the kitchen to grab some food, my brother and I didn't leave his bed until just before four in the afternoon that day. We did things I'd never imagined. There was a wantonness in our need that was totally foreign to the life I'd lived up until that day.

My brother was indefatigable in his lovemaking. I was his slave.

I could hardly walk when we finally got out of bed that afternoon. And we'd stopped not because he was incapable of continuing but only because our parents were due.

Nikki called at about five-fifteen in the afternoon. "Where were you? I tried to call you all day," my best friend demanded.

"I was sick."

"You shoulda at least answered your phone," Nikki chastised before asking me what was wrong. And if I was okay.

"Monthlies," I said softly, then added, "I'm feeling better now."

"It's Valentine's Day. The guys are supposed to pick us up at eight. Will you be able to..."

"For a while maybe," I answered. And yes I was washed, perfumed, dressed and ready when Kyle showed up at my door at just after eight. Nikki and Tim also came in for a moment to talk to my parents before we left. Mikey watched Kyle the whole time. Then whispered in my ear that he wanted me home by midnight.


"What was with Mikey, he looked all wired up when we were there?" Nikki asked once we were back in Tim's car and driving away.

"I think he has girlfriend problems," I said noncommittally.

I was home before midnight. Kyle had been a bit pissed that the evening was ending so early but what could he say? The second I'd started discussing female health issues with him in the bar we'd gone to he'd blushed and turned away. Guys do not like discussing certain things!

10 -- Phone Call: February 15th 2012

There were a dozen red roses strewn across the top of my bed when I got home. Mike was sitting on the loveseat opposite my bed. Naked. The second he saw me he stood. I threw myself into his arms. "What about mom and dad?" I whispered into his ear between kisses.

Instead of answering he simply lowered the zipper on the back of my dress. Then slipped the straps down off my shoulders. It slid softly to the floor. A second later my bra was unclasped and joined my dress at my feet.

"They'll hear," I said as he crushed my breasts against his chest.

"You'll have to be very, very quiet," he said as his fingers found the top of my panties. And then before I could say another word he was inside me again.

"Don't you ever get tired?' I asked as he duck walked me back to my bed. A second later I was on my back. Mike was on top of me. His cock was deep inside of me. He owned me. And I knew he always would.

"Fuck me, fuck me master," I pled. Mike needed no further urging. His hips started to move. And then my phone started to ring!

"Don't answer it."

"It's Nikki," I said without even checking as I reached for the phone lying on my bedside table.

"Why's she calling now?"

"Shussh," I said, then pushed TALK. "Nikki, it's late, I'm busy," I scolded down the line.

"You are not."

"I'm studying."

"Yeah right. The only thing you could be studying at this hour is the Black Avenger. It's not your time of month at all. I just remembered when I got home. That was an excuse wasn't it?"

"No, it was just a little fib. I just wasn't up for a night out with Kyle."

"That's because he's dull. And he's not as big as the Black Avenger. You've probably got him pushed up inside you as we speak," she accused. If only she knew! Mikey was grinning. "You need a new boyfriend."

"What do you want anyway?" As I asked the question my brother ran his tongue around one of my nipples. I groaned.

"I knew it, you do have him inside you," Nikki exclaimed after hearing my groan.

"I do not." But I giggled.

Then Nikki got pensive. "I need a new one too. Both of us do. Guys with great big cocks."

"You're such a slut," I accused my friend as my brother fucked me.

"I'm going to run an ad in the student newspaper. 'Two beautiful, sexy, horny coeds seek two macho guys who can suck their owns cocks'."

"You're crazy!"

"But before I run the ad I think we should address the Mikey question." My brother, all ears, perked up when he heard her words.

"What Mikey question?" I answered in my most exasperated tone of voice. My pussy was on fire.

"We have to see if he can do it."

"He cannot do it!" I said but then couldn't stop a gasping, double moan from escaping my lips. Mike was fucking me with long, deep, hard, slow strokes.

"You are using that dildo! Take it out. Now. Gosh Kim, I'm trying to have a serious conversation with you."

"Yeah right. Talking about guys sucking their own cocks," I said dismissively. I smiled up at my big brother. Then gave him a quick kiss.

"What was that," Nikki asked suspiciously. I'd had enough!

"Listen, if you really want to know if he can do it you'll just have to ask him. All you do these days is talk, you never do," I accused. Which was completely untrue.

"That's not fair!"

"Well then ask him."

"He's your brother.'

"I knew you were a chicken.'

"I am not."

"I can't talk any more. The Black Avenger needs my full attention."

"Kim!" I pushed END. Nikki did call back but I didn't answer. My body was thrashing wildly as Mike brought me back to the edge. Then over it...

I'm amazed I didn't wake my parents.


"Would you mind?" Mikey asked the question as we lay side by side on our backs next to each other. We were both breathing heavily. My brother's cum was oozing out from between my legs.

"Nikki? You fucking her?" He nodded. I looked my brother in the eye. Then I whispered, "Not if you let me watch."

10 -- Today: Saturday February 25th 2012

Nikki has still not seen my brother suck his own penis. In fact, ten days after our telephone conversation, she still hasn't discussed the subject with Mike. But she did come over last Sunday when Mike was home and all three of us did hang out together. And we discussed subjects we'd never really discussed in front of him before. Girls. Drinking. Parties. Girlfriends and boyfriends. Mike and I had planned it before she'd got there.

"Next time I'm going to ask him," Nikki promised me this week. "Maybe after the swim meet."

Yes, Nikki and I are going to watch Mikey swim today. So we'll see him in his little Speedo. With his penis sticking out. Mind you my brother probably won't do very well in his race. You see he had sex last night. Which he's not supposed to do before a race. Especially five different times. I'm afraid my brother is going to be swimming virtually spermless.

"Once we've seen him in that I'll be able to bring it up when we get back to your house," Nikki theorised. "And from there..."

Mikey does want her to ask him. And he does want her to watch him doing it. And he does want to fuck her. "Growing up I always wanted you two," he admitted to me the other day when we were talking about it. "I used to dream of you two."

"You did?" I asked. My little brother's wanted his big sister for years and I hardly knew he existed. Not in a sexual way anyway. And now I'll do anything he wants. Anything!

"We should probably make her wait just a little longer ... tease her a bit more," I'd told Mikey last night. I'm not sure if he's willing to wait. We'll see how it goes after the meet. Mom and dad are going to be out tonight so maybe we will do it tonight.

"You're going to have to be there too if he agrees to do it," Nikki told me on Thursday as we sat in the campus coffee shop.

"Gross!' I muttered back with a grimace on my face.

"I'm not going to be there alone! You have to."

"He'll never do it. And you'll never ask him," I said dismissively.

"Wanna bet?' Nikki challenged. As I knew she would. So, in the end, I agreed that I'd accompany her to the big event if it ever occurs. And if she doesn't ask him, and she's only got a very limited time frame to ask him in, she's going to owe me big time.

I don't think I'm going to be jealous. I mean I know Mikey and I can never marry or anything. And there's something exciting, something kinky, about the idea of watching my brother having sex with someone else. All the while knowing that just about every night we crawl into each other's beds and make love. Fuck.

And no one knows! We went out to a movie last week. To a cinema complex across town where no one would know us. I didn't wear any panties. We made out like crazy during the movie. People saw us. It's hard to explain how exciting it is too make out with your brother in public and have no one suspect. If only they'd known...

And we're planning more public excursions. So, if you're out at a bar in Philly some night and you see two good looking college kids making out, kids that kinda resemble each other, look like siblings in fact, they might just be siblings. They just might be Mikey and me.

It's not that rare you know. I mean I thought it was but I've looked it up since we started. On the Internet. Checked some books on human sexuality at the Temple Library.

Brothers and sisters do make out together. Thousands and thousands of them every day. They fuck. They make love. Some even get married. Some have children. And you'd never know looking at them. Who's hurt by it?

What about you? Did you ever want to sleep with a sister or a brother? Did you ever kiss a sibling. Dance close. Make out? Have sex?

I'll bet you did. Or at least you wanted to...

I hope you have a great Valentine's Day. And if it happens to be with a sibling you love so what?


February 2012: Thanks for reading my story -- I hope you enjoyed it. And seeing that it's a St Valentine's Day story I hope all of you readers will just take the few seconds required and take the time to send me a heart shaped vote. A VOTE might not sound like much of a gift but to we authors hearing back from you is our greatest desire.

While I like 5 votes, frankly I prefer any vote (high, middle or low) as opposed to you not voting. For your information my most recent story received votes from some 1800 readers -- thanks! And I encourage you to vote for other stories you read on this site.

I'd also love to receive your comments and ideas. You can comment below or send me an e-mail. Let me know what you'd like to see next.

And if you like my work why not designate me one of your FAVORITE AUTHORS. It takes just a second. After voting just click the Favorite Author button. Thanks, I'd certainly appreciate it.

Coming up next (and hopefully quite soon) is the second chapter of "My Girlfriends Mom Shrieked". Then a story for Earth Day that explores (sexually) one of our planets most pressing problems.

james (jim) r scouries

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19MADHATTER6419MADHATTER643 months ago

4/5 for not finishing the threesome, it just ended abruptly and I’m tired of writers thinking it’s ok to do that.. I mean seriously I know it’s your story but you don’t really have a story if we quit reading them… writers need to put time into their stories, I don’t know if you don’t finish it because of boredom, can’t think of a good way to finish it, or just pulled into to many directions. Stories need great beginnings to give us knowledge of the characters, and need great endings so we feel everything that we read.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Excellent set of stories. Very titillating.

Crusader235Crusader2354 months ago

Sexy as hell story. It always seems better with an older sister and younger brother, big cock or not. Older sisters has the mother instinct for their loved little brothers. Will you write the Nikki story, and the threesome that will surely follow? Five stars, and thank you for it.

MCRider2525MCRider25256 months ago

Super fun and sexy story, vut where is the rest of it? Lol...... thank you for the entertainment.....

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Great story & well expressed. I would have loved another chapter though.

Bill S.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Yes, I used to self-suck when I was in my teens. I could get about two inches in. Hours of entertainment! Later I was in a car accident, which affected my upper back and neck. I never regained enough flexibility after that.

Good story. I hope you write a sequel.

Nightowl55CPNightowl55CPabout 2 years ago

Thought I was going to be bored by sister brother story. I prefer mother son stories. Was I surprised! Great built up and story line. Believable. Would love a continuation with Nikki. And after all. There is a mom. Hehe.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Orgasmic! Tried auto but no way could I reach my 6 incher. My gf asked me after we’d 69’d. I told her I tried - no way. She asked if she could help. She told me to get next to the bed with my shoulders on the floor and my ass up on the mattress. With the side of the bed she had me bend at the waist so my toes reached the floor. When she saw that wasn’t even close she put her hand around my cock and jacked me til I came in my open mouth. It was ok but a lot of work. She liked it cause she liked to control me. I never complained. Please write and let us “hear” Nikki ask Mike and then “watch” with Kim as Nikki “watches” Mikey and then, bonus, he fucks her. Good descriptive writing. I felt like I was there. The fly with a hard-onon the wall!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

At various points in my life I have been able to suck the head of my cock in to my mouth and honestly who is going to stop when about to cum ? ? Didn't taste great but I got used taking my load and swallowing...also came in handy going down on girls I already shot my load in...

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanover 2 years ago

excellent. my back hurts now, time for more stretching exercises to limber up. LOL

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I read some of the reviews posted & agree. While it was a fun read, it just stopped almost mid thought.

Cut from a five to a four.

Bill S.

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