Awkward Church Games Pt. 01

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Wife volunteers to be a part of a church auction.
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Part 1 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 01/28/2018
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I decided to write this story because I cannot believe what I experienced and I needed to tell someone about it. I did tell my friend Amber only a little of what happened, afraid she might spill the beans someday, though I feel that she knows more, not everything that happened of course, but that's why I'm writing. I chose to just put the words down on paper, just so I could express myself and hopefully get over the need to describe what happened, before I burst.

Well the best place to start, I guess, is to tell you a bit about myself. First off, my name is Cindy, well it's actually my pen name, my real name I'll keep secret for now. With that said, I can tell you I'm 36, have blonde hair to my shoulders and my husband, Arthur, also a pen name, says I'm even better looking now than when we were married 11 years ago. He said I filled out more after having two kids. I'm not so sure about that, though I will admit my breasts are a bit larger, but age plus pregnancies, gave me a little more fat around my middle and my butt is bigger. Art likes that, but I don't, and I've tried hard to lose the extra weight, to no avail.

I work part time as a bank teller, and Arthur works as an auto mechanic. We had just bought and moved into a nice house in a rural Pennsylvania town not far from Pittsburgh which was where Art had lived as a child and then his parents moved to New York when he was a teenager and where he met me. My father was a retired Army Sergeant and we moved a lot when I was younger, so I was used to packing up and moving to new places and could make friends easily, which is how I met Art in high school. I could see that he was new as well and decided to become his friend. In no time we were dating and after we were older, we were married.

Art is a bit shy around new people, but just after we moved to this town, we discovered our next door neighbor, Christopher, was an old friend of his from middle school. They soon became reacquainted and in no time, were best buddies once more. The interesting thing was Chris' wife, Amber, soon became my best friend as well. Art says we're pretty tight like the guys, though with him it could have a double meaning. Some men are stupid. Amber was soon watching our kids on occasion, which was a great help, and the kids liked her as well, calling her Aunt Gem, her telling them that amber was rare and special gem, hence the name. Art thought it was stupid, but I liked it; showed she was a happy person.

Our son, Richard, is 9 and Ally, is 7 and they're both very active, as are both myself and Arthur, Art for short. We immediately became involved in some volunteer work as a way of meeting more of the people and were active in his old church. Our sex life is okay, though not as often as I would like, but Art works so hard during the week that he often comes home exhausted, though usually on a Friday night he goes out drinking after work and doesn't get home till late, which leaves me alone with the kids. Still he's a good husband and treats me well, though I wish he would take me out on a Friday occasionally as he seems to enjoy the drinking with his friends.

As the weeks went by, I had Amber over one night while Art was out. She was in an excited mood, talking about the happenings around town, but the one thing that seemed to excite her most was her church activities. Art and I attended the same church as her, and though we went almost every Sunday, I didn't see what she was excited about. When she started talking about it, and the upcoming church auction, Art and I had never attended it, she was bubbling with excitement.

Finally, I had to ask her why she was so excited. "I don't get it Amber. What is so exciting about this auction? I know the church makes money, but it's just an auction. How much can they make on selling old stuff, and what's so exciting about being a part of it?"

Amber sort of looked at me with surprise in her eyes. "Didn't you reach the church flyer?"

I had to admit to her, I hadn't. It had been handed to us as we left, but we seldom read the whole thing, usually just a quick glance was all before it ended up in recycling.

Amber suddenly got a big smile. "Then you didn't read about the auction. It's not just for old stuff, it's also for us."

I looked her in the eye. "They sell, people?!"

"No, it's not like that. Last year the congregation voted to adopt something that is popular in a lot of towns now, an auction of married women."

"That sounds kind of weird," I replied. "Isn't that against the church teachings a bit?"

"No, it's not like that. Last year the church in a nearby town tried it, and they raised over fifteen thousand dollars. Our church needs a new roof and the Pastor, though he was reluctant, gave in when he heard how much we could make. Also the women who participate get half of the winning bid, if they stay the entire weekend."

I thought about it for a moment, and suddenly I realized why Amber seemed so excited. "Are you volunteering to be one of the people auctioned?" I asked.

She got a silly smile on her face as she answered. "Yes."

"But Amber, I know I haven't known you all that long, but you and Chris get along so well. Why don't they auction single women?'

Amber laughed a little. "It's not like that. The church likes to use married women, we're more mature and we can usually keep things in hand, and there's nothing wrong with it. For some reason married women also seem to bring in more money than single women. I was bought last year." The shock on my face made Amber laugh a little harder. "Look it's simply fun, nothing kinky goes on, well nothing more than what the woman auctioned wants. Then there's the small amount of money we get. It helps with the bills."

I looked at her, expecting her to smile and say it was all a joke, but she didn't. She spent the next hour explaining everything about the auction and what usually happens. In her case, she liked it, the fear at first, then the lack of freedom, but the man who purchased her was older and he basically had her do things like clean the house, and dress in skimpy dresses or give him back rubs, until... She stopped there and I held onto my coffee, hard, waiting for her finish tell me everything.

"Well this is between us and you have to swear that you'll never tell anyone, not even Art. Right." It was more of a demand than a question.

"I swear," I replied, having difficulty swallowing. It seemed that all moisture left my mouth at that moment. "I swear. I will never tell anyone, not even Art."

"Well it's only for two days, from Friday after the auction until Sunday at 3 pm. The auction is on a Friday night, so after having my own room to sleep in the first night. I'll admit, I wasn't sure what he might try to pull, but nothing. Well the next night, as I was giving him a back rub, I noticed he was getting, well let's just say he was getting into the rub and I noticed him getting hard."

"What did you do?" I asked, trying to put myself in her shoes.

"Well to be honest, I thought I would have to use my safe word." My look of confusion must have been evident because she quickly explained about the 'safe word' and how any slave, yes she said slave, could use it and the whole exercise would be over. However, if the slave used the safe word, the church would have to pay back the hours not served, which meant they would get some of the money, but not all of it, the woman would get none, and the future of these auctions would probably be in jeopardy.

I asked her more about this safe word, and to my own surprise, I found myself wondering what it would be like to be sold at auction and then to serve as a slave. Excuse me, servant. Then when I was satisfied, I had her finish what happened.

Amber kind of lowered her head before she spoke. "Well, as I sat there looking at his bulge, I kept thinking what I should do. Should I just use the safe word and call it all off? Then I realized I liked it. The fear, the anticipation. I mean, it was all so erotic. He was an old man, living by himself and as I looked down at him, he looked up and smiled. He sort of grabbed my hand and pulled it down to his crotch. I stood there staring at his smile and I thought about him. He told me his wife had left him years before and they never had kids He was all alone and had no one special in his life, which was why he paid so much for me."

"How much did he pay?" I asked, almost breathless.

"He paid a little over 310 dollars, which was the top amount paid for any of us, and knowing how great a thrill for him at that moment, well, I kind of let him move my hand down to his crotch. Then he let go," she said, stopping for a moment. "It was like something was guiding me. My hand kept going and before I realized what I was doing, I reached his bulge. At first, I kind of rubbed it through his underwear, then as I saw the joy on his face, I pulled his pajama pants down and his cock sort of shot up at me. It was thrilling."

"Really, thrilling? You're married, you've see a man's junk before," I said quietly.

She laughed. "Oh sure, when we were first married, it was the same thrill, seeing Chris' cock out there, but you know, with time, it kind of lost the excitement." When I didn't say anything, she continued. "His cock was there, and it was thrilling, knowing that I could do that to a man again. Well, I grabbed his cock in my hand, you know, feeling the hardness, then slowly, using only a few fingers, I started jerking him off a bit and moved around to his front. It was easier and less taxing on my arm to do it that way, but t was really exciting, erotic even. I looked up and saw the pleasure on his face and I don't know why, but as I now was using my whole hand to play with him I got closer and closer. It was fascinating, watching his cock twitch and turn colors, and as I started at it, I got really close to it."

"Oh Amber, you didn't?" I was totally shocked and yet I felt like I knew what she was going through at that moment. I had only sucked Art off a few times, but his exploding in my mouth made me feel slutty, so I had only allowed him to cum outside my mouth after that.

Amber stopped for a moment, watching me, probably wondering what I was thinking. When I looked at her again, she finished. "His cock was inches in front of my face, so I pointed it at my mouth and sucked him off. For an old guy, he didn't cum that much and I got it all down. You should have seen him, he was so happy. After he came, we sort of laid down together. Would you believe that in the middle of the night he got hard again and wanted sex, but I figured I couldn't do that, so I just sort of sucked him off again. Then in the morning, I dressed, waited out the rest of the time and called Chris to come get me. Before I left, I opened my shirt and let him suck my boobs a bit, then gave him a final kiss squeezed his cock hard once more, quickly redressed, and was waiting for Chris outside when he arrived."

"Did you ever tell Chris what happened?" I asked. "And why didn't your husband pay for you?"

"Are you crazy? No. I sort of treated it like Vegas, what happened there, stayed there. Oh sure, Chris was almost insane with worry and lust, but I never mentioned it. I never told anyone, but you. You understand why?" She stopped and looked at me. "Well husbands can bid on their wives as well, but we didn't have that much money. Chris was a little upset, but it was for the church and he accepted it. I mean, I could have backed out at that point, but with everyone watching and knowing how it would help the church, I went along with it, plus we got some of the money. That was even better."

I smiled at her. "Like I said, I promise, I will never tell anyone what happened." All the while I kept thinking what I would have done if I were in her shoes. I might have done the same, or I might have used the safe word, depended on my frame of mind at the time. "So, you want to do it again?"

"Absolutely. I mean, Chris and I fucked liked rabbits when we got home. Since we don't have kids we could have sex at any time, but I think he wanted to see how I reacted, like he was testing me. If I had rejected him, I'm guessing he would have thought I had been banged, but I jumped him when we got home, telling him it was erotic, but it was kind of boring. He doesn't suspect a thing. And a week after the auction, we got a nice check, half the money, so almost 155 dollars. You only get the money if you do the entire weekend as a slave."

I looked at Amber in absolute shock. Granted we had only been friends for about a year, us having moved in just after the date of the first church auction and they were our next door neighbors, but we clicked right away and now I was beginning to wonder if it was because of that auction. She didn't seem to have a lot friends and they have lived here their whole lives, but we got along well enough, and I had learned to trust her and her husband. Art swore that they were salt of the earth people and she had made me feel like we had known each other for many years. So that auction?

Well Amber didn't seem to think what she did was that big of a thing, and honestly, if she was happy with it, who was I to question her actions. I again wondered what I would have done in her shoes. Then she hit me with something I didn't expect.

"Do you want to come with me, and be auctioned off as well?"

"Oh Amber, I don't know. I don't think Art would agree with it. He would be stuck with the kids the whole weekend, and I think he would be upset."

"Well don't worry about that. If you change your mind and want to try it, I'm sure I could get Chris to talk to Art. He is all for it. He really loved it when I came home and the sex we had was simply amazing."

I smiled at that. "Amazing sex would be nice, but honestly, I'd have to think about it."

"Sure. Like I said, I'll have Chris mention it to Art this weekend. Oh, and if you both agree, the auction is set for next Friday."

"What about the other women in town. How do they feel about this auction?"

"Well a lot of the married women here volunteer, even ones not associated with our church. It raised a lot of money, and this year word had gotten out about it, so there will be more interest especially since the church announced that anything over the target amount will be donated to other charities. That got a lot of interest up."

"How about the guy who bought you? Do you ever see him around?" I was kind of wondering about that, how his demeanor might be if he saw her again.

"Oh yeah. I've seen him a couple of times at the grocery store, or just in passing. And, I know your next question will be, has he ever asked me to come over again."

"Yeah, that was my next question," I answered.

"Well usually he just smiles and nods, though there was one time around Thanksgiving last year when he asked if I would like to come over for a drink."

"Did you go?"

"Yes, just that one time. Told Chris I was visiting with you," she said smiling.

"Oh, I remember, that was the night you asked me to cover for you. So that's where you were. And what happened?"

"Not much at first, then he asked if I would blow him again. I told him no, that I only did it that one time was because of the auction and I could see how sad he was. Then he surprised me and asked if I would do it for money, as much as I made as his slave." She stopped when she saw the look on my face. "No. I admit it was tempting, but I refused. I Told him he should bid on me again and we'll see what happens. That seemed to spark him up a bit. If he does bid and win me this year, well I'll see how things go if it happens."

I looked her in the eye and got the impression she was not telling the whole truth, but I let it go. I already learned more than I had expected. Her job as a hair dresser didn't bring in a lot of cash, and Chris' job in a lumber yard, didn't either, so who was I to question what did or did not happen. She seemed quite happy, and it didn't seem to bother her relationship. So, I told her that I would think about it and let her know.

I kept thinking about what she said for most of the day, then became busy with family chores. Since I had the day off, I made supper and took care of the kids, and of course, Art came home exhausted and he was asleep in his recliner shortly after supper. After that, I didn't think much about the church auction, that was until Saturday morning.

I woke up and fed the kids while waiting for Art to get up. He was quite the tiger last night when he came to bed after a night of drinking at a local bar. When he finally got up, I was getting ready to head to work, the bank being open for half a day. As I was getting ready to leave, he stopped me, gave me a kiss and said he wanted to talk to me about something he heard last night. He was vague about it and wouldn't say what is was about, but I had to leave and headed to work not giving much thought to what he wanted to discuss.

When I got home around 3, the kids were at his parents and Art was no where to be seen. I saw a note on the fridge saying he would be home around 6 and not to eat. Cool, guess we were going out to eat. When he got home, and before we left for dinner, he sat down next to me and started talking about the church auction. I looked at him and asked him how he knew about that, and he said Chris had told him all about it.

Last night, the two of them met at a bar and, of course, I could see Amber's fingerprints all over this. She had probably told Chris to convince my husband to let me attend the auction. To my great surprise, he was all for me attending, but he left it up to me if I wanted to go. He did add, that Chris told him a lot of people from the town attended and if I did participate, Chris was sure it would help his new job and lead to more work, plus half of whatever the bid was, would go to our family and with two kids, any extra money was always welcome. For some reason at this moment, I thought of Amber.

My head was spinning a bit with this news, and I wasn't so sure I liked that Amber had done this, but then again, maybe she hadn't said anything and it was Chris' idea. That was possible as it was the talk of the town in some circles, so I decided to ask Art what he knew of these auctions. He was aware that married women were like slaves, but they could leave if they felt it was dangerous and those who went were more likely to be accepted in town, which in a way was a weird twist. Some women probably just did the chores and acted like good little servants and never had to face any sort of sexual overtones, but I expected they were in the minority. Still there was something exciting, something illicit in the whole thing, and the fact that the church was not only profiting from this, but advertising it, kind of made the whole thing seem disreputable. Still, not being one to stand out, I finally gave in and agreed to the auction, which made my husband happy, that is until the day the auction was to begin.


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HighBrowHighBrowabout 1 year ago

Highly implausible but fun Femdom agitprop. Not sure where it’s going…

SarahwithloveSarahwithlovealmost 2 years ago

This was great fun and really builds up the story for what is to come. And it is so true about churches and their facade. I hate when lust infiltrates and ruins a marriage, but when it infiltrates "the flock", I get really into it. Memories..

mlektm50smlektm50salmost 3 years ago

I loved it. God that would be so exciting.

Rifraff123Rifraff123about 4 years ago
Love the premise!

What the hell, turned me on. I like the demeaning aspect of the low value placed on fucking a married woman.... fun stuff!

stillaonewomanmstillaonewomanmabout 5 years ago

You write this like its a good thing. You have basically a prostitution ring with church as a pimp. And $380 for a weekend? In a middle class neighborhood. That's not even $5 per hour for a prostitute. Not very good.

stillaonewomanmstillaonewomanmabout 5 years ago
A couple of things

First you say this is the first year. Then almost seamlessly its the second year. Which is it? Then the husband is supposed to be coworkers with Chris and now is the owner? Huh. Just unfuckingbelievable.

mickeyd52317mickeyd52317about 5 years ago
Please finish the story

This story is well written. Just the right amount of character development and enough drama for you to keep on reading. But, you need to keep it going. Chapter 6 left me hanging! More, more.

bobbipink53bobbipink53over 6 years ago
Good start

Really looking forward to part 2.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

cuck shit.

Ray RobertsRay Robertsover 6 years ago
Can't wait for the next stage

Really like these stories and this was a good start. I hope the follow-up is sooner than later!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Really Hot Story

More. Can't wait for Chapter Two. Five stars!

fishgetterfishgetterover 6 years ago
Old one

Old one but some new mixed in. Hope 2nd chapter is not same as the old one and is stretched out foe a couple of chapters, at least. Keep writing don't listen to the naysayers.

AnnetteBishopAnnetteBishopover 6 years ago
Let’s have more

Not a real church going girl , but you never know xoxoxoxooxAnnette

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Charity Auctions Really Work and So Do the Slaves!

My wife and I enjoyed your story. This was a great first chapter and we look forward to many more. While we have never heard of a church auctioning off married women to raise money, it is quite common for many other charities. In the ones we have been involved with we found that auctioning men brings in very little cash, auctioning single women brings in a bit more cash; but, auctioning off married women is a real cash cow.

It sparks a competition and the amounts paid for the “slave” can become exorbitant. Also, the higher the final bid paid for a wife, the prouder the husband is of his beautiful, desirable wife. For the wives, they are always excited as the bidding heats up and they were “sold”. It seems to fulfill a fantasy or need for both the husband and the wife.

My wife participates in these charity auctions, usually two or three times a year. I always had a secret desire for her to fuck other men. So, in the run up to the first auction, I led her into some sexual role play that included her “giving it up” to the slave owner for the “good of the cause”. This was some of the best sex we ever had and she was multi-orgasmic. I remember, the night before the first auction, she looked me right in the eyes after sex and said “How important is this charity to you?” I said “I believe completely in this cause, this charity, and we need to support it in every way we can.”

I knew which men she found attractive. So, I let several of these guys know that they were almost assured to “get their money’s worth” if they bought her and that that was okay with me. She was sold for the highest price at auction. The following Friday she had packed her bags and was waiting for her slave owner to come pick her up for the weekend. With a mixture of fear and desire in her eyes, she said “Well, I’m sure you are okay with my doing everything necessary to promote this worthwhile charity!” I said “It is understood that you will serve your slave master for the good of the charity.”

When she returned home Sunday night, she could hardly walk because she had fucked all weekend. She said it was the most erotic weekend of her life. That was how our first child was conceived. Our two other children were conceived under similar situations. That was ten years ago, and now at age 35, she still gets top dollar bids at these charity auctions!

oldbearswitcholdbearswitchover 6 years ago
As someone long past. His prime, who at least had one, let me tell all cucks this..,.

If you need some lame assed church based plot to develop your slurp-some-seconds fantasy, you are pathetic.

Granted that organized religion's myriad bad forms rule the disgusting lives of probably about half of all Americans, that's no reason for you losers to get all elaborate with "plots" instead of admitting you want to abrogate all stereotypical masculine values.

Give up, Fluff it, set back, watch her lose respect for you.

Or put the hammer down. I hope he does, story ain't leaning that way

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