B & E


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Erik knew that this was the blonde's room. What he didn't know, and was trying to figure out, was if there was someone else in the house, most likely upstairs. Maybe the guy wasn't married, this chick was his guest, they just happened to hook up in the kitchen. But that really didn't make any sense. He considered that maybe the guy and the girl were both guests, but there were no men's clothes in the guest room that he could see. There was only one other room up here and that would be the master bedroom. Would this guy really do the girl downstairs in the kitchen while his wife was upstairs sleeping? Erik thought, yeah, he would. Especially if this chick was the instigator, and from the way things looked to Erik, she might have been. Where were her clothes? She came downstairs to the kitchen in a house where she's a guest wearing just a pair of panties?

Erik whispered to Bobby, "I think the lady of the house is still in the master bedroom." Then they both heard a toilet flush.

"Nice work, Robin," said Bobby in his Batman voice.


Alison woke up because she had to pee. She swung her legs over the side of bed and saw the bathroom door was closed and the light was on in there. She looked behind her; Dale's side of the bed was empty. Great. She lay back down and waited and didn't hear anything. She squeezed her legs tight and closed her eyes, thinking maybe she could actually will it away, go back to sleep. Listening for anything that sounded like he was finishing up. She wondered if he fell asleep in there, though she couldn't remember him ever having done anything like that before. She could go down the hall to the guest bath but she didn't feel like it. She didn't like to knock on a bathroom door when she knew someone was in there because she didn't like anyone doing it to her. But what was taking so long?

After another two or three bladder-filled minutes, Alison hissed "Jesus," popped up and went to the bathroom door. "Dale?" she whispered, tapping on it. "Dale, I really have to pee, can I come in?" Nothing. She opened the door and saw the empty bathroom, cursed under her breath again, then went in to use the toilet. Yanked her panties partway down her thighs, perched on the set and peed.

So where the hell was Dale? Most times like this he'd be downstairs watching television, or in the office watching porn on the computer and beating off. She'd never caught him doing that; if she ever came down to the kitchen for something and looked into the office, he'd always have some sports website up on the screen, or his email inbox, something that he'd switch to if he heard her. Sitting there in his robe, probably for easy access and quick coverage. The guy lived in that fucking robe, he was like Hugh Hefner. She didn't care. It wasn't some big secret that people watched porn and masturbated.

But this business with the bathroom kind of annoyed her. Like he was trying to make it look like that's where he was if she woke up and didn't see him next to her in bed. Thinking about it, her stomach felt a little dodgy. She didn't doubt that Kathryn, if she was drunk, which she regularly was, would fuck her husband, given the chance. The chick just got into a kind of insatiably horny haze when she was lit. The idea of Dale fucking Kathryn pissed her off, though. She wasn't exactly sure if it was the fact of them fucking that pissed her off, or that they were doing it while she was in the house, upstairs, asleep. Then Alison thought of Kathryn sucking off that stripper in the back yard while the guy finger-fucked her, thought of how Kathryn looked when the guy started coming in her mouth, how she grabbed the guy's hard, muscled thighs and held tight, her throat pulsing, swallowing cum. How the guy was looking at her, Alison, when she turned her face back up to him, how he brushed the backs of his fingers that smelled so strongly of her against her cheek and kissed her again, but tenderly this time.

She decided she needed to know. She wouldn't necessarily pull a red-handed bust. She just wanted to see if it was happening. Kathryn still had four days left in her visit. Alison didn't want to have a scene. She'd wait, she decided, and deal with Dale after Kathryn left. She opened the bedroom door, listened for a minute, then stepped out into the dark hallway. A strong arm wrapped around her from behind, pinning her arms against her, and a gloved hand clapped over her mouth.


Erik didn't want to have to deal with the woman. As soon as they heard the toilet flush, Erik tugged Bobby's sleeve and was about to motion that they needed to leave, go back downstairs and get out, that it was getting too complicated. But then the woman came out of the bedroom and they didn't have a choice.

Bobby carried the woman back into the bedroom. Bobby was repeating "Shhh, shhh, shhh, it's okay, no one's going to hurt you, it's okay. Shhh, shhh." But she wasn't making noise, trying to yell or anything with his hand over her mouth. She was just kicking her legs around. Erik thought, like women in movies always did when someone grabs them up. She had on a pair of pink floral panties over a really nice, round ass and a thin white t-shirt.

Bobby tossed her onto the bed as Erik switched on the lamp on the nightstand, and she immediately turned onto her backside and backpedaled herself to the headboard. Pulled her knees up tight to her chest and wrapped her arms around them. Erik got a good look at her now and thought, "no fucking way."

The woman looked at Bobby and then Erik and then back to Bobby and said, "You've got to be fucking kidding me."

Erik shrugged. He stepped over to the nightstand and picked up a cell phone, put it in his pocket. He walked around to the opposite nightstand where there was a second phone and pocketed that one, too. Then he went into the bathroom and looked around. No phones in there, mobile or otherwise. He came back out into the bedroom, looked around, and spotted the walk-in.

"What do you guys want?" said the woman.

"Valuables, ma'am," said Bobby in his Batman voice. She stared at him for a second.

"Oh, that's funny," she said. "That's really fucking hilarious. Where's Dale, where's my husband?"

"Good-looking guy, about my height, nice haircut? He's downstairs," said Erik.

"He's fine, ma'am," said Bobby.

"Would you knock it off," said the woman. "Fucking Batman voice, Jesus."

"He was dealing with an intruder when we stepped in to help," said Erik. "Apparently some naked blond woman with large breasts had broken in to your house, and he was subduing her by making her smoke his pole."

"Motherfucker," the woman said tightly. "I fucking knew it."

Erik sat down on the edge of the bed. He said, "If it's any consolation, he didn't bang her."

"No," said Bobby in his normal voice now. "He just unloaded all over those big titties."

"That's when we stepped in to spare them from any further indiscretion," said Erik. "Though we really didn't know at the time that, you know, it was adulterous. Batman," Erik jerked a thumb toward the big walk-in closet. "You know what you're looking for, right?"

Bobby went for the closet. Erik turned back to the woman and flinched. She was sitting cross-legged now, her hands on her knees, leaning forward and studying him.


Alison studied the profile of the guy in the black eye mask sitting on her bed, thinking she was imagining things. She rearranged herself, crossed her legs now, careful not to move too quickly. She put her hands on her knees and leaned in, leaned in as close as she could, close enough to pick up a faint amalgam cigarette smoke, stress sweat, and... No fucking way, she thought.


Erik touched his fingers to the woman's shoulder and eased her back away from him a bit. He said, "We'll just be another minute or two." Then he said, a little louder, "How we doing, Batman?"

"Gettin' there," Bobby said from the closet.

The woman said, "So when did Robin start giving Batman orders?"

"Oh, I'm not Robin," said Erik. "I'm Nightwing."

"Who's Nightwing?"

"You know, after Robin kind of graduated from Batman, stopped being his ward. He became Nightwing."

"I see," said woman. "But you still work together?"

Erik looked at her. Sitting there cross-legged in just her panties and a white t-shirt. Really no breasts to speak of but with stiff nipples that showed darkly through the thin cotton. She seemed amused now, had a faint smile on her face, like she was enjoying this. Telling him that she knew, and that she knew he knew she knew. Fucking Murphy's Law, thought Erik.

"So should I call you Nightwing?" the woman softly. "Or... Sailor?"

Erik slipped the mask up to his forehead. He brushed the woman's cheek with the backs of his fingers. She leaned in and kissed him.

She was still kissing him, up on her knees now, when Bobby came out of the walk-in closet. Bobby said, "Whoa. Um... Robin?"

"Nightwing," Erik said, his mouth still pressed to the woman's, his hand feeling her slender back through the thin shirt.

"What's Nightwing?" said Bobby.

The woman broke the kiss finally, reluctantly Erik thought, and sat back on her haunches. Bobby was standing at the foot of the bed with a Crown Royal bag that sagged with hardware.

"Did you find the Cartier watch?" said the woman.

"I did," said Bobby.

"You should get at least six thousand for that," she said.

"Sorry," said Erik.

The woman shrugged. "That's okay. Dale gave it to me, but I can get another one. It's insured."

"I have no idea what's going on," said Bobby.

"It seems that several of us are already acquainted," said Erik.

"That's not good," said Bobby.

The woman said, "It'll be okay."


Alison tapped the hard cell phone in the pocket of the man's black work pants. She said, "Now you have my number, Nightwing."

"It's Erik," said Erik. "I wanted to ask you for it the other night, but..."

"But you were busy coming in my slutty friend's mouth."

"I wanted to see you," he said. "I told her to bring you when she asked me to meet her in the backyard."

"Really?" said Alison. "She didn't tell me."

Erik took the two cell phones out of his pocket. Alison took the one in the black case. "This is Dale's," she said. She tried a couple different four digit codes until she unlocked it. She said, "Gee, I'd have thought he'd make it a little more difficult." She disabled the screen lock, tapped around a bit, then opened the phone log and found her number.

"This is me," she showed him the screen.

"Alison," he said.

"I've turned off the location services so the phone can't be tracked, but you should ditch it anyway once you've written down my number."

Erik said, "Why don't you keep yours," handing her the other phone. "Just, you know, pretend you're having trouble finding it for a half-hour or so after we go."

Alison put the phone in her underpants, then drew up close to him. She pulled down the zipper on his work pants and slipped her hand inside, cupped his cock and balls through his shorts.

"I want to fuck you in the worst way," she said. "So you better call me or text me."

"Is tomorrow too soon?" he said.


Dale's shoulders hurt like hell from trying to work his hands free of the duct tape. Now they were full of pins and needles, just like his feet. He'd been listening hard but hadn't heard anything besides a toilet flush fifteen or twenty minutes ago. Kathryn was sitting directly across from him, her head bowed down to her chest, sleeping, her mass of wavy blond hair hiding her face.

Alison walked into the kitchen followed by the two guys in masks. Dale grunted loudly behind the tape over his mouth, straining against his restraints. He watched Alison take a paring knife from a kitchen drawer. She stood in front of Kathryn and brushed back the girl's hair. Kathryn looked up, typically bleary-eyed, and smiled.

"Hi," she said to Alison.

"Hi," said Alison. "You okay?"

"Uh-huh." Then Kathryn looked around at all of them there in the kitchen. She said, "Are you mad at me?"

"A little," Alison said as she cut the tape. She freed Kathryn's wrists and gave the knife to Batman. "You want to make it up to me?"

Kathryn nodded. Batman knelt in front of her and began cutting her feet free from the stool. Alison put her lips to Kathryn's ear and whispered something to her. Dale couldn't hear what she said.

"Really?" said Kathryn. Alison whispered more. Kathryn looked down at Batman on the floor stripping the tape from her ankles.

"Uh-huh," said Kathryn. Batman finished and stood up, put the paring knife on the kitchen island. More whispering. "Oh, yeah, definitely," Kathryn smiled.

Alison said to Batman, "Show her."

Batman looked over at his partner standing off to the side, who shrugged. "It's up to you," said his partner.

Batman made a half-turn and leaned back against the kitchen island, pulled up his t-shirt over a set of ridiculously cut abs, then opened the buttons of his jeans and pulled out a flaccid but very thick, generous cock.

"Oh, God, you're right," Kathryn whispered to herself. She put her hands on Batman's jutting hip bones, bend her head sideways and opened her mouth to take in the head of his dangling cock. She began to slide her lips along his shaft, which grew as it stiffened. Soon he was at full mast, his gloved hands weighing and fondling Kathryn's large breasts.

"That's so hot," said Alison. "Suck him, baby. Suck the Batman's big, thick cock." Kathryn wrapped her fingers around it and began twisting her hand along its length in concert with her mouth.

Dale felt his own cock getting hard and turned away, not wanted to bone up in front of everyone. He looked at Alison.

She said to him, "Dale, we need to even up the score, don't you think?" She unzipped the hoodie of the other masked guy, revealing his hard, hairless chest and another beautifully muscled torso. "But I'm sorry, you can't watch." She pulled off her t-shirt and draped it over Dale's head. The fabric was thin but the room was dark and now he couldn't see. He grunted his objection through the tape.

Dale heard another zipper, what he took to be the rustling of clothes, and heavy breathing coming from multiple people. He heard Batman moaning and Kathryn humming, her mouth sounding very full. He heard his wife say, "Suck him off, Kathryn. Take his load, make him fill your mouth."

Then he heard his wife grunting softly, like she was taking thrusts of her own. "Yes," he heard her say. "Yes... yes... yes..." He heard her say, "That's it... fuck me... fuck me... with your... big... fucking... cock."

Then he heard what sounded like Batman coming, grunting hard and shooting off in Kathryn's mouth, the girl receiving it with little hums and soft grunts of approval. His own wife's voice got louder then, asking for her fucking to continue, asking for it harder, and a more emphatic thumping now. The guy's hard smooth stomach probably thudding up against his wife's round, perfect ass as he fucked her right there in front of him, more or less. It seemed to go on forever, Jesus. The guy didn't say a word. Dale felt like he couldn't breathe. Felt like the veins in his neck were going to pop. His wife was very loud now: "Fuck! You're gonna make me come! Make me come! Make me fucking come! Fill my fucking pussy. Shoot your thick jizz in my cunt while I come on your fucking cock!"

Dale started whipping his head around, trying to shake off the t-shirt. It's sounded like they were fucking right next to him.

"Oh my God," he heard his wife gasp. "Oh my God... Here it comes... Here it comes."

The t-shirt was pulled off his head. Alison was standing directly in front of him, naked except for her floral print panties, leaning toward him. Kathryn was standing next her, a dumb looking smile on her face, wearing his robe but open. Just the two of them, no one else. Alison play-acting loudly into his face, "I'm coming! ... Oh God, I'm coming... I'm..."

Alison grabbed the piece of duct tape covering Dale's mouth and ripped it off as hard as she could.

Dale screamed so loud that Kathryn peed a little.


Erik lit a cigarette and cracked the van window. He added Alison's number to his own phone contacts.

Bobby got the green arrow and turned left onto the bridge, on their way back to the apartment they shared. Erik was about to lower his window all the way and cast Dale's phone off the bridge and into the Allegheny when it buzzed twice, quickly, with a new text message. From a contact named "Accountant." Kind of late for a text from your accountant, thought Erik. He opened it.

"U up?"

Erik texted back "Yes."

"Accountant" texted a photo, a woman shooting a selfie in a bathroom mirror. A lean, brown woman, perky coffee tits with big, stiff, dark chocolate nipples. She was holding a towel between her breasts; it hung down in front of her private parts. Then another photo followed; this time the towel was gone and she had a hand splayed low on her stomach, like her fingers were on their way to her thoroughly bare pussy. A third photo popped up, a rear view now of the woman's long, slender frame and high, round ass, as she looked back into the mirror over her shoulder.

Accountant: "When r u cumming back to CA to f**k this ass again???"

"Shit," Erik said under his breath.

"What?" said Bobby.

Erik said, "Looks like Dale has some other action going on." He thought about responding but changed his mind, powered down the phone. He decided hold onto it for a little bit, at least until he saw Alison. She might be interested in it. He'd think about it.

Bobby asked him, "So are you really going to call her?" Erik told him that he planned on it. Bobby said, "I don't know, E. The guy gets it on with his wife's friend when his wife is upstairs sleeping. The blonde chick blows everything. The little chick lets herself get robbed and wants to hook up with one of the guys that did it. Those people were whacked."

"I guess," said Erik. He was looking at the stuff in the Crown Royal bag, the Cartier watch, the man's gold Rolex Cellini.

"No moral compass," said Bobby, shaking his head.


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tennesseeredtennesseeredabout 8 years ago
Good stuff here

Yeah, Elmore Leonard channelled loud and clear. Makes up for that squicky bloodbath story. Hope to read more of this. First rate.

TonyZeeTonyZeeover 8 years agoAuthor
Kudos, plainman!

You picked up on that. I was definitely channeling EL. I'll take that as a compliment.

plainmanplainmanover 8 years ago
Not quite Elmore Leonard...

... but close enough to get an enthusiastic 5*.

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