Back Together?


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That all changed one night in Paris. The group had thinned down to just the siblings, Mark and Angela. The others all had left back to uni so that they could "recover grades lost from all the roaming fun" as one of them put it. For their own reasons neither Angela or Mark was concerned.

None the less, both would be leaving after the following day. Which happened to be Jenni's birthday.

The girls were sharing a room because the hostel was so full. The guys had been sharing as well with several other travelers. So it was that Mark and Jenni were making out in the dark ally behind the hostel. Things had gotten far too carried away and her blouse was unbuttoned down the front, which was really a problem as she was not wearing a bra. She had been trying for the last couple of minutes to get Mark to slow down, she really needed to get her top back together. It was the first time a guy had seen her naked breasts and she was nervous enough about it let alone for it to be out in public like this.

Her nerves sure as hell kicked in when she noticed the figure approaching from a couple blocks away. And when the person did not turn off down the quite street at the back of the hostel but kept coming forward she leaned away from the stone wall at her back and whispered into Mark's ear that they had company and that she needed to be covered. So she grabbed his shoulders and pulled him closer to hide her tits to the stranger. Except it was already too late.

Jared had been out walking late. He liked to walk the streets at night. He would go running in whatever city they where in by day, but at night he walked until he was too exhausted to stay awake. Then he would make his way back to his room so he could fall asleep only to repeat his day upon waking. He was finally just coming to the realization that he needed to leave their patchwork group of travelers. Every day just hurt more and more. Seeing Jenni with Mark was as painful now as it was a couple months ago.

He was thinking how glad he was that he rarely unpacked anything so when he woke in the morning it would be a quick job of leaving. The thought was interrupted with a glimmer of amusement at the half naked girl he saw pull her guy intimately to self after whispering in his ear. The amusement fled quickly when recognition set in.

No thought preempted his actions. He just found himself turning Mark by roughly grabbing his shoulder and shoving him down the ally. His fists wear tight infront of him as he saw from the corner of his eye Jenni trying to get between himself and his target. He barely registered the feel of her naked tits on his hand and he softly shoved her back to the wall behind her. Nor did he stop to think that Mark out weighed him by a good 60 pounds. He simply turned back and started loosening blows onto the jock.

Mark was big, and strong with it, but he was no match for the rage pounding out of his opponent via his fist. Pounding into Mark's body and face like a machine gunning jack hammer. And even though he got in several hard blows himself he was soon unconscious with Jared still pounding blows into his face.

Jenni did not know what to do, she had tried putting herself between the two several times. But Jared just kept softly shoving her back before without looking at her. But he must have been conscious of her in some fashion because she soon realized that most of the blows that landed on him were when he was pushing her away and turning his body so that she would be safe. But when Mark fell to the ground she could not budge Jared from his hunched position pistoning his fist into Mark's face and body. So she did the only thing she could think of, she stepped over Mark's inert torso and drooped to her knees on either side of his chest so she could place herself in front of Jared, hugging him to her chest and remove Mark from Jared's view and reach.

The sent and feel of Jenni's bare breasts pulled Jared from the red haze of rage that was engulfing him. He lifted a protesting Jenni up from Mark's torso."No! Stop!"

"Shush, I need to check that he is alive. Now stop struggling." He did not say anything else. She had gone pale and knelt down at Mark's side. He ignored her as he reached for a pulse. But he did not need to. Mark's breath was weazing out of him through blood and broken teeth and nose.

Assured of that Mark did not need immediate attention Jared reached down and locked his hand around her elbow. He ignored her stutters as he dragged her up the ally and into the front door of the hostel. After informing the desk clerk and crowd in the common room about Mark's location and need for help he continued dragging Jenni up two flights to her room. She could just manage to tie her shirt together to maintain some dignity before she was pulled into the crowd and to her room.

No sooner had the door closed than she let of with an incredibly loud shout, "Jared, what the hell is the matter with you? Why did you DO that?"

"Matter with me? MATTER WITH ME? What the hell is wrong with you?" Jared stopped and walked away before his anger became all to consuming.

"Me? I am not the one attacking brutalizing people in ally ways!" Jenni shrieked.

"No, you are just the one who was letting him strip you down naked so he could fuck you like a whore in a dark ally! What kind of a slut are you?" Jared was so furious he did not even care when his words the blood to leave Jenni's face and cause her to fall to her knees before him. He continued calling her various names for the next couple minutes. But they all came down to his first opening insult.

When he stopped speaking and looked away Jenni spoke. Her voice was quiet and undeniable shaky with pain but absolutely resolute in conviction. "Get out. Get out of my room and get out of my life. I don't want to see you. Not now, not ever again. Get out." Her voice was rising louder and louder and with it she rose from the floor to open her door. "Get out you bastard! Stay out of my life!"

Jared walked in a fog of feelings and thoughts. He could not think clearly and it took him several hours to find his way to the rail station. But when the doors of his tram opened before him a single thought came blazingly clear like a laser to sear into and through his brain. He had just made the biggest mistake of his life. He had let his hurt anger control his thoughts and words to the point of driving a chasm of agony between him and the only person on earth he cared for. Loved in fact.

He scarcely noticed that he dropped his bag at the ticket counter before running though the early morning commute crowd. Several uniforms tried to stop the suspicious person running and dropping a bag. However he was so focused on getting back to Jenni that nothing could catch him.

Because of the morning rush hour traffic it took him nearly another hour to get back to the hostel. And though it had been only 6 hours from the time he had walked away in a daze, when he returned Jenni, Mark and Angela was no where to be found. He asked everybody he could get his hands on that spoke English or French. Which was nearly all the people still in the common room. However all anybody would tell him was that the police wanted to speak to him. Apparently Jenni had protected him even though he clearly did not deserve it. The story was that the three of them had been attacked and Mark seriously injured in the fight. People had seen her trying to cover herself when he dragged her to the safety of her room and inform the crowd that Mark needed help. People did not see him come down the back stairs and it was assumed he had gone looking for the group that had mobbed them.

Jenni had told her story to the officials but nobody could understand why she asked several men to help carry Mark still unconscious from the building just after the police left. He was injured but it did not appear as though he would need hospital.

Jared could only guess that she was trying to protect him from whatever Mark would say to the police when they returned for his statement. He tried to imagine where she would take an unconscious man of Marks size. He needed desperately to speak to her, beg forgiveness. Though he doubted all he was worth that it could work. The problem he had was his damn jealousy. It had kept him away from her to the point that he had no idea what she knew of Paris. And he had let it make him angry enough to say the most hurtful things he could imagine to a friend that he was sure was still a virgin and as far from the whore he had denounced her as.

Coming up empty on ideas of her possible location he called home in a desperate prayer that she would have contacted their parents. But they had not heard from her. And he kept details sparse as to why he was looking for her. He just said that they had had a fight and lost contact last night.

Jared walked the streets but eventually could think of nothing to bring him closer to her so he could atone for last nights horrific angry words. Eventually he made his way to the airport where he flew home. Though he left his bag at the rail station there was nothing important that he would be loosing. His passport and money was on his person. Besides the bag had nothing to do with the feeling of loss he had, as though he was leaving the best of himself behind in Paris as the plane left the ground.

At home he was left alone by his parents. He tried to answer the phone every time it rang in case it was Jenni. However she must have started calling his parent's business after the first few times she hung up on him without saying anything. The caller ID let it be known that it was an international call. His immediate return calls did him no good.

The only time somebody answered he was told in no uncertain terms that she would not speak to him by the person that answered the phone.

His parents seemed aware of her circumstances though because they did not appear worried. Nor did they question him deeply about the fight he had with her to make him leave her in Paris. The only time the subject came up was because he asked about it. His step-mother Rachelle said that Jenni had talked to them and said it was a brother sister thing and that would be all the details they would get. She was safe traveling with friends and she would be back for Fall term when she started school.

Jared had hoped that would mean she would come home before fall term. After all, before all this had occurred he and she had plans on sharing housing when going off to school. That way they could save money. But he was wrong. He had waited through the death of that spring and the whole of summer but it was just a few days before he had to leave on the long drive to California in his Jeep when he discovered how things would be playing out. His dad explained that they were off to buy a used car for Jenni and have it driven to California because she would not be returning home, instead she would be headed straight to school. Jared was sat down and they told him that he was expected to leave Jenni alone. They were buying a vehicle for her because he was no longer expected have his Jeep available for her use. In fact he would not approach her in any way or they would no longer pay for his board and housing. His scholarship paid for tuition but every other expense would be covered by his parents only if he towed the line of new rules.

He was there when her father inspected the gold painted late model Saturn that his father was buying. They did not want to send the money off to her because they were paranoid that she would be taken at the dealership.

Jared considered talking to her regardless of the new rules. He knew he could still make grades and pay for his living while in school. But it would put an even larger wedge between himself and his parents that already was there. And besides that his grades would not be as easy to maintain if he had to work full time as well. Even though learning had always been very easy for him he just did not think it would be worth it. If Jenni had gone to such lengths to put a barrier between them that she would cause such problems for her parents than there was almost no chance she would speak to him even if he did approach her.

Her fathers death while she was still in the womb had provided her mothers with a substantial settlement. Not only because of the insurance because of his work places unsafe practices. But she had still been raised to respect money and it's use. So for her to ask for more money out put for a vehicle and extra room and board costs for the split housing was a big deal.

So he quietly said goodbye to his parents and left for college.

He seldom saw Jenni on campus. But after the first week he stopped looking when he saw her turn away from him after gasping from just a few feet in front of him. She had her arm around a tall thin attractive guy that Jared would later learn was the brother of her new roommate. He also learned that she was dating that same guy some weeks after that first chance encounter. But he rarely allowed thoughts of her to enter his daily pattern any longer. He forced them out and they only time they had room was in his dreams and that slim moment of time that the day was born as he awoke.

He stopped asking details of her life from his parents after that as well. Though sometimes they would mention something or other about her.

But his mopping about was getting morbid according to his rather cool and outgoing roommate. He was talked into joining an MMA fighting course. In the end the decision was easy. He wanted some distraction to fill his day and Jared wanted to be better self-disciplined. He never wanted his emotions to control him the way they did when he attacked Mark. So he used training as a way to exercise himself and his indelible need to atone for his grievous mistake of that Paris night.

By the time he returned home for Thanksgiving break he had matured enough to see a lot of his pathetic behavior for what it was. Love or no love he had been horny. Just as Jenni had said he had the hormones of a teenage boy, and the immature reactions of one as well. He was sure he would have the chance to explain those discoveries to Jenni. But he soon learned that she would be spending her holiday with her fiancé's family. The fact that she would be marring somebody else hurt because he knew that the love he had for her would never die. It had just settled to the back of his mind and heart. But it was time for him to mature enough to get on with his life.

During break he learned that his parents would be opening a new branch of the business in New York and because of the distance they planned on shutting down the home shortly after Christmas. With that in mind he focused on finding something to occupy him during break so that he would not have to return to a lonely home for the couple weeks of break. Just two days after returning from turkey break his distraction literally fell into his lap in the form of a sexy black haired horny coed.

Her name was Bridget and she openly confessed that she had seen him naked showering after one of his MMA classes and in her words she "wanted some of that". He ended up confessing to being an eighteen year old freshman virgin. She was very liberated about sex and was thrilled at the idea of introducing him to the fun found in a bed or "whatever damn surface we can do it on or against." She taught him a lot over the next several months. But one of the biggest lessons came when she introduced him to several girls and in front of them recommended which ones he should have sex with. He learned from that example to take it casual and fun.

He had gone back to his lifestyle before his step-mother and step-sister had entered it. He had no need to speak to his parents as they left an account open for him for his use. It barely had enough to cover room and board plus incidentals. Which he happened to use up just to buy a new wardrobe because of the bulk he had added with MMA workouts. He did not fit many of the clothes he had brought to college with him.

His parents were busy with their own lives. Jennifer had long ago cut him out of hers, a loss he would occasionally still feel keenly. Though not nearly as bad after he had started training. Going out had forced him to developed come social skills. Once Bridget blazed into his life he learned very easy how to be social and fun. People often had to come to him though. He could be the life of the party but he never invested enough emotion into people by approaching them or being overly interested in them. His one long term experience in that had ended the best thing in his young life so he was naturally cautious.

He had not spoken to anybody in his family in some months but he was headed home for the summer. It was doubtful his parents would keep transferring funds to his account over the summer while he was not in school. They would expect him to be responsible and pay for his own party time fun over this long break before his sophomore year.

Bridget had invited him on her bike tour of California over the summer but he did not have the funds left to buy the bike or pay for his share of the trip. So he regretfully declined, because he just knew that the sexual adventures would be at least as fun as riding up the coast of California.

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CathologosCathologos5 months ago

I cannot rate your story until you write your story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Where is the rest of te tale, just left hanging, no closure. Seems like it started out so nthere was to be a reconcilliation.

cybojicybojialmost 5 years ago
This is a great story

But unfinished. Ftds needs to pick it up.5

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
What ???

What happened to the rest of the story??

twoebtwoebover 7 years ago
More please im begging

I want to know what happens when they see each other or what. I have read this story so many times i love it as a start but you build up like that and i feel left hanging. Please put me out of my wanting missery and continue onward with this please.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
very pure, very realistic.

Very often we react to the situation and say unkind words, that make us regretted whole life.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

Have you continued this story yet? Pls do continue this.

whiteyfatswhiteyfatsover 9 years ago

Great start, but will never be finished. A shame.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
whats your new user name??


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Sorry for not continuing this series...

Folks, I apologize for not continuing this series. I had a computer crash that destroyed all of my writing along with everything else my computer contained. So rewriting my stories came as a distant priority. Then separation from my wife, and cancer and blah blah blah, cry cry cry... Life was difficult for awhile. But I am back to writing now. I do not know my log in as skykrazy but I will post more work soon, along with an updated Jenni/Jared story within the next month. My postings will come slow because I spend most of my own time concerned with my business.

Thanks all for the posts, comments and criticisms.

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