Bard's Tale 03 - Miriel


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Tia did her best to not react to the endearment.

The Irish goddess beamed at both women. "Céad míle fáilte." A hundred thousand welcomes. Then she kissed them both on the forehead before returning to Rena's side.

"Brigit and I have placed a charm over the home of Urthel and Medhbh Whisper Wind. Anyone who enters their home with ill intentions will be filled with confusion, and will promptly wander away, with the confusion lasting for hours afterward. Any who attempt to dispel our enchantments will likewise meet with a similar effect, but lasting for months instead. What happens between members of the Whisper Wind family, however, for good or for ill, will not be affected by this protection. It is time to return to your sister and husband, and to meet your in-laws."

With a wave of her hand, a portal opened up. They saw the shop of Urthel Whisper Wind on the other side. They stepped through, and the portal closed behind them.

It was afternoon. Tia found it hard to believe all that had happened since the previous morning. She had been awake for at least thirty hours, and doubted that Tahna or the others had gotten much rest either.

Tahna rapped twice smartly on the door.

Reison opened the door, then grinned at them both. Stepping outside, he pulled Tahna into his arms. "Hi, beautiful! I missed you." Just as her face brightened, he tightened his arms and kissed her soundly.

After several seconds of rocking Tahna's world, he let her go and then did the same to Tia. "I love you."

Mindal leaned against the door frame and grinned. "I think they liked that, Reison. I also think they both need another welcome-back kiss."

"Sounds good to me," he chuckled.

He pulled the still gobsmacked Tahna back into his arms and proceeded to move his hands over her back and hips while his mouth explored hers. She responded eagerly, pressing her body against him. Tia moved behind her husband, giving both of his butt cheeks a solid squeeze, then a single, sharp swat. With a satisfied grin, she strode past Mindal into the shop.

As Reison and Tahna came up for air, Urthel, standing behind Mindal, cleared his throat. "If you come inside, we can relax and perhaps have a meal together."

Flushing and grinning, they broke apart. Reison put his arm around his second wife, and she sidled up to him. A bit dazed and grinning foolishly, Tahna definitely liked his welcome. Together, they entered the building.

The bard had meant to tease, but seeing Tahna's happy face was, she realized, a more than adequate compensation. And Reison's growing confidence was hot!

Once inside, Urthel locked the door, and they passed through the shop, moving deeper into the building, toward the living quarters.

Settled at the dining table, Urthel set down bowls and dished out a steaming vegetable stew. Fresh seed bread and butter. Honey and jam. Cheese -- creamy soft, slices of firm or hard; varieties of smoked and spiced. Hot tea, cold water, and cool cider to drink.

As they ate, the two sisters recounted their tale for their listeners. At the part of his execution and again, about the judgment they witnessed, father and son nodded grimly.

Later, when Medhbh came out from Miriel bedroom, the tale was re-told for her benefit.

"So he's gone?" she asked Tia. "The foul bastard that hurt my girl is dead and gone? He can't come back?"

"We saw his soul destroyed," she confirmed.


* * * * *

Apparently after Tia and Tahna's departure, there had been quite a commotion at the shop, with guards and yet more guards as well as nosy neighbors trying to squeeze inside. Even a few officials from the court appeared, demanding to know about the use of portals by non-elves to transport magically within the kingdom.

Then, abruptly, the hubbub had suddenly stopped, and within minutes, most of them quietly left.

Some of their neighbors gave heartfelt congratulations on the return of Miriel. They knew the Whisper Wind family as honest, considerate people who dealt in the buying and selling of books. Many knew the hurt their daughter's disappearance had caused, and had they the good manners to let the family retire without further questions.

When Tia explained about the divine protection given to the household, Urthel simply nodded in acceptance. Medhbh, on the other hand, was profuse in her thanks to Brigit, and promptly got up and lit a candle in her name.

The family moved to the living room, where discussions resumed.

Tia, exhausted, soon closed her eyes, leaning against Tahna. Mindal got up and helped lay her sister out and covered her with a blanket. Then she went over to Reison's chair and sat on the floor by his feet.

* * * * *

It was the terse conversation that woke Tia up. The first clear words she heard were from Medhbh.

"I just don't feel comfortable having all of you share the same bedroom. Besides, the room and the bed are just too small. The other two can sleep elsewhere."

"What?" Reison exclaimed. "We are married, Mother!"

Urthel said, "Medhbh, don't be this way--"

Mindal cut him off. "I am a bard, Medhbh O'Hara Whisper Wind, and you're Irish! How dare you! By the Rules of Hospitality alone, you should know better. It's only because you are family that I don't let you feel my wrath. I'm going to get my things, and then I'm out of here."

Tia sat up slowly, looking blearily about. "What's going on?"

Mindal came back into the room, adjusting straps on her pack and mandolin case. "Reison? Are you coming with us?"

He nodded, taking own his pack and gear from her. Buckled on his sword and slipped the strap for his own mandolin case over his shoulders.

Tahna stood by, shouldering Tia's pack.

"Look," Urthel said, trying his best to interject some calm into the situation. "Everyone take a moment to relax! We can talk this out--"

"They're probably thinking about how much money they can get," Medhbh accused.

"What are you saying, Medhbh? Don't go, son," Urthel pleaded. "Not like this!"

Mindal exited the room. Tahna, carrying one pack and shouldering another, picked up Tia and followed her sister out of the house.

Reison was amazed by her physical strength. But it was just one of many things they had done that had amazed him. He knew his life was now with them.

He turned to his mother. "On my way to City of the Suns, I earned about five hundred gold. I spent all but about a hundred of it buying them wedding rings. See this magical chainmail? The sword? It's magic, too. They gave them to me, Mother. No questions. They have never once asked me about my family's wealth. I am a man, mother. They are my wives, and as much as I love you, father, and Miriel, my duty now is to them. They are part of House Whisper Wind whether you like it or not. When you are ready to apologize, I'll listen. Until then, we're leaving. Goodbye."

He gave his father a quick hug. "Give my best to Miriel. Please let her know that she can visit anytime. I'll be happy to come pick her up for visits and to bring her back. We'll be living in Sharaton-Charlottesville by next month. Messages can reach us by way of Judge Tanner of the Queens Bench. Goodbye, Father."

* * * * *

Outside, on the street, Tia asked for Tahna to set her down.

When Reison joined them, Tahna asked, "Shall we look for an inn? Tia's pretty wiped out."

Mindal shook her head. "I veto that. Mother Morgan was right. Something hinky's going on around here. These wood elves aren't the same respectful people we grew up around. Reison, you warned us about the discrimination you received, and truthfully I thought you might have been exaggerating a bit. If anything, though, you understated how bad it was. I barely said a single word, but I heard plenty of nasty comments about human 'breeder trash.' And they weren't shy about looking directly at me when they said it! Apparently we human breeder trash are only slightly higher than goblin scum, but -- if you can believe it -- we're lower than orc filth because we breed little vermin faster."

Reison winced. "I'm sorry you had to hear that. If I'd been in the room, I'd have said something to them."

Tahna was incredulous. "Breeder trash? That's great. Just great. Bigoted wood elves."

Tia looked at Reison. "Are you okay, my husband?"

He nodded, then shook his head, tears suddenly spilling.

Tia wrapped her arms around him and held him tight.

"I don't understand," he said. "I didn't do anything to bring Miriel home. All of you helped her, but mostly it was Tia! Tia, you cast the spells that led us to her, and you found out who hurt her. You brought her back when all that was left of her were her bones! And then you and Tahna punished the bastard that killed her. And all mother could do was go on about what the four of us did in bed together. Miriel is home now. What did the one have to do with the other, and how does what we do together even compare to the return of my sister?"

Mindal and Tahna enveloped him from both sides, adding their support.

"We are family. Your family, Reison," Tia told him. "One household. All four of us. Whatever happens, we have each other to love, to lean on, and to rely on."

"Please don't blame us," Mindal urged him.

"I don't," he responded. Wiping his eyes, he laughed. "How could I? The best day of my life used to be when I met the three of you. Then I got married. And now I'm waiting for the next ones which will be even better, because I know they're coming."

"What could be better than getting married to us?" Mindal demanded.

"Seeing your baby being born and getting to hold it in my arms."

Mindal's mouth dropped open, then closed.

Tia grinned delightedly at her sisters. "What a perfectly beautiful, glorious answer. He's a keeper, all right. I love you so much, Reison Whisper Wind. Our husband and our lover. Let me go and give me a moment to focus, and I will get us all home."

Standing apart, and ignoring the sometimes hostile glares from pedestrians that passed by, Tia held up her holy symbol and chanted. The portal formed, and the four travelers stepped through. Then the gateway closed up behind them.

Too late, a sobbing Medhbh burst out the front door, calling for her son. Looking around in vain, it was clear that her son and his three wives were nowhere to be found.

Urthel paused at the door, taking in the scene with sadness. The shunning and even hostile looks given to his wife, who had lived among them for decades, were not lost on him either. The vile comments that had been directed at his daughter-in-law Mindal, many of them coming from city or court officials, troubled him greatly. For his family's sake, it might be time to return to Harlindon and to the sea.

When his wife turned and sought the comfort of his arms, he led them back into the shop, locking the door behind them.

* * * * *

Appearing outside the city walls of City of the Suns, they walked up to the gates. Guards checked them out, but an older sergeant recognized Tahna. Tia's indigo tunic and rainbow banded skirt readily identified her as a high priestess of the Lawgiver. The guards saw that Tia was having trouble staying awake, and one of the guardsmen was sent to fetch a taxi. When the open carriage pulled up, Tahna thanked them for their consideration. When Reison put his arms around Tia, she snuggled in, and the carriage set off on a ride across town toward the Pixie Palace.

Arriving at the inn, they paid the driver and carried their gear and sleeping sister upstairs. To the amusement of the two sisters, Tia had drooled on her husband's chest. Reison and Tahna switched off each floor, and not once did the priestess stir.

Once inside the suite, they undressed Tia and put her to bed, then ran the water to enjoy a long, hot bath together.

Letting the heat and the jets sooth their tired bodies, Reison sat in the middle between black-haired Tahna and auburn-haired Mindal.

Mindal knew she probably shouldn't say anything, but the situation with their mother-in-law still galled her. "I don't understand what made her think she could tell us how to be with our husband."

With concern for Reison, Tahna said, "Let's drop it for now, okay? Tia's not here, and we should wait until all four can discuss the situation together. Besides, Reison laid it out for his mother. She apologizes and we can move forward. Until then, there's nothing to discuss."

Mindal let out an exasperated sigh. "I know you're right, but so far, we've been pretty vanilla. Plowing the field, riding the mare, and riding the horn. Pretty tame stuff."

At his puzzled look, Tahna explained. "Plowing the field is what you call missionary. Riding the mare is from behind. Personally, I think calling it riding the mare is a lot more dignified than doggy. Riding the horn is woman on top, facing the man."

"It's more dignified because stallions have those gi-normous, longer-than-your-arm cocks, right?" Mindal quipped.

At Tahna's look, Reison snickered, then they all burst out laughing.

"Yeah, yeah," Tahna said to her husband. "Admit it! You like it she made a favorable comparison between your goods and that of a well-hung horse."

"Hey! Watch it, Tahna!" Mindal said in semi-serious chastisement. "Don't bad-mouth the husband or his manly goods. Like Tia said, he's the keeper of the family jewels!"

He blushed, which both women found adorable. To Mindal, he asked, "What did you mean by vanilla?"

"Oh, um... well, there are some things we really aren't interested in doing. Girl on girl stuff mostly. However, we could take what we have been doing a step further. You can lay on your back, and while one of us rides your lovely, hard cock, the other sister can sit on your face and enjoy your tongue giving her orgasms."

"I'm game," he said. He turned to Tahna, who shrugged.

"Okay." Then she grinned. "Could be fun. Who gets the cock first?"

"You can, but we can take turns, too."

Barely taking time to whisk a towel over wet skin, they hurried to the bedroom and put the idea into practice.

And they spent several hours practicing. Somehow, each time, they felt it could be done a little better if they but did it again. Even with a clean cantrip to take care of most of the semen, it was a little mustier in the bedroom than usual. But he enjoyed the fact he could pleasure two of his wives at once, and he was able to last a lot longer his second ejaculation. When he filled Mindal again, his balls ached, and Reison begged off on continuing. Without Tia's spell craft to help, he wouldn't be able to get hard again for several hours.

Taking stock, and having forgotten to put down plenty of towels, they realized that half the bed was either damp or soaked, and somewhat sticky in places.

Mindal cast multiple clean and dry cantrips, and they settled into a three-way snuggle before drifting off to sleep.

The exhausted priestess slept soundly through all their moans, groans, yells, and the persistent shaking of the mattress.

* * * * *

The next morning, Tia woke up famished. She'd had a good breakfast two mornings earlier, and the night before, had eaten a large bowl of vegetable stew, some bread and a cheese wedge at her in-laws. Two meals in two days, with a lot of energy spent on spellcasting in between.

She looked around the bed. The blankets in complete disarray, and most of them were on the other side of the bed, unused, instead of keeping her warm.

Slipping on a nightshirt to keep warm, she strolled into the other room.

Entering the main room, she saw Tahna laying on her belly on the floor, and Reison mounted behind her, arms keeping him above her slim frame, while leisurely sliding wetly in and out of her swollen, ruddy pussy. A towel was on the floor beneath their groins. The monk laid with her head flat on the floor and sighed with contentedly each slow, firm thrust that he made into her body.

Seeing a naked Mindal curled up on the couch, eating up the bin of cookies, Tia paused to look her over. Mindal moved her legs apart, and she noted the white semen on her hairy mound.

"I've got a towel under me. See?" Which was true. Closing her legs again, the bard reached into the bin for another crunchy treat.

Seeing no real food on the table, she wrote up a list, and going to the dumbwaiter, slid open the door, placed the order and tugged on the rope. As the dumbwaiter descended, Tia closed the door.

Her stomach rumbling, she went over to Mindal and reached in for a cookie. Mindal had eaten nearly a dozen from what she could see.

Munching away, the priestess turned and watched her husband pleasure her sister. Admired how his butt cheeks flexed and relaxed as he thrust into her slick sheath. Watched how she took his length again and again, and had a moment of envy before pushing the unwelcome thought away.

"Tahna looks like she's really enjoying herself," she commented quietly.

Mindal smirked. "It's great, Tia! She's a lot less uptight, you know? She smiles more, and she laughs more often, too. I told you she needed to get laid."

Tia looked disapprovingly down her nose at her sister. "On the contrary, what she needed was to allow love into her heart and be willing to be loved in return. Do not belittle how important that is to her. You expressed it in different ways, but it turned out that you needed the very same thing she did, Mindal."

Contrite, she pushed a stray auburn lock hanging in her face behind her ear. "You're right. And I'm sorry. Want another cookie? Otherwise, I'm going to eat them all."

"I'll pass. I placed an order for real food. It should be here within the hour." She watched them a bit longer. He seemed in no hurry to rush toward climax. "You have a perfect view from right here."

"I asked them to lay so I could watch it from the couch."

Tia blinked while she digested that tidbit.

Still feeling tired from channeling so many advanced divine spells in a short time span, she told Mindal, "I'm going back to bed. Wake me when the food gets here."

The priestess wasn't sure if her sister heard her. The bard held a cookie in one hand that she nibbled on. The other hand was engaged in tweaking and gently pulling her own nipple, her eyes focused on watching the sex show on the floor.

Barely able to keep her eyes open, Tia returned to the bedroom. After tossing off the nightshirt, and after collecting both of the big, soft comforters, she wrapped herself into a warm cocoon. Only her nose and mouth could be seen.

She still had the vial from the goddess in her pouch, and once she was rested, Tia planned on putting its potent magic to use. There were six doses, which to her mind meant that Tahna was to become pregnant as well.

The priestess drifted asleep, happily dreaming of little voices raised in bubbling, gleeful laughter.

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TJSkywindTJSkywindalmost 3 years agoAuthor

Another oops moment. Urthel is a high elf, not grey. I was surprised to read that in the text, checked the character card, and there it was. That's what I get for trying to depend upon my memory, or rather, what little remains. Ah well. Struggling but persevering with chapter 5, Westward Ho!

taco1085taco1085almost 6 years ago

bravo, i love this story. I cant wait to read more of this story and your other stories.... thank you for some good reading...

TJSkywindTJSkywindalmost 6 years agoAuthor
Bard's Tale 04 has been submitted

Should be up soon. About 40 pages into Starlight Gleaming 18 now...

Wickedelf6000Wickedelf6000almost 6 years ago
Love this!

This is an amazing tale, with so much room to continue! I really hope you do. I'm a huge starlight fan too. So I'm wishing you awesome health and inspired thoughts to keep both stories going! Thank you so much!

wolverine006wolverine006about 6 years ago
I agree

MelanPonca is correct. There is so much invested in character development and there are so many unanswered questions and unresolved conflict, it would be a shame to not follow through to some sort of resolution. However. I personally want to see Reison complete Tia and Tahna's songs.

TJSkywindTJSkywindover 6 years agoAuthor
Thank you MelanPonca

I actually am trying to decide if Bard's Tale 4 is next (tentatively titled 'Holly Wood' at this point), or if I should do another installment on one of the older series.

Since this is free, your this is reward for sleepless nights while the muse pesters me until the story is done. Slainté

TJSkywindTJSkywindover 6 years agoAuthor
The Landers of New Brittany

For those who suspect, I will confirm the suspicion that these particular adventures are novelizations of rpg gaming. The Landers family is a special case, and I readily admit to some bias and affection for them.

Mikel Landers, the patriarch, was one of my first characters in another campaign (1975 till around 1978), and I had fun adventuring with him. Yeah. My friend the DM had gone to Nebraska, and after a year of partying, dropped out and game home, bearing a copy of the original whitebox DnD game, quickly followed by Eldritch Magic and Gods, Demigods, and Heroes a year later. In 1978, he added David Hargraves' Arduin trilogy to his reference books.

In those days, we were allowed to run more than one character at a time, as the death rate tended to be high. Thus, Mikel, Frínulas, and Charmain were created. Mikel was a Philosopher class - essentially a multi-classed human fighter, mage, and priest due to his high ability scores. Once the Arduin books arrived, he had a new interest in playing again. The DM had me roll a six-sided die, and I got a six, which meant I got two rolls on the special ability tables. He grumbled about the first roll - spell competent, one extra bonus spell per level. The second one, he teased me about. Mikel suddenly became a sexual athlete - "never get enough, and can go on forever," and based on the DM's cryptic "length" table, was decently well-endowed. In his young male mind, that was important stuff. So for convenience, Mikel's two adventuring companions became his bed-mates as well.

The DM, though, after a year, decided to quit playing, and declared that his world had blown up. Well, if Jor-El could do it, why not Mikel and his two companions? So the refugees safely escaped the destruction and landed in my own Skyra campaign (I started it the year after I learned to play, and it's been almost in continuous play since 1976). Charmain the mage, though, became Charmain the witch during the transition; I had been reading Andre Norton's Witch World series at the time. Galamindöl, Morgan, and Renenet soon joined them, they all got married, and settled down to raising a huge family together.

Around 2002, I met the Reison's human player. I'd been having a lull in gaming, being focused on work, single after nearly twelve years, and determined on mastering Red Alert, Starcraft, Civilization, and other PC games. Reison's human player was almost my same age, and was back living with his mother, recovering from a serious injury. While in a crosswalk, a semi-truck hit him. He managed to avoid getting crushed by grabbing the bumper, but after a few hundred yards, his legs were a mess; it was more than 21 operations and about three years before he was able to put away the wheelchair. His mother was my supervisor, knew of my past gaming, and she asked me as a personal favor to help keep her son distracted from his injuries and onto something else. So I took the challenge. And never regretted it.

He was my only human player at the time. While I do believe in making modifications to dice rolls based on the overall story, I also try to run a somewhat realistic campaign. A single character without companions is going to have a tough if not impossible time surviving. That meant I had to provide NPCs to help Reison survive. I searched through my boxes and lists, and stumbled upon Mikel's brood, and realized how close they were to the wood elven kingdom that Reison was starting from. Looking at the family tree, the three sisters popped into my head almost fully formed, and it felt important that it was those three. I saw that Tia had a twin, and thought, why not make it four sisters? No, I heard myself thinking, Tia's younger twin sister Theodonra is happily married, has been for decades, and lives in Sharaton where she's a judge. And yeah, Reison's human player was entranced with Mindal as his goal was to become a bard, but he also answered Tia the way it happened in the story.

I had literally known that Lysandra was important to Tahna years ago; I didn't know the details of how important until I began Bard's Tale 01, and the story unfolded before me. I went, wow.

Having characters appear almost fully formed - sometimes that's how it happens with me. The story "Anya Surprised" happened after Reison and his wives had been married for a few years. Anya came visiting, and the dice roll indicated she was upset and needed to talk to Tia. Why was she upset? I wondered. And like that, it all came to me. Anya had good reasons. If you are curious, it's all there. Check it out.

There are times that I feel like I'm not a writer so much as an archeologist, uncovering records of a lost civilization and the fascinating people who actually lived on that world at the edge of the universe.

Or I could just have an overactive imagination. You get to decide. Slainté

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Great story that just keeps getting better.

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