Barstow - The Morning After

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Crew shares debauchery notes; beauty pageant queens visit.
10.4k words

Part 17 of the 18 part series

Updated 06/03/2024
Created 06/16/2023
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A particularly groggy foursome is untangling themselves from each other in their bed, clinging together after quite a night of wholesale debauchery at a new-to-them dive in a farm town. They have been awakened by whining puppies looking for their people, but the dogs are locked up in "their room", otherwise known as Steve's office.

"Ignore 'em," Emily grumbles in her stupor. "Anna took care of them before she left."

"When was that?" Debbie mutters.

"Seven," Ellie mumbles.

Steve's eyes are still closed, trying in vain to resume his sleep. "Check the time," he groans under his breath.

"Shit!" Emily blurts. "It's nine-thirty!"

She reaches across Ellie to feel around for Steve's penis. He doesn't even flinch.

"I gotta take care of the dogs. Who wants his morning wood?"

"My turn!" Debbie requests, and wedges between Ellie and Steve to claim her prize.

"Awwww," Ellie pouts.

Deb chuckles, "Steve?"

"Oh, okay," he moans. "El? Climb on."

Debbie is quick to take Steve in cowgirl, and helps little Ellie to straddle Steve's chest facing him, encouraging El to lean back into her to as she scoots into his face for some comforting cunni while Deb cups and caresses El's breasts. It may be routine by now, but the lovers are good about making sure everyone "gets theirs".

Emily has rolled herself off the bed and is standing there for a moment to smile at her lovers' lovemaking.

A soft hum can be heard from the other end of the house.

"They're here," Emily softly informs the trio on hearing the garage door open. She steps into the hall on her way to greet her husband and wife returning from their own night of unrestrained sex play.

Em greets Jackson and Cyan with a slightly sarcastic, "You guys have a good time? Hang on. I need to let the dogs out."

"You just getting up?" Jackson asks, noting her "pillow hair" and telltale squint.

"Yeah. Anna stayed over and fed 'em before she left this morning."

"Geez. Just how late were you guys out?"

"Got home around three. New place isn't bad. Not fancy, but nice owner and nice crowd. Friendly local cop."

"Uh. How friendly, Em?"

"We'll talk about it over breakfast. I guess you guys ate at the hotel. Coffee and tea?"

Cyan confirms, "Yeah, start the kettle for me if you don't mind. Where are Ellie and Steve?"

"Still in bed with Debbie."


"We picked her up on the way."

"So. The Three Musketeers and d'Artagnan. You guys burn the place down?"


Jax and Cy chuckle. They know their lovers well and fully expect quite the story.

Emily starts fooling around with breakfast fixin's, warming up the griddle for eggs and... undecided. She turns the griddle off to wait for the crew to emerge.

"You guys want to go look in on 'em? They ought to be up by now. Oh. They are. I hear the shower going."

Cyan smirks, "Well, that's going to be another half-hour! Why don't you join them and Jax and I will bring our stuff in and change clothes."

Emily skips off to the master shower and is met with giggles, chuckles and squeaks as everybody reaches for a grope.

"What do you think?" Cyan asks Jackson.

"An awful lot of fun noises are coming out of that bathroom, Cy. They apparently had a good time. It's only a question of how good."

"Well we have nothing to be ashamed of, do we?" Cyan chuckles.

"No. We. Don't! Your friend Ted saw us come in and it was all over but the cryin'!"

"Yes it does!" she laughs. "It pays to have friends in low places! Can you fetch the bags? I'm gonna get undressed for the tub."

"Okay. Plans after that and breakfast?"

"Catching some early rays. Weather guy said sunny all day. Join me in the tub?"

"Good by me."


Steve emerges from the hallway, closely tailed by Emily, Ellie, and Debbie. They're all smiles and giggles as they bump, touch and poke at each other. Emily reaches between Steve's legs to give his nuts a good squeeze.


The ladies laugh.

The foursome throw their towels down on the dinette chairs to shield their bare butts from the vinyl and vice versa. Jax and Cy have toweled off from the hot tub and are already seated, sipping from their cups and chuckling to themselves over the gang's silliness.

"What's for breakfast?" Debbie asks, mostly seriously.

"Up to you," starts Em's smart-ass reply. "Whatcha gonna fix?"

Deb smirks at Emily, the others all chuckle.

Steve sort of moans, "Not all that hungry. I might nuke a cinnamon bun to go with my coffee."

Cyan rolls her eyes at her husband. She's been on his case to cut back on the sweet breads. Wives do that.

Emily glances to Ellie in inquiry. Ellie shrugs her shoulders.

Em is just short of throwing her hands up at them and giving up. "Well, given the level of enthusiasm evident here, I'm going to heat-up the griddle for eggs. How do you guys want yours?"

"Over medium," Debbie requests.

"Fricaseed," Ellie quips.

Emily glares at Ellie, "You've been spending too much time around Steven. Over medium it is."

Lots of eye-rolls and smirks at the goofy repartee.

Jackson rises to retrieve the coffeemaker carafe to warm-up everyone's cups. Pouring Ellie's, his bending over next to her to pour puts his package at her eye level, which amuses her. Time to tease. She flicks the business end of his cock to watch it sway.

"You seem a little floppier than usual this morning, Jax. Four naked cuties at the table here and that's all you can manage?"

"He had a good time last night," Cyan snickers. "And this morning."

"'He'? Or 'We'?" Emily challenges. The others are amused by this.

"Oh, just him. I was busy."

Elbows on the table, Ellie and Debbie rest their chins on their hands, glaring at Jax in a mocking expectation of tales in the offing. "Do tell!" Debbie grins accusingly.

"Guys!" Jackson protests.

Cyan chuckles and starts in, "Ted set us up for good times. We came into the bar together and sat together. Once he verified that it was a play night, he started directing interest our way."

"Oh? Still together?"

"Only for a moment! We told him we were each cruisin' for our own fun and he asked me, 'Cool. Wanna?' I grinned in response and he peeled me away, taking me into the back room to 'start the evening with a bang.' A quick bang, leaning me over some cases of booze, and a promise of more when he was off. Jax?"

Jackson sighs, "Yeah. There were three young ladies a couple of stools down from us well into their second cocktail of some sort. They saw me chuckle at Cy disappearing with Ted, and put two and two together immediately. They shifted to the seats next to me, with one bracketing on my right who was damn forward -- strong drinks, remember -- I swear the first words out of her mouth were, 'You guys are here to fuck around.' She had her hand on my thigh and was inching it up my shorts leg and toward my junk. All I did was smile, and all three were all but rolling around on the floor in laughter."

"Gawd, Jax," Emily muses. "That was an awfully quick score. Even for us!"

"Oh, don't cha' know it! Cutie on my left... gawd... they were all skinny and ohmygosh adorable!... asked me, 'Your room or ours?' I told them I needed to wait for Cy to return so we could touch base, and then we could go up to their room."

Steve asks, "How was it you lucked into pretty girls, Jax?"

"Well, I eventually found out they were there for a pageant, 'Miss Illinois Concrete Mixer' or something really silly like that. They did explain there was some nice scholarship money that went along with it, so they put up with the nonsense."

"Oh kay! College girls again! You're the man with that, Jackson!"

The ladies giggle.

"Oh, yeah! Two were UofI, one was from Eastern. But these girls were smart, and were after the money for grad school. Not like those chicks in Florida."

"You get their numbers?" Debbie leers with a big grin.

"All three."

"Wow!" Steve chuckles. "Bottom line?"

"Cy and Ted showed up, the girls gave them grief with 'Nice fuck?' and shit like that. I had Ted put their drinks on our tab and we went upstairs. Gawd, Steve! We played for like three hours. We had an incredible time, especially as they started to sober up and get serious."

"Who got you? How'd they decide?"

"Well one certainly did. Rock, paper, scissors."

Everybody is cracking up visualizing that.

"Did they?"

"They sure did! Steve? I'd be on one, and I swear the other two would be in 69, almost every time!"

"You tell 'em about us, Jax?" Ellie is curious.

"A little. They were fascinated. One commented, 'Well that's different!' In appreciation, actually. We might have introduced them to something special they didn't think possible."

Emily is smirking. "We only have half a story here. Who'd you sleep with, and Cy said something about this morning."

"You're not going to let me get away with anything here, are you?"

Steve, Emily, Ellie, and Debbie, all in unison, "Nope!" They laugh.

"All right, dammit! One of the girls, Lexie, was rooming with another girl. After we all got dressed and said our good nights, Lex asked me to follow her to her room to meet her roommate, another pageant contestant. Dana was really nice, too! Lex took her into the bathroom for a private chat. Next thing I knew they were both naked and draping themselves against me, inviting me to sleep with the two of them. So I did. I texted Cy to tell her where I was. No response beyond a thumbs-up."

Cyan protests, "Damn, Jax! I was busy!"

Everyone chuckles.

"And...?" Debbie grins.

Jax sighs, "Yeah. I was back and forth with both and came in Dana. The sandwich after was really nice. They were sweet. I left their room around six or so since they had a required breakfast with the event sponsors, and found our room empty. I sort of crashed on one of the beds."

Ellie makes the point, "Okay. There's more to come, I suspect."

Cyan nods and smiles. Steve's smile turns bemused, Emily and Debbie have raised eyebrows. They have a hunch what's coming next is especially delicious.

"There's a soft knock on the door. It was too early for housekeeping. I drag myself to the door and check the peephole to find two women standing there, one appearing to be a little older. Both seemed to be underdressed, just long tees or nightshirts or something. I crack the door open to see what this is about."

"Here it comes!" Cyan laughs.

"'Hi!' greets the older of the two. 'I'm Mona, Lexie's mom, and this is her older sister Stephanie. May we come in?' My heart is now in the pit of my stomach. I've been caught boinking her daughter, and she's in my hotel room for who-knows-what."

Jaws are dropped around the breakfast table.

Jackson goes on, "The next thing I know, Mom tells her daughter, 'Go ahead, Steph. Lex said they don't come much nicer than Jackson here.' Both remove the little they were wearing, and step forward for my shirt and shorts."

"Holy fuckin' fuck!" Debbie exclaims. Steve is absolutely wide-eyed. Ellie and Emily are challenged in catching their breath.

"Yeah. Mother-daughter tag team. Un-fucking-believable. Mona is stunningly beautiful. Like Cy. You would never know she had two college-age daughters. An incredible fuck, too. Gawd. Both were! It was an unbelievable romp with them. Turns out Mona was also a pageant queen in her day and parlayed that into a modeling career, bringing her daughters up in various pageant circuits for the same. Turns out there's a sexual component simmering underneath."

"And that's about when I walked in," Cyan grins.

"Uhhhhhhh..." Steve is dumbfounded.

"They invited me into the bed. We played real good."

A stunned silence fills the room, only broken by one of the dogs scratching at the patio door to be let in.

"Professional sex," Ellie mumbles.

"Yeah," Emily agrees. "Not prostitution, but damn close, with fancy gowns and tiaras. Cy? What's your story? It's going to be pretty hard to top Jax's experience."

"I was doing the event sponsors."

They all couldn't laugh hard enough! Steve almost fell off his chair, Ellie and Debbie are standing up hugging and leaning into each other in their laughter. Emily can't stop laughing and is shaking her head at this recollection, recognizing that they have been out-sexed. Cyan and Jackson are grinning like cats that ate the canary.

Once things calmed down, Jackson looks at Cyan. "Your turn with the details."

"Not much to tell, really. Mostly our normal routine, pick up a guy or two at the bar, fuck 'em hard and get 'em off, then send 'em on their way. Men are easy."

"Any elevator nudity?" Emily chuckles. "We know you!"

"Every gawd damn time!" Cy laughs. "One guy was really startled when I lifted my dress off. He jizzed in his pants before we got up to his room. I gave him a chance to clean up and played with him a little, but not too long before going back down to the bar for another."

"All told?"

"Seven not counting the last guy. I slept with him."

"What about Ted?"

"It was last call, and he was tuned into my making a connection with the last one, so he said, 'Have fun. Another night.' Guy's name was Logan. Younger, nicely hung, uncut, knew how to make a lady happy. Nice cuddler."

Steve asks, "You have a chance to talk with any of 'em about what goes on with pageants? Obviously you didn't have Jax's insight yet, but they had to say something about it."

"A couple did. I questioned whether anyone had been caught with their pants down with the pretty young ladies. One mumbled a couple things then said, 'Not any more.' I asked Logan about it but didn't get much more than there was a big scandal several years ago. He did say the scandal was sex in exchange for wins." Cy sighs. "Gawd. I know what you guys are thinking, but no. 'Miss' contests are 18- to 28-year olds. They're all adults."

Steve muses, "Interesting. I think that sort of explains why both of you got the action you did. The sex remains an unspoken undercurrent, but organizers are excluded from touching the girls and vice versa. That's got to suck for them. Jax? Right place, right time, dude! Gawd, guy. Mother-daughter stuff is purely an urban legend porn trope. A unicorn. Nobody scores that!"

Jax chuckles, "Well, like talking M&Ms, Steve, they do exist."

Everybody laughs at the TV commercial reference.

"Guys?" Cyan glares at Steve and Emily. "Spill! If y'all were out 'til three, you were up to no good yourself!"

Steve pushes back, "Well you knew that the moment you saw Anna here!"

"Yeah," Cyan smirks. "And when Emily revealed that Debbie was here this morning."


There is a necessary quiet around the table as everybody attempts to finish their breakfast before everything gets colder than it already was during Cy and Jax's recounting of their insane night at the hotel. Jackson, especially, is going to lord this over Steve for much of the foreseeable future.

Steve smirks at Jax, "You guys couldn't repeat any of that if you tried!"

Jax just laughs.

The coffeemaker just finished the second batch for the morning and Jax again is warming-up everybody's cuppa. Steve reaches back to squeeze Jax's testicles as Jax is pouring into his cup, but Jax is prepared and feigns "accidentally" mis-pouring into Steve's naked lap. Guys will be guys, and the ladies are guffawing at their nonsense.

"Y'all weren't doin' nuthin' last night!" Jackson glares at Steve. "I looked inside the van when we came home. You put the bed in the back, and the sheets are all balled up. Pretty clear you guys were cruisin' for fucks in a big way, and got 'em!"

Steve smiles at this and offers, "One of you guys want to start this?"

Ellie giggles, "I will! Did Em tell you guys about Cantrall yesterday afternoon?"

Cyan shakes her head. "No. You know we were dealing with the cop crap. Didn't have much time to talk about anything else before we left."

Emily jumps in, "DeeDee found us a new dive to play at."

"Was it safe?"

"More than you would expect. El? Go ahead."

"You already figured out we arranged our evening to include Deb. Late dinner at Sandy's where we most definitely couldn't be ourselves."

"Why's that?" Cyan furrows her brow at this. It doesn't compute.

"Regional manager subbing for Sandy," Deb informs. "She had the night off."

"Oh, yeah. She and Rick went to that concert in St. Louis."

"Anyway," Ellie continues, "Em and I figured that if we were going catting around especially someplace where sex was possibly in the open, we'd pull out all the stops."

"Steven's leather slave collars," Jackson moans. "Turning it up from simmer to a full boil."

"Naked, too."

"Fuckin' kidding me! Really? And Deb was with this? Em? This after the cop thing?"

Debbie has a big grin into her coffee cup, "Oh yeah."

Emily chuckles, "Like that was going to stop me?"

Cyan asks, "You had a backup plan, right? Clothes, at least?"

Ellie responds, "Of course. We all had play dresses on just in case it wasn't as good a situation as DeeDee inferred to Emily."

"Wow. Okay," Jax acknowledges. "That makes sense. And Steve did his thing when you got there, going inside first to check on things before committing you guys."

"Got it. He came back with a report that everything was cool and we were not to be concerned. In fact..."

Emily interrupts, "He came back with the report that DeeDee was naked on the pool table servicing a bunch of guys."

"What?" Cyan is startled. "She doesn't play with random guys like that!"

Steve counters, "She doesn't. The story I got from the bartender was that in the several weeks she's been a regular, she has insisted that the men 'qualify' to get access. Pure Denise, all the way. The occasion was a party for just the approved guys, with the last of the doctor paperwork submitted last Wednesday. Everybody there had been tested clean."

"And you walked right in and weren't questioned about it?"

"She ID'ed me and the girls right away as her lovers. No problems."

Deb adds to that, "Yeah. Our intro was amazing. Stevie here sure knows how to make an entrance. He had the crowd wrapped around his little finger on 'hello'."

"What'd he do?" Jax asks.

Emily takes it, "Well, for one thing, the three of us left our dresses in the van. We were nude 'cept for the leather collars."

Jax chuckles, "So? That's almost a given."

"He opens the door wide and shows us in. We lined up, and he made it clear with his wrist cuff that we were his."


"On spotting us, a guy in the back shouted, "Holy fuck!" Heads spun around and the place went dead silent. Pin-drop silent. Dee said hello to Steve, he called her "Denise". Heh. One guy asked if he was her husband. Gawd. Talk about commanding the room."

Ellie chuckles, "Who was it who asked if we were his slaves?"

Jax smirks, "And of course Steve told them his usual about you all being very much your own person, blah blah blah."

"Don't remember. But you got it. Talk about respect!"

Cyan wonders, "No hassles? What happened after this grand entrance?"

Debbie laughs, "We fucked everybody! It was crazy! Gawd. I had so much fun!"

Jackson is shaking his head, "A three-way gangbang, basically. Debbie? Wasn't this a first time for this kind of shit for you? Em and El both have their cred with this."

"Four, Jax. DeeDee was in on the action, too. And, no, not exactly."

"Okay, Deb," Steve frowns. "This I don't know about."