Barter and Study

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College nerd barters for tutoring a cheerleader.
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Author's note: the following story is purely a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. The author wishes to express his gratitude to Copperbutterfly for her editing to make this a better story.



I opened my eyes. "Well, what?" I responded to the pretty brunette whose lovely image filled my vision.

"Well, is that all?"

"Is that all what?"

"Is that all you're going to do?"

"Honey, I haven't started yet."

"Really? I thought you were through."

"No fucking way, sweetheart."

"So ... what happens now?"

I pondered her question. For the last seven minutes or so, I had been resting on my hands and knees suspended above what was probably the sexiest, most attractive woman I had ever been this close to. Close to? Actually all seven inches of my throbbing hard cock were buried in her velvety soft pussy. Every few seconds, my shaft would flex inside her, searching out the wondrous feelings that her pussy was generating through my dong.

I had never thought that I would be so lucky as to get to fuck such a beauty. She had been a cheerleader through high school and her first three years at the same university which I attended. I had never been introduced to her until two months ago, even though I had watched her from afar since our freshman days when I first spotted her on the sidelines of a football game. I wasn't in the class of people that she normally associated with, like the jocks and Greeks (no, not the geeks, but the sorority and fraternity types).

Admittedly I was a nerd, mostly a loner. Oh, I had a few friends and some of them were even females. I managed to get my share of pussy but it was different. Even the plain girls got horny sometimes and I was not unappreciative. Females, whether beautiful on the outside or not, were beautiful on the inside. It's just that I would have like to try one of those beautiful on the outside every once in a while.

I guess if it had been up to me, I still would not have said anything more than a passing howdy to Brooke, even though I had both a junior English class and a Marketing 311 class with her. I was sure that she had never actually looked at my face when we pass in coming or going to one of those classes and she surely didn't know my name.

Thus I was startled on Thursday afternoon after another boring English class, my last class of the day, when I heard a soft voice call, "Eddie? Eddie Matthews?"

I turned to see who had called and the only people still in the room were Brooke and the professor. The professor was stuffing his briefcase with papers and his voice would not have sounded that musical. Brooke was looking right at me but I couldn't believe she called my name!

"Eddie? Hi. I'm Brooke. Do you have a few minutes?"

"Sure." I had a lifetime if she wanted it.

"I've got a problem. I'm having some troubles in this class so I was just asking Professor Landrum about a tutor. He recommended that I talk to you, since you've got the highest GPA in the whole department. I was wondering if you and I could maybe work out an arrangement - if you wouldn't mind tutoring me."

"Well - sure, I guess we could probably work out something. How about we go down to The Lion's Head for some coffee and talk?"

"Sounds good."

The popular on-campus coffee shop was just two blocks from the building we were in so it didn't take long for us to get there. She found a little table for us near the back while I went to the counter to get her a cappuccino and a plain black coffee for me.

"So how are you doing in the class?" I asked.

"Not good," she replied morosely. "I'm on the edge of failing. And I was counting on this class giving me a few extra points to keep my GPA up enough to keep my scholarship. If I lose that, I have to drop out of school."

"Oh, that's bad. Any particular area you're having problems with?"

"No, it's the whole concept, I guess. I'm just not very good at it."

"Okay, what did you have in mind?"

"Well, I'd like to get together as often as we could for as long as we can until I can get my grade up. I don't know what that will take, do you?"

"No, I don't have any idea."

"What will you require in the way of payment?"

"I don't know. I've not done any tutoring here so I don't know what the current charges are."

She ducked her head. "I ... I'm really short of money. I'm just getting by. Do you ... uh, do you think we might - you know - work out some sort of arrangement?"

"I guess that possible. What did you have in mind?"

"Well ... I was wondering if you'd - you know - consider some kind of physical payment ...?"

"Physical payment? What ...?"

Her voice was a whisper. "Sex. Would you take ... sex ... from me ... in lieu of cash?"

"Now that sounds like a possibility. Let's talk terms."

"Well ... how about ... mid-term exam is in seven weeks. If I make a passing grade, I'll ... uh ... sleep with you every night for a week. How is that?"

"Okay, that's a start. If we spend, say, two hours a night every night for seven weeks, that's 98 hours. Then seven nights of sleeping together is ... well, not a very high price, do you think?"

"Hm, I hadn't thought of it like that. Okay, how about ... if I make any B grade, I'll sleep with you every night for two weeks. If I make any A grade, I'll sleep with you every night for a month, except for my period. Would that be better?"

I smiled. "I think I could live with that. Under these conditions, when we get together, you will be completely serious about studying. You will make every effort to be there at the agreed time. If you can't make it, you will let me know so I don't waste my time waiting. If you miss more than ten percent of our study sessions, the stakes will be doubled."

"Doubled!" she nearly shouted. "Are you serious?"

"I surely am," I replied. "Are you?"

She thought about it for a couple of minutes and then agreed. We decided that, since she lived in a dorm and shared a room with two other girls, her place would not be conducive to study. Mine, on the other hand, was a solo room in an apartment shared with two guys, but my room was private enough for us to study in and probably better than the library or any other place we could think of. We headed to my place, which was across the street from the campus, just a block from The Lion's Head.

I quickly found out that Brooke did not get a good foundation in the language back in high school so we had to start with some fundamentals. Even basic spelling was a problem and I made her add a Webster's Collegiate to her carry-all; later I let her use my old laptop and made sure she became familiar with using the spell checker. Homonyms were a major problem and her punctuation was atrocious. Although she had a good everyday vocabulary, when it came to reading passages assigned in a college English class, she often completely lost the meaning of the text because she didn't understand many of the words.

That first afternoon, we worked out a schedule, which was difficult at first because of her extra-curricular activities, but we found time. She reluctantly gave up some of her time for socializing to attend our study sessions. The first week she really dedicated herself to the work, even though she got frustrated frequently when she didn't understand something.

The second week, I began to get frustrated myself when she had called twice by Wednesday to cancel sessions because the cheerleaders' sponsor called special meetings to arrange for out-of-town trips. I consoled myself by thinking that if she did it often enough, my reward would be increased. Yet she came back the next day ready to dig in and work hard at my direction.

In a way, the weeks passed slowly; being that close to a woman so beautiful and sexy had me constantly hard and thinking about how heavenly it must be to be between her legs and thus it was really hard to concentrate on her learning needs. Yet they passed much too quickly for me to have confidence that she was gaining the knowledge she needed to have to make a good grade on the mid-term.

The day of the exam, I breezed through the test and turned in my bluebook, the second student to leave the room. I waited at The Lion's Head for Brooke to see what she thought. She didn't appear until ten minutes after the bell would have rang, signifying the end of time for the exam. When she walked in, she had a concerned look on her face.

"So ... how do you think you did?" I asked as she eased her cappuccino down and dropped her carry-all on the floor by her chair.

"I don't know," she said, exasperatedly. "I'm just not sure."

"Well, we'll know by noon Saturday, when the grades get posted. You've got an afternoon game, right?"

"Yeah. I'll be over to check the grades and then have to go to the stadium from there."

"No study tonight or tomorrow then?" I asked.

"Right. I'll give you a little time off," she said.

"And what if I don't want it?" I needled her.

She laughed. "I'm taking it anyway. I need a little rest to let things settle."

So for the next 40 hours or so, I didn't see Brooke. I got up late Saturday morning, dressed for the football game, and stopped at the corner lunch counter for a sandwich and chips, which comprised lunch, before walking over to the English building. I arrived just a few minutes after noon and was promptly accosted by a whirling dervish.

Brooke hit me like a ton of bricks, saying, "Eddie, I did it, I did it! I did it, Eddie, I did it! I got an A- for mid-term, Eddie! I did it, I did it! I can't believe I did it!"

All that time she was spinning us around like a top. I don't know if I'd ever seen anyone so happy - until it dawned on me that I was going to get my reward for helping her. After that, my own grade seemed immaterial. Damn! I overlooked a couple of commas and only got an A.

We walked together to the stadium, about three blocks away. Brooke was excited all the way, not about the game, but about making the English grade and keeping her GPA high enough to keep her scholarship.

I asked if she wanted to discontinue the tutoring and she replied, "No way!"

However we didn't discuss any schedule so I didn't know when we would get together again, much less start my payments. All during the game, it seemed to me like Brooke was aiming her cheers at me, although I had to be lost in the crowd of more than 42,000 cheering fans. Still I loved watching her tits bounce as she hopped around in front of the student body, alums and local fans.

Not being much of a sports fan, I didn't really pay attention to how the game turned out. When it was over, I walked home, fixed a quick dinner and settled down to watch a little TV - both my roommates were out on dates and probably wouldn't be in until sometime tomorrow.

About 8:35, the doorbell caught me by surprise, especially when Brooke announced that it was her. I buzzed her in and met her at the apartment door.

"Hi," I said. "I didn't expect to see you tonight."

"Why not? It's time to start paying up."

"Oh? Well, come in, by all means."

"You doing anything important?"


"Good. Come on."

I followed her to my bedroom. She wasted no time in unceremoniously shedding her clothes. With a wave, she indicated I should do the same so I undressed while she sprawled spreadeagled on my bed. Looking up between her legs, I loved the sight of her nearly shaven pussy - just a thin strip of trimmed hair stood atop the beginning of her crease.

Naked, I climbed onto the end of the bed and started slowly crawling up between her legs. It seemed to surprise her when I stopped with my face above her pussy and I know she was startled when I lowered my face to her cunt and began to lick.

The bedside clock said that it was 9:51 when she tugged at my ears and said she couldn't take any more tongue. She had cum four times and I subsequently lapped up her sweet nectar before going back to licking and sucking her clit and as deep between her lips as my tongue would reach.

Now, having crawled up over her and sank my tool into her depths, I had lowered my weight to my forearms so I could slide my hands under her shoulders to hold as I curled my body first one way to suck one of her tits and then the other direction to attend to the other nipple, all while my cock jumped this way and that trying to explore as much of her vagina as possible.

"You're just getting started?" she asked.

"Yes. Were you in a hurry?"

"No. No, I guess not. I just didn't ... expect you to take so much time."

"Oh, my dear! I couldn't do your treasures justice if I didn't take my time."

She giggled. "My treasures?"

"Yes. Your wonderful pussy and these two luscious titties, and everything that goes with them."

Straightening up enough to plant a wet kiss on her lips, I began to extract my cock ever so slowly from her wet pussy before sliding back in at the same pace. When I reached bottom, I wiggled my hips a little, teasing her clit with my root.

"Mm, I like that," she murmured.

"Good. So do I. I like to make sex last as long as I can. That just means that I get to enjoy it longer. I hope you don't mind."

"Oh, no! I don't mind. Take as long as you want. It's just that ... well, most guys seem to be in a hurry."

Keeping to the slow pace, I backed out, returned, and ground myself against her over and over.

"Sorry, I guess I don't like to be rushed."

"I think ... mm ... I don't like it ... either. I didn't know ... any guys actually ... mm, baby! ... took that much ... time. Ohhh, honey, that feels ... soooo good! I'm cumminggg!"

After holding still again while her pussy gripped my cock in a vise for a few moments, I resumed my pace when she relaxed.

"Where th' fuck did you learn to fuck like that?" she demanded, with a lopsided grin on her face.

"Around," I replied. "What would you change?"

"Not a damned thing, sweetie! Not a damned ... mm ... thing. God, you make me feel so good."

"I'm glad because you make me feel good, too."

For several more minutes I kept the slow pace going. Then I began to feel that vacuum-type sensation in my balls that portends a pending orgasm. I drew my balls up into my body cavity just a bit, wanted to prolong the inevitable and it worked for maybe three seconds. Then I began shooting string after string of hot sticky cum into Brooke's luscious pussy. A few seconds later, she tossed her head from side to side, loudly announced that she was going to cum again, and then tightened up like a drumhead while she quaked through a climax.

Although my cock began to deflate, when I smothered her in a blanket of kisses from her hairline to as low on her tits as I could reach, it began to expand again and in several minutes was filling her hot cavity very nicely. Her surprise showed when I began to move again, this time picking up my speed just a little. When I was sure that I wouldn't lose my erection, I sat back on my haunches, lifted her up and turned her onto her hands and knees, quickly inserting my cock back into her dripping cunt.

That position gave me the advantage of being able to massage her tits and pull on her nipples, both actions she seemed to appreciate. Several minutes later, when I slid my hand between her thighs and started to manipulate her clit, she moaned her delight and then yelled when another orgasm wracked her body. After that, I picked up my speed, slamming into her luscious round ass over and over until my balls again began to spit cum into Brooke's pussy.

When the last drops had oozed out of my mushroom head and I became flaccid, I reluctantly slid out of her and immediately dropped to the mattress beside her. Brooke eased her body down and lay there exhausted.

"Do you mind if I just sleep here with you. I don't have the strength to go home tonight."

"I don't mind, sweetheart."

Brooke made two more payments before we got up for breakfast in the morning. Funny thing was that she didn't seem to mind paying up, either.

With the resumption of normal classes on Monday, we resumed our study sessions, sometimes in the afternoon, sometimes at night, depending on her schedule, but always followed by another payment. When she was there at night, she just slept with me after letting me fuck her for the payment. When the normal football schedule ended, she had more nights to spend with me until basketball season got underway.

When I figured she had paid off her debt for that mid-term grade, and yet Brooke just kept coming back for more.

One night, I asked her, "You've already paid your agreed debt. Why are you still staying over?"

She said, "I think I owe you something of a bonus for continuing to help. Do you mind?"

"Hell, no! I don't mind. You can stay in my bed anytime you want to."

It turned out that Brooke spent almost every night for the rest of our junior and senior years in my bed. I continued to work with her in several subjects and her GPA climbed to the best among all of the cheerleaders.

On the Sunday afternoon of our graduation, all the mortar boards had sailed through the air after the ceremony ended. I was standing around kind of bewildered about what to do next when Brooke walked up.


"Well, what?" I asked.

"Well, is that all there is?"

"All there is to what?"

"To life, sugar. Do you love me?"

"Yes, I do."

"Are you going to marry me?"

I almost choked. The thought that a beautiful woman like Brooke would marry somebody like me was ... well, beyond belief.

I dropped down on my knee and took her hand, asking, "Brooke, will you marry me?"

Two daughters, one son, eight years, and countless magnificent fucks later, that is how I came to marry the most beautiful woman on earth.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Good story. I just wish you had fleshed out the ending more.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

After more than two years, I had forgotten this story,

so it was like reading it for the first time.

It is not often that I read a Literotica tale that is only one page and still covers the bases.

Quite enjoyable read.

Paul in Oklahoma

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Any time an experienced girl, experiences for the first time a guy who takes his time to make sure it's really good for her, it's a good story.

This reminded me of a joke I heard a preacher tell that went something like:

What does the football jock call the nerd 5 years after graduation?

Answer: Boss.

5 stars.

Paul in Oklahoma

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Always good

To see the nerd get the girl.

AgrabahAgrabahover 12 years ago
A very sweet piece of literature...

Despite all the times I've read this, and I've read it a few times, I still find it very sweet. Likewise, despite my numerous re-reads I still cant help but smile at their last exchange.

Despite all of the great works on this site, I'm pretty sure this is my favorite.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago

hooray for the geek... story made me smile. thanks!

Alvaron53Alvaron53about 17 years ago
Made me smile

Even nerds win every once in a while. Great read, thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

Fantastic story, i loved the ending

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Thank You

Just a very nice short read. Well done. I really liked it.


AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Sort and Sweet

Sometimes, a guy's just got to sit back and enjoy a simple story. Well told. Direct. To the point. Refreshing.

Thank You

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