BatCrazy Nympho Ch. 03: Who!


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Deni jumped in, she likes to tell this part. "As an aside, we helped Walt with one of his biggest regrets. But the answer to your question about dating, the fact is that we skipped that part when at least one of us ambushed the other. Spring of senior year we both got back to campus the Thursday before MLK. (Martin Luther King day, a Monday in January, is the North Star on the academic calendar as the day before Spring classes start at many schools.) The campus was deserted but we each knew that the other was around. We ran into each other at the union and I asked if he wanted to come over and talk for awhile. We had done this before for overnights, sometimes there was sex, sometimes there were other people. Sometimes it was just him and me talking."

She was looking at Jace tellingly. He said, "Yeah, I knew I blew it big time, I was not ready to act mature, so I let the little head lead me and it got stupid. I am sorry."

I had to add something, in Jace's defense. "Deni and I were not dating, and our overnights were junior and senior years. But you and Deni had been intimate, and she knew full well what all freshman guys are thinking of."

Deni nodded agreement. "I know, what you say is true. Jace, I am no longer mad at you about that. But getting back to Elliot, at that point I trusted him a great deal. Heck, I even trusted him to spend a night in bed with another girl. But the difference was, now I knew that trust was important. So this time I wanted him to come over on Thursday or Friday and stay the entire weekend, as a tryout of sorts. But I didn't tell him that."

"The ambush part was when we started with sex as soon as I got there; we never started that way before so it was notable, and very nice," I said. "She was especially passionate and emotional, almost weepy at times, which we never did. I responded in kind. In the middle of sex we took a 'talk' break that lasted about five hours, then we finished the sex. She said she loved me when we were done with the sex and we stayed in bed to sleep. The whole weekend was like that, emotional and interrupted sex with talking on all kinds of things. Before I knew it, Monday had come and I was still there; it was like being married. In between we stayed naked, but we made love... or rather, finished making love, only two more times. The second time, I used the 'love' word, and she got this look that showed she was very pleased - more pleased with the word than the sex. The rest of the time we just talked and cuddled and put away Christmas decorations, pretty ordinary stuff."

Deni got this real happy look. "From then on it was assumed, we were a couple. We were connected, we acted like a couple, but we didn't have to tell anybody."

I mentioned the one other person we saw. "Well, you did tell VeeGee. Then she told me I was engaged... and everybody else." I had to explain that. "We both had special relationships with her. I was her study-friend-with-oral-benefits on Tuesdays, I liked eating Indian and feeding her cum. Deni was her sleepover buddy, acting like high schoolers plus cuddling naked and taking turns carpet munching - without the carpet - once the lights were out. You might say we both were eating lots of spicy Indian kitty. But VeeGee kept her hymen, that was a big deal. Anyway, VeeGee arrived on campus at noon MLK Monday and called Deni first thing. Deni asked her to come over for a visit sometime. But VeeGee said she had news that couldn't wait, she was coming now."

Deni took over. "Ten minutes later she was at the door, we barely had time to dress. Then she was glad we were both there, and immediately went into this long story of her last 6 weeks, since she flew out for the holidays. Talk about burying the lead! The story took an hour of her non-stop talking, we could not get a word in. Plus, she did not get to the point until the end. Long story short, she was engaged! Her family arranged it, she and the guy spent all of 15 minutes talking in a living room with both families present, listening and watching silently. Can you imagine? Then they had a meal where VeeGee served everybody. It was this long ritual meal, but no more talking between the two, just the parents, and they did not say a word about the marriage! When the meal was over it was a done deal! He was a year older, they would marry in June, and would live in California, in the Bay area where his folks had an import business. This was a big deal because it spared her the usual ordeal of spending a year living as her mother-in-law's apprentice/drudge, learning how to feed and clean for the young prince of a son. We were appropriately happy for her. Then VeeGee had bad news, she was so sad, but as an engaged woman, she could not engage in oral sex or naked time with either of us any more. Not even 'one last time.' She cried about that, she was going to miss the taste of our orgasms. We comforted her. Then she took me aside so she could speak without Elliot. She was wondering if, in preparation for her wedding night, I could arrange a demonstration 'of normal sex' for her. She was concerned about 'proper' intercourse. She had seen cowgirl, doggy, and a few others but did not expect her groom would want to see those moves from his virgin bride right away. Also, she had never seen a porno, and that wasn't going to change until her husband showed her one."

I piped in, "It is important to say that we had talked about marriage in the abstract all weekend off and on, but I never asked her to marry me. At some point Deni had slipped on her mother's engagement ring and we talked - hypothetically - about picking a date. We assumed... I guess communication without words is a sign to a couple."

"Details," Deni said. "I told VeeGee that we were also engaged, and said we would be glad to show her sex. Who better?"

I said, "At which point VeeGee gives a scream of elation, runs out almost knocking me over, gives me a big kiss on the cheek, and says 'congratulations to you and Deni too!' In the end, I never did ask her to marry me, after VeeGee congratulated me we both just knew it would happen. It would have been stupid to argue."

"Once all that was out of the way we ate supper, then got naked in bed and gave VeeGee an demonstration of 'shy first-timers' making love in the missionary position. We started as a comedy with puns and hammy jokes. But VeeGee asked a lot of questions, many centered on her hymen, which we had both inspected many times so we knew it was intact. I tried to help, but it had been awhile," Deni said. "My best advice was to have it inspected and weakened, but not opened, by a skilled doctor with her husband's knowledge. She actually did just that, both mothers came along. The next day classes were starting so when we finished the demo they had to hustle out of bed and back to their own rooms."

"When did you get married?"

I gave my usual smart-ass answer. "Was it April first?"

Deni threw a garlic roll at me - it was handy. Then she answered him. "We got married the first weekend of May. April Fool's Day was a date we tossed around, but it didn't work for Walt. We wanted the group to attend, so it had to be in St. Andrews before exams. May worked for everybody. However, April 1 was the day I got off birth control and he moved in with me, so he uses that as our anniversary. It is also when we applied for the marriage license."

"Since he could not locate you, VeeGee was his best man... we flipped a coin for who got her. She was so happy to be involved, because at her own wedding a month later in India, she was basically part of the scenery, with no say about anything. I had Kitty as bridesmaid. The week before they gave us a combined bachelor/bachelorette party; it was not G-rated. Kitty serviced us both orally - ladies first - and others gave fucking demonstrations of memorable positions we had to try - often using one of us as the model. We knew most of the positions, but it was fun watching each other sexing our best friends one last time."

"But not all," I chimed in. I regretted missing a few of the girls, but I only had so much spunk for the night

Deni continued. "Not all. He wanted to give out some rainchecks but I said no. The wedding was small, we got the chapel on campus, there were more friends than family since we both had few relatives. But his mother and future stepdad accepted me like their own daughter, which made a world of difference."

I wanted to share a detail. "We used our own vows, and based on our past we did not promise to forsake all others. Instead we vowed to 'share love's bounty with each other' where we found it. That was not exactly explicit as an 'open marriage' but a few of the audience got the message and let us know they understood. We really intended to swing, we just never found new people we were comfortable with. People in the group scattered, no other couples we knew stayed together. So in the ten years plus since our marriage, which we considered open from the time of our vows, we have actually been 100% faithful... until she enjoyed you last week."

Deni added, "Actually, when I was in high school and I thought of a social group, I figured it would evolve into a sex club of sorts. That was why the make-out sessions and overnights. I figured that by our junior year the make-outs would include penetration, but still with everybody taking part. Then I figured that in our senior year, couples would pair up, get engaged, and the make-outs would become swinging sessions for engaged couples, with a return to campus for swinging every year. It seemed like a good idea, but in fact there were hardly any real couples that formed. Even college seniors mostly lack the will and maturity to marry. We added freshman 'pledges' each year year, which kept the parties at the same level. The social group still exists; it is called 'Deni's Circle' and a few other circles have formed. Informally St. Andrews uses the idea for recruiting."

I continued. "Two weeks after the wedding we graduated and I took a job on the East Coast for a media-based holding company with radio stations, TV stations and a newspaper. Mainly I wrote ad copy, I was not a news guy but I filled in on that desk once in awhile. They promised me I could do movie reviews so I wrote a few, but they never got printed, 'too damn academic' the editor said. I would have gotten the right tone eventually. In August Walt married my mother and we flew out to the wedding. That was when I met Uncle Abe and he hired me on the spot."

Deni explained that, "Elliot's mother got married in Wyoming, and it was beautiful. Walt had a lot of family present, and they really made us feel welcome. That was also when we told people I was pregnant with my first. Elliot did not waste any time, I figured I conceived within two days before or after our wedding day."

I said, "Abe thought I should give my two weeks notice at my job, but the broadcast business does not work that way, I knew I would be escorted out the day I gave notice. So I spent the two weeks setting up some expectations about my clients. Part of the deal was false calls at work, Deni claimed to the switchboard that she was a potential client who wanted to talk to me - only me. I was only there 3 months which is normally too short a time to get severance pay, but when I told them I was leaving - I said I had offers pending, both local and out west, so I was fine with leaving right away. They flipped out because of the local offers. They gave me six weeks severance pay in exchange for me signing the anti-compete agreement; they were afraid I would take a bunch of new advertisers with me."

Deni said, "We studied for final exams after the wedding instead of taking a honeymoon, then he went to work right away. When he got the California job we packed our worldly goods in a trailer which we hooked up to a new bargain Chevy pickup, it was last years model on clearance which we purchased with our wedding gifts and the severance as a down payment. Then on the drive west, we made love in rest areas in every time zone. We called that our honeymoon. Because of the screwy laws in Indiana, we did it three times there - although we may have been confused."

"Confused and horny," I said.

"So, where our your kids? Elliot said you had two?"

"LA is no place to raise school-age kids, and our jobs bind us here - for now. They lived here with us until they were five. Now, during the school year they stay with my mother and Walt, outside of Laramie. Walt loves being a full-time father, and really, with my mother's help he does a good job. Plus Mom says Walt is 10 years younger because he is keeping up with the kids. We visit based on our schedules; given the family-job connection we have some freedom. Summers they are here for now, but as teenagers we may leave them in Laramie. In fact, we may join them full time there."

"Wow, that sounds perfect... Look, I know this is indelicate," Jace said. "But with my personal situation I was wondering, did you do a prenup? I mean, Deni, aren't you kind of rich?"

We had anticipated this, so I answered. "There was no prenup, for me or my mother. As for Deni being rich, it is true that, with her parents gone, she owned her home and 4 rental houses, plus she had a trust fund for her education. The houses all had mortgages, and were managed by a company. There was enough extra cash flow - a phrase I never thought I would use - from 4 rentals to make payments on the home, but beyond that it was pretty much a wash. They built equity, but didn't generate cash she could spend. When we bought the new truck that equity helped a lot. Of course, since she graduated, she has rented her home out, and those payments are now paying down all the mortgages, so they are close to being free and clear. It took me 5 years to understand that much of the accounting-tax-finance stuff, I really regret not having a basic business course. Ditto for taxes, every successful college grad needs a tax course, even if they are a spectacular pain. As for her college fund, there was not that much left after she graduated, even at her 'legacy' rate St. Andy tuition, books plus meals and clothes for 4 years ate it up. We used what was left as a rainy day fund, and then to start an education fund for the kids."

"I was really saddened to hear about your situation," Deni added. "It seems a bit extreme. Cindy sure has changed."

"Maybe it is more accurate to say she reverted to an earlier version of her software. It is because she returned to her family, her church and her community, they brought her back to her bible-thumping youth. The damned company stock reeled her in, the 'great value' trumped all reason, and once she was home it drowned her. Well, money makes people do strange things."

That sounded a little like hope, so I had to ask, "are you saying that the old Cindy, our slut Cindy, is still there, underneath?"

"Actually, yes. I have seen signs. No doubt she is fighting it, because if she let that part of herself surface she could not hide it; she is with her family over 60 hours each week and they all watch her for any sign. So she keeps 'college Cindy' in a tightly locked box. Maybe that is a bigger part of why I hang around, so I can be there if my Cindy ever comes back out. Also, she knows that time marches on in terms of having kids; her age window for college Cindy to come back out is getting smaller..."

"... but I assure you, the hormones pushing college Cindy out are getting stronger," Deni said. "Look at me, I really felt the urge to have kids right away."

I said, "I have to wonder what Cindy would be like in LA?"

"Amen to that," Deni said. "In college she fit the model, but I also wonder what real freedom would do to her. It is subtle, but in a way it is more powerful than money."

This did not make a lot of sense to Jace, but I knew what Deni was thinking. MFM threesomes were not the only threesomes we had talked about. My wife was eager to reprise some of the gentle sensations from her college sleepovers. The sexual freedoms of this place was like part of the air you breathed, and as hard to avoid.

"Again, I am so glad you have welcomed me to your home and playroom. It has been a real pleasure knowing you... and your wonderful body. Plus, I really appreciate that you have treated me so well! You know you could order me to do anything, and I would, but I really feel you have kept me... well, to be blunt, you have been a lot more considerate and respectful than you needed to be."

Deni said, "Being considerate is enlightened self-interest, we want you to keep doing what you have been doing to me. As for respect, well, we may ask a little more of you that might rub your self-respect the wrong way. After all, our visit is not over. I figure you guys are up for another session now, and maybe we can do one more friendly time right before you leave..."

"Look, you don't have to worry about that. I trust you guys, and given that my reward for my cock being hard is access to your charms you may assume I have as much ego as a happy well-used sex toy. Elliot suggested crossing some lines in the future, but promised that would not happen this trip, that we would stay in the same 'garden' that we shared with Cindy so long ago. Well, you didn't have to do that, and I release you from your promise. Use me as you will, I am sure to enjoy it."

"On that note, maybe we should try another round. I see you guys are up, but are you ready for it?" We were all wearing the soft terry shorts, Deni was topless. She is a B or C-cup, depending on brand and style; smaller than Cindy, but perfectly balanced, and with puffy nipples besides. We had been about two hours eating and talking while watching her boobs, so we were revitalized. "Elliot told me you often did a DP with Cindy; I never have and I would really like to try that. But I understand that the trigger thing is critical, which is why you did it last, at the end of the weekend. So my question is, do we try the DP now, or wait until after midnight? What do you think?"

Jace was pretty clear. "I would love to do the DP with you, but if we try now, I am likely to pop too fast. So I say, if you are up for it, let's try something else now and do the DP last, before I leave."

I concurred. "I vote for a timer-bang next, after a very friendly shower."

My wife agreed so we adjourned to the sex room for a shared shower with some faux bondage overtones before we got to the serious business.

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Ravey19Ravey19almost 4 years ago
Interesting ...

... concepts here make this a very novel read

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