BDSM for Siblings Ch. 04

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Sisters get caged and tied up, Molly is a happy little sub.
12.5k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 02/19/2021
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Author's Note: Very sorry this part is so late being posted. My computer crapped out on me and I was out of commission for about a week.


I watched with interest as Kendra assembled a big dog cage in the living room. Watching her build things was fun. Watching her build things to use on me was even better.

"Are you gonna put me in there as soon as you're done?" I asked out of curiousity.

"What makes you think this is for you?" Kendra replied without even looking away from what she was doing.

"Well we're not getting a dog. So...."

"Maybe it's for your sister."

I gasped. "You wouldn't dare get a cage for her and not me!"

"Oh wouldn't I?"

"It'd be hurtful."

"Ah, well. Can't have that then."

I sprawled out, idly fiddling with my collar as Kendra kept working. "Maybe you just don't love me enough anymore," I said. "Used to be you only ever would have put me in there."

"Yes, my darling. But used to be I wasn't trying to domme three feisty little siblings all at once, now was I?"

"Ooh, feisty, huh? You've never called me that before."

"And Trin's a special challenge," Kendra continued as though I hadn't said anything. "Need options for her that are more... hands off, let's say."

I pouted. "So it is for her?"

"She was the impetus, yes." Kendra grinned evilly at me. "But you're definitely spending time in here too. Don't worry about that."

"Enh. Doesn't make it very special if I have to share."

"Would have thought you'd love to share."

I did indeed get a little tingle as I thought of being trapped in the cage with Trinity. It'd be fairly cramped, leaving the two of us no choice but to cuddle together. And probably something naughtier even than that.

"If it was at the same time, sure," I said.

"Well... we'll see how it goes," Kendra said. "Have to ease her into this stuff. Not that you have that trouble. You seduce sibs like nobody's business."

I blushed, but she honestly wasn't wrong. I did seem to have a special talent for it.

Kendra stood up and patted the cage. "Alright, that seems right. Ready for a test run?"

"Right now?"

"Of course now. Why not?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. Just doesn't seem--"

"Molly! Come!"

There it was. That was more like it. I shivered at the commanding tone in Kendra's voice even as I slipped off the couch and crawled over to her. I was basically fully dressed, and other than my collar there was nothing overtly naughty about my attire. The collar was enough, though.

"In the cage," Kendra said gently, but still very firm. Not at all in our bantering tone. This was her being In Charge.

I loved it.

I crawled inside. It wasn't roomy exactly, but I wasn't cramped inside either. I had space to turn around, to sit comfortably, or curl up. I definitely couldn't stretch out anywhere near my full length in any direction.

"How's it feel?" Kendra asked.

I shrugged. "Gotta spend some time in it, I think."


"I think the corner here isn't together right." I pressed the top edge of the cage, and a small gap appeared where things weren't quite connected.

Kendra swore softly. "Ugh. Thought I had it. Give me a hand, please."

I crawled back out, and together Kendra and I figured out which piece was meant to attach differently. It looked better once we'd spent a few more minutes on it.

"Ok, we'll try again," Kendra said. "But just hang on, I need a few things."

I bemusedly waited by the door to my new cage while she rushed off. When she got back, she had an old blanket with her. She used it to line the floor of the cage, which was a nice touch. She also put some toys in for me, as one might for a puppy. They were not, however, puppy toys.

"What am I gonna do with a butt plug?" I asked.

Kendra shrugged. "I dunno. Just giving you options. You can put it in if you want."

"With no lube?"

"It's only little. You can do it with spit."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm not gonna--"

"In the cage," Kendra said firmly. "I'm not arguing about this with you."

I gave up and crawled back in. It was comfier with the blanket on the floor. Something to save my knees a little, or to curl up on for a while.

Admittedly, if I got bored enough I might well use the butt plug. Probably I'd only play with the vibrator she'd left me though. We'd just have to see.


I really liked my cage, though I did get kind of bored in there at times. Perversely, that was part of the fun.

It was whole new level of Kendra play-demeaning me. Not so much for intensity, but in that it was so low effort for her. She just had me crawl in, then she could go about her day as she wished. Which meant lots of basically ignoring me, but also some pets at times when she walked by and stuck her hand through to reach me.

And, better still, when she put a water bowl in for me. Like an actual dog's water bowl. For me to... lick water out of? I wasn't sure. It was that weird kind of humiliating and hot mix I so loved.

Then, too, Kendra fed me lunch through the bars. Like actually just fed me one careful bite at a time. She could have just given me some food to eat on my own, but no.

And honestly, it was pretty great. Very intimate, in a power-dynamic-play kind of way. Making me feel even more helpless and in her control.

When Kendra fed me straight from her hand, I got little kisses on her fingers, or sucked them gently as though to make sure I got my food, but really it was about being a horny little thing.

Afterward, when she still didn't let me out, I broke out the vibrator she'd left me. I took my pants off, then my panties too because why not.

Kendra chilled on the couch and read a book while I watched the tv she'd left on and idly vibed my clit. It wasn't the worst way I'd ever spent time.

I couldn't get horny enough to really, properly get off, but it was fun in its own way.

I masturbated for a while, gradually frustrating myself at not really getting off the way I wanted.

"Kendra?" I eventually said.

She looked up from her book. She'd been stealing glances at me, but hadn't properly looked at me in a while.

"Yes?" Kendra said.

"I have to pee."

"Ah." She closed her book. "Well we know what happens if we don't take care of that, don't we?"

I flushed and tingled at the reminder of my last incident with peeing all over the floor. Not my fault, but it wouldn't do any good to argue the point now. Not that I wanted to. I liked the way it burned, feeling like I'd messed all over the floor somehow deliberately or something.

Kendra let me out of the cage. I crawled out, feeling an increased pressure on my bladder already. To be fair, if I didn't want to risk this kind of thing, I could just ask for the bathroom sooner. I couldn't easily deny that I was probably halfway doing this to myself on purpose. The intense humiliation of my accident had faded somewhat, but it remained one my naughtiest, horniest memories.

Kendra affixed a leash to me as soon as I was out. I gave her a bemused look and decided to stay on hands and knees. She didn't say I had to, but it felt right.

I followed Kendra easily enough until I realized she wasn't actually leading me to the bathroom.



"Where we going?"

"To the yard."



I gaped at her, but had to keep crawling along before she got too far ahead.

"You're not... you're not serious."

"Why wouldn't I be?" she asked evilly.

"... the neighbours will see."

"Then you better be quick, hm?"

No mercy from her. None at all.

My heart pounded insanely. Kendra unclipped my leash at the door, then waited for me to keep crawling out. When I didn't move fast enough, she leaned down swatted my butt hard. I yelped and crawled nervously outside.

Probably no one would see. That was most likely, right? But... oh god, someone could so easily. Then what?

I had to go fast. It was my best option.

There was no way to save any dignity at all. Not that it mattered. My whole body was already burning with shame, and it only got worse as I crawled out into the backyard and tried to quickly pick a spot.

I was collared, half-naked, on my hands and knees, and about to pee in the yard. I'd just about die if someone decided to poke their head over the fence just at that moment.

I was a little dizzy, too overwhelmed to handle everything. I picked a spot with some cover, knowing that Kendra had a full view of everything anyway, and let go. I pissed into the grass, and tried not to moan out loud. It was utterly humiliating, and so intensely hot that it wouldn't have surprised me if I gave up, rolled over, and just started rubbing my pussy right where I was.

Well, maybe not directly in my puddle.

I was trembling by the time I tried to make my way back to Kendra. It only got worse when I saw how intently she was watching me. I knew she would be, but the actuality of it hit me hard.

Every part of me burned and tingled so painfully good. All I could do was keep crawling.

"All done?" she asked, as though she didn't know.


Kendra clipped my leash back on. "Sit."

Still shaking, feeling all deliciously subby and humiliated, I sat back on my heels. Kendra reached down and started petting me.

"Good girl!" she said. "Who's a good girl? You are. Yes you are."

Embarrassingly, I absolutely loved it. I leaned in to it, resting my head on her hip and letting her give me reward scritchies. We were still outside, still vulnerable, and the heat in me was only rising. Still, I sat and waited pretty while Kendra cooed over me.

"Kendra?" I said.


"I'm really gonna need my pussy licked."

"Haha, yeah you are. You subby little thing."

I rubbed my head on Kendra's thigh as she gave me a few last pets, then followed her into the house.

My pussy dripped down my thighs until we made it to our bedroom. I was so excited for Kendra to eat me out, all revved up from outdoor danger.

Kendra sprawled me out in bed and kissed her way down my body. She latched on to my pussy and licked it like only she could.

Kendra took all my saved up emotions and horniness and turned it into some breath-taking orgasms for me. My lingering shame gradually faded as I came on my girlfriend's tongue.

She gave me a breather partway through and pushed my legs back so she could eat my ass some as well. I happily let her tongue my bum for a while, as it meant I was all the more ready for more pussy licking when she got back to it.


"You guys really think Trin's gonna want to be in that cage?" Dak asked dubiously.

"Can't see why not," I said.

"Molly likes it," Kendra pointed out.

"Just 'cause Molly likes something doesn't always mean much," Dak said. "She's... special."

I gasped with mock outrage. "Rude!"

Dak rolled his eyes. "You're currently in the process of letting your girlfriend suspend you naked from the ceiling in the middle of the living room."

He wasn't wrong. That was exactly what was happening. Kendra had me all nakey and carefully bound, and at her signal she and Dak both pulled me up off the ground so that I dangled in the air, helpless and easily accessed.

"What's your point?" I demanded.

"That you're special. You like stuff that not a lot of people like."

"Maybe they're all weirdos then."

"I think by definition that can't be true."

Kendra ignored us, which was probably wise. She went around checking my ropes, making sure they were all doing what they should be. My weight was supported so that I was more or less fully horizontal, face up, with my arms behind my back. My legs still had some freedom of movement, but I was pretty sure that was for everyone else's benefit more so than mine.

As if to prove that suspicion, both Kendra and Dak started getting a little handsy with me while I hung at a convenient level for them to do so.

"How's it feeling?" Kendra asked.

"The ropes? Or you guys feeling me up?"

"Obviously the ropes. I don't need to ask about feeling you up."

"Good," I said with a small giggle. "Very snug."

"Not minding being in the air?"

"Not at all, actually. It feels... more helpless. But also like I'm gonna get more attention this way. And... just nice, I guess."

"Got no shame at all, do you?" Dak said, even as he slipped a hand over my pussy.

"I have lots," I said. "That's the fun part."

Dak shook his head like he didn't get it, but he rubbed my pussy for me, which was nice.

Kendra checked a few more ropes before satisfying herself. She then gave me a few deep, slow kisses before patting my head and retreating to the couch with her sketch book. She let Dak keep having his fun while she presumably drew me in my mid-air, well tied up position.

Dak kept rubbing me while Kendra sketched. For all I knew she might have been drawing us both. Really capturing the naughtiness of the moment rather than the subtle eroticism she more typically went for. She had a talent for making me appear beautiful and ethereal, even when all tied up. Or maybe especially then. But Kendra could definitely do more overly sexual stuff too when she felt like it.

I came on my brother's fingers, moaning happily at getting a nice easy orgasm. I was, perhaps, a little surprised Kendra hadn't intervened at all. Usually she liked to build me up harder than that before letting me cum.

Dak managed to get himself in trouble after that though. He took his pants off and came at my face with his hard, precummy cock. I would have been happy to let him face fuck me, and had already started licking at him a bit before Kendra cut in.

"Dak, you know you can't be covering up Molly's face like that," Kendra said. "I'm trying to draw her."

"Well... how'm I s'posed to cum in her mouth then?"

Kendra sighed loudly and stood up. I tried not to grin too broadly as she pulled Dak away from me.

"I swear," Kendra said. "You're all such horny little things in your family. I don't know what's with that."

As if none of it was her fault.

Dak got his hands cuffed behind his back and had to sit down next to Kendra on the floor. She absently petted him in between sketching me some more.

I couldn't help giggling. Partly just because of how pitiful Dak looked. But honestly, he could have just not let Kendra cuff him if he really didn't want to play along.

"What are you laughing about, missy?" Kendra asked.

"Nothin'," I said.

"That so? You need a spanking?"

I giggled again. "Joke's on you. You can't even get a good angle on my butt for spankings."

Kendra set her sketch book down. "You have to know that's not the only place I can spank you."

That made me hesitate. Spankings were on the bum, weren't they? Wasn't that the definition?

My tummy fluttered with nervous anticipation as Kendra stalked over to me, calm and predatory as a tiger. I tensed, not knowing what was coming. I was used to struggling against ropes getting me nowhere. In this instance, it even made me feel less comfortable as I just swayed a little in my suspended position.

I hadn't tried to close my legs. In hindsight, that was a mistake. But I couldn't have known at the time.

Kendra's hand came down swift and sharp, directly on my pussy. I yelped and belatedly squeezed my thighs, protecting myself as best I could. It was too late to do anything about that initial sting, though.

"See?" Kendra said. "I can find something to spank if I need to."

"Owie," was all I said.

"Yes. That's kind of the point."

"My poor pussy though."

"Yes, well, if you'd only learn to behave."

"Seems unlikely," Dak chimed in.

"You hush," Kendra told him. "I'll get back to you in a minute." She gestured at me. "Open up, little one. You need more spanks."

I pouted, but opened my legs again. I took another slap, and another. I kept flinching with every smack. My sore little snatch was not used to this kind of treatment. But, fairly as expected, getting all warm and red and sensitive didn't stop me getting totally soaked at the same time.

Kendra trailed just the very tips of her fingers over my pussy after. Tracing up my wet slit. Making me shiver at the delicate touch on my abused cooch.

"You just got stupid horny from that, didn't you?" she asked with quiet certainty.

"... no."


Kendra kissed me firm and deep before leaving me all horny, panting, and needing attention.

Dak got spanked next. More traditionally in his case. Over her lap, straight on the butt.

He grumbled some about it, but when he got to sit down again after, I noted that his cock hadn't softened any, and seemed to be leaking ever more precum than before.

That was basically how Trinity found us when she arrived. Kendra, being the only one properly attired, welcomed her in and brought her to Dak and me, presumably without any warning at all as to our respective situations.

Certainly Trin's wide eyes as she walked in indicated that she wasn't expecting quite such a level of naughtiness already.

"Oh wow," Trinity said.

"Hey, Trin," I said.

"Hey," Dak echoed.

"You guys... just wow."

As though sleepwalking, Trinity padded closer to me, eyes flicking everywhere.

"This is a new one," I admitted.

"You're all... in the air... and stuff," Trinity said.

"Yeah. Neat, huh?"

I detected a note of envy in Trinity's eyes. I was getting used to that kind of look from her.

"Don't worry," Kendra said, amusement thick in her voice, "we have something for you too."

Trinity looked up, then did a funny double take as she finally noticed the prominent dog cage waiting for her.

"For... me?" she squeaked.

"Yes of course," Kendra said. "I had to tie Molly up to keep her from getting there first, of course. You know how she is."

I stuck my tongue out at Kendra, but she didn't pay me any mind.

Trinity seemed uncertain, but at the same time her attention was dead fixed on the cage being presented to her. It only took a bare minimum of urging from Kendra before Trin approached.

"I have to go in there?" she asked.

"If you like," Kendra said. "I suppose you could also just watch. But it's more fun if you play too, isn't it? That's why you're here."

Trinity flushed noticeably, glancing between Dak and me. She didn't have to be embarrassed. I was in a much worse position than she'd be, embarrassment-wise. And it wasn't like anyone else around could possibly be shocked.

"I'll go in," Trinity said quietly.

"Thought you might," Kendra said. "Pants off, of course."

Trin didn't even hesitate at that one. She just nodded and took her jeans off, handing them to Kendra after. Like she'd been waiting for that particular request.

I noticed that her panties appeared to be deliberately sexier than last time. Small and a bit frilly. I hoped they'd cling to her as nicely as the others once she got wet. But that was just me being pervy. As I was wont to do.

Trinity wasn't totally sure what to do with herself at first. She just kind of got comfortable on the blanket in her cage and sat there watching.

Kendra, having gotten all three of us siblings to our respective comfort levels of bondage, just kind of relaxed and enjoyed herself. She cracked open some wine and did more sketches. I wasn't even always sure who she was drawing most of the time. She was spoiled for choice.

I could practically guarantee that there'd be a drawing of Trin there at some point. All caged and pitiful.

Dak got bored and wandered around the house some. Not even staying put in the one room Trinity and I were stuck in. Kendra let him be. Without being let free of his cuffs, there was a limit to his freedom anyway.

Kendra eventually got horny enough to come play with me some more. I cooed happily at her touch, enjoying getting some attention again. Especially her attention.

She was so gentle this time. Just running her hands over me, kissing me, whispering to me.