Be Careful What You Jelq For Ch. 02


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We traded jabs the rest of the way to joining our friends by the fire and it wasn't until I sat in one of the low Adirondack style chairs that I even felt a tinge of anxiety of another wardrobe malfunction as the towel came loose while I lowered back into the chair. The only two chairs available were nearly straight across the fire from one another, so we settled in as Mike was starting another of his lame ghost stories, he felt obliged to tell whenever we sat around a fire.

The story dragged on and as I looked around the fire, most seemed more interested in staring either blankly into the flames, or up at the stars in drunken wonder. I decided it was safe enough to secretly inspect the state of my lap as long as I did so discretely. Shifting my weight in the chair allowed me to tug the towel free from around my waist and I slowly dragged my arm back to the armrest with one corner clasped in my fist. Next, I reach my other hand across my waist and grabbed the red solo cup of beer before using it as a cover to also grab the other corner of the towel and bring it back to the other armrest. With my lap now fully uncovered, it was the moment of truth as I peered down and saw that, despite a small bulge along the top of my shorts all the way across my right leg, there was no indication that anyone but me or Tiffany would consider suspicious.

Relieved that my ordeal was not likely to be discovered, I relaxed back into the chair and breathed deeply. When I did, I heard a cough from across the fire and my eyes darted to Tiffany, who was snickering as she took a sip of beer. I shot her a scolding glance before confirming no one else had taken any notice. They all appeared to still be otherwise distracted, so I once again eased back into my chair and took a long sip myself.

After a few moments, just as Mike was finishing the latest of his campfire tales, Dana rocked forward in her chair and nearly stumbled forward as she rose to her feet. Clearly, she had continued on the path she was headed down when I had first arrived and was now overly intoxicated. I suppose it was because I had only had two beers so far while it appeared everyone else had drank considerably more, but upon her second stumble - a little too close to the fire - when no one appeared interested in ensuring she was okay, I jumped up to greet her without thinking.

When I felt the towel slip from my waist and I felt the cool breeze on my thighs again, I suddenly became very aware what I had done to myself, but it was already too late. I swooped Dana's arm over my shoulder and tried to direct her back toward the house where there was a good chance I could direct her inside under the guise of wanting to get another round of drinks. Luckily, she was all too happy to play along whether she knew about my plan or not, and was simply excited to see me.

Her speech was more than a little garbled, and she started our conversation with unintelligible grunts and then "Hey...hey, how's your night going?".

"It's going great," I cajoled and steered us away from the fire and toward the house. "How about we get us another drink? What do you say?".

She stumbled and nearly went limp in my arms which caused both of our bodies to shift unexpectedly. Panic rose in my chest as I felt a shifting in my shorts and couldn't be sure, without drawing a lot more attention to myself, whether I was exposed again or not. I tried to hurry Dana along and more or less picked her up to get her to the house.

"Oh dang it, this stupid chair tried to trip me ag- Woah, muscles over here," Dana interrupted herself and I could feel the eyes drawing toward us. "Hey, gotta buy me a drink first for that kind of stuff," she joked and nearly snorted at her own joke.

"Okay drunkie, on second thought I think it might be time to switch over to water for you. Let's go get you a tall glass, huh," I pleaded.

Luckily, Dana was barely 100 pounds dripping wet, and besides that, she was generally a happy drunk, so she quickly agreed and complied with walking to the house together. "Okie dokie, boss man. I gotta ask you something private anyway," she half-shouted and waived back at the crowd around the fire.

As I looked back over my shoulder, only a few people had even noticed the stirring, and those that had were mocking Dana's drunkenness, so I figured I was in the clear of any further exposure. Dana brought her arm down from her dismissal of her minions and wrapped it on my waist as we made our way to the door. Only she didn't...her hand clasped around my side and hung directly on the still partially swollen head of my tucked away friend in the netting within my shorts. I hoped she wouldn't draw any attention to it and that she was drunk enough to not notice what her new support brace was.

Finally, a spot of luck I said to myself, as she rested her head on my shoulder and sighed deeply while we strolled up to the door together in silence. I tried to stifle a gasp when I saw our reflection in the glass door. It looked as though Dana was grasping a pool noodle hidden in my shorts. She must have felt me jerk (no pun intended) and she startled against me; her hand reflexively tightening its grip.

"Sorry. Shivers," I tried to explain away my sudden outburst and slinked away from her grasp to open the door.

"And I'm the drunk one," she chortled and playfully hip checked past me into the doorway.

We entered the dark kitchen; Dana first followed by me. She was already plopped down on one of the stools surrounding the large island in the middle of the room by the time I shut the door and quickly slid behind the high counter to conceal myself in the shadowed kitchen. Dana and I had been friends nearly as long as I could remember. After a brief and very ill-advised courtship, we had vowed to never become romantically involved, so I knew she would be mortified if she ever saw me naked let alone figured out that she had just given me an "over the pants" rub down.

As I filed the encounter away in my mind to never be brought up or discussed again, I went about grabbing a glass of water for my intoxicated friend. When I opened the fridge door, the blinding white light filled the room and I took advantage of Dana shielding her eyes to quickly look down and assess my situation. As suspected, Dana's inadvertent head massage had created another stir in my shorts and the drawstring of my shorts was slightly pulled away from my body as my one-eyed snake attempted a daring escape from its confines.

A desperate idea popped into my mind and I called over my shoulder, "Hey, you want some ice?".

Groaned approval set my plan into motion. The cold from the freezer hit my chest first as I leaned into the deep freezer and I couldn't help but notice it felt nice on my nipples. Next came an unexpected surprise as my trunks made contact with the freezer door and my wet shorts instantly absorbed the chilly temperature. Curiosity got the better of me and I silently begged forgiveness as I jutted my pelvis forward into the freezer and felt the instant relief of icy-cold on my shaft and balls. Not wanting to draw too much attention to the only light in the interior of the house, and figuring dana was likely starting to wonder how long it took to grab an ice cube, I backed away and dropped three of the cubes into Dana's drink, palming the last one.

Dana grabbed the large cup from my hands and tilted her head back in a full chugging motion. I quickly seized my chance and leaned my hip against the counter with the cube of ice sandwiched between my hand and just under the tip of my cock. The cup landed with a loud thud against the counter as Dana let out a triumphant "ahhh".

"Damn, water is fucking delicious," she boasted.

We both nodded in agreement and sat in silence for what felt like minutes. Me icing the tip of my dick in hopes of shrinking it back to be able to easily conceal its existence, she trying her damndest not to fall of the stool. After recalling several previous awkward boner concealments throughout my years, I decided it may work to distract myself with conversation.

"Hey, didn't you say you had a question to ask me?".

"umm. Did I?...Oh, yeah," she reminded herself and leaned in, motioning with her finger that I should as well. "Pretty nice trophy earlier, huh?" she said with a slap of the counter and an animated wink.

"What are you talking about," I rebutted through her self-celebration.

"Listen man," she continued without acknowledging my question. "I told you Tiffany and I went shopping earlier today, right? Weeeelllll, while we were trying on suits, she asked who all would be coming tonight," she said, dragging every third word out about two syllables longer than each were. "Aaaaannnd she may or may not have asked directly whether you would be coming or not".

So much for the ice trick or the conversation helping my situation. I was now in a "don't explode all over Dana's lovely kitchen" territory.

"So, I ask again: How did you like the trophy for winning the chicken fight earlier?" she clarified as she mimed grabbing at an imaginary pair of boobs in the air between us.

Just as my world was completely turned upside down by some of the best news I had ever received, a loud banging at the glass door caused us both to crash back to reality. The door swung open and Mike held Brian back from falling flat on his face into the house.

"Hey man, do you think you could drive Brian and I home? He just puked all over in the bushes and I'm beat anyway".

And so just as I had reached another peak on the rollercoaster of a night, it seemed life was here to bring me right back down for a crash landing. I reluctantly agreed and Mike shoved his keys in my hand and thanked me profusely. I retrieved my bag from the couch and asked Dana to tell everyone I said goodbye. She just winked at me on her way back out to the fire. We loaded Brian's dead weight into the back of Mike's car making sure to roll the window down. He and I climbed in the front and took off for the short ride to Brian's house which was only four or five houses away from Mike's.

It wasn't until I had dropped both Brian and Mike off that I realized I was without a way home myself since my bike was back at Dana's and I couldn't really keep Mike's car overnight. Mike offered to let me spend the night, but as I had neglected to pack any spare clothes in my haste to get to the party, and to avoid any more strange encounters in our core friend group than Dana and I had already stumbled into (quite literally), I decided it would be best to just walk home and replay the night in my mind.

As I started my trek home, I reached into my bag to retrieve my phone and saw that I had a new text message.

"Great night! Hate that you had to leave so quick. Hope you don't mind Dana gave me your number. Hopefully I'll see you again soon".

I floated the rest of the way home and made a note to change Dana's contact to "Best Wingman Ever" before I drifted off to what was sure to be a beautiful night's sleep.

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