Be Careful What You Wish For


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"Oh thank you Lilith, you really have changed my life!" I cried. For just a shadow of a second, she returned my hug. Then she quickly pushed me away.

"Don't make me change my mind. Keep that hard edge, I like that on you better," she said coldly, but I could see some warmth in her eyes.

"Okay, you're right," I said. I back away. Lilith stood in my room and looked around briefly.

"Hey Larissa," she said, her voice sounding softer almost voice!

"Yes..." I said warily.

"I finally did get my wish," she said, "go live your life." And then she disappeared. I looked around the room. It was like she'd never been there. Except, of course, for my big tits and my cock. And my friends. I shook my head for a second, trying to understand everything that happened. But then I decided to get out of my head, no need to understand everything.

I looked at the clock. I was late for that "talk" with my friends. I cackled (in a nice way) to myself, slipped my robe back on, and headed out to find them.

The End.

I honestly write so that I can hear the comments you all give. So please just tell me what you think. Even if it is just a sentence. Consider that your payment for the free story. And if you liked this, I beg you to read my other stories. Thanks!


P.S. - I do one edit on my work and I try to be thorough. But I figure when it comes to handing out free pornography you all would be better served by getting it fast (if a little rough) then waiting for me to polish it like I was getting paid for my work. So, in short, I know there are some errors and I don't really care that much. Just try to enjoy the porn.


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AnonymousAnonymous26 days ago

I think this is the hottest thing I've ever read! (and the first time I've ever commented.)

Tawny33Tawny335 months ago

Hot! Had to read it all in one go, despite intending to read half today and the rest another day. Definitely will read your other stories.

roveroneroverone7 months ago

from Pg 1...what's 'illegally downloaded porn...'-??

thought I'd heard of, if not perused, all the kinds out there...

DiamonDStarr69DiamonDStarr698 months ago

So I read this and enjoyed it fully but the whole time I couldn't help but be irritated with Larissa cause she was ignoring THE RULES. When making deals with Fey/Genies/Demons and the like there are certain rules one should always follow and she dismissed all of them.

You always get the contract written down

Always read the fine print

Always get complete clarification

Ask all the questions

Be extremely specific on what you want

Always have a way out.

I've thought about this since I was like 6 watching Aladdin

Otherwise I enjoyed this will definitely look at your other stuff

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Hot hot hot!! This was awesome. I would like another chapter on her and Wendy - what happens next??

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

That was very well done!

I especially enjoyed all the subtle implications in that last scene.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I enjoyed the Lilith and Larissa characters. Lilith: angel or devil? You decide! Maybe Lilith was a part of Larissa all along.

Thanks for bringing the milk. It was delicious!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I liked the story and I'm happy that it turned out well for her in the end. I'm also happy she got to keep her gifts and learned to love them

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

longest story i ever read on here and it was pretty good! awesome ending too!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I don't normally comment on this site: this is an exception. It's a great story, the sensory details are great, and the pacing is brilliant. I'd love a sequel or a story like it, transformation of this variety is always fun.

AdrianicusAdrianicusabout 2 years ago

Great story, at first i felt so sorry for Larissma who was such a pathetic person. nice to see with all the changes she came out as a happier person.

AlexieeeeAlexieeeeabout 2 years ago

I really love your stories Author!! I hope you right more whether it's long or short stories. You did a really good job with this one. Thank again Author!!! 💕💕💕

SBC97281SBC97281about 2 years ago

Great twist at the end even if it was a bit of a twist out if two characters developed along a parallel path but converging path. The independence of the final scene rocked. I hope the author appreciates that I get the twisted ending almost with a unique honor.

Rdk781Rdk781about 2 years ago

Loved this little story thanks

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